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Unit 1 – Happiness


Health Happy and sad Keep and stay

(the) flu a smile We stayed in a hotel.
a fever a frown stay = be for a short time
a headache a joke
a cold happiness Stay here while I get a taxi.
an ailment sadness stay = don't leave
an infection
defences to smile Your body stays healthy.
the immune system to frown stay = remain, not change
body to laugh
to cry You keep your body healthy.
to be healthy keep = maintain
to be ill
Keep practising your pronunciation.
keep = continue

Fun vs. funny

If something makes you laugh, it is funny.
funny = adjective

If someone or something gives pleasure, it is a fun thing or they are a fun person.
fun = adjective

Fun can also be used as a noun.

Have fun at the party! (fun = a good time)
have fun = enjoy yourself

Different meanings of keep

keep you healthy
keep = maintain
keep + noun + adjective/adverb phrase

keep going
keep = continue
keep + -ing verb

keep my photo
keep = put somewhere, not to lose it
keep + noun

Possessive: 's and of

We use 's for people, animals, organisations, countries.
the boy's name
the cat's leg
the club's rules
China's influence
my sister's boyfriend's car

We also use 's for when/time expressions.

tomorrow's weather
a month's holiday
yesterday's news
today's paper

For other cases we normally use an of structure.

the name of the book
the leg of the table
the rules of grammar

Can and could

Use can for general statements, things that are theoretically true.
Aspirin can help headaches.
Life’s simple pleasures can keep your body healthy.

Use could for possibility, things that are possible but not certain.
Take an aspirin; it could help your headache.

Noun + of + -ing
I like the idea of spending the weekend in the country.
If you use your mobile phone while driving, there is the possibility of having an


Telling funny stories Responding to funny stories

A funny thing happened to me .... Oh no, what did you do?
Have I told you about the time when ...? How amazing!
But the funny thing was ... You must be joking!
No, what happened? That's unbelievable!
It was hilarious.
Anyway, ...

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