Fully Connected Vs Sub Connected Hybrid Precoding Architectures For Mmwave MU MIMO 2019

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Fully-Connected vs.

Sub-Connected Hybrid
Precoding Architectures for mmWave MU-MIMO
Xiaoshen Song, Thomas Kühne, and Giuseppe Caire
Communications and Information Theory Chair, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Abstract—Hybrid digital analog (HDA) beamforming has Amplification Amplification

attracted considerable attention in practical implementation 
of millimeter wave (mmWave) multiuser multiple-input 

multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems due to its low power

consumption with respect to its digital baseband counterpart.  
The implementation cost, performance, and power efficiency of MRF M MRF M

HDA beamforming depends on the level of connectivity and 

reconfigurability of the analog beamforming network. In this 


paper, we investigate the performance of two typical architectures
 
for HDA MU-MIMO, i.e., the fully-connected (FC) architecture
where each RF antenna port is connected to all antenna
(a) (b)
elements of the array; and the one-stream-per-subarray (OSPS)
architecture where the RF antenna ports are connected to disjoint Fig. 1: Hybrid transmitter architectures with (a) fully-connected
subarrays. We jointly consider the initial beam acquisition phase (FC), and (b) sub-connected with one-stream-per-subarray (OSPS).
and data communication phase, such that the latter takes place
by using the beam direction information obtained in the former This may somewhat reduce the hardware complexity, however,
phase. For each phase, we propose our own BA and precoding
schemes that outperform the counterparts in the literature. We the signaling freedom is also drastically reduced. Particularly,
also evaluate the power efficiency of the two HDA architectures it has been demonstrated in practical implementations that
taking into account the practical hardware impairments, e.g., the simultaneous amplitude and phase control with a low
power dissipation at different hardware components as well as complexity and cost is feasible at mmWaves [5]. 2) Numerous
the potential power backoff under typical power amplifier (PA) works have ignored the hardware impairments [2] such as
constraints. Numerical results show that the two architectures
achieve similar sum spectral efficiency, but the OSPS architecture the power dissipation and non-linear distortion of the power
outperforms the FC case in terms of hardware complexity and amplifiers (PAs), which have an important effect on the signal
power efficiency, only at the cost of a slightly longer time of processing and should not be neglected. 3) Lots of works
initial beam acquisition. investigate only the data communication phase and assume
Index Terms—mmWave, hybrid, MIMO, sub-connected, full channel state information (CSI) [2–4], i.e., they explicitly
fully-connected, beam alignment, spectral efficiency.
or implicitly assume that the precoder can be optimized using
the channel coefficients seen at each antenna element, as if
I. I NTRODUCTION the signal from each antenna could be individually acquired.
In contrast, however, due to the severe isotropic pathloss,
Millimeter wave (mmWave) multiuser multiple-input mmWave communication requires an initial beam alignment
multiple-output (MU-MIMO) with large antenna arrays (BA) phase to find the strongest narrow beam pair connecting
has been considered as a promising solution to meet each user equipment (UE) with the base station (BS). Since
the ever increasing data traffic for further 5G wireless the number of RF chains in a HDA architecture (see Fig. 1)
communications [1]. Considering the unaffordable hardware is much smaller than the number of antenna elements, it is
cost of conventional full-digital baseband precoding, a impossible to obtain at once all the channel coefficients from
combination of both digital and analog precoding, using a one round of training signals, as commonly done with digital
reduced number of RF chains, known as hybrid digital analog baseband schemes. Hence, only the effective channel along the
(HDA) structure, has been widely considered [1]. beams acquired in the BA phase can be probed and measured.
A large number of works have been dedicated to In this paper, beyond the above fundamental limitations
the optimization and performance characterization of HDA in the literature, we evaluate the performance of two typical
MU-MIMO architectures (e.g., see [1–4] and references transmitter architectures. On one hand, a fully-connected (FC)
therein). However, we observe that the current literature has architecture where each RF chain (antenna port) is connected
some significant shortcomings. In particular 1) Many works to all antenna elements of the array (Fig. 1 (a)). At the other
consider only phase-shift control at the analog precoders [2–4]. extreme, a one-stream-per-subarray (OSPS) architecture where
the RF chains are connected to disjoint subarrays (Fig. 1 (b)).
X. Song is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (201604910530).
This work was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and We jointly consider the initial BA phase, data communication,
innovation programme under grant agreement No. 779305 (SERENA). and practical hardware impairments. In particular, we propose
our own BA/precoding scheme and evaluation model in order
to provide a useful analysis and comparison framework for
mmWave system design.


Fig. 2: Illustration of the frame structure in the underlying system.
We consider a system formed by a BS equipped with a uniform m−1
Θ := {θ̌ : (1 + sin(θ̌))/2 = , m ∈ [M ]}, (4b)
linear array (ULA) with M antennas and MRF RF chains, M
serving simultaneously K = MRF UEs, each of which has also
with corresponding array response vectors AR := {aR (φ̌) :
a ULA with N antennas and NRF RF chains. The propagation
φ̌ ∈ Φ} and AT := {aT (θ̌) : θ̌ ∈ Θ}. For ULAs as
channel between the BS and the k-th UE, k ∈ [K], consists of
considered in this paper, the dictionaries AR and AT , after
Lk  max{M, N } multi-path components. Accordingly, the
suitable normalization, yield to the discrete Fourier transform
baseband equivalent impulse response of the channel at time
(DFT) matrices FN ∈ CN ×N and FD ∈ CD×M with elements
slot s reads
1 n0 −1 1
X [FN ]n,n0 = √ ej2π(n−1)( N − 2 ) , n, n0 ∈ [N ], (5a)
Hk,s (t, τ ) = ρk,s,l ej2πνk,l t aR (φk,l )aT (θk,l )H δ(τ − τk,l ) N
1 d0 −1 1
[FD ]d,d0 = √ ej2π(d−1)( M − 2 ) , d ∈ [D], d0 ∈ [M ]. (5b)
= Hk,s,l (t)δ(τ − τk,l ), (1) Consequently, the beam-domain channel representation reads
where Hk,s,l (t) := ρk,s,l ej2πνk,l t aR (φk,l )aT (θk,l )H ,
Ȟk,s (t, τ ) = FH
N Hk,s (t, τ )FD = Ȟk,s,l (t)δ(τ − τk,l ), (6)
(φk,l , θk,l , τk,l , νk,l ) denote the angle of arrival (AoA), l=1
angle of departure (AoD), delay, and Doppler shift of the
l-th component, and δ(·) denotes the Dirac delta function. where Ȟk,s,l (t) := FH
N Hk,s,l (t)FD . It is well-known (e.g., see
The vectors aT (θk,l ) ∈ CD and aR (φk,l ) ∈ CN are the array [7] and references therein) that, as M and N increase, the DFT
response vectors of the BS and UE at AoD θk,l and AoA basis provides a very sparse channel representation.
φk,l , respectively, with elements given by
[aT (θ)]d = ej(d−1)π sin(θ) , d ∈ [D], (2a)
[aR (φ)]n = ej(n−1)π sin(φ) , n ∈ [N ], (2b) Fig. 2 illustrates the considered frame structure which consists
of three parts [6]: the beacon slot, the random access control
where D = M for Fig. 1(a) and D = MMRF for Fig. 1(b). Here channel (RACCH) slot, and the data slot. As illustrated in
we assume that the spacing of the ULA antennas equals to our previous work [6], in the initial acquisition phase the
the half of the wavelength. We adopt a block fading model, measurements are collected at the UEs from downlink beacon
i.e., the channel gains ρk,s,l remain invariant over the channel slots broadcasted by the BS. Each UE selects its strongest AoA
coherence time ∆tc but change i.i.d. randomly across different as the beamforming direction for possible data transmission.
∆tc . Since each scatterer in practice is a superposition of many During the RACCH slot, the BS stays in listening mode such
smaller components that have (roughly) the same AoA-AoD that each UE sends a beamformed packet to the BS. This
and delay, we assume a general Rice fading model given by packet contains basic information such as the UE ID and
! the beam indices of the selected AoDs. The BS responds
√ ηk,l 1
ρk,s,l ∼ γk,l +p ρ̌k,s,l , (3) with an acknowledgment data packet in the data subslot of
1 + ηk,l 1 + ηk,l a next frame. From this moment on the BS and the UE are
where γk,l denotes the overall multi-path component strength, connected in the sense that, if the procedure is successful,
ηk,l ∈ [0, ∞) indicates the strength ratio between the they have achieved BA. In other words, they can communicate
line-of-sight (LOS) and the non-LOS (NLOS) components, by aligning their beams along a mutlipath component with
and ρ̌k,s,l ∼ CN (0, 1) is a zero-mean unit-variance complex AoA-AoD (φk,l , θk,l ) and strong coefficient ρk,l .
Gaussian random variable. In particular, ηk,l → ∞ indicates The details of the BA algorithm and its performance are
a pure LOS path while ηk,l = 0 indicates a pure NLOS path, given in [7] for a frequency-domain based variant of the
affected by standard Rayleigh fading. problem, and in [6] for a time-domain single-carrier variant of
Following the beamspace representation as in [6], we the problem. In both cases, we have shown that the proposed
obtain an approximate finite-dimensional representation of the scheme aligns the beams along the strongest multipath
channel response (1) with respect to the discrete dictionary in component with probability that tends to 1 as the number of
the AoA-AoD (beam) domain defined by the quantized angles beacon slots (measurements) increases, and that the probability
of collisions or errors on the RACCH protocol information
n−1 exchange is negligible when the alignment directions have
Φ := {φ̌ : (1 + sin(φ̌))/2 = , n ∈ [N ]}, (4a) been correctly found.
IV. S YSTEM A NALYSIS Considering that the PAs are often the predominant power
consumption part, we define ηeff given by
A. Hardware Impairments
We assume that each analog path has simultaneous ηeff = (12)
amplitude and phase control as shown in Fig. 1. Let x̃ =
as the metric to effectively compare the power efficiency of
[x̃1 , · · · , x̃M ] ∈ CM denote the beamformed signal1 given by
the two transmitter architectures in Fig. 1.
√ √
x̃ = αcom Ũ · αdiv x, (7) Due to the superposition of multiple beamforming vectors
(particularly in the FC case) and the potentially high peak
where x = [x1 , · · · , xMRF ] ∈ CMRF is the transmit complex to average power ratio (PAPR) of the time-domain transmit
symbol vector, with E[|xk |2 ] = , k ∈ [MRF ]. αdiv results waveform xk (particularly with orthogonal frequency division
from to the signal splitting with αdiv = M for Fig. 1 (a) and multiplexing), the input power for some individual PA may
αdiv = M for Fig. 1 (b). αcom models the power dissipation exceed its saturation limit. This would result in non-linear
factor of the combiners corresponding to their S-parameters distortion and even the disruption of the whole transmission.
as in [3] with αcom = M1RF for Fig. 1 (a) and αcom = 1 for To compare the two transmitter architectures and ensure that
Fig. 1 (b). Ũ ∈ CM ×MRF denotes the overall beamforming all the underlying M PAs simultaneously work in their linear
coefficients, given by range, we generally have two options:
Option I: All transmitters utilize the same PA but apply a
 
ũ1 0 ... 0
 0 ũ2 ... 0  different input back-off αoff ∈ (0, 1], such that the peak power
[ũ1 , ũ2 , · · · , ũMRF ] and  . (8) of the radiated signal is smaller than Pmax . As a reference,
 
.. . . . .. 
 .. .  we denote by (Prad,0 , ηmax,0 ) as the parameters of a reference
0 0 ... ũMRF PA under the reference precoding/beamforming strategy with
for Fig. 1 (a) and Fig. 1 (b), respectively. To meet the total a power backoff factor αoff,0 (as illustrated later in Section V).
input constraint, in Fig. 1 (a) we have ũk ∈ CM with For different scenarios (with certain αoff ) the effective radiated
kũk k2 = M , whereas in Fig. 1 (b) we assume ũk ∈ C MRF
power and the consumed power read Prad = ααoff,0 off
Prad,0 ,

with kũk k2 = MMRF , k ∈ [MRF ]. Based on (7), the sum-power Pmax,0 √
Pcons = ηmax,0 Prad . The transmitter efficiency is given by
of the beamformed signal x̃ can be written as √
  Prad Prad · ηmax,0
P̃ = E[x̃H x̃] = αcom αdiv · tr E[xxH ŨH Ũ] . (9) ηeff = = p . (13)
Pcons Pmax,0
Consequently, the sum-power for the FC architecture of Option II: We choose to deploy different PAs for different
Fig. 1 (a) and for the OSPS architecture of Fig. 1 (b) transmitter architectures, with a maximum output power given
reads P̃FC = MRF M1RF and P̃OSPS = MRF , respectively. α
by Pmax = αoff,0 Pmax,0 , where αoff has the same value as in
In order to compensate the additional combiner power Option I. Consequently, the effective radiated power and the
dissipation in Fig. 1 (a), the transmitter should either boost consumed√ power of the underlying PA read Prad = Prad,0 ,
the input signal as MRF x or choose PAs with larger gain Pmax,0 ·αoff,0 /αoff √
for the amplification stage. We consider the former approach Pcons = ηmax Prad . The transmitter efficiency is
and include (αcom , αdiv ) into the column-wise normalized given by

beamforming matrix U, e such that we can write (7) as Prad Prad · ηmax √
ηeff = =p · αoff . (14)
x̃ = Ux.
e (10) Pcons Pmax,0 · αoff,0

The beamformed signal then goes through the amplification Note that the characteristics (Pmax and ηmax ) of different PAs
stage, where at each antenna branch a PA amplifies the signal highly depend on the operation frequency, implementation,
before transmission. We assume that the PAs in different and technology. Aiming at illustrating how to apply the
antenna branches have the same input-output relation. For proposed analysis framework in practical system design,
any given antenna in the transmitter array, let Prad denote the we will exemplify a set of PA parameters in Section V
radiated power of the antenna, and Pcons denote the consumed to evaluate the efficiency ηeff of the two architectures in
power by the corresponding PA including both the radiated Fig. 1. However, in the following derivations for the BA
power and the dissipated power. Following the approach in and data communication, otherwise stated, we will assume a
[8], the power consumed by the PA reads single-carrier (SC) modulation and a fixed total radiated power
√ constraint denoted by Ptot , where all the underlying PAs work
Pmax p in their linear range with an identical scalar gain.
Pcons = Prad , (11)
B. Initial BA Phase
where Pmax is the maximum output power of the PA with
Prad ≤ Pmax , and ηmax is the maximum efficiency of the PA. As discussed in Section I, communication at mmWaves
requires narrow beams via large antenna array beamforming
1 Here for notation simplicity, we neglected the signal time-domin index t. to overcome the severe signal attenuation. In this section,
= Pk vkH Hk,s (t, τ )uk ~ xk (t) + zk (t)

we provide a brief description of our recently proposed
time-domain BA scheme and refer to [6] for more details. Xp
Pk0 vkH Hk,s (t, τ )uk0 ~ xk0 (t)

In short, we assume that the BS broadcasts its pilot + (18)
signals periodically over the beacon slots according to a k0 6=k

pseudo-random beamforming codebook, which is known to all

where f (t)~g(t) = f (τ )g(t−τ )dτ denotes the convolution
the UEs in the system. We assign a unique Pseudo Noise (PN) operation. As we can see, the first term in (18) corresponds
sequence as the pilot signal to each RF chain at the BS such to the desired signal at the k-th UE, whereas the last two
that different pilot streams are separable at the UE. Meanwhile, terms correspond to the noise and interference, respectively.
each UE independently collects its measurements to estimate By substituting (1) into (18), the received signal reads
its strong AoA-AoD combinations. Taking the k-th UE for
Lk p
example, let Γk denote the N × M matrix with elements X
yk (t) = Pk vkH Hk,s,l (t)uk xk (t − τk,l ) + zk (t)
corresponding to the beam-domain second-order statistics of
the channel coefficients, given by Lk0
XX p
X h 2 i + Pk0 vkH Hk0 ,s,l (t)uk0 xk0 (t − τk0 ,l ), (19)
[Γk ]n,m ∝ E [Ȟk,s,l (t, τk,l )]n,m . (15) k0 6=k l=1
where xk (t) denotes the unit-power transmit signal, zk (t) ∼
As confirmed by many measurement campaigns that the
CN (0, N0 B) denotes the continuous-time complex additive
propagation at mmWaves is dominated by the LoS path (when
white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with a power spectral density
it exists) and a few strong multipath components [5]. Hence,
(PSD) of N0 Watt/Hz, and B denotes the effective bandwidth.
the matrix Γk is generally all “almost zero”, but for a few
By treating the multi-user interference as noise at each UE the
large positive elements. Accordingly, over T beacon slots the
asymptotic spectral efficiency of the k-th UE is given by
UE obtains a total number of MRF NRF T equations, which can   
be written in the form PLk H
Pk | v Hk,s,l (t)uk |2
Rk= Elog2 1+ PPL 0 √ l=1 k  ,
  
qk = Bk · vec(Γk ) + ζ(Ptot ) · 1 + wk , (16) HH 0 2+|z (t)|2
| k
l=1 P 0 v
k k k ,s,l (t)u k 0 | k
where qk ∈ R consists of all the MRF NRF T statistical k0 6=k
power measurements, Bk ∈ RMRF NRF T ×M N is uniquely (20)
defined by the pseudo-random beamforming codebook of the PK
and the sum spectral efficiency reads Rsum = k=1 Rk .
BS and the local beamforming codebook of the k-th UE,
We claim that the beamforming vectors corresponding to
ζ(Ptot ) denotes a constant whose value is a function of
each UE in the data communication phase are based on the
the total radiated power, and wk ∈ RMRF NRF T denotes the
outcome of the BA in Section IV-B. More precisely, assume
residual measurement fluctuations. As discussed in [6], with
that after a BA procedure the strongest component in Γ?k
the non-negative constraint of Γk , a simple Least Squares (LS)
corresponds to the lk -th multi-path component in Ȟk,s (t, τ )
Γ?k = arg min kB · vec(Γk ) + ζ(Ptot ) · 1 − qk k2 (17) between the BS and the k-th UE. To simplify the practical
Γk ∈RN
+ implementation, we assume that the k-th UE decodes its data
is sufficient to impose the sparsity of the solution Γ?k . We along the estimated strongest direction, given by
assume a success of the BA if the largest component in Γ?k vk = FN v̌k , (21)
coincides with the actual strongest path of the k-th UE. More
details can be found in [6]. where v̌k ∈ CN is an all-zero vector with a 1 at the component
corresponding to the AoA of the lk -th scatterer. At the BS we
C. Data Communication Phase
assume that the BS communicates with the k-th UE along
The number of RF chains MRF at the BS determines the its top-p beams with respect to the AoA given by vk . With
maximum number of downlink data streams that the BS p ≥ 1, the BS can choose wider beams to handle the potential
can send. We assume that the BS simultaneously schedules mobility or blockage. Define Uk ∈ CD×p , each column
K = MRF UEs, which are selected by a simple directional of which corresponds to one of the p AoD beamforming
scheduler [9]. Namely, the selected K UEs have similar directions, given by
power profiles and their strongest AoDs in the downlink are
well separated. Denoted by uk as the normalized transmit Uk = [uk,1 , uk,2 , ..., uk,p ]
beamforming vector for the k-th UE at the BS and vk as = FD · [ǔk,1 , ǔk,2 , ..., ǔk,p ], (22)
the normalized receive beamforming vector at the k-th UE,
Ptot where ǔk,i ∈ CM , i ∈ [p], is an all-zero vector with a 1 at the
with an effective radiated power Pk = M to maintain the
RF component corresponding to the i-th strongest AoD direction
total radiated power constraint, the received signal at the k-th
of the k-th UE, and where D = M for the FC architecture,
UE can be written as
K p
otherwise D = MMRF for the OSPS case.
yk (t) =vkH
Pk0 Hk,s (t, τ ) ~ (uk0 xk0 (t)) + zk (t) To formulate the hybrid precoding problem, we re-write
k0 =1
everything in a matrix-multiplication format. Let x(t) =
√ √ √ BST
diag( P1 , P2 , ..., PK ) · [x1 (t), x2 (t), ..., xK (t)]T ∈ CK Further, the analog precoding vector support U (25) and
denote the transmit signal vector and Hs (t, τ ) denote the the baseband precoding matrix ABST B are given by U =
aggregated channel for all the K UEs given by BST
[u1,1 , u2,1 , ..., uK,1 ] and AB = IK , respectively. In this
T case, an additional uplink channel estimation of He s (t, τ ) can
Hs (t, τ ) = H1,s (t, τ )T , H2,s (t, τ )T , · · · , HK,s (t, τ )T , (23)

be omitted. The eventual D × K BST precoder in (26) reads
where Hk,s (t, τ ), k ∈ [K], is given in (1). We define V ∈ BST BST
B =U . (30)
CN K×K as the receive beamforming matrix given by
2) Baseband Zeroforcing (BZF) Scheme
V = diag(v1 , v2 , ..., vK )
In this scheme, we consider ZF precoding for potential
= (IK ⊗ FN ) · diag(v̌1 , v̌2 , ..., v̌K ), (24)
multi-user interference cancellation. More precisely, we
where IK denotes the K ×K identity matrix, and ⊗ represents assume that after a BA phase as in Section IV-B, each
the Kronecker product. Let U ∈ CD×pK denote the analog UE steers its beam towards the estimated strongest AoA vk
precoding vector support given by (21). Meanwhile, each UE feeds back to the BS the AoD
information of its top-p strongest paths along the direction
U = [U1 , U2 , ..., UK ]
vk = FN v̌k , where 1 ≤ p  M . Let rk ∈ RM + denote the
= FD · [ǔ1,1 , ..., ǔ1,p , ..., ǔK,1 ..., ǔK,p ], (25) non-negative second-order channel statistics corresponding to
and AB = [a1 , a2 , ..., aK ] ∈ CpK×K denote the baseband the k-th UE, given by
precoding matrix.2 The overall precoding matrix U ∈ CD×K rk = (Γ?k )H · v̌k , (31)
at the BS can be written as
where Γ?k is given in (17). Let the elements in rk be
U = [u1 , u2 , ..., uK ] = U · AB . (26) arranged in non-increasing order in terms of their strengths,
i.e., rk [mk1 ] ≥ rk [mk2 ] ≥ ...rk [mkp ] ≥ ... ≥ rk [mkM ], and
To meet the total radiated power constraint, the coefficients in
(26) are normalized as kuk k = kU · ak k = 1. As a result, the define Ak = {mk1 , mk2 , ..., mkp } as the beam index set of the
receive signal y(t) = [y1 (t), y2 (t), ..., yK (t)]T ∈ CK reads top-p strongest elements in rk . We assume that each UE feeds
back its beam index set Ak to the BS through the RACCH slots
y(t) = VH · Hs (t, τ ) ~ (U · x(t)) + z(t) as illustrated in Fig. 2. Consequently, the analog precoding
= H e s (t, τ ) · AB ~ x(t) + z(t), (27) vector support U at the BS can be written as
U = [fD,m11 , ..., fD,m1p , ..., fD,mK , ..., fD,mK ], (32)
where z(t) ∈ CK denotes the noise, and 1 p

where fD,i denotes the i-th column of the DFT matrix FD .

e s (t, τ ) = VH · Hs (t, τ ) · U
H (28) Substituting (32) into (28), the effective channel H
e s (t, τ ) reads
represents the K ×(p K)-lower-dimensional effective channel. e s (t, τ ) = VH · Hs (t, τ ) · UZF ,
H (33)
The effective channel can be easily estimated over p · K
additional sub-slots in the uplink, on the condition that a which can be estimated through an “exhaustive” procedure
successful BA procedure in Section IV-B has been achieved3 . with orthogonal uplink pilots at the cost of (p · K  M N )
sub-slots. As a result, the baseband precoding matrix AZF B can
1) Beam Steering (BST) Scheme
be written as
In the beam steering (BST) scheme, we assume that the BS  −1
simply steers K data streams towards the K strongest AoDs, AZFB = Hs (t, τ ) · Hs (t, τ )Hs (t, τ )
e e e · ∆ZF , (34)
i.e., we have p = 1 in (22). As illustrated in Section II, the
where ∆ZF ∈ RK×K + is a diagonal matrix, taking into account
underlying beam indices are estimated and fed back from the
the total radiated power constraint. The eventual BZF precoder
corresponding K UEs. More preciously, assume that after a
is then given by
BA procedure as in Section IV-B, the strongest component (top
first) in Γ?k (17) corresponds to the lk -th multi-path component UZF = U · AZF
B. (35)
in Ȟk,s (t, τ ). Consequently, the beamforming vector for the
k-th UE at the BS is given by In the following section, we will compare the asymptotic
sum spectral efficiency in terms of different transmitter
uk,1 = FD · ǔk,1 , (29) architectures. To effectively capture the channel quality before
BA, we also define the SNR before beamforming (BBF) by
2 We call A
B as the baseband precoding matrix just for the PL
expression consistency with most existing hybrid papers, which consider Ptot l=1 γl
only-phase-control at the analog part (see Section I). In this paper, we consider SNRBBF = . (36)
both phase and amplitude control for each analog path, hence, AB is actually
N0 B
applied at the analog part, while the real baseband precoding is just an identity This is the SNR obtained when a single pilot stream (MRF =
matrix, which is ignored in this paper for notation simplicity. 1) is transmitted through a single BS antenna and is received
3 We use channel reciprocity and standard uplink orthogonal pilot
transmission for the lower-dimensional effective channel estimation of at a single UE antenna (isotropic transmission) via a single
e s (t, τ ). RF chain (NRF = 1) over the whole bandwidth B.
1 40 40
FC, BZF p = 1 OSPS, BZF p = 1
FC, BZF p = 2 OSPS, BZF p = 2
0.8 30 30
FC, BZF p = 3 OSPS, BZF p = 3

Rate (bit/s/Hz)

Rate (bit/s/Hz)
FC, precoder in [5] OSPS, precoder in [5]

0.6 20 20

0.4 10 10
fully, NNLS
sub, NNLS
fully, OMP [10]
0.2 0 0
20 40 60 80 100 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Number of beacon slots T SNRBBF (dB) SNRBBF (dB)
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3: (a) Detection probability PD of different transmitter architectures vs. the training overhead, for the initial BA phase with SNRBBF =
−20 dB. (b) The sum spectral efficiency of the FC architecture vs. increasing SNRBBF , for the data communication phase with different
precoding schemes. (c) The sum spectral efficiency of the OSPS architecture vs. increasing SNRBBF , for the data communication phase with
different precoding schemes.

V. N UMERICAL R ESULTS for additional channel estimation. However, without severe

blockages as in the given scenario, the choices of p does not
We consider a system with a BS using M = 32 antennas and change the sum spectral efficiency Rsum . Further, the OSPS
MRF = 2 RF chains and each UE using N = 16 antennas and transmitter achieves similar performance. As a comparison,
NRF = 1 RF chain. The system is assumed to work at f0 = 40 we also simulate a recent hybrid precoding scheme proposed
GHz with a maximum available bandwidth of B = 0.8 GHz. in [5] which is completely based on downlink channel
We assume the channel for each UE contains Lk = 3 paths reconstruction. As we can see, the proposed precoders achieve
given by (γk,1 = 1, ηk,1 = 100), (γk,2 = 0.6, ηk,2 = 10), and much better performance than that in [5].
(γk,3 = 0.6, ηk,3 = 0) as defined in (3). The strongest paths
C. Fully-Connected or One-Stream-Per-Subarray?
of the simultaneously scheduled UEs are well separated in the
beam domain, while all the less strong paths of each UE are Note that the performance of different architectures highly
randomly distributed. In the following, we will compare the depends on the channel condition (SNRBBF ) and the underlying
performance of the two transmitter architectures in Fig. 1. precoders. A doubtless fact is that, the hardware complexity of
Fig. 1 (b) is much lower than Fig. 1(a). For the same channel
A. Training Efficiency for the Initial BA Phase condition, Fig. 1 (b) requires a slightly less initial training
Let PD denote the detection probability, i.e., the probability overhead. As for the data communication phase, given the
of finding the strongest AoA-AoD pair between the BS and parameters in this paper, we can see from Fig. 4 (a) that
a generic UE. As illustrated in Fig. 3 (a), due to the fact by using the BST precoder under weak channel conditions
that the OSPS architecture has lower angular resolution and (i.e., SNRBBF < 0 dB) and using the BZF precoder under
encounters larger sidelobe power leakage than the FC case, the strong channel conditions (i.e., SNRBBF ≥ 0 dB), the two
former requires moderately ∼ 20 more beacon slots than the architectures achieve a similar sum spectral efficiency.
latter for PD ≥ 0.95. We also simulate a recent time-domain To evaluate the architecture power efficiency, otherwise
BA algorithm based on [10] which focuses on estimating stated, we consider the BST precoder. We first assume a
the instantaneous channel coefficients with an orthogonal reference scenario as the baseline, i.e, the OSPS architecture
matching pursuit (OMP) technique. As we can see, for both using the BST precoder and a SC modulation, with PAs of
transmitter architectures the proposed BA scheme requires Pmax,0 = 6 dBm, ηmax,0 = 0.3. The backoff factor with respect
much less training overhead than that in [10], implying its to different waveforms and transmitter architectures can be
advantage for practical fast channel connection. written as αoff = 1/(PPAPR ), where PPAPR represents the PAPR
of the input signals at the PAs. The investigation for 3GPP LTE
B. Comparison of Different Precoding Schemes
in [11] showed that with a probability of 0.9999, the PAPR
To first evaluate the efficiency of the proposed precoding of the LTE SC waveform is smaller than ∼ 7.5 dB and the
schemes, we simulate the sum spectral efficiency with K = 2. PAPR of the LTE orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
As shown in Fig. 3 (b), for the FC transmitter, in the range (OFDM) waveform (with 512 subcarriers employing QPSK) is
of SNRBBF ≤ 10 dB the simple BST scheme achieves the smaller than ∼ 12 dB. We set PPAPR to these values for Fig. 1
highest sum spectral efficiency, whereas when SNRBBF  (b). In Fig. 1 (a), however, the input signals of the PAs are
0 dB the BZF precoder performs better. Also, the curves of the sum of the signals from different RF chains. For OFDM
BZF precoders with different p values coincide with each signaling each signal can be modeled as a Gaussian random
other. Namely, the choice of p plays a trade-off between the process [11] and the signals from different RF chains are
beamwidth (i.e., the robustness to mobility) and the overhead independent, hence, the PAPR of the sum is the same as of one
FC, BST OSPS, SC, αoff = −7.5 dB OSPS, SC
30 FC, BZF p = 2 FC, SC, αoff = −9.5 dB FC, SC
OSPS, BZF p = 2 FC, OFDM, αoff = −12 dB FC, OFDM
Rate (bit/s/Hz)


Prad (dBm)


10 0.1

0 −2 0 2 4 6 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
SNRBBF (dB) Prad,0 (dBm) Prad (dBm)
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4: The performance evaluation of different transmitter architectures in terms of (a) the sum spectral efficiency vs. increasing SNRBBF ,
(b) the actual radiated power under Option I vs. the radiated power of the reference scenario, (c) the power efficiency under Option II vs.
the actual radiated power.

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in the literature that shows how the sum of SC signals behaves. We hope that the proposed work provides a good analysis
We simulated the sum of MRF = 2 SC signals using the same framework for future mmWave MU-MIMO system design.
parameters as in [11]. The result shows that with probability
of 0.9999 the PAPR of the sum is smaller than ∼ 9.5 dB. We R EFERENCES
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