Jimenez-Del-rio Iron Paraquat Drosophila

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Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

DOI 10.1007/s11064-009-0046-1


The Effects of Polyphenols on Survival and Locomotor Activity

in Drosophila melanogaster Exposed to Iron and Paraquat
M. Jimenez-Del-Rio Æ C. Guzman-Martinez Æ
C. Velez-Pardo

Accepted: 8 August 2009 / Published online: 23 August 2009

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

Abstract Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common pro- Introduction

gressive neurodegenerative disorder, for which at present
no causal treatment is available. On the understanding that Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common progressive neu-
the causes of PD are mainly oxidative stress and mito- rodegenerative disorder characterized by the degeneration
chondrial dysfunction, antioxidants and other drugs are of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra zona
expected to be used. In the present study, we demonstrated compacta, the decrease of the neurotransmitter dopamine
for the first time that pure polyphenols such as gallic acid, content in striatum [1] and elevated levels and/or deposits
ferulic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, propyl gallate, of iron (for a review see Ref. [2]). PD is clinically
epicatechin, epigallocatechin, and epigallocatechin gallate characterized by bradykinesia, rigidity, resting tremor, and
protect, rescue and, most importantly, restore the impaired postural instability, for which at present no causal treat-
movement activity (i.e., climbing capability) induced by ment is available. The therapy consists only of amelio-
paraquat in Drosophila melanogaster, a valid model of PD. ration of the symptoms by replacement of deficient
We also showed for the first time that high concentrations dopamine (e.g. StalevoÒ). Therefore, other approaches are
of iron (e.g. 15 mM FeSO4) are able to diminish fly sur- critically needed for PD patients. A therapy to rescue or
vival and movement to a similar extent as (20 mM) para- protect degenerating dopamine neurons has been pro-
quat treatment. Moreover, paraquat and iron synergistically posed, the strategies of which should be based on the
affect both survival and locomotor function. Remarkably, insight of the aetiology and pathogenesis of PD. On the
propyl gallate and epigallocatechin gallate protected and understanding that the causes of PD are mainly oxidative
maintained movement abilities in flies co-treated with stress and mitochondrial dysfunction [3, 4], antioxidants,
paraquat and iron. Our findings indicate that pure poly- free radical scavengers, monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
phenols might be potent neuroprotective agents for the iron-chelators, and other such drugs are expected to be
treatment of PD against stressful stimuli. used.
Substantial evidence suggests environmental risk fac-
Keywords Drosophila  Iron  Locomotor  Parkinson  tors such as pesticides and heavy metals as causative of
Paraquat  Polyphenol  Survival  Toxicity PD [5, 6]. Exposure of humans to environmental toxins
such as MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyri-
dine) and paraquat (PQ, 1,10 -dimethyl-40 ,40 -bipyridilium
M. Jimenez-Del-Rio (&)  C. Guzman-Martinez  dimethylsulphate) induce acute and irreversible parkin-
C. Velez-Pardo
sonism [7–9]. Indeed, PQ2?, a nonselective herbicide, is
School of Medicine, Medical Research Institute,
Neuroscience Research Group, University of Antioquia (UdeA), currently used to model PD [10] because of its similarity
Calle 62 # 52-59, Building 1, Room 412, Medellin, to the chemical structure of the active metabolite of the
Colombia parkinsonism-induced agent MPTP, the 1-methyl-4-phe-
e-mail: marlene.jimenez@neurociencias.udea.edu.co
nylpyridium ion (MPP?). Recently, it has been shown
M. Jimenez-Del-Rio  C. Guzman-Martinez  C. Velez-Pardo that paraquat is taken up across the mitochondrial inner
SIU, Medellin, Colombia membrane by a carrier-mediated and membrane potential

228 Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

(DWm)-dependent process and that, once in the matrix, caffeic (CA), coumaric (CouA), ferulic acid (FA), propyl
PQ2? is reduced to paraquat monocation radical (PQ?) by gallate (PG), flavonoids, -the largest group of polyphenols-,
complex I in mammalian mitochondria [11]. The PQ? and non-flavonoid polyphenols. Flavonoids involve antho-
radical then rapidly reacts with oxygen (k = 7.7 9 cyanins and anthoxantins. The latter group is divided into
108 M-1 s-1) to generate the superoxide anion radical flavonols, flavans, flavanols (e.g., epicatechin (EC), epi-
2 ). This then sets off the well-known enzymatic or gallocatechin (EGC), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)),
non-enzymatic dismutation of O- 2 into hydrogen peroxide flavones and isoflavones [26]. Numerous studies in the past
(H2O2), which in the presence of ferrous iron (Fe2?) is decade have shown that polyphenols have in vitro and in
capable of forming the highly reactive and harmful vivo activity in preventing or reducing the deleterious
hydroxyl radical (OH). Therefore, the mechanism of effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with
paraquat neurotoxicity is most likely mediated via oxi- oxidative stress and neurodegeneration not only because of
dative stress [12]. Interestingly, paraquat has been shown their strong antioxidant and metal-chelating properties [27–
to specifically damage dopaminergic neuronal cells in in 29], but also because of their capability to induce intracel-
vivo studies with Drosophila melanogaster [13], rats [14] lular signalling pathways associated with cell survival and
and mice [15, 16]. These data clearly demonstrated that gene expression [30, 31]. However, pro-oxidant and cell
dopaminergic neurons are responsible for the movement death effects of polyphenols have also been reported [32–
function in flies and mammals and that either genetically 34]. Thus, the question whether polyphenols are multi-
or environmentally induced damage of those neurons functional molecules (i.e., anti-oxidants, pro-oxidants, gene
resulted in motor dysfunction. The use of Drosophila as a regulators, metal-binding molecules) in vivo in humans is
model of PD is advantageous over other models for still unresolved.
several reasons. First, except for cells in the gonads and Several groups have studied flavonoid-rich foods rather
some cells in the gut, there is no cell mitosis in the adult than pure flavonoid compounds. Therefore, little or no
fly. Thus, the adult fly might be considered as an clear evidence of antioxidant and chelating effects have
organism of synchronously ageing cells. This character- been demonstrated in in vivo studies. Moreover, no data
istic warrants precise timing at which the putative anti- are available on whether polyphenol consumption may
oxidant molecule impacts survival rate and/or locomotor improve movement alteration in PD. To establish conclu-
activity in flies. Second, Drosophila represents an sive evidence for the effectiveness of polyphenols in PD, it
unprecedented model organism not only for understanding is essential to determine the nature of these compounds and
fundamental neuropharmacological processes, but also for which of the hundreds of existing polyphenols are likely to
comparative experimental research. Indeed, the similarity provide the greatest effect. Given that the fruitfly Dro-
between the dopaminergic network, mode of drug action, sophila melanogaster has been proven to be a suitable
behaviour, and gene response in D. melanogaster and model for analyzing the interaction of genetic and envi-
mammalian systems, has made the fly a very attractive ronmental factors in a PQ-induced Parkinsonism model
model for anti-parkinsonism drug discovery [17]. Third, [13, 19], and because several of the phenolic acids and
Drosophila offers the power of rapid drug screening polyphenols are natural constituents in food such as fruits,
analysis, which is not yet possible in mammalian models green/black tea and white/red wine [35, 36], the aims of the
[18]. And finally, given the high degree of evolutionary present study were (1) to assess the effect of phenolic acids
conservation of the human and fly genes involved in (i.e., GA, FA, CA, CouA, PG) and flavanols (i.e. EC, EGC,
movement disorders, Drosophila is an ideal system for EGCG) compounds (Fig. 1a) on the survival and locomo-
evaluating molecules with the potential of ameliorating tor function (climbing capability) of Canton-S Drosophila
motor coordination [19]. Amazingly, Parkinson’s-like melanogaster against paraquat-toxicity, (2) to investigate
motor dysfunction has been mimicked in Drosophila whether those compounds were able to rescue Drosophila
either by specific genetic alterations [20–23]; pharmaco- pre-exposed to PQ. Unquestionably, iron plays a major role
logical inhibition [21, 24]; or by administration of xeno- in the pathogenesis of PD [37]. However, it is yet unknown
biotic compounds such as rotenone [25] and paraquat whether iron may be a causative or secondary factor in the
[13]. disease process. We therefore investigated (3) whether iron
The study of antioxidants is becoming one of the most per se was able to induce a parkinsonism-like effect on
important subjects in PD research. Polyphenols are a group Drosophila and (4) whether phenolic acids and flavanols
of chemical substances present in plants, fruits, and vege- were able to protect these flies against iron and PQ.
tables, characterized by the presence of one or more than Understanding the mechanism of polyphenols against PQ-
one phenol unit per molecule with several hydroxyl groups induced toxicity in the Drosophila model may provide
on aromatic rings. Based on this structural feature, poly- insights into more effective antioxidant therapeutic
phenols are classified as phenolic acids (e.g., gallic (GA), approaches to PD.

Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238 229

Fig. 1 a Chemical structure of polyphenols (phenolic acids and representation of feeding schedule, paraquat, iron and polyphenol
flavanols), paraquat (inside box) and StalevoÒ (outside box) com- treatments in Drosophila melanogaster. For further explanation, see
pounds used in this research (and their abbreviations). b–d Schematic ‘‘Experimental Procedure’’ section

Experimental Procedure placed in ten vials containing a filter paper (Bio Rad Mini
Trans-Blot 1703932) and were pre-fed with 200 ll 55.5 mM
Fly Stock and Culture (1%) glucose (GLU) solution alone for 72 h. After this time,
flies were starved in empty vials for 3 h at 25°C and trans-
Wild type Canton-S Drosophila melanogaster were main- ferred to vials with a filter paper saturated with 20 mM
tained at 25°C on 12 h light/dark cycle in bottles con- paraquat (PQ). Red food dye (8 ll/1 ml) (Red food colour
taining agar, corn meal, molasses, water, and dried yeast McCormick) was added to ensure homogeneity and food
medium. Propionic acid was added to prevent fungal intake. Living flies were counted at 6, 12, 24 and 48 h
growth (Merck—Schuchardt OHG D-85662 Hohenbrunm (Fig. 1B0 ). For the iron toxicity assay, 50 separated adult
Germany) and other reagents, unless specified otherwise, female flies were starved in empty vials for 3 h at 25°C. Then,
were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). Female groups of five flies were placed in ten vials containing a filter
(F) flies were collected under brief CO2 anesthesia from 2 paper and were pre-fed with 200 ll (1%) glucose (GLU)
to 3 days after eclosion. solution in combination with (0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 mM) iron
sulphate (FeSO4) for 120 h (Fig. 1B00 ). Filters were changed
Paraquat and Iron Toxicity Assay daily. Both toxicity assays were carried out by triplicate.

The paraquat toxicity assay was performed on 2- to 3- day-old Antioxidant Assay

flies collected overnight and kept on regular food medium.
Subsequently, 50 separated adult female flies were starved in The antioxidant assay was performed on 2- to 3- day-old
empty vials for 3 h at 25°C. Then, groups of five flies were female flies collected overnight and kept on regular food

230 Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

medium. Subsequently, 50 females were starved in empty entacapone), a drug amply medicated for the treatment of
vials for 3 h at 25°C. Then, groups of five F were placed in Parkinson’s disease, was used as a positive restorative drug
ten vials containing a filter paper (Bio Rad Mini Trans-Blot against PQ toxicity.
1703932) saturated with 200 ll fresh polyphenol solution
(gallic acid (GA), ferulic acid (FA), caffeic acid (CA), Statistical Analysis
Coumaric acid (CouA), propyl gallate (PG), epicatechin
(EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epigallocatechin gallate Data were shown as a mean ± standard deviation of the
(EGCG)) at (0.1–1 mM) and 1% GLU in distilled water mean (SD) for three independent experiments. The Chi
(dW) for 72 h. Filters were changed daily. Then, flies were Square statistic was performed to compare proportion of
starved in empty vials for 3 h at 25°C, and they were percentage between independent groups. Differences were
placed in the vials with a filter paper saturated with either considered statistically significant at P \ 0.05.
20 mM PQ (Fig. 1C0 ), 15 mM Fe alone (Fig. 1C00 ), or in
combination with 1 mM PQ and 15 mM Fe (Fig. 1C000 ) in
1% GLU solution for different intervals of time. Red food Results
dye (8 ll/1 ml) (Red food colour McCormick) was added
to ensure homogeneity and food intake. Survival rate (%) Polyphenols Protected and Maintained the Locomotion
and locomotion assay were rated at each interval of time. A Function of Drosophila melanogaster Exposed to
total number of 150 flies were used for each substance. Paraquat

Rescue Assay Previously, we have shown that 20 mM paraquat signifi-

cantly reduces survival and diminishes locomotor activity in
The rescue assay was performed on 2- to 3-d-old flies Drosophila melanogaster [19]. To evaluate whether poly-
collected overnight and kept on regular food medium. phenols (Fig. 1a) were able to protect and to maintain the
Groups of five F flies were placed in plastic vials con- locomotion function of D. melanogaster against paraquat,
taining a filter paper saturated with 1% GLU in dW for flies were pre-fed with different concentrations of poly-
72 h. Filters were changed daily. Then, flies were starved phenols for 72 h, and then fed with 20 mM PQ for 24 and
in empty vials for 3 h at 25°C, and transferred to vials 48 h. Taken as a whole, phenolic acids and flavanols were
containing a filter paper saturated with 20 mM PQ and 1% able to protect D. melanogaster against paraquat at the
GLU in dW for 6, 12 and 24 h, respectively at 25°C. Then, concentrations tested and time of exposure (Fig. 2a–c).
50 female flies from each interval of time were placed in Interestingly, low concentrations (0.1 mM, Fig. 2a) of
groups of five in ten plastic vials with a filter paper satu- polyphenols, (except CA (1 mM)), were more effective than
rated with 0.1–0.5 mM polyphenols with 1% GLU in dW medium (0.5 mM, Fig. 2b) or high (1 mM, Fig. 2c) con-
for an additional 24 h, i.e. survival rate (%) and locomotion centrations to protect the specimens from PQ noxious effects
assay were recorded at 30, 36, and 48 h (Fig. 1d). The at 24 h. Likewise, except for GA and CouA, polyphenols
rescue assay was carried out by triplicate. such as PG (0.1 mM), FA (0.5 mM), CA (0.5 mM) and
catechins (EC, 0.5 mM; EGC, 0.1 mM; EGCG, 0.1 mM)
Locomotion Assay protected against PQ exposure at 48 h. It is worth men-
tioning that flies pre-fed with different concentrations of
The movement deficits assay was performed on treated polyphenols for 72 h, and then fed with 1% GLU for 24 and
flies according to ref. [13] with minor modifications. 48 h (controls) showed survival rate and climbing percent-
Briefly, treated female flies were placed in empty plastic age values similar to flies fed with just 1% GLU for 120 h.
vials. After a 10 min rest period, the flies were tapped to Remarkably, 0.5 mg/ml StalevoÒ (equivalent to 0.76 mM
the bottom of the vials, and the number of flies able to levodopa, 0.17 mM cardidopa and 1 mM entacapone), a
climb 5 cm in 6 s was recorded at each interval of time. drug used in the treatment of PD, offered D. melanogaster
The assays were repeated three times at 1 min intervals. 100 and 26% survival rate when exposed to PQ for 24 and
The scores are the mean of the numbers of flies at the top 48 h, respectively. Nevertheless, 0.1 and 1 mg/ml StalevoÒ
(ntop) and at the bottom (nbot), expressed as percentages of significantly increased the flies’ survival percentage com-
the total number of flies (ntot). Results are presented as the pared to flies treated with PQ alone for the same time points.
mean ± SD of the scores obtained in three independent We then evaluated whether polyphenols were able to
experiments. For each experiment, a performance index maintain locomotor functionality in D. melanogaster
(PI) was calculated, defined as 1/2[(ntot ? ntop - nbot)/ntot] exposed to PQ. Therefore, flies were pre-fed with the
[25]. Statistical analysis was performed on the PIs with the polyphenol concentration at which the maximal survival
Student’s t test. StalevoÒ (carbidopa, levodopa and percentage was observed. i.e., 0.1 mM GA, FA, CouA, PG,

Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238 231

Fig. 2 Protective effect of polyphenols in D. melanogaster exposed distilled water (dW) for 72 h. Then, flies were left untreated (U) or
to paraquat. Female flies were pre-fed with either 1% glucose alone, treated with 20 mM paraquat (PQ) for 24 and 48 h. For locomotion
0.1 mM (a), 0.5 mM (b), or 1 mM (c) gallic acid (GA), ferulic acid assay, 0.1 mM polyphenol concentration was used. a–c Survival rate
(FA), caffeic acid (CA), coumaric acid (CouA), propyl gallate (PG), (%) and d locomotion assay were recorded at indicated time.
epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epigallocatechin gallate Polyphenols were statistically significant (** P \ 0.001) vs. PQ at
(EGCG) polyphenols and 0.1–1 mg/ml StalevoÒ with 1% glucose in 24 h. * P \ 0.05, ** P \ 0.001 polyphenols vs. PQ at 48 h

EC EGC, EGCG; 0.5 mM CA, and as a positive control, movement impairment, the flies were pre-fed with 1%
0.5 mg/ml StalevoÒ for 72 h. After this time, flies were GLU for 72 h, then exposed to PQ for 6, 12, and 24 h. At
treated with PQ and locomotor assessment was performed each period of time, flies were fed with 1% GLU (control)
at different time points. As shown in Fig. 2d, the flies’ or polyphenols for an additional 24 h (Fig. 1d). As illus-
locomotor activity (%) is significantly reduced by 13, 56, trated in Fig. 3a, polyphenols were effective rescuing
77, and 88% at 6, 12, 24 and 48 h, respectively under PQ D. melanogaster with variable efficiencies. While CouA,
only (negative control), whereas those treated with the PG, EC, and EGCG significantly rescued D. melanogaster
polyphenols were able to maintain their climbing ability. from the toxic effect of PQ, FA showed no effect, but GA
The restorative effect of all polyphenols began to be effec- and CA were effective at 48 h post-PQ treatment.
tive after 6 h post-PQ exposure. In fact, negative geotaxis Noticeably, polyphenols were able to maintain and restore
movement increased by 46–97% at 12 h, 143–334% at the flies’ movement abilities (Fig. 3b). StalevoÒ showed
24 h, 333–600% at 48 h, respectively post-PQ treatment. comparable results to polyphenols at different time points.
Strikingly, StalevoÒ showed climbing capability results
comparable to polyphenols at the different time point Polyphenols Protected and Restored Locomotive
evaluations. Function in D. melanogaster Flies from Iron and
Paraquat Exposure
Polyphenols Rescued and Restored Locomotive
Function in D. melanogaster Flies from Paraquat It is well known that iron plays an important role in the
Intoxication pathophysiology of PD [2]. To evaluate whether iron was
toxic or whether it affected movement in D. melanogaster,
To evaluate whether polyphenols were able to rescue they were fed with increasing concentrations of iron sul-
D. melanogaster against PQ-induced toxicity and phate (0.5–20 mM, FeSO4) for up to 120 h (Fig. 1b). As

232 Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

Fig. 3 Rescue effect of

polyphenols in D. melanogaster
exposed to paraquat. Female
flies were pre-fed with 1% GLU
solution for 72 h. After this
time, a group of flies were
exposed to either 1% GLU
alone (GLU) or 20 mM PQ and
1% GLU in dW for 6, 12, and
24 h (control group). After each
time interval, a group of flies
were fed with 1% GLU solution
(U), or with 0.1 mM gallic acid
(GA), ferulic acid (FA),
coumaric acid (CouA), propyl
gallate (PG), epicatechin (EC),
epigallocatechin (EGC),
epigallocatechin gallate
(EGCG), 0.5 mM caffeic acid
(CA) polyphenols and 0.5 mg/
ml StalevoÒ for an additional
24 h. a Survival rate (%) and b
locomotion assay were recorded
at the indicated time.
* P \ 0.05 polyphenols vs. PQ,
** P \ 0.001 polyphenols vs.

shown in Fig. 4, iron induced a significant reduction in efficient protecting flies by 100% and 450% survival at 72
survival and locomotor function in a concentration and and 96 h, respectively than flavanols. Similarly, GA and
time dependent fashion. In fact, while 5 mM iron dimin- PG maintained movement capabilities higher than EC,
ished survival by 40% at 96 h and reduced locomotor EGC, EGCG at 48 and 72 h, respectively (Fig. 5b).
abilities by 50% at 120 h (Fig. 4b), higher concentrations Noticeably, although polyphenols were able to prolong
of iron were moderately toxic (10–15 mM) or completely survival for up to 120 h, they were unable to restore
lethal (20 mM) to Drosophila (Fig. 4a). Given that 15 mM movement at this period of time.
Fe reduces the flies’ survival by 60–90% and impairs To evaluate whether polyphenols may protect Dro-
movement (i.e., climbing abilities) by 50–90% at 72 and sophila against iron and PQ harmful effects, we pre-fed
96 h, respectively, this concentration was chosen for fur- flies with PG and EGCG for 72 h, then flies were fed with
ther experiments. Moreover, this concentration induced a 1 mM PQ, 15 mM FeSO4 or with PQ and FeSO4 for
comparable effect on survival and climbing alterations as additional 72 h (Fig. 1C000 ). Interestingly, both PG and
did 20 mM PQ at 48 h. EGCG polyphenols increased Drosophila’s survival and
To further determine whether polyphenols were able to climbing abilities when treated with iron or PQ alone, or
protect D. melanogaster against the harmful effects of iron, iron in combination with paraquat up to 120 h (Figs. 6a, b
we fed flies with phenolic acid (e.g. GA, PG) and flavanols and 7a, b). As expected, PQ and iron caused 100% death in
(e.g., EC, EGC, EGCG) with 15 mM iron for 120 h Drosophila by the second day of treatment (data not
(Fig. 1C00 ). As shown in Fig. 5a, GA and PG were more shown).

Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238 233

Fig. 4 Effect of iron in D. melanogaster. Female flies were pre-fed with either 1% glucose alone, or with 0.1–20 mM iron with 1% glucose in
distilled water (dW) for 120 h. a Survival rate (%) and b locomotion assay were recorded at the indicated time

Discussion disorders, it is therefore crucial to determine which of the

hundreds of existing polyphenols are likely to provide the
It is known that the mechanism of paraquat toxicity in greatest effect. Since phenolic acids and flavanols present
dopaminergic neurons is most likely mediated via oxida- in fruits, white/red wine and green/black tea [36] are the
tive stress [12]. Indeed, paraquat (PQ2?) generates super- most extensively studied in in vivo and in vitro assays and
oxide radicals (O- 2 ) by undergoing a NADH-dependent are currently considered to be of great nutritional interest,
reduction to form a stable paraquat monocation (PQ?) we have selected some of the most representative poly-
radical that reacts very rapidly (k2 = 7.7 9 108 M s-1) phenols (Fig. 1a) for our experimental settings.
with O2 to generate PQ2? and O- 2 radicals [38], which in In the present study, we demonstrated for the first time
turn produces H2O2 by either enzymatic or non-enzymatic that pure polyphenols such as GA, FA, CA, CouA, PG, EC,
dismutation reaction. Therefore, any molecule or com- EGC and EGCG protect, rescue and most importantly,
pound capable of blocking either O- 2 radicals or H2O2 restore the impaired movement activity (i.e. climbing
generation might have potential antioxidant capacities [39]. capability) induced by PQ in Drosophila melanogaster, a
In this regard, polyphenols are the most abundant antiox- valid model of PD [19]. We also showed for the first time
idants in our diet [36]. To establish conclusive evidence for that high concentrations of iron (sulphate) are able to
the effectiveness of polyphenols in neurodegenerative diminish fly survival and movement to a similar extent as

234 Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

Fig. 5 Protective effect of polyphenols in D. melanogaster exposed 15 mM iron. a Survival rate (%) and b locomotion assay were
to iron. Female flies were fed with either 1% glucose alone, 0.1 mM recorded at the indicated time. * P \ 0.05 vs. control (iron alone),
gallic acid (GA), propyl gallate (PG), epicatechin (EC), epigalloca- ** P \ 0.001 vs. control (iron alone)
techin (EGC), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) polyphenols or

PQ treatment. Moreover, PQ and iron synergistically affect toxicity. The authors offered no explanation for these
both survival and locomotor function. Remarkably, PG and findings. Based on our survival test results, a more likely
EGCG polyphenols protected and maintained movement explanation for their failure to find a protective effect of an
abilities in flies co-treated with PQ/iron. Specifically, we antioxidant effect is because the duration of antioxidant
found that 0.1–1 mM polyphenols protect and rescue feeding was too short and the antioxidant concentration
Drosophila against 20 mM PQ. A study similar to ours has was too low in their study to observe the full enhancing
been performed by Kim and colleagues [40], but with effect of polyphenols on survival rate. It should be noted
important differences in study design and findings. In that implicit in the design of our study is the assumption
that study, wild type isogenic Drosophila Canton S flies that polyphenols are antioxidants, however, in vitro liter-
(100–150/bottle) were pre-fed with (?)-catechin and (-)- ature suggest that they may be pro-oxidant at certain con-
epicatechin (50 mg/ml equivalent to 167 lM) for 24 h, and centrations [32–34], but our data, and those of others,
transferred to bottles containing both paraquat (5 mM) and suggest that over a very wide dose range this is not the case
the antioxidant. The survival percentage was checked after in vivo [41, 42]. Although we do not disregard that poly-
48 and 96 h. They found no preventive effect against PQ phenol supplementation, especially catechin derivatives

Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238 235

Fig. 6 Protective effect of

propyl gallate in
D. melanogaster exposed to iron
and paraquat. Female flies were
pre-fed with 0.1 mM PG and
1% GLU solution for 72 h.
After this time, a group of flies
were exposed to either 1% GLU
alone (GLU), 15 mM iron,
1 mM PQ, or 15 mM iron/
1 mM PQ and 1% GLU in dW
for an additional 72 h. a
Survival rate (%) and b
locomotion assay were recorded
at the indicated time with
respect to iron (control).
* P \ 0.05, ** P \ 0.001

EC, ECG, EGCG could increase survival time of D. mel- C. Velez-Pardo, J. Bustamante, S. Lores-Arnaiz, Unpub-
anogaster under PQ by other non-antioxidant mechanisms lished observations). Taken together our data comply with
e.g., by up-regulating the enzymatic activity of CuZnSOD, the notion that the antioxidant capacity of polyphenols
MnSOD and catalase with reduction of lipid peroxidation against paraquat is dependent on ROS scavenger activity
[41], our data suggest that the antioxidant activity of and mitochondrial protection.
polyphenols (i.e., phenolic acids and flavanols) can be The most interesting finding in the present study was
attributed to its unique phenolic structure, which can that phenolic acids and flavanol supplementation was also
donate an electron or proton to a free radical. In support of associated with a significant recovery of Drosophila’s
this view, it has been demonstrated that GA, CA, FA, EC, locomotion activity impaired by PQ. Although, times of
EGC, EGCG [43] are able to reduce the free radical DPPH effectiveness of (0.1 mM) polyphenols differ from one to
according to a DPPH reduction test. Furthermore, phenolic another, the sequence of their efficacy against PQ treatment
acids have been shown to scavenge H2O2 [44]. In accor- was characterized as follows (for comparative purpose,
dance with these data, we have recently found that PG, EC StalevoÒ was included): FA=EGCG[ EGC[ PG=CouA=
and EGCG effectively attenuate mitochondrial damage EC= StalevoÒ[ GA= CA at 12 h; GA[ CA[ EGCG=
against PQ-induced oxidative stress by scavenging O- 2 EC[EGC= StalevoÒ[ PG[ FA= CouA at 24 h; and
radical and H2O2 thereby maintaining mitochondrial CouA[ PG= FA=EGCG[CA= GA= EGC= StalevoÒ[ EC
functionality by keeping high DWm (M. Jimenez-Del-Rio, at 48 h. These data show that polyphenols positively affect

236 Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238

Fig. 7 Protective effect of

epigallocatechin gallate in
D. melanogaster exposed to iron
and paraquat. Female flies were
pre-fed with 0.1 mM EGCG and
1% GLU solution for 72 h.
After this time, a group of flies
were exposed to either 1% GLU
alone (GLU), 15 mM iron,
1 mM PQ, or 15 mM iron/
1 mM PQ and 1% GLU in dW
for an additional 72 h. a
Survival rate (%) and b
locomotion assay were recorded
at the indicated time with
respect to iron (control).
* P \ 0.05, ** P \ 0.001

flies’ movement, thus the restorative negative geotaxis us from concluding that a similar effect of movement
movement increased overall by 46–97% at 12 h, 143–334% amelioration in PD patients might be observed with poly-
at 24 h, 333–600% at 48 h, post-PQ treatment. Taken phenol intake. Unfortunately, at present no data is available
together these data suggest that polyphenols are efficient on studies within the effects of pure polyphenols in PD
compounds bringing-back Drosophila melanogaster to patients with emphasis in locomotor assessment. Further
normal movement functionality. Noticeably, polyphenols studies are needed to clarify this issue.
were even more effective than StalevoÒ, a currently used Recently, it has been shown that binding of the poly-
medicine to treat patients with PD. Indeed, StalevoÒ con- phenol to iron is essential for antioxidant activity [46]. On
tains three active substances involved in the metabolism of the other hand, increasing amounts of data suggest that iron
dopamine: levodopa, which acts as a dopamine precursor; might be involved in the pathogenesis of PD [37]. Indeed,
carbidopa, which is dopa decarboxylase inhibitor and ent- this metal has been found to accumulate in individual
acapone, which is a catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitor substancia nigra dopaminergic neurons from unfixed frozen
(Fig. 1a). Interestingly, these components are structurally post-mortem tissue of PD patients [47] and in substancia
similar to polyphenols. Although dopa decarboxylase and nigra from PD patients [48]. However, it is yet unknown
methyl transferase enzymes are expressed in D. melano- whether iron may be a causative or secondary factor in the
gaster [45], we do not discard the possibility that the disease process. Therefore, we initially investigated whe-
protective, rescue and locomotor activity of StalevoÒ was ther iron per se was able to induce parkinsonism-like effect
associated, at least in part, to antioxidant activity of its on Drosophila. In the present investigation, we have shown
components. However, the lack of polyphenols and Sta- for the first time that feeding Drosophila with moderately
levoÒ bioavailability data in D. melanogaster discouraged high concentrations of iron (5–15 mM) for up to 120 h

Neurochem Res (2010) 35:227–238 237

effectively affects flies’ negative geotaxis movements, to suppress oxidative stress and to restore and/or maintain
albeit with a relative decrease on survival rate. This result locomotor activity in PD patients.
suggests that iron, at least under experimental conditions,
might be able to target dopaminergic neurons in the fly. Acknowledgments This work was supported by Colciencias grants
#1115-408-20504, and CODI-U.deA. grants #2408 awarded to
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