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Eric Robert Powell To The Knesset and the People of Palestine - In absentia The State of Israel - MARKED FOR

DEATH @ 5 26 2012 / 6:13 AM

O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; who will be your helper? And I consume them there as a lioness, A beast of the field doth rend them. - Hosea 13:9

"But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Mark 13:32

THE BIG DAY Remember the former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure; calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it - Isaiah 46:3-11.

The mathematics of language and the spoken word is presently destroying the enemies of God.

Using the mathematics of the alphabet, letters A Z ranging from numbers 1 26 (126) respectively as part and parcel to the doctrine of alpha/omega, the Jews, working with the police, have kidnapped, tortured and eaten in blood rituals our young missing children (mostly black) ages 11 16 and then feed their remains to livestock in animal farms as food stockpiles mixed with regular food in which these animals eat. Since the ages of these, mostly young black girls in addition to our young Black men, range between the ages of 11 16, this also leaves us with the number 126. This then leaves us to the end of the Jewish race as the Law of Moses and God dictates an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, limb for limb, foot for foot and life for life. The annihilation of the Jews of the world is therefore with us as, The Big Day. The following table explains the details concerning the date of the eradication of the Jewish Rite. This includes the Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Mizrahi (Caucasus, Mesoptamia) Jews to be around 20 to 25% Arabian. NOT including their more northern West Asian (Anatolian/Caucasus) ancestry and Berber-Arab fraction. All Jewish groups funnily enough are just as Arabian more or less to one another, unless you take into consideration the Yemeni, Ethiopian and Italian Jews. As Eric Robert Powell, born 12.26.1956 (9AM (EST)/5AM (GMT) my full name and date of birth are, using the alphanumeric table, is a 7 for my name (Gods name must equal a seven) and a 14 for my date of birth making me a 7/14 = 21 (triple sevens). Now for the Big Day as the maximum date the Jews will be exterminated according to the scriptures of what must take place. BIG = 126 DAY = 7/14 = 21

Reduced to a 39 respectively, or a 39/21/60, which is 12.26.1956, a 5/9 time of birth ratio as being 5 AM GMT and 9 AM EST. Here also rests my full name in digits two ways, the first is a 26.15.83 = 142 and the other a 26.15.38 = 79.

From 526 BC 5 -26 = 76 (76 reduced to 13) = 5/13 Square root of 26 equals 13 526 BC 5 26 - 13 Root of 26 = 526/315 We now have 613 and 315. Sum total: 315 Trillion dollars in compensation together with the 613 Commandments of the Jews in which they have squandered. 2012 - 526 486 As shown above, we have the equation 486. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, meaning that from 526 BC when I left Egypt as AMENHOTEP, until the year 2012 is one day. Due to time factors related to the home of the Gods in the Milky Way and the distance to the earth, just as there exists a 3 hour time difference between New York and California (East to West) when traveling, this equates why 526BC to 2012 is the same day. "For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matt. 24:27)

And the day you eat of it you shall surely die In Genesis 2: 17, God tells Adam regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die. Is this saying that Adam would die physically at the moment he ate from the tree? Yes, since Adam physically died 930 years later. My initials Per are an alphanumeric 39, which is reduced to a 21 and when added to the number 39 gives us the total 60, this 39/21/60 is the Egyptian Code for the Egyptian Spitting Cobra as well as a 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time of birth ratio as well as my full name as AMENHOTEP being a 26.15.38 (as Eric Robert Powell respectively, which totals a 79). Also, my first name as Eric, which denotes Sole Lord and Ruler contains three nines in the letters RI, these two letters are also embedded in the name IRIS which was my original first name as AMENHOTEP which I now carry, named after the best flower in the world by my father, Tuthmose III. This wonderful name has within it 4/9s (49) as well as the number 360 (9 x 4 = 36). Combined with my birth name as Eric we now have seven nines, for AMENHOTEP (79). The esoteric number 126 also commemorates the fact that there are 12 hours in a day (and another period of equal hours of darkness called night). Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him. John 11: 9 The timing of the Jews cursing God (doing what they would never-theless in the Garden) occurred in the twelve hours of the day on the sixth day, at exactly 6:13 AM. THE PROPHECY

The sixth hour was 12 o'clock noon. The ninth hour was 3 oclock in the afternoon. Jesus would be cut off at 6'o'clock am on the fourteenth day of Nissan. Which would be Wednesday at 6'o'clock am. The first sentence above shows the figure 612 (126), the second the number 93 and the third a 614 (56). These three sets of numbers are reduced to a 14 (my date of birth reduced from 12.26.1956 to a 3.8.3 respectively, which totals a 14. The above three sets of numbers are also reduced to a 5/9 as well as a 23 (Re`) as well as Eric Robert also an alphanumeric 23. The last sentence gives the day of the month as Wednesday. I was born on Ash Wednesday, 12.26.1956. This birth year totals a reduced 21 and Wednesday is the 4th day of the week creating the number 124 (142). As the three-fold number of God, as well as a 7, the number also allows us insight as to the true author of the 142 abominations og God. When my nine number is fused into this number we also arrive at the year 1492 and Christopher Columbus. I, as the God Pe` collect the identities of all men and women to myself as signifying the whole, this can be ascertained by anyone using their full name, date of birth as well as time of birth, the resulting mathematical equation which develops will form my date of birth, etc, with that same individual as I am the Creator of all life as well as the first human gene. My first and last name, being Eric Powell, is reduced to the initials EP as Pe`, also my first two letters of my last name, being Po (well) denotes the number 76 which in America denotes the figure of Total Emancipation of the races, beginning with the Black Man first. These two sets of letters are used to form the word POPE as my initials, Per in the Scandinavian language form the name Peter as denoting also Pe` as well as the biblical first born son of Judah, named Er as well as the letter T which signifies the Crucifixion, as well as the Egyptian symbol of the Ankh, which is the key to life and communication.

The Jews MEN-ORAH, the word itself signifying the Pharaoh MEN (es), the letter O (signifying 105 trillion dollars owed as Tithes), my Fathers initials in the name ORIS as well as my middle name as ROBERT (OR) and the name of RA which also brings us directly to the names AMEN/RA, as well as the initials of AMENHOTEP is properly called The Hanukkah Menorah. This is a ceremonial 9 candle lamp called the CANDLEABRUM.

Lit during the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah, as opposed to the sevenbranched menorah used in the ancient Temple or as a symbol. The ninth holder, called the shamash ("helper" or "servant"), is for a candle used to light all other candles. The menorah is among the most widely produced articles of Jewish ceremonial art. The seven branched menorah is a traditional symbol of Judaism, along with the Star of David. The Biblical DAVID was Jesus father, known historically as TUTHMOSE III whose son as Jesus is the historical AMENHOTEP (97). The Jews know this history. The alphanumeric total for the word MENORAH totals a 56 when reduced. 6/13 The number 613 in addition to the same amount of Commandments to the Jews, also stands for Friday the 13th (Friday as the 6th day of Creation when the Jews were cursed along with the 13th as the 13th sign and date) when you so-called Jews were cursed snow white into Caucasians by I and Moses) claiming that it was merely leprosy. Examine the word Leprosy very carefully, for it denotes the initials of my name as Eric Robert Powell as well as the name of my Father, Robert Oris Powell, who you assassinated on September 1, 1984. Also examine the word Leper as the God El and my initials as Per as the embodiment of all people and persons under the title of Pero (pronounced Pharaoh) together with the name of God as El (ah), the letters AH being the initials of Amen Hotep as the Architect. The lettering of El as signifying the name of God also signifies the number 1.25 which denotes the 125th Chapter of the Book of the Dead as well as the fact that the human heart rate is 1.25 beats per second. Therefore, The Big Day has been calculated as 5 26 2012 at 6:13 AM. The total sum of the numbers shown above is also a 6/13 which in addition to the time and the 613 Commandments also signifies Friday the 13th.

Using the alphanumeric table for the word six-thirteen we find the number 79 representing the alphanumeric equivalent of myself as AMEN HOTEP.

The King of Israel Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey and the The God of Israel

The mathematics of 613 plus 79 totals 692 which is represents 69 plus 105. God, also known as YOD (sperm) bears the numeric value of a 10. The three additional letters HEY denote the numeric value of 5, totaling a 105. The numerical value of yod-hey-vav-hey [Yahweh] is a 26. As I was born in these last days on 12.26.1956, the 26th day is therefore the day of your visitation. My full name in this earthly life is Eric Robert Powell, whose alphanumeric value is reduced to an 8.6.11 as well as an 8.6.2, these numbers represent a 25/16 respectively. The sun in the center of the Milky Way has 26 times the illumination as Earths sun. This 13th sign is known as Ras-Al-Hague. The word twenty-six has a (alpha) numeric value of an 8.6.11 as well as an 8.6.2 and the total equivalent being a 69/ 105. The number 15, which would ordinarily be written in Hebrew as YodHei (10-5), is normally written as Teit-Vav (9-6), because Yod-Hei is a Name. From these words and name we form the Hebrew consonants YHVH. YVHV is an alphanumeric 12.26.56, with a birth time ratio being 5AM (GMT) as well as a 9AM (EST). We also find the number 78 (Yod = Y = 7, and Hei = H = 8).

Another number we find is a 79, the numbers 15 and 16, which if rendered as 10+5 or 10+6 would be a name of G D, so they are normally written Teit-Vav (9+6) and Teit-Zayin (9+7). In traditional sources, the numerical value of a name of G-d that ends in Final Mem is 86.

My birth-date of 12.26.56 totals a 94 which is reduced to a 13

The number 13 is not a bad number in Jewish tradition or numerology. Normally written as Yod-Gimel, 13 is the numerical value of the word ahava (love, Alef-Hei-Beit-Hei) and of echad (one, as in the daily prayer declaration, G-d is One!, Alef-Cheit-Dalet). Thirteen is the age of responsibility, when a boy becomes bar mitzvah. We call upon G-d's mercy by reciting his Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, found in Exodus 34:6-7. Rambam summed up Jewish beliefs in Thirteen Principles. Another number we find encoded in YHVH is the number 33 The number 3 represents "Perfection" There are 3 dimensions that encompass everything on earth - length, width, and depth. The "lamed" equals 30, and the "gimmel" equals 3, thus the name: Lamed Gimmel.

R.E. Messian, (Messiah) = 506Tm (my birth year). Another number we find is an 83 which is also translated as triple 8s (888) as on August 8, 2008, the period of the Great Alignment of the Universe. The forces that make crop circles have signaled that 888 is a holy number. A crop circle in the shape of an "8" appeared on August 8, 2008, that is 08/08/08, over Wiltshire England.


Gematria Value


Jesus Christ John the Baptist Son of Man The raised Jesus

888 1480 2220 2960 8880

888 x 10 8880 1480 x 6 8880 2220 x 4 8880 2960 x 3 8880 8880 x 1 8880

= = = = =

The number 142 is my name in numerals as well as the 142 Abominations of God which you have committed. Eric Robert Powell as an 8.6.11/2 = 142; Eric Robert Powell has 4 letters in the first name, six in the middle name and six in the last name for another 142.

My number as a 25/14 (or 7/14) as my 8.6.11 full alphanumeric name being when added a 25 as head of the 24 Elders, plus my date of birth being reduced from 12.26.1956 to a 3.8.3 = 14, for a 25/14, plus the assumed 400 years of Black Oppression in America, totals a 214 (142). The world population is the total number of living humans on the planet Earth, currently estimated to be 6.9 Billion. Division of World Wealth

Amazingly, only 2 percent of the worlds population either own or control 96 percent of the wealth. The word wealth is also an alphanumeric 105. This means that 98 percent of the worlds population must fight for the only 4 percent of the wealth which remains. The numbers above equal a 296105 which is reduced to an 86. The word eighty-six totals an alphanumeric 126. The expression, which says someone has been 86ed means that they are on the way out. The alphanumeric table on the phrase eightysixed is comprised of a 421 plus a 124which totals 945 which is reduced to a 315 as in trillion.

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