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y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday

College is not meant for everyone.

Second languages should be compulsory

Benefits of E-learning/
Advantages of E learning.
Positive sides of E learning.

1.We can learn the courses from all the world, especially from the top class universities.

We can have courses at any time any where, we can also have classes from the top universi-
ties such as Harvard, Cambridge. ALL( What) we need is one electronic device and the net-

We have all witnessed the benefit that e learning could provide with us during pandemic.

We have all how the pandemic changed our way of life. / the Pandemic had brought us with
many changes in life. Especially for the academic field in how we teach and learn. According
to Allen, a researcher from Cambridge university, there was a huge increase in using e learn-
ing platform to have classes. Teacher…. Learner…..

Witness V, N

2.We can communicate with classmates(our …. worldwide) and experience culture differ-
ences, it can provide us with various point of view.

Expand my horizon.. 增长见识. Learning a second language can expand our horizon.
Horizontally Vertically .

I have no experience in sth…. I have no experience in ….

We need experienced people to do this job. / we need people who have experience.

3. E-learning could make the best use from learning materiais. And the instructors could im-
prove from e-learning, in termos of teaching method, classroom management. In comparison
with on side class, teaching method would be more fouces on individual needs which class-
room learning couldn’t achieve.

y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday

On side class, online.

Online classroom management.

1 underage students / student form age 7-10, elementary school student. They tend to behav-
ior differently when having online class, most of them seem quite distracted. Which could be
the challenge for classroom management. In a classroom sitting, teacher tends to have more
control over what is happening . /
There is a lack of discipline in online classroom. …. which could slow down the whole

Distract. Adj, N, V.

Electroic devices could be such a distractions to minors.

Younger student seem to be easily distracted. By……..

……. ele dive is distractive for……….

Lockdown. We are in lockdown.

The word “Quarantine” comes from Italian.

Cruze ship 邮轮🚢

Plague 黑死病

Spanish flu.

E- learning disadvantage

E-learning vs classroom learning.

y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday
College is not meant for everyone.

Is not meant for everyone.

Learning. Musics instrument.

It’s not meant for me to learn HOW to play musical instrument.

Learning how to play musical instrument in not meant for me.
Relationship is not meant for me.
Being with someone for long term is…..
Having a long term relationship is not meant for me.

Long term relationship


Second languages should be compulsory

Agree or disagree


1. I think. ….. college eduction is beneficial for everyone in termos of getting the basic
knowledge of technology, knowing how to use the internet in a proper way.
2. The time you spend in college could improve your social skills, and your ability to inter-
act with other people from different background. College is like a small society/ is like a
reflection of how a society functions. / similarity/ similar .

Similarity: There are similarities between college and our society.

College life shows many similarities as our society.

Similar: College life is similar to the life we have in our society. … In termos of

3. ……the rate of college enrollment…. shows How civilized/ developed a society is.


1. It’s better for some people to study in certain specified filed that they find useful/ inter-
esting, instead of of going to college. In this way, his time will be well spent.
I had a friend from college Who is good at playing musical instrument, instead of attending
musical institution, he was studying Portuguese with us, which took him 6 years to get the de-
gree. He is now taking a masters class in her…. It would be better if he had started this …. In
the beginning

2. It doesn’t take college eduction to become capable of doing you like. And for those who
like to …. Because college eduction is the choice of majority. abstract.

It doesn’t necessarily provide you with the skills you need in life.

y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday
The skills you assume(think) you are going to have in college can also be trained later in life.

I think/ assume/ suppose/ feel like(口语)想要.

I feel like having bubble tea right now.

It’s better/wise/bad/ harmful for to do

It’s harmful to use plastic bags without recycling

3. As Steve jobs once stated in his speech, he gave an example of how financially difficult it
is for his step parents to support him in order to go college, as he said, they spent everyone
penny they had saved in life, which for Steve, it’s not worth it. Which is also a huge amount
of money / huge investment for the general public.

Jobs also said “Don’t waste time living someone eles’s life.” We must choose what is best for

Educational system.
International school.

In china, there is huge difference between students who attend public shcool and international
one. Those from public school, they seem to be a little bit “ by the book”, they seem to care
less about what is happening in the outside world. But for student in international school,
they are more focused on practice, or how to achieve something by themselves besides being
capable of communicating in English.

Should gym grades impact grade point average?

y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday

Differentiating Instruction with Technology

As educators, we innately know that our students bring different learner profiles to our class-

We are constantly faced with the task of helping students stay engaged, show growth, and
master the curriculum.

What problems do have …. What are facing with today….

Differentiated instruction is a method by which we can tackle this challenge and find new
ways to help our students. It focuses on utilizing teaching strategies that provide students
with multiple options for taking in and processing information, making sense of ideas, and
then expressing their learning.

It is the process by which teachers utilize a variety of tools and strategies to meet the needs of
their diverse group of students.

To be successful in creating different avenues to acquire content, analyze, problem solving,

and synthesize ideas, educators need to be armed with(Need to have ) tools and strategies to
take on the unique challenges inherent in the diversity of today’s classrooms.

Educators need to have strategies in order to face all the challenges in today’s classroom
where student have different needs and levels.

Teachers need to acquire(get) their own skills in using technology to provide accessible in-
structional materials and alternatives that will provide voice and choice for students.

Teachers need to be prepared with accessible instrutional material…..

Effective use of technology can help teachers transform their classrooms and customize cur-
riculum to meet student needs…..

Voice: point of view. Choice .

Teacher: 1 material , familiar ,what ,how ,why ? 2 ,different student different need. 3.
Different student, different ways. 4. armed with tools…

Student problems: 1, profies, what? 2,voice and choice how? . 3. Customize… 总结。w

y 年 7 月 8 日 Friday

As we look to the how of this seemingly daunting task, we should consider the Universal De-
sign for Learning (UDL) framework, which provides a blueprint for creating instructional
goals, methods, materials and assessments.

UDL Framework from CAST

UDL can help meet the needs of the widest range of student variability. It looks at the unique
characteristics of each learner and then designs curricula with flexible options that can ac-
commodate for individual differences. By developing and applying the concepts of UDL, we
can minimize the barriers to learning and celebrate what each student brings to our classroom

Using this approach, curricula are designed with flexible options that can differentiate in-
struction based on an individual students’ needs. Technology supports UDL by off

screen reader.

1. easy to use. Teacher / user / student.

2. Students needs.
3. Material… things it provide. Beneficial.
4. Common problem. Comparison 3 companies who design screen reader.

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