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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. July 22. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 40

333333MARKS:222370 77760
Choose the correct answer: [1x5=5]
1. Mir Qasim, was defeated by the British in the _______________.
a. Battle of Ghaghar b. Battle of Plassey
c. Battle of Panipat d. Battle of Buxar

2. ________________ took to arms and led an anti-British resistance movement when the new
policy of “paramountcy” was initiated.
a. Maharaja Ranjit Singh b. Nawab of Awadh
c. Rani Channamma d. Tipu Sultan

3. _________ prohibits trafficking, forced labour, and children working under 14 years of age.
a. Right to Freedom b. Right to Equality
c. Right against Exploitation d. Right to Constitutional Remedies

4. It is the application of latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things.

a. Human Resource b. Technology
c. Patent d. Sustainable development

5. Match column A with column B and choose the correct option:

Column A Column B
A. Uranium I. Windmills
B. Netherlands II. Derived from
living things
C. Scientists III. Potential
D. Biotic resources IV. Human

a. A- III, B- II, C- IV, D- I b. A- II, B- III, C- I, D- IV

c. A- I, B- II, C- III, D- IV d. A- III, B- I, C- IV, D- II

1. Name the last battle fought between the Company and Tipu Sultan. [½]

2. Who translated the digest of Hindu laws into English? [½]

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3. Explain the doctrine of lapse. [½]

4. What do you understand by the term ‘matchlock’? [½]

5. State the importance of separation of power in the smooth functioning of democracy. [½]

6. ‘Federalism refers to the existence of more than one level of government in the country.’ In
the context to the given statement, name any one tier of the Indian government. [½]

7. Define the term ‘sovereign’. [½]

8. Which Fundamental Rights will the following situation violate if a group are not given
permission to open a Telugu medium school in Kerala? [½]

9. Name any one factor which adds value to human resource. [½]

10. What is a resource? [½]

11. List one example of ubiquitous resource. [½]

12. Name one state of India where we can find windmills generating energy. [½]


13. Why did the people of Nepal want a new Constitution? [1]

14. “The conflicts between nawabs and company officials led to confrontation and finally
culminated in the famous Battle of Plassey”. Discuss the reasons. [1x2=2]

15. “We place a resident, who really is king of the country, whatever injunctions of non-
interference he may act under”. [1x2=2]
i. Who were the residents?
ii. What power did the residents have?

16. Differentiate between human resource and human made resource with an example. [1x2=2]

17. As human beings, how can we ensure sustainable development? List few Principles.

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18. How did the Battle of Buxar change the fortunes of the East India Company? Discuss the
results. [1x3=3]

19. Explain any three Fundamental rights listed in the Indian Constitution. [1x3=3]

20. i. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth? [1+2=3]
ii. Differentiate between renewable resources and non-renewable resources with an

21. Why was Warren Hastings impeached in the British Parliament? [1]

22. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: [½x2=1]
Colonial rule in India brought in some new ideas of administration and reform but its
power rested on its military strength….The change occurred in the eighteenth century
when Mughal successor states like Awadh and Benaras started recruiting peasants into
their armies and training them as professional soldiers.

i. What was the new style of training adopted by British government?

ii. How did the sepoys feel and react to the changes in their lives and their identity?

23. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: [1x2=2]

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar
believed that his participation in the constituent Assembly helped the Scheduled Castes get
some safeguards in the draft constitution. But he also stated that although the laws may
exist, Scheduled Castes still had reason to fear.

i. Why did Dr. Ambedkar feel that Scheduled Castes still have reason to fear?
ii. State any one challenge faced while drafting the Indian Constitution.

24. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: [1x2=2]
The future of our planet and its people is linked with our ability to maintain and preserve
the life support system that nature provides.

i. How people are the real threat to life on earth?

ii. Suggest any one measure to solve the problem of shortage and
drying up of natural water.

25. Locate the following places on the political map of India: [½x4=2]
a. Madras b. Calcutta c. Bombay d. River Hugli

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26. Design a poster with a slogan to illustrate ‘Secular India’ as stated in the constitution.

27. Observe the picture below and answer the questions. [1x2=2]

Imagine yourself in this situation when all resources are exhausted. How can you
contribute in conserving resources?

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SU BJEC T : SOC . SC IENC E
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. September 23. 2019

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

MCQ [1x16=16]
1. Match Column A with Column B and choose the correct option.
I. Battle of Plassey A. Marathas
II. Battle of Buxar B. Sirajuddaulah
III. Battle of Seringapatam C. Mir Qasim
IV. Battle of Panipat D. Tipu Sultan

a. I - A, II - B, III - C, IV - D b. I - D, II - B, III – A, IV- C

c. I - B, II - C, III - D, IV - A d. I - C, II - D, III - A, IV- B

2. The kingdom not annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse was _______________.
a. Nagpur b. Satara c. Udaipur d. Hyderabad

3. In the Bengal Presidency, an Englishman called _______________ devised the new system
called Mahalwari settlement which came into effect in 1822.
a. Holt Mackenzie b. Lord Cornwallis
c. H.T. Colebrook d. Thomas Munro

4. The Ryots were reluctant to grow indigo because________________________.

a. peasants realised that the system of loans were too harsh.
b. the price that they got for the indigo they produced was very low.
c. indigo had deep roots and it exhausted the soil completely.
d. All of these

5. Arrange the following sentences in correct sequence.

I. The soldiers marched to the jail in Meerut and released the imprisoned sepoys.
II. Some sepoys of the Meerut regiment refused to do the army drill using the new
III. Mangal Pandey was hanged to death.
IV. Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail.
a. I, II, III, IV b. II, I IV III c. III, II, IV, I d. IV, II, I III

6. ________________ escaped to the jungles of central India and continued to fight a guerrilla
war with the support of many tribal and peasant leaders.
a. Tantia Tope b. Nanasaheb
c. Vir Kunwar Singh d. Bakht Khan
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7. Identify the Fundamental Right being violated if the government decides not to promote
any army officer for being a woman.
a. Right to Freedom b. Right against Exploitation
c. Right to Equality d. Cultural and Educational Rights

8. In India, the government schools don’t celebrate any religious festival in the school
premises. This is the strategy of ______________.
a. distancing the State from religion b. non-interference
c. intervention d. support

9. The following statement is correct about the Government of India Act 1909.
a. All adults of India got the right to vote.
b. It allowed for some elected representation.
c. People could participate in decision making.
d. None of these

10. Parliament of India consists of the _____________.

a. President b. Lok Sabha c. Rajya Sabha d. All of these

11. Mention the resource having no commercial value.

a. Iron ore b. A good singing voice
c. Medical knowledge d. Affection from friends and family

12. Choose the correct statement concerning non-renewable resources.

a. These resources have a limited stock.
b. These stocks may take thousands of years to be renewed or replenished.
c. Water seems to be an unlimited renewable resource.
d. Both a & b

13. A natural area designated to protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for
the present and future generation ________
a. Biosphere reserves b. Vanamahotsava
c. National Parks d. Wetlands

14. Which of the following is not a natural cause of loss of wildlife?

a. Climate change b. Tsunamis c. Poaching d. Floods

15. Europe is the leading producer of ________in the world.

a. Iron ore b. Bauxite c. Nickel d. Copper

16. Which one of the following practices will NOT conserve LPG in your kitchen?
a. Soaking the dal for some time before cooking it.
b. Cooking food in a pressure cooker.
c. Keeping the vegetables chopped before lighting the gas for cooking.
d. Cooking food in an open pan kept on low flame.

1. What fear did the East India Company have from Russia in the late 1830s? [1]
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2. ‘The Bengal economy was facing a deep crisis during the last quarter of 18th century’. State
a problem. [1]
3. What do you understand by the term ‘plantation’? [1]
4. ‘The Company began to plan how to bring the Mughal dynasty to an end”. List any one of
them. [1]
5. What do you understand by the term ‘Federalism’? [1]
6. Define Secularism. [1]
7. Give an example of State intervention to provide justice and equality to all through the
Indian Constitution. [1]

8. Who is the leader of the ruling party in the Lok Sabha? [1]
9. What is ‘stock of resource’? [1]
10. Define soil. [1]
11. What are common property resources? [1]
12. What is the difference between drilling and quarrying? [1]


13. How are members of Lok Sabha elected? State one function
of Lok Sabha. [1x2=2]

14. Distinguish between Biogas and natural gas. [1x2=2]

15. Explain the causes of the Mysore wars. [1x3=3]
16. How was the mahalwari system different from the Permanent Settlement? [1x3=3]
17. ‘The people of the towns and villages also rose in rebellion and rallied around local
leaders, zamindars and chiefs who were prepared to establish their authority and fight
British’. Describe any three places and the role of local leaders in spreading the rebellion.
18. In what ways did the British change their policies as a result of the rebellion of 1857?
19. i. What do you understand by the term ‘Fundamental Rights’? [1+2=3]
ii. Write the two-fold objectives of Fundamental Rights as stated by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

20. i. How does secularism in India indicate freedom of religious practice?

ii. In what way is Indian secularism different from the secularism practiced in the
United States of America? [1+2=3]
21. The opposition plays a critical role in the healthy functioning of a democracy. Justify.
22. How does a thing become a resource? Classify resources based on their level of
development. [1+2=3]
23. Explain any three methods of soil conservation. [1x3=3]
24. i. Petroleum is referred to as “black gold”. Give reason. [1+2=3]
ii. Explain fossil fuel with an example.

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25. ‘The Indian secularism works to prevent domination through a strategy of non-
interference’. Explain with an example. [½x2=1]

26. Suggest two energy conservation habits we must follow in our day to day life. [½x2=1]

27. How did the last Mughal emperor live the last years of his life? [1x2=2]

28. Why do you think there are so few women in Parliament? Discuss. [1x2=2]

29. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1+2=3]

Only small amounts of Indian indigo reached the European

market and its price was very high…… Cloth dyers preferred
indigo as a dye…… By the end of the eighteenth century,
the demand for Indian indigo grew further.

i. Why did cloth dyers prefer indigo as a dye?

ii. Why did the demand for Indian indigo increase in Europe by the end of the
eighteenth century?

30. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1+2=3]

A massive landslide hit Pangi village near Reckong Peo

in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh and damaged a
200 meter stretch of old Hindustan-Tibet road, National
Highway – 22.

i. Define landslide.
ii. Suggest two mitigation techniques of landslide.

31. Name and locate the following places on the political map of India. [½x4=2]
i. Mysore ii. Goa iii. Meerut iv. Lucknow

32. Draw a poster and write a slogan to explain Indian Secularism. [2]

33. Draw and label soil profile. [2]

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. December 23. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 40

MCQ333333MARKS:222370 77760
Choose the correct answer: [1x5=5]
1. The members of the ______________________ believed in one God and condemned the
superstitions and rituals of orthodox Hinduism.
a. Veda Samaj b. Prarthana Samaj c. Brahmo Samaj d. Arya Samaj

2. _________________ was an outspoken critic of Hindu scriptures.

a. Jyotirao Phule b. E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker
c. Keshub Chandra Sen d. Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

3. An integrated judicial system means that the ________________.

a. decisions made by higher courts are binding on the lower courts
b. lower courts are not bound to obey the Supreme Court decisions
c. subordinate courts are at the apex level
d. None of the above

4. In_____________ farming, no genetic modification is done to increase the yield of the crop.
a. Commercial b. Subsistence c. Organic d. Mixed

5. Shifting cultivation is also known as _________________.

a. Roca b. Jhumming c. Ladang d. All of these

1. Who were Madigas? [½]
2. Name one leader of twentieth century who supported demands for equality and freedom
for women. [½]

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3. ‘Two hundred years ago things were very different in the society’. List any one common
social problem which gradually endd in the 20th and 21st centuries. [½]

4. What was the name of the book published by Tarabai Shinde? [½]

5. Name one offence associated with criminal law. [½]

6. What do you mean by the appellate system? [½]

7. What is Public Interest Litigation? [½]

8. Mention one other name for subordinate court. [½]

9. What is agriculture? [½]

10. Name the activity concerned with the processing of natural resources. [½]

11. Write any one characteristic feature of commercial farming. [½]

12. State one requirement for the cultivation of maize. [½]


13. In what way the Indian Constitution provides for the independence of judiciary? Explain.

14. Describe the steps taken by Raja Rammohun Roy to change the lives of Indian women.
15. i. Jyotirao Phule dedicated his book Gulamgiri to the American movement to free
slaves. Give reason. [1]
ii. Describe any two social ideas supported by Phule. [½x2=1]

16. How do the Indian farmers, find labour and capital for their farming? [1x2=2]

17. Explain the features of subsistence farming. [1x2=2]

18. How did the people from poor and low castes find an opportunity to escape from the
oppressive upper caste land owners? [1x3=3]
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19. Discuss the role of the judiciary in democracy. [1x3=3]

20. Describe the innovative techniques adopted by farmers in USA. [1x3=3]

21. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

“Many of the reformers felt that education for girls was necessary in order to
improve the condition of women. Vidyasagar in Calcutta and many other reformers
in Bombay set up schools for girls. When the first schools were opened in the mid –
nineteenth century, many people were afraid of them.”

i. Why many people feared when schools were opened for girls? [½x2=1]
ii. What is the present status of women education in India? [1]

22. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Imagine a situation in which a powerful politician has encroached on land belonging to

your family. Within this judicial system, the politician has the power to appoint and
dismiss a judge from his office. When you take this case to the court, the judge is
clearly partial to the politician.

i. Name the branch of the legal system which deals with such issue and explain the
procedure to be followed. [½x2=1]
ii. Do you think any ordinary citizen stands a chance against a politician in this kind of
judicial system? Explain. [1]

23. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Agriculture has developed at different places in different parts of the world. Developing
countries with large populations usually practice intensive agriculture where crops are
grown on small holdings mostly for subsistence.

i. What is agricultural development? [1]

ii. Suggest two methods to increase agricultural development. [½x2=1]
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24. Observe the picture and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]
i. Identify and name these group of people.
ii. What are they shown doing in this picture?

25. “Justice delayed but not denied”.

Design a poster to show the importance of Indian Judiciary in implementing the above
quote. [1]

26. Name and label any leading producer country for the following crops on the world political
map. [½x4=2]
i. Coffee ii. Tea iii. Rice iv. Maize

Page 4 of 4
Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Friday. March 13. 2020

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

MCQ [1x16=16]
1. The leader of the revolt of 1857 was ____________________.
a. Rani Laxmibai b. Tantiya Tope c. Nana Saheb d. Bahadur Shah Zafar
2. As the price of indigo was very high, the Europeans depended on another plant called
a. woad b. sal c. palash d. none of these
3. Choose the correct option.
A.Bepin Chandra Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Lala Lajpat Rai had radical objectives.
B. They emphasised the importance of self-reliance and constructive work.
C. They were called as moderates.
a. A and B is incorrect, C is correct b. A and C is correct, B is incorrect
c. B and C is incorrect, A is correct d. A and B is correct, C is incorrect

4. Arrange the events in sequence and choose the correct option.

I. Chauri Chaura incident
II. Salt Satyagraha
III. Arrival of Gandhiji from South Africa
IV. Non Cooperation and Khilafat Movement
a. I, III, IV, II b. III, IV, I, II c. II, IV, III, I d. I, IV, II, III

5. _______________ led the Indian delegation to the UN between 1952 and 1962 and argued
for a policy of non-alignment.
a. Jawaharlal Nehru b. S. Vallabhai Patel
c. T.T. Krishnamachari d. Krishna Menon

6. After the debate in the Constituent Assembly, a compromise was finally made in which
_____________was the language to be used in the courts, the services and communications
between one state and another.
a. Tamil b. English c. Hindi d. Telugu

7. Choose the incorrect statement about Public Interest Litigation.

a. It allowed any individual or organisation to file a PIL in High Court
or the Supreme Court on behalf of those whose rights were violated.
b. Even a letter or telegram addressed to the Supreme Court or High
Court could be treated as PIL.
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c. Mechanism of PIL was devised to decrease access to justice.

d. Mid-day meal, which children receive in government schools is because of PIL.

8. Reservation policy reserves seats in education and government employment for_________.

a. Adivasis and women b. Adivasis and Hindus
c. Dalits and Adivasis d. none of these
9. What is workers’ worth in case of India?
a. One worker can easily replace another.
b. Workers are willing to work in unsafe conditions.
c. Workers are ready to work for small wages.
d. All of them
10. _____________ of India is the leader of the ruling party in the Lok Sabha.
a. Prime Minister b. President
c. Chief Justice d. Vice President
11. Which one of the following practices will NOT conserve LPG in your kitchen?
a. Soaking the dal for some time before cooking it.
b. Cooking food in a pressure cooker.
c. Keeping the vegetables chopped before lighting the gas for cooking.
d. Cooking food in an open pan.
12. ___________ is the other name of shifting cultivation in Brazil.
a. Jhumming b. Milpa c. Roca d. Ladang
13. Which one of the following is NOT an agro based industry?
a. Cotton textile b. Iron & steel c. Vegetable oil d. Leather industries
14. The Silicon Valley of India is ________________.
a. Bengaluru b. Mumbai c. Chennai d. Mangalore
15. South East Asia and Europe are the examples of __________areas.
a. sparsely populated b. crowded
c. least populated d. none of these
16. USA and Australia have gained in –numbers by ___________.
a. out-migration b. high birth rates c. emigration d. immigration

1. Define the term ‘mutiny’. [1]
2. Who were gomasthas? [1]
3. What do you understand by the term ‘knighthood’? [1]
4. List any two subjects of the Union List. [½x2=1]
5. State the role of the Opposition party. [½x2=1]
6. What is the structure of courts in India? Draw and represent through a pyramid. [1]
7. List any one provision of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (prevention of
Atrocities) Act, 1989. [1]
8. Why do we need laws against child labour in workplace? [1]
9. Name any two common minerals used by you every day. [½x2=1]

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10. Name a fibre crop and mention the climatic conditions required for their growth. [½x2=1]
11. Give any two examples of Sunrise Industries. [1/2x2=1]
12. Define ‘density’ of population. [1]


13. How can any party form a government at the national level? [2]
14. How is hydro electricity generated? Name any two leading producers of hydel power in
the world. [1+1=2]
15. Differentiate between the Mahalwari system and the Permanent Settlement. [1x3=3]

16. “The Non-Cooperation Movement gained momentum through 1921-22”. Describe the
features of non-cooperation movement. [1x3=3]

17. How did the first and second Five-Year Plan contribute to the timely and systematic
development of India? Explain. [1½x2=3]

18. Describe the grievances of the peasants and sepoys that resulted in the revolt of 1857.
19. Explain one of the main functions of the judiciary. Why do you think an independent
judiciary is necessary? [2+1=3]
20. i. In which situation Dalits can ‘invoke’ or ‘draw on’ a Fundamental right?
ii. Describe Article 17 of the Constitution. [1+2=3]
21. Discuss why foreign companies set up its plant in India? Why do you think enforcement of
safety laws is important in any factory? [2+1=3]
22. What is commercial farming? How is mixed farming different from plantation? [1+2=3]
23. Define Industries. Classify and explain the types of Industries on the basis of size. [1+2=3]
24. State the factors responsible for the distribution of population. [1x3=3]


25. “Emission from vehicles are a major cause of environmental pollution”. [1/2x2=1]
i. How can you help control environmental pollution?
ii. Which substitute was decided for petrol and
diesel by the Supreme Court for all public

26. “Population pyramid of Kenya is broad at the base and narrow towards the top”. Justify.

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27. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]

Tell me where untouchability Came from, since you

believe in it.
Mix red juice, white juice and air. A body bakes in a
body …
We eat by touching, we wash by touching, from a
touch the world was born.

i. Who wrote this poem?

ii. What interpretations he gave against untouchability?

28. What did Dr Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics we will have equality, and in
social and economic life we will have inequality”. [2]

29. Read the paragraph given below and answer the following questions: [1x3=3]
The need for an all-India organisation of educated Indians had been felt since 1880, but
the Ilbert Bill controversy deepened this desire. The Indian National Congress was
established when 72 delegates from all over the country met at Bombay in December

i. Name any two early leaders of the Congress.

ii. What was the Ilbert Bill?
iii. Why was the bill withdrawn?

30. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1+2=3]

On 23 December 2005, due to gas well blowout in Gao Qiao, Chongging, China, 243
people died, 9,000 were injured and 64,000 were evacuated. Many people died because
they were unable to run after the explosion. Those who could not escape in time
suffered burns to their eyes, skin and lungs from the gas.

i. How does an industrial disaster occur?

ii. State any two risk reduction measures for the same.

31. Observe the given picture and answer the questions. [1x2=2]
i. Identify and name this person.
ii. Name the state created after his death.

32. Design a poster with a slogan to spread awareness regarding the need to reduce air
pollution in your city. [1x2=2]

33. Name and locate the following places on the political map of world. [½x4=2]
i. Ahmedabad ii. Japan iii. California iv. Jamshedpur

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