Introduction, Rearing, and Host Range of Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) For The Biological Control of L. in Australia

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Biological Control 17, 227–233 (2000)

doi:10.1006/bcon.1999.0783, available online at on

Introduction, Rearing, and Host Range of Aerenicopsis championi Bates

(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) for the Biological Control of Lantana
camara L. in Australia
W. A. Palmer,* B. W. Willson,† and K. R. Pullen‡
*Alan Fletcher Research Station, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 27 Magazine Street, Sherwood, Queensland,
4075, Australia; †33 Ben Street, Chermside, Queensland, 4032, Australia; and ‡Division of Entomology, CSIRO,
P.O. Box 1700, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia

Received March 10, 1999; accepted September 8, 1999

been not been achieved in Australia nor in many other

The biology and host range of the cerambycid beetle countries.
Aerenicopsis championi Bates, a potential biological The stem borer Aerenicopsis championi Bates (Coleop-
control agent for the weed Lantana camara L., were tera: Cerambycidae) was first found in L. camara in
studied. A. championi is a univoltine species associ- Mexico in 1902 by Albert Koebele, who described it as a
ated with L. camara, L. urticifolia, and L. hirsuta in ‘‘horn-tailed larva’’ (Perkins and Swezey, 1924). It was
Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, adult emer-
released in Hawaii in 1902 (perhaps the first biological
gence occurred in May and June at the start of the
control agent for a weed to be released in the United
rainy season. Larvae fed within the stems over a 9- to
12-month period and caused damage to the plant. The
States) and again in 1955 but did not establish on
insect was imported into Australia, where a procedure either occasion (Perkins and Swezey, 1924; Fullaway,
for rearing it in the laboratory was developed. Host- 1956).
range tests indicated that adults oviposited and larvae We decided to introduce this insect into Australia
commenced development in L. camara and L. monte- because it had many characteristics of a good control
vidensis but not in any of 57 other species tested. A agent. This necessitated collecting the insect from
CLIMEX model indicated that most areas infested with Mexico, understanding its biology and phenology, devel-
lantana in Australia would have a favorable climate for oping a suitable method for rearing it in the laboratory,
A. championi. Permission to release this insect in reviewing the literature and any host information on
Australia was obtained and three small releases were museum specimens, conducting new host-range tests to
made in southern Queensland in February 1995. r 2000 satisfy Australian authorities that it was safe to re-
Academic Press
lease, and releasing the insect. This paper describes
Key Words: biological control; Lantana; Aerenicopsis these procedures.
championi; host range; biology; introduction; CLIMEX.


Literature review. Information about the biology,
The woody shrub known as lantana, Lantana camara geographic distribution, and host range of A. cham-
L. (family Verbenaceae), infests millions of hectares of pioni and its congeners was sought by literature review
grazing and cropping land in 47 countries (Holm et al., and by examining specimens in major collections, includ-
1977) and is regarded as one of the world’s 10 worst ing the Smithsonian, Texas A&M University, and the
weeds (Muniappan et al., 1992). L. camara has long Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
been a target for biological control, with the first project Biology and phenology. Field observations on its
started in 1902, followed by others at intervals through- phenology, distribution, and biology in Mexico were
out the century. These investigations (Perkins and made whenever possible during a 4-year survey of the
Swezey, 1924; Mann, 1954; Winder and Harley, 1983; insects associated with lantana. One area near Al-
Palmer and Pullen, 1995) have resulted in 36 insect varado, 50 km south of the city of Veracruz, Mexico, was
species being released in various countries (Julien and visited repeatedly over a 2-year period to observe the
Griffiths, 1998), a number easily surpassing that for insect’s phenology under natural conditions and to
any other weed species. However, effective control has collect material for shipment to Australia. As the insect

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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

feeds within woody stems, much of its life cycle was not estry, unpublished) observed oviposition in Cleroden-
easily amenable to close observation. drum.
Development of laboratory method. A laboratory Ten adults from the laboratory colony were placed in
method for rearing the insect was developed at the Alan a gauze cage (90 3 90 3 55 cm) containing eight test
Fletcher Research Station in Brisbane to provide mate- plants and one plant of L. camara (‘‘Helidon White’’) as
rial for host-range tests within the quarantine facility a control. The plants were observed every 2 or 3 days
and to meet the regulatory requirement that the insect and any feeding by the adults was noted. After 14 days,
be reared through a full generation in quarantine the plants were closely examined for oviposition and
before being released. adult feeding. Any plant on which oviposition was
Initially, late-instar larvae, pupae, and teneral adults observed was retained and the subsequent larval devel-
were shipped in May and June 1989–1991 from Al- opment was noted. By this method, each species in
varado to the Alan Fletcher Research Station, where Table 1 was tested on two occasions, a process that
emerging adults were released into cages of potted required 16 separate cage tests.
lantana. This method was not satisfactory because it Climate matching for Australian release. The cli-
was difficult to collect a sufficient quantity of insects, a mate matching model CLIMEX (Skarratt et al., 1995)
high proportion of those collected was parasitized, and was used to assess where the insect was likely to be
other mortality factors were also significant. It was effective in Australia and as an aid to the selection of
therefore decided to collect the much more abundant release sites. This model uses an integrated climate
early instars later in the year. These were shipped in index to describe the climate suitability of an area for
the stems in which they were found. Five shipments the species. The climate profile of the insect was first
were made between August 1992 and January 1993, determined by recursively trying various sets of param-
with approximately 200 larvae surviving shipment. On eter values until the model’s distribution matched the
arrival in Brisbane they were transferred into artifi- known distribution of the insect in North America. The
cially prepared galleries bored into cut stems of lan- set of parameters was then used to predict the potential
tana. These cut stems were prepared by selecting distribution of the insect in Australia.
60-cm lengths of 4- to 5-mm-diameter stem of the Release. Application was made to the Australian
‘‘Helidon White’’ variety. The stems were stripped of Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) and Environ-
leaves and placed immediately into water. Within 24 h ment Australia to release this insect in Australia. At
the stem lengths were treated with a rooting hormone the conclusion of the present study, three releases, each
gel containing 0.3% indole butyric acid and then stood of about 20 adults, were made in February 1995 in the
in a sand–peat mixture. Brisbane area and its hinterland at Gatton (where
Emerging adults were placed onto potted ‘‘Helidon ‘‘Helidon White’’ was predominant), Jimboomba, and
White’’ lantana plants on which they oviposited. How- Greenbank. On each occasion a cage was placed over a
ever, it was soon noted that excessive sap flow in these suitable lantana plant and the adults were released
potted plants caused high mortality, particularly of within. At one of these sites (Greenbank, Brisbane) 40
early instars, and attempts to rear the larvae on larvae were also placed into plants by first drilling
artificial diet (Harley and Willson, 1968) were also selected stems to provide a suitable gallery for them.
unsuccessful. Larvae were therefore recovered from the
potted plants and reared by the cut-stem method RESULTS
described above. At least two changes of stems were
required to complete development. When feeding ceased, Literature review. The neotropical genus Aerenicop-
the stems were held until the adults emerged. sis Bates (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Aerenicini) con-
Host-range studies. A study of the insect’s host sists of nine species distributed from Mexico to South
range was conducted at the Alan Fletcher Research America (Martins, 1984), with two species, A. cham-
Station to ensure that the insect was safe for release in pioni and A. costaricensis Breuning, known from Mexico
Australia. The plant species used for this test were or Central America (Chemsak et al., 1992). A. cham-
selected by the centrifugal phylogenetic method (Wap- pioni is endemic to Mexico and Central America. Lar-
shere, 1975), whereby closely related taxa are repre- vae and adults were first associated with lantana in
sented by proportionately larger number of species in Mexico by Koebele (Perkins and Swezey, 1924). In 1954,
the testing program. Of the 59 species included in the N. Krauss collected it from lantana in Mexico, Guate-
tests (Table 1), 6 were members of the Verbenaceae, mala, Honduras, and El Salvador, where it was found
while an additional 17 species were from the very in well-drained situations at low elevations (,122 m),
closely related Lamiaceae. The genus Clerodendrum so that it was considered to be a species of the immedi-
was particularly well represented because Chock and ate coastal strip (Mann, 1954). There is no record of A.
Chong (Hawaiian Department of Agriculture and For- championi having hosts other than Lantana spp. and

TABLE 1—Continued
Plant Species against Which the Oviposition and Adult No. of
Feeding Behavior of Aerenicopsis championi Were Tested in leaves No. of
No. of attacked eggs
Brisbane to Satisfy Requirements for its Release in Australia
Plant species replications by adults laid
No. of
leaves No. of
Acacia podalyriifolia A. Cunn. ex
No. of attacked eggs
G. Don 2 0 0
Plant species replications by adults laid
Myoporum parvifolium R. Br. 2 0 0
Annona 3 squamosa L. 2 0 0
Eucalyptus microtheca F. J. Muell. 2 0 0
Daucus carota L. 2 0 0
Ligustrum sinense Lour. 2 0 0
Carthamus tinctorius L. 2 0 0
Passiflora edulis Sims. 2 0 0
Helianthus annuus L. 2 0 0
Lactuca sativa L. 2 0 0
Sesamum indicum L. 2 0 0
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. 2 0 0
Cenchrus ciliaris L. 2 0 0
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench 2 0 0
Jacaranda acutifolia Humb. &
Triticum aestivum L. 2 0 0
Bonpl. 2 0 0
Zea mays L. 2 0 0
Pandorea pandorana (Andr.)
Steenis. 2 0 0
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. 2 0 0
Rosa sp. 2 0 0
Cordia dichromata G. Forster 2 0 0
Ehretia acuminata R. Br. 2 0 0
Duboisia myoporoides R. Br. 2 0 0
Brassica oleracea L. 2 0 0
Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.)
Karst. ex Farw. 2 0 0
Beta vulgaris L. 2 0 0
Solanum tuberosum L. 2 0 0
S. nemophilum F. Muell. 2 0 0
Chloanthes parviflora Walp. 2 0 0
Spartothamnela juncea (Cunn. ex
Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. 2 0 0
Walp.) Briq. 2 0 0
Duranta erecta L. 2 0 0
Arachis hypogaea L. 2 0 0
Lantana camara L. 16 85.3 48.6
Glycine max (L.) Merrill 2 0 0
L. montevidensis (K. Spreng.) Briq. 2 3.0 1
Macroptilium atropurpureum
Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene 2 0 0
(D.C.) Urban 2 0 0
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.)
Medicago sativa L. 2 0 0
Vahl. 2 0 0
Phaseolus vulgaris L. 2 0 0
Verbena bonariensis L. 2 0 0
Ajuga australis R. Br. 2 0 0
Calicarpa pedunculata R. Br. 2 0 0
Clerodendrum cunninghamii
Benth. 2 0 0 nothing is known of the biology or host range of any of
C. speciosissimum Van Geert 2 0 0 its congeners.
C. floribundum R. Br. 2 0 0 In an unpublished Hawaiian study in 1955, Q. C.
C. inerme (L.) Gaertn. 2 0 0 Chock and M. Chong conducted tests on the adult
C. tomentosum (Venten.) R. Br. 2 0 0
Faradaya splendida F. Muell. 2 0 0
feeding and oviposition range of the insect. Their plant
Glossocarya hemiderma (F. Muell. test list comprised 25 species, most of which were
ex Benth.) Benth. & J. D. Hook. 2 0 0 economically important horticultural plants that are
Gmelina leichardtii (F. Muell.) distantly related to Lantana. Also included were the
Benth. 2 0 0 more closely related Clerodendrum sp., Duranta sp.,
Mentha 3 peperita L. 2 0 0
Plectranthus argentatus S. T.
and Vitex sp. They confined 10 adults (collected in
Blake 2 0 0 Mexico) on a cutting of each plant species after first
Premna lignum-vitae (Cunn. ex confirming successful oviposition on a lantana cutting.
Shauer) Pieper 2 0 0 After 48 h any oviposition or adult feeding was recorded
Prostanthera ovalifolia R. Br. 2 0 0 before the insects were returned to lantana to again
Salvia coccinea Juss. ex J. Murray 2 0 0
Teucrium argutum R. Br. 2 0 0 confirm ability to oviposit. A. championi oviposited
Westringia fruticosa (Willd.) Druce 2 0 0 successfully only on Clerodendrum sp. Some nibbling
and gnawing by the adults was observed on Gmelina

sp., Persea americana Mill., Leucaena leucocephala up to 16 mm in length and 2–3 mm in diameter. The
(Lam.) de Wit, and Pimenta sp., but this was considered pupal stage lasts 10–14 days before adult eclosion
inconsequential. These scientists did not rear the insect occurs. The teneral adult remains in the chamber for a
through a complete generation in the laboratory. The further 2 weeks before eating its way out. The adult
insect was released in Hawaii on their recommenda- beetles, brown with diagonal bands of grey, live for up
tion, using further material collected as adults in to 3 months and feed on the midrib and veins of leaves,
Mexico, but, again, it did not establish (Fullaway, petioles, and terminal shoots.
1956). At the site at Alvarado, larvae, pupae, and teneral
Biology and phenology. The egg is pale yellow, adults were found within stems in May prior to the
approximately 0.8 3 1.8 mm, and tapers at both ends. commencement of the rainy season in June. By June,
The female inserts eggs singly into the petioles of mainly adults were found in the stems, while in the
terminal leaves and occasionally into tender stems, following month the characteristic terminal damage of
flower peduncles, or the midrib of larger leaves. Eclo- the early instars was observed. Larvae developed
sion occurs from 6 days onward. throughout the July–December period, with one ten-
Immediately after eclosion, the larva, which has a eral adult being found as early as December.
characteristic, highly chitinized ‘‘horn tail,’’ feeds down Collections of late-instar larvae and pupae in May
through the petiole into the terminal shoot that withers and June at Alvarado indicated that A. championi was
and dies after approximately 2 weeks of larval feeding. heavily parasitized. One ichneumonid parasite Ag-
This period in the terminal shoot is a critical time in the onocryptus chichimecus (Cresson) is known from this
life cycle of the insect and over 90% mortality has been species.
observed in the laboratory when sap flow was exces- During the course of these studies, larvae were
sive. The larva then makes its way to a woody main collected at various locations in Mexico (Fig. 1) from three
stem of the plant. As it continues feeding, it makes very closely related species: L. camara, L. urticifolia Mill.,
small holes in the side of the stem, through which it and L. hirsuta Mart. & Gal. The insect was found near
pushes frass. Larvae can feed along 1–2 m of the stem Lake Chapala (1500 m) in the state of Jalisco, and at
and cause it to die progressively and break off. Feeding Jalapa and Orizaba (both nearly 1300 m) in the state of
can continue for up to 6 months before the larva seals Veracruz. These locations are at considerably higher alti-
off its tunnel with chewed fiber and enters a bright tudes than where it had been previously found.
yellow, diapausing prepupal stage. Development of laboratory method. The cut-stem
Pupation occurs within the chamber 9–12 months method proved satisfactory, and sufficient adults were
after eclosion of the egg. The pupa is naked and yellow, reared over a period of 2 years to complete the host-

FIG. 1. Locations (q) at which Aerenicopsis championi was collected in Mexico in relation to four major regional cities ( ).

range testing and to make three releases. Further develop- TABLE 2

ment of the method was hampered by the relatively small The Parameter Values for the CLIMEX Model Derived for
numbers of insects available and by the long life cycle. Aerenicopsis championi by Recursive Iteration
Host-range studies. In the host-range tests the
adults fed extensively on L. camara, with the number of Index Parameter Value
leaves attacked ranging from 60 to 131 (mean 5 85) per
Temperature DV0 15
plant. Considerably less feeding occurred on L. monte- DV1 22
vidensis, with 3 leaves being attacked in both replica- DV2 28
tions. Feeding was not observed on any other plant DV3 36
listed in Table 1. Moisture SM0 0.2
SM1 0.4
The females oviposited extensively into L. camara
SM2 1.75
with a mean of 48 eggs (range 27 to 66) recorded per SM3 2.5
plant. Two eggs were also oviposited in L. monteviden- Heat stress TTHS 31
sis. Both hatched and the larvae fed for 3 months along THHS 0.003
25 and 30 cm of stem. They were then prevented from Cold stress TTCS 4
THCS 0.02
further feeding by the small diameter of the stems, DTCS 18
which were of normal thickness for this plant. At that DHCS 0.0012
time the larvae were about half the size of those feeding Wet stress SMWS 2.5
on L. camara. Oviposition did not occur on any other HWS 0.002
plant listed in Table 1. Dry stress SMDS 0.2
HDS 0.015
These tests clearly showed that A. championi has a
very narrow host range confined to some species of
Lantana. The host range exhibited by A. championi,
Lamiaceae (Cantino et al., 1992). As a result, the
both in our tests and in those of Chock and Chong, was
Verbenaceae is now represented in Australia by only 10
sufficiently narrow to recommend this insect’s release
naturalized genera and there is no species of this family
in Australia.
that is native to Australia (L. Jessup, Queensland
Climate matching for Australian release. The pa- Herbarium, personal communication). A high propor-
rameter set for the CLIMEX model (Table 2) was tion of the approximately 30 naturalized species of
arrived at by iteration using the known presence of the Verbenaceae are also minor weeds (Kleinschmidt and
insect at Veracruz, Jalapa, Orizaba, Tampico, Guadala- Johnson, 1977). Thus, even if A. championi had a host
jara, and Chilpancingo. The final parameter set indi- range spanning the Verbenaceae, it would present little
cated that this insect would be adversely affected by risk to the Australian flora or to agriculture. This
cold conditions. This parameter set was then used to dearth of close relatives perhaps explains the high
predict favorable areas in Australia. It indicated that number of agents which have been introduced for this
the climate along the Queensland and northern New weed.
South Wales coast from Grafton north to Cape York The investigations into the host range indicated that
should be favorable for the establishment of A. cham- A. championi was very host specific. The formal tests
pioni (Fig. 2). Areas to the south of Grafton would be too indicated that adult feeding and oviposition were con-
cool, while inland areas to the west of this coastal plain fined to L. camara and L. montevidensis. The oviposi-
would be either too hot and dry (in the north) or too cool tion on Clerodendrum sp., reported by Chock and
(in the south). Chong, was not reproduced, even though five Cleroden-
Release. Approval for release in Australia was drum spp. were included in the host test list. As A.
granted by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Ser- championi was found in three Lantana spp. in Mexico,
vice and Environment Australia. The released adults it appears that its host range is confined to Lantana
oviposited successfully and larval galleries and frass spp. (most probably to species in the section camara)
were seen at all three sites during the months following and as such, it presents no risk if released in Australia.
release. Larvae determined to be the second generation A. championi is the second stem-boring cerambycid
were also recovered at the Gatton site in 1997. However, at to be released on lantana in Australia. In 1969, the
later times further evidence of the insect’s presence could lamiine Plagiohammus spinipennis (Thomson) was re-
not be found and it is now considered that these few leased in Queensland and northern New South Wales.
small releases did not lead to establishment. This species established at only one site in New South
Wales, where it may contribute to a level of control
DISCUSSION (Taylor, 1989). A. championi could clearly contribute to
the utilization of this almost vacant feeding niche of the
Recently, the Verbenaceae was redescribed with ma- interior of the stem.
jor elements of the old family being moved into the The CLIMEX model indicated that a very substantial

FIG. 2. Meteorological sites in Australia predicted by the climate matching model CLIMEX to be climatically favorable (d) or climatically
unsuitable (x) for the establishment of Aerenicopsis championi.

portion of the range of lantana in Australia would have confirmed by J. Chemsak of the University of California, Berkeley. M.
a climate favorable for the permanent establishment of Hannan-Jones, W. Senaratne, and R. Sutherst (CSIRO, Division of
Entomology) fitted parameters to the CLIMEX model. The study was
A. championi. Areas around Brisbane, Bundaberg, supported by funds from the Queensland Rural Lands Protection
Gladstone, Mackay, Innisfail, Cairns, and Cooktown, Board.
all of which have Ecoclimatic Indices greater than 50,
would be very suitable for release sites. Elsewhere in REFERENCES
the world, the climates of lantana-infested areas of
South Africa, Kenya, and (to a lesser extent) India Cantino, P. D., Harley, R. M., and Wagstaff, S. J. 1992. Genera of
would also be suitable for this insect. Labiateae: Status and classification. In ‘‘Advances in Labiate
One obstacle to the successful establishment of A. Science’’ (R. M. Harley and T. Reynolds, Eds.), pp. 511–522. Royal
championi may be its inability to utilize some of the Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK.
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Unfortunately for biocontrol research, there are some Norteamérica, Centroamérica y las Indias Occidentales (Coleop-
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known that some of the introduced insects are not Fullaway, D. A. 1956. Biological control of Opuntia megniantha and
equally effective on all varieties (Harley, 1971). The Lantana camara in Hawaii. Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Entomol.
relative susceptibility of the varieties to A. championi Montreal Canada, pp. 549–552.
is not known and should be addressed. The chances of Harley, K. L. S. 1971. Biological control of Lantana. PANS 17,
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on the most susceptible varieties in areas climatically Harley, K. L. S., and Willson, B. W. 1968. Propagation of a cerambycid
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Holm, L. G., Plucknett, D. L., Pancho, J. V., and Herberger, J. P. 1977.
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who assisted with the experiments at the Alan Fletcher Research and Lali, T. S. 1992. ‘‘Bibliography of Lantana camara.’’ Agricul-
Station, and M. Day for his advice. The identity of the species was tural Experiment Station, Univ. of Guam.

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Hawaii of insects that attack Lantana. Bull. Exp. Sta. Hawaiian of weeds. PANS 21, 295–303.
Sugar Planter’s Assn. 16, 1–83.
Skarratt, D. B., Sutherst, R. W., and Maywald, G. F. 1995. CLIMEX Winder, J. A., and Harley, K. L. S. 1983. The phytophagous insects on
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