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Form 4 Biology

Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function

Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key

Cell structures Description Function

Cell wall  It is the outer tough  Protection
(Cellulose cell wall) and rigid layer of  Support
the plant cell.  Gives shape to the plant
(Cell wall is non living)  Cell wall is made cell..
up of cellulose.
 Animal cells have
no cell wall.
Plasma membrane  It is a double layer  It isolates the contents of
or phospholipids the cell from its external
(Plasma membrane) embedded in a environment.
variety of proteins.  It regulates movement of
 It acts as a substances in and out of
selective barrier the cell.
between the cell  It allows interaction with
and its surrounding other cells.
 Jelly like substance Site of most chemical
Cytoplasm that contains reactions in the cell.
 The liquid portion
of the cytoplasm is
called cytosol.
Nucleus  It is a round double  It controls the activities of
membrane bounded the cell.
(contains most of the cellular organelle which  It controls cell
DNA) contains most of reproduction (it controls
the genetic material cell division)
(Control center of the cell) in the cell.  It stores the cell’s genetic
Nuclear membrane (nuclear  It is a double  It protects the nucleus.
envelope) membrane which  It separates the materials
surrounds the in the nucleus from rest of
nucleus of the cell’s contents.
eukaryotic cells.
 The nuclear
membrane contains
small holes called
nuclear pores.

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
Nuclear pores  Nuclear pores are  It allows materials to pass
small holes on the between the nucleus and
nuclear membrane. cytoplasm.

Nucleolus  Small dark  Synthesizes ribosomes

structure in the (site of ribosome
nucleus assembly)
Chromatin  Thin thread-like  Provides instructions for
structure, made up the cell activities.
(Heredity material) of DNA and
 During cell
condenses into
Ribosomes  Ribosomes are  Site where proteins are
made up of RNA made (Synthesis proteins).
(Rounded organelles found in and proteins.
cytoplasm or attached on  Ribosomes are not
Rough ER) surrounded by a
 Ribosomes are
found in both
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
Rough Endoplasmic  A network of  Transports proteins made
Reticulum parallel by the ribosomes.
(Rough ER) membranous tubes.
 Ribosomes attach
on the surface of
Rough ER.

Smooth Endoplasmic  A network of  Synthesis

Reticulum parallel lipids
(Smooth ER) membranous tubes.
 Has no ribosome
on its surface.

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
Golgi apparatus  Golgi bodies are  It separates or sorts
membrane- proteins and lipids
(Golgi body or Golgi bounded sacs received from
complex) found in most endoplasmic reticulum
eukaryotic cells. (ER).
 Golgi body was  It modifies molecules.
discovered in 1898  It packages materials into
by Camillo Golgi, vesicles.
an Italian biologist
 Receives materials (Sorting, modifying and
from ER. packaging)
Lysosomes  Lysosomes are  Digest food particles in
small spherical the cell
(suicide bags in the cell) bags surrounded by  Break down unwanted
a single membrane. substances
 Lysosomes contain  Digest poorly working or
digestive enzymes. malfunctioning organelles.

Centrioles  Centrioles are  Play a role in cell division

(Found only in animal cells, hollow and by producing spindle
NOT in plant cells) cylindrical fibers.
structures  Help cell division in
consisting of nine animal cells
triplets of

Mitochondria  Mitochondria are  Site of energy production

rod-shaped with in the cell
(singular: mitochondrion) double membrane (Power house of the cell)
bounded organelles  Produces ATP in which
Mitochondria contain DNA found in the energy for cell activities is
and enzymes called ATP- cytoplasm of most stored.
synthase eukaryotic cells.
 The inner folded (Site of many biochemical
membrane of the reactions of aerobic
mitochondria is respiration)
called cristae and
contain a fluid
called matrix.
 Contains enzymes
responsible for
synthesis of energy
for the cell.

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
Chloroplast  Chloroplasts are  Chloroplast is the site of
double membrane photosynthesis.
bounded organelles
(contains its own DNA) found only in plant Chlorophyll:
cells, not animal  Traps sunlight energy
cells  Makes leaves green in
 Chloroplast color.
contains a
molecule called
chlorophyll that
traps solar energy
for photosynthesis.
 Contains disk-
shaped structures
called thylakoids
 The inner membrane of the chloroplast contains a semi-
fluid material called stroma.
 Stroma contains chloroplast DNA, ribosomes and
 Stroma is the site of independent light reaction for
 Thylakoids are site of light dependent reaction of
 The stacks of thylakoids are called grana (singular:
 Lamella connects and separates thylakoid stacks
forming grana.

Vacuole  Vacuole is a space  Storage of nutrients and

filled fluid cavity waste materials.
surrounded by a  Stores water
(Plant cells have large membrane called  Keeps the plant cell turgid
permanent vacuole, but animal tonoplast.
cells may have small vacuole)  The fluid in the
vacuole is called
cell sap.

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
Cytoskeleton  Cytoskeleton is a  Allows cell movement
network protein  Allows movement of
filaments found in organelles within the
the cytoplasm of cytoplasm.
most eukaryotic  Allows movement of
cells. chromosomes of
 The three types of chromosomes during cell
cytoskeleton are: division.
1. Microtubules  Keeps the shape of the
(tubulin) cells
2. Intermediate  Supports the cell
filament  It helps muscle
3. Microfilaments contraction.
(actin microfilament)

Flagella  Flagella are  Movement of the cell

microscopic hair-
(singular: flagellum) like structures
involved in the
cell locomotion
 Bacteria and
sperm cells have

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key

Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells

(Pro= before, karyon=nucleus) (Eu=true, karyon=nucleus)

Have no true nucleus Have true nucleus

Do not contain membrane bounded Contain membrane bounded organelles

Smaller Larger
Ribosomes are small Ribosomes are larger
Cell wall is present Some contain cell wall e.g. plant cells, but
not animal cells

DNA is circular without proteins DNA is linear with proteins

No mitochondria Contain mitochondria

No cytoskeleton Have cytoskeleton

Contain plasmid Do not contain plasmid

Example, bacterial cell Example, plant and animal cells

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key

Part One: Multiple Choice Questions

1. The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism is called
A. Organelle
B. Organ
C. Cell
D. System
2. Which of the following structures serves as the cell’s boundary from its
A. Mitochondria
B. Cell membrane
C. Chloroplast
D. Channel proteins
3. Which organelle is responsible for the control of cell reproduction?
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. Golgi apparatus
4. The diagram below shows a cell.

The function of structure X is to

A. Control cell activities
B. Keep the cell turgid
C. Control entry and exist of material
D. Release energy from glucose
5. Which of the following is not surrounded by a membrane?
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosome
C. Chloroplast
D. Mitochondria

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
6. Which labeled structure is the chloroplast?

7. Which of the following organelles synthesizes proteins?

A. Mitochondria
B. Golgi body
C. Ribosome
D. Lysosomes
8. In what plant cell structure is water stored?
A. Chloroplast
B. Cell wall
C. Vacuole
D. Cytoplasm
9. A group of similar cells combined together to do the same function is called
A. Tissue
B. System
C. Cell
D. Organ
10. Which of the following organelles is the site where most chemical reactions take
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosome
C. Cytoplasm
D. Nucleolus
11. Which cell structure receives materials from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for
modifying and packaging?
A. Mitochondria
B. Cell membrane
C. Golgi body
D. Nucleus
8 ©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
12. The below diagram is about an animal cell.

What is the role of the labeled structure W?

A. Control center of the cell
B. Keeps the cell turgid
C. Controls cell activities
D. Controls in and out of the cell
13. Plant cell walls are made up of
A. Cellulose
B. Glycogen
C. Starch
D. Protein
14. What captures energy from sunlight to make food?
A. Cell membrane C. Chloroplast
B. Cytoplasm D. Cell wall
15. Structure commonly found in animal cells, but rarely in plant cells, is
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Nucleus
C. Centriole
D. Mitochondria
16. Which cell structure stores food, water and wastes?
A. Ribosome
B. Golgi body
C. Vacuole
D. Lysosome
17. The site where proteins are made is
A. Lysosomes
B. Vesicles
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosome
18. Which cell organelle directs all activities of the cell?
A. Chloroplast C. Nucleus
B. Nucleolus D. Mitochondria

9 ©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
19. Which cell structures can be found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
A. Nucleus, cell wall
B. Chloroplast, mitochondria
C. Cell wall, cell membrane
D. Chloroplast, cell wall
20. The Primary function of the cell wall is to
A. Store DNA
B. Direct activities of the cell
C. Support and protect the cell
D. Help the cell move
21. Which cell organelle is responsible for breaking down or digesting substances?
A. Rough ER
B. Smooth ER
C. Nucleus
D. Lysosome
22. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
A. Transports lipids
B. Site of respiration
C. Transports proteins
D. Regulates movement
23. Animal cells __________
A. Have definite shape C. Chloroplast present
B. Lack plasmodesmata D. Are large size
24. The major component of cell wall in plant is
A. Glycogen
B. Cellulose
C. Water
D. Starch
25. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
A. Transports proteins
B. Site of respiration
C. Synthesis lipids
D. Synthesis proteins
26. Ribosome occur in
A. Only eukaryotic plant cells
B. Only eukaryotic plant cells
C. All eukaryotic cells
D. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
27. Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of
the cell membrane?
A. Phospholipids and cellulose
B. Nucleic acid and proteins
C. Phospholipids and proteins
D. Proteins and cellulose
28. In multi-cellular organism, the cell is unit of structure and also a unit of
A. Organization
B. Function
C. Strength
D. Foundation
29. Cytoplasm _____
A. is only found in animal cells
B. is important in initiating cell division
C. is the place where chromosomes are found
D. is the place where many chemical reaction occur
30. The structure that plays a role in cell division by producing spindle fibers is
A. Golgi apparatus C. Lysosome
B. Centriole D. Ribosome
31. A major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that
A. Prokaryotic cells have a flagellum
B. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus
C. Prokaryotic cells have cytoplasm
D. Eukaryotic cells have ribosomes
32. Which of the following is true about the nucleus?
A. All cells have a nucleus
B. The nucleus contains all the cell’s DNA
C. The nucleus is considered the control center of the cell
D. All of the above
33. Which of the following is not true about the cell wall?
A. is made up of cellulose
B. is a living part of the cell
C. is found in plant cells
D. gives shape to the plant cells
34. Which of the following is the correct order of organization from simple to complex
A. Cell, organ, tissue
B. Tissue, cell, organ
C. Organ, cell, tissue
D. Cell, tissue, organ

11 1 ©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
35. Plant and animal cells are eukaryotic. This means they ______
A. Are able to multiply
B. Contain DNA
C. Produce energy
D. Have a nucleus
36. Which of the following structures is found in both plant and animal cells?
A. Cell wall
B. Chloroplast
C. Mitochondria
D. Large vacuole
37. What is the function of the cytoplasm
A. Stores water and mineral ions
B. Metabolic reactions occur in it
C. Control what enters and leaves the cell
D. Controls the actions of mitochondria
38. The cell theory states that
A. All organisms are made of one or more cells
B. All cells come from already existing cells
C. Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of
D. All of the above
39. All the cells have the following, except
A. Cytoplasm
B. Genetic material
C. Plasma membrane
D. Nucleus
40. All of the following statements are about chloroplast and
mitochondria, except
A. Both use proton gradients for ATP production
B. Both capture light energy
C. Both contain DNA
D. Both are bounded by two unit membranes

©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
Part Two: Structured Questions
1. The diagrams below show a plant cell and an animal cell.

(a) Name the parts labeled A, B, C, D, E and F

A. ………………….. D. …………………
B. …………………. E. ………………….
C. …………………. F. …………………..
(b) (i) Which of the two cells is a plant cell?
(ii) Give two reasons for your choice.
1. …………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………….
(c) Give one function of
(i) Part B ……………………………………………………………
(ii) Part C …………………………………………………………..
(iii) Part E …………………………………………………………..
(iv) Part A ……………………………………………………………
(d) Give the letters of two parts that are present in plant cells but not in animal
……………………………….. And ……………………………………………..
(e) Which part of the cell
i. controls the passage of substances in and out of the cell.
ii. is filled with cell sap.

©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
2. With reference to plant cells, complete the table below by writing the name of the
structure in column B that corresponds to the description in column A.

3. The diagram below shows a cell.

(a) Name the structures labeled A and B

A. ……………………………………..
B. ………………………………………
(b) The cell in the diagram is an animal cell.
How can you tell it is an animal cell and not a plant cell? Give two reasons.
1. ……………………………………….
2. ……………………………………..
(c) Oxygen will diffuse into the cell in the diagram. Why? Use information from
the diagram.

14 1 ©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
4. Complete the table below which compares the structure of typical plant, animal
and prokaryotic cells.

(a) State three differences between plant and animal cells
Plant cells Animal cells

(b) What is the job (role) of each of the following parts of a cell?
i. Nucleus …………………………………………………………….
ii. Cellulose cell wall ………………………………………………….
iii. Cytoplasm …………………………………………………………
iv. Cell membrane ……………………………………………………
(c) i. What substance is contained in the chloroplast?
ii. Why is this substance important to all living things?
6. State the function of the following terms.
a. Mitochondria ……………………………………………………………………
b. Chloroplast ……………………………………………………………………..
c. Nucleolus ………………………………………………………………………
d. Golgi apparatus …………………………………………………………………
e. Flagellum ……………………………………………………………………….

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
7. The figure below is a diagram of cell as seen under light microscope.

(A) Name the structures that show that this is a plant cell
and not an animal cell.
A. …………………………….
B. …………………………….
C. ………………………………
(B) Name one chemical compound that is only found in the
structure labeled ‘A’ and state its functions.
(C) What is the main chemical compound found in the
structure labeled ‘C’? State its functions.
(D) Name the fluid found in part labeled ‘B’ and state its function
(E) Name the structure that contains most of the cellular DNA
8. The diagram shows a plant cell. Some structures in the diagram are also found in
animal cells.

©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
9. In the table below, column 1 gives description of organelles found in eukaryotic
cells. Complete the table by writing the name of the organelle in column 2

10. Complete the table below by matching the parts of the cell in column A and its
correct function in column B by using letters.

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Note: There may also be other possible answers for some questions.

(a) .
A. Cell membrane D. Cell wall
B. Cytoplasm E. Chloroplast
C. Nucleus F. Vacuole
(b) .
(i) Cell Y is a plant cell
(ii) Reasons: 1. Cell Y contains chloroplast 2. Cell Y contains cell wall
(c) .
(i) Part B:site of most chemical reactions in the cell
(ii) Part C:control center of the cell
(iii) Part E:photosynthesis
(iv) Part A:controls movement of substances in and out of the cell
(d) Chloroplast and cell wall
(e) .
(i) A (cell membrane)
(ii) F (vacuole)

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Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
2. .

(a) A. Nucleus B. Cell membrane
(b) Reasons: 1. It does not contain chloroplast 2. It does not contain cell wall
(c) Because there is higher oxygen concentration outside the cell

Plant cells Animal cells

1 Have cell wall No cell wall

2 Have chloroplast No chloroplast

3 Have large permanent vacuole have small vacuole

i. Nucleus: control center of the cell (controls cell activities)
ii. Cellulose cell wall: support and protection
iii. Cytoplasm: site of chemical reactions in the cell
iv. Cell membrane: controls movement of substances in and out of the cell
i. Chlorophyll
ii. Because it produces oxygen and glucose (food) which are important
for all living things.
©Ahmed Omaar Simply visit – our site and facebook page - Ombiology4u
Form 4 Biology
Chapter 7 – Cell Biology – Cell Structure and Function
Summary Note with Exam Practice and Answer Key
a. Mitochondria: power house of the cell (produces energy)
b. Chloroplast: photosynthesis
c. Nucleolus: synthesis ribosomes
d. Golgi apparatus: it modifies molecules, or it packages materials into vesicles
e. Flagellum: movement of the cell
A. Vacuole
B. Chloroplast
C. Cell wall
(B) Chlorophyll. It traps light energy. It makes leaves green in color
(C) Cellulose. It supports the plant cell
(D) Cell sap. It stores nutrients and waste materials. Or it stores water
(E) Nucleus


10. Matching column A and column B

a) -------- 4 d) -------- 5
b) -------- 1 e) --------- 2
c) -------- 3

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