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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association

2006, Vol. 91, No. 1, 221–232 0021-9010/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.1.221

Information Privacy in Organizations: Empowering Creative

and Extrarole Performance
Bradley J. Alge, Gary A. Ballinger, Subrahmaniam Tangirala, and James L. Oakley
Purdue University

This article examines the relationship of employee perceptions of information privacy in their work
organizations and important psychological and behavioral outcomes. A model is presented in which
information privacy predicts psychological empowerment, which in turn predicts discretionary behaviors
on the job, including creative performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Results from
2 studies (Study 1: single organization, N ⫽ 310; Study 2: multiple organizations, N ⫽ 303) confirm that
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

information privacy entails judgments of information gathering control, information handling control,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and legitimacy. Moreover, a model linking information privacy to empowerment and empowerment to
creative performance and OCBs was supported. Findings are discussed in light of organizational attempts
to control employees through the gathering and handling of their personal information.

Keywords: information privacy, creativity, organizational citizenship behavior, empowerment

Information privacy concerns are growing among workers who surement tools that allow researchers to tap the different subdimen-
face increasingly invasive information collection and dissemina- sions of the construct and (b) an understanding of how information
tion demands from their organizations. At the same time, organi- privacy judgments relate to important organizational outcomes.
zations have an increasing need to monitor and control members Research on information privacy has been focused on anteced-
who may (either wittingly or unwittingly) jeopardize the security ents, examining how factors such as accuracy, relevance, voice,
of organizational assets. The complexity of this dilemma is under- and outcome favorability affect individuals’ perceptions of privacy
scored by research demonstrating that the institution of rigid as they relate to personnel selection (Fusilier & Hoyer, 1980), drug
control regimes can undermine personal freedom and dignity and testing (Racicot & Williams, 1993; D. L. Stone & Kotch, 1989;
may have a constraining effect on discretionary behaviors that Tepper & Braun, 1995), electronic monitoring (Alge, 2001; Zweig
benefit the organization (e.g., Benner & Tushman, 2003; Staw, & Webster, 2002), and formal organizational information systems
Sandelands, & Dutton, 1981), including creativity (Amabile, 1997; (Eddy, Stone, & Stone-Romero, 1999). Less attention has been
George & Zhou, 2001; Perry-Smith & Shalley, 2003; Tierney & devoted to understanding the consequences of information privacy.
Farmer, 2002) and organizational citizenship (Lee & Allen, 2002; Additionally, lack of validated measures has made it difficult to
Lepine, Erez, & Johnson, 2002). Moreover, although the collection interpret and compare studies. Limitations include the following:
of personal information that is most vital to organizational interests reliance on ad hoc or unpublished items, failure to examine factor
is often deemed most invasive (Stone-Romero, Stone & Hyatt, structures and dimensionality (usually reporting only reliability),
2003), situations exist in which intense information gathering and inconsistent treatment of dimensionality, and reporting partial-item
control are viewed as necessary and acceptable (e.g., airport pas- lists and other incomplete information (Alge, 2001; Fusilier &
senger screening, background checks for school employees). Our Hoyer, 1980; E. F. Stone, Gueutal, Gardner, & McClure, 1983).
research addresses two critical needs in the area of information pri- Other studies have developed privacy scales, but the focus has
vacy within organizational contexts: (a) the need for validated mea-
been on dispositional preferences for privacy (Marshall, 1974) or
privacy values (Smith, Milberg, & Burke, 1996), both of which
focus outside the organization and are context independent. Thus,
we built upon prior measures of information privacy by identifying
Bradley J. Alge, Gary A. Ballinger, Subrahmaniam Tangirala, and
James L. Oakley, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. items and grouping them into theoretically meaningful dimensions,
Gary A. Ballinger is now at the McIntire School of Commerce at the confirming dimensionality and ruling out other plausible factor
University of Virginia. structures, and ensuring that the measures discriminate between
We thank Steve Green for his helpful feedback related to this research. subdimensions and other constructs.
We also thank Jerald Greenberg, Mark Roehling, Milt Hakel, Dianna We propose that information privacy carries intrinsically moti-
Stone, and all other attendees at the symposium entitled New Directions in vating benefits that lead to increases in discretionary behaviors that
Organizational Privacy Theory and Research conducted at the 18th An- help the organization (see Figure 1). However, we expect that the
nual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychol-
intrinsically motivating benefits provided by information privacy
ogy, Orlando, Florida, where portions of this research were presented.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Bradley perceptions require a translating mechanism to enact the valued
J. Alge, Krannert School of Management, Rawls Hall, 100 South Grant discretionary behaviors. Psychological empowerment (the feeling
Street, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-7434. E-mail: that people have some control over their surroundings and expe- rience meaning in what they do) should act as a viable translating

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 1. Guiding theoretical framework and hypothesized model. OCB-O ⫽ organizational citizenship
behavior— organizations; OCB-I ⫽ organizational citizenship behavior—individuals.

mechanism in this case. We begin by defining the information determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent informa-
privacy construct and identifying its three subdimensions. tion about them is communicated to others.” Similarly, Shils
(1966) conceptualized privacy as control of the movement of
Information Privacy: Control and Legitimacy Judgments information across a boundary from person to person or person to
group. Altman (1975, pp. 17–18) defined privacy as the “selective
Information privacy entails the degree of control that an orga- control of access to one’s self or group” that involves the “opening
nization affords its employees over practices relating to collection, and closing of the self to others and freedom of choice regarding
storage, dissemination, and use of their personal information (in- personal accessibility”—with a lesser emphasis on privacy’s “keep
cluding their actions and behaviors) and the extent that such out” character and a greater emphasis on personal information
practices are perceived as legitimate. Employees form perceptions “control.”
about information privacy that can be broken down into beliefs Information privacy involves different facets of information
about their own control over their personal information, including control (Stone et al., 1983). Consistent with Stewart and Segars
the extent of their control over (a) information gathering (collec- (2002) and Westin (2003), we distinguished these facets in terms
tion and storage) and (b) information handling (use and dissemi- of the control one believes he or she has over the gathering of
nation). Perceptions are also based on a belief concerning the personal information (collection and storage), and, after it is col-
legitimacy of a focal organization’s personal information practices, lected, how much control one believes he or she has over the
or the degree to which individuals believe their focal organiza- handling of that information (use and dissemination). These di-
tion’s personal information practices violate their personal expec- mensions are distinguishable, too, because they are separated in
tations of such practices, given the situation. time (as employees form perceptions about the gathering of the
information when they are asked for it or are told it is being collected,
Perceptions of Information Control: Information which generally occurs before they see how the organization handles
Gathering and Information Handling the information). We label these control perceptions as information
gathering control and information handling control respectively.
The concept of control or autonomy is central to many concep-
tualizations of information privacy (Alge, 2001; Eddy et al., 1999;
Perceived Legitimacy of Information Practices
D. L. Stone et al., 1983; E. F. Stone & Stone, 1990; Zweig &
Webster, 2002). Westin (1967, p. 7) defined privacy in terms of Information privacy also embodies a perceived legitimacy com-
control as “the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to ponent, reflecting one’s belief in the extent that his or her organi-

zation’s personal information gathering and handling practices dom from constraints of the group, increases a person’s sense of
have violated one’s expectations of legitimate conduct, given the self-determination (Simmel, 1955). People who believe that they
situation. At a sociocultural level, privacy is closely related to have control over any personal information they are disclosing to
social legitimacy. As Westin (2003, p. 433) stated, a group should feel psychologically less constrained by the pro-
cedures and norms of that group and experience a greater sense of
When a society considers a given mode of personal behavior to be self-determination and meaning in what they do.
socially acceptable—whether it is hairstyle, dress, sexual orientation,
Although information privacy may be expected to influence
political or religious belief, having an abortion, or other lifestyle
discretionary behaviors, this effect is likely to be distal, with
choice—it labels such conduct as a private rather than a public matter.
This generally means that such matters should not be inquired into for psychological empowerment serving a more proximal explanatory
the purpose of denying someone access to the benefits, rights, and role. Theoretical support for the distal links between information
opportunities controlled by government or private organizations. privacy and discretionary behaviors can be found with respect to
creativity (Westin, 1967; Pedersen, 1997) and with respect to
This notion can be extended to one’s personal view of the legiti- OCBs more indirectly. For example, Bies (1993) noted the strong
macy of organizational attempts to collect and use personal infor- conceptual overlap between information privacy and procedural
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

mation. According to this perspective, organizational information justice, the latter of which has been found to be strongly linked to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

practices could be viewed as illegitimate when they violate an OCBs (Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001). Psycho-
individual’s expectations of how an organization should conduct logical empowerment, in turn, ought to be related to discretionary
itself. It is important to note that one’s views of how his or her behaviors on the job—including those aspects of the job that one
organization should act are fluid and can change depending on the has more control over as well as those aspects of the job that are
situation. not necessarily required or part of one’s formal roles. Here we
Collectively, these three subdimensions (information-gathering focus on two increasingly important forms of discretionary behav-
control, information-handling control, and perceived legitimacy) ior: OCBs and creative performance.
help explain the broader information privacy construct— a con-
struct that we argue is critical to understanding important psycho- OCB
logical and behavioral reactions on the job.
OCB, the most widely studied variation of extrarole behavior
Modeling the Outcomes of Information Privacy (Lepine et al., 2002), is discretionary behavior that promotes
effective organizational functioning but is not formally recognized
Our model proposes that information privacy is important to by reward systems (Organ, 1988). OCBs can be differentiated in
organizations in at least two ways. First, we propose that informa- terms of their target or beneficiary (McNeely & Meglino, 1994).
tion privacy contributes to people’s intrinsic motivation on the job OCB dimensions of conscientiousness, civic virtue, and sports-
by enhancing their sense of psychological empowerment. Second, manship reflect a class of OCBs that primarily target or benefit the
we propose that information privacy increases the likelihood one organization (e.g., attending voluntary meetings) and are called
will engage in discretionary behaviors. We focus on two categories OCB-O. Altruism and courtesy, alternatively, reflect helping be-
of discretionary behavior that have theoretical links to information haviors directed at individuals (e.g., helping a coworker solve a
privacy: organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and creative problem) and are called OCB-I.
performance. Finally, we predict that psychological empowerment Because empowered individuals feel less constrained by their
mediates the relationship between information privacy and discre- jobs, they have more discretion to act as moral agents to help
tionary behavior. We expand on these linkages below. others without the repercussions of moving off task (Bandura,
2001), as might be the case in a highly formal, prescribed role.
Information Privacy, Intrinsic Motivation, and Moreover, empowerment is reflective of environments where per-
Discretionary Behavior sonal relationships can develop. Self-determination allows for the
unfolding of individuality among group members (Kampmeier &
Intrinsically motivated individuals are more likely to engage in Simon, 2001; Simon & Kampmeier, 2001) and is critical for the
discretionary behaviors. Intrinsic motivation concerns one’s desire development of intimacy, trust, and protected communication, all
to perform a task or job for its own sake, rather than performing it of which are important functions of privacy (Pedersen, 1997;
because of externally imposed prescriptions or associated extrinsic Westin, 1967). Employees who feel greater empowerment through
rewards. There has been some support that intrinsic motivation increased self-determination will then be more likely to engage in
yields increased innovation and creativity (Amabile, 1997; OCB-I.
Spreitzer, 1995). Similarly, intrinsic motivation should lead to Feelings of empowerment can also enhance one’s identity with
greater helping that is not formally recognized but is performed for his or her organization, leading to a stronger tendency to help the
its own sake. Here, we focus on psychological empowerment, organization. For example, impact and meaning deal with interac-
defined as intrinsic motivation embodying a set of four psycho- tions with the organization, and are consistent with social identity
logical states reflecting an individual’s orientation toward his or theory and relational models of justice (Tyler, 1999). When an
her work: meaning, self-determination, impact, and competence organization creates conditions to enhance the value of one’s
(see Appendix A for items and subdimension definitions). membership in that organization, social identity and exchange
When one examines potential antecedents of empowerment, it motives should lead employees to reciprocate by engaging in
becomes clear that control-based constructs ought to feed one’s citizenship behavior directed at the organization (Brief & Moto-
overall sense of control or empowerment. Independence, or free- widlo, 1986), to enhance the value of the organization and main-

tain one’s status as a valued member of it (Masterson, Lewis, and be creative. Empowered individuals have the freedom to
Goldman, & Taylor, 2000; Skarlicki & Latham, 1996). Employees generate novel ideas and the confidence that such ideas will be
who feel they have greater standing and consequently respect their valued. Indirectly, research has shown that close monitoring is
organization because of what it stands for will be more likely to associated with lower creativity. Such evaluation pressures force
engage in OCB-O. For OCB, we made the following hypotheses: employees to desist from taking the risks required for creativity
and create a situation in which workers end up mimicking each
Hypothesis 1: Psychological empowerment will mediate the other rather than being creative (Zhou, 2003). Intense information
relationship between information privacy and OCB-I. gathering and control activities inhibit the information sharing
among coworkers that is important for creative idea generation
Hypothesis 2: Psychological empowerment will mediate the (Zuboff, 1988). For creative performance, we made the following
relationship between information privacy and OCB-O. hypothesis.

Creative Performance. Hypothesis 3: Psychological empowerment will mediate the

relationship between information privacy and creative
Creative performance is another discretionary behavior impor-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tant for organizational survival and can help organizations to

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

create and sustain a competitive advantage (Amabile, 1988;

George & Zhou, 2001). Creative performance—the generation of Method
new ideas, products or procedures useful to organizations—is an From prior research, we identified an initial pool of 23 items that were
important precursor to innovation (Amabile, 1988; Madjar, Old- consistent with each privacy subdimension. We reduced the final scale to
ham, & Pratt, 2002), and previous research has demonstrated that 13 items (see Results for item elimination rules). Table 1 contains the final
psychological empowerment positively relates to innovation information privacy scales used in the present study, definitions for each of
(Spreitzer, 1996). Amabile’s (1983, 1997) component model of the three subdimensions, key sources on which the subdimensions are
creativity specifically identifies intrinsic task motivation as a pre- based, and confirmatory factor loadings across two samples.
cursor to creativity, and empirical research has supported this
relationship (Shin & Zhou, 2003; Tierney, Farmer, & Graen, Study 1: Initial Analysis for Information Privacy
1999). Westin (1967) argued that privacy is necessary in order to Measurement Model
foster ideas and to allow these ideas to develop, free from public Sample and procedures. Following Dillman’s (2000) multicontact
scrutiny; it is in such criticism-free zones that one has the oppor- strategy, we sent a survey to 525 white-collar employees (e.g., adminis-
tunity to be creative. Similarly, Pedersen (1997) suggested that trators, office– clerical workers) from a variety of schools and departments
solitude, a mechanism to maintain privacy, reduces evaluation within a large public university. The university collects and maintains a
apprehension and allows individuals an opportunity to experiment variety of types of personal information and data, providing a relevant

Table 1
Information Privacy Itemsa With Confirmatory Factor Loadings for Study 1 and Study 2

Measure item Study 1 Study 2

Perceived legitimacy: Belief in the extent that an organization’s personal information gathering and handling practices
have violated one’s expectations of how it should conduct itself, given the situation.
1. I feel that my organization’s information policies and practices are an invasion of privacy. .65 .70
2. I feel uncomfortable about the types of personal information that my organization collects. .72 .56
3. The way that my organization monitors its employees makes me feel uneasy. .84 .75
4. I feel personally invaded by the methods used by my organization to collect personal information. .73 .86
5. I have little reason to be concerned about my privacy here in my organization. (Reversed) .51 .53
Information gathering control:b Belief in one’s ability to control what personal information their organization can collect
and store.
6. I am able to keep my organization from collecting personal information about me that I would like to keep secret. .53 .52
7. I determine the types of information that my organization can store about me. .65 .64
8. I am completely satisfied that I am able to keep my organization from collecting personal information about me that
I want to keep from them. .64 .67
9. I am satisfied in my ability to control the types of personal information that my organization collects on me. .77 .76
Information handling control:b Once personal information is collected by an organization, the belief in one’s ability to
control how their organization uses and disseminates that information.
10. My organization always seeks my approval concerning how it uses my personal information. .64 .81
11. My organization respects my right to control who can see my personal information. .64 .71
12. My organization allows me to decide how my personal information can be released to others. .81 .88
13. I control how my personal information is used by my organization. .84 .86

Note. Study 1 N ⫽ 310; Study 2 N ⫽ 489. All items use a 7-point scale with anchors of 1 ⫽ strongly disagree and 7 ⫽ strongly agree.
Dimension/items are from Eddy et al. (1999), D. L. Stone & Kotch (1989), D. L. Stone (1981), and Tepper & Braun (1995), or based on the conceptual
work in these studies.
Dimension/items are from Altman (1975), Eddy et al. (1999), Smith et al. (1996), E. F. Stone et al. (1983), D. L. Stone (1981), and Westin (1967), or
based on the conceptual work in these studies.

context for validating the information privacy scale. All participants had ers, and coworkers were assured that their responses would not be seen by
e-mail addresses and university-provided computers. A total of 310 surveys the coworker they were rating. We received 303 matched coworker sur-
were returned, for a response rate of 59%. Sample characteristics were as veys, for a response rate of 62%.
follows: gender (76.5% were women, 23.5% were men); age (average of Additional measures. In addition to the 13-item information privacy
42.9 years); race (91.6% Caucasian, 1.9% African American, 1.3% His- scale (see Table 1), we measured (a) psychological empowerment, with
panic, 0.6% Asian, 4.6% other racial background); education (21% high Spreitzer’s (1995) 12-item scale; (b) coworker perceptions of creative
school, 20% some college, 59% undergraduate degree or higher); tenure performance, with a shortened 5-item measure from George and Zhou’s
(average of 8.8 years). (2001) 13-item measure; and (c) coworker perceptions of organizational
Measures. The survey included the initial 23 information privacy items citizenship behavior, with 23 items from Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moor-
(for final items, see Table 1). The survey asked participants to consider man, and Fetter’s (1990) study. (See Appendixes A-C for all scale items.)
their organization’s information policies and practices concerning the We also asked coworkers to indicate their relationship to the referent
methods and procedures their organization uses to collect, store, use and employee in terms of familiarity (years working as coworkers) and the
disseminate personal and work-related information, including work employee’s relative status (“1” ⫽ subordinate or lower level; “2” ⫽
behaviors. peer/similar level; “3” ⫽ supervisor, superior or higher level). Twenty-
nine percent of the coworkers were subordinates, 52% were peers, and 19%
Study 2: Cross-Validation of Measurement Model and were superiors. To further control for common source bias between privacy
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and empowerment, we embedded six marker items theoretically unrelated

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Structural Model Testing to our substantive constructs (Lindell & Whitney, 2001).
Sample and procedures. We sent a survey to 1,800 randomly selected
and currently employed college graduates of a large public university with Results
active e-mail accounts listed in the alumni database. As with Study 1, we
Descriptive statistics can be found in Table 2. Examining the
used a multicontact strategy to enhance response rate. A total of 489 usable
surveys were returned, for a 27% response rate. All respondents had at least correlations between our marker items and other substantive vari-
an undergraduate level of education; average age was 41.6 years; average ables provides face evidence that common source-method bias is
tenure was 9.6 years; 30% were women, 70% were men. The ethnic not a serious threat. Additional tests using methodology suggested
breakdown was as follows: Caucasian (92%), African American (3%), by Williams and Anderson (1994) confirm that although there is
Asian (3%), Hispanic (1.5%), 0.5% other racial background. some evidence of common source-method bias, it does not sub-
To minimize common source bias, we collected OCB and creative stantially alter the relationship between information privacy and
performance ratings from coworkers. We included a “coworker survey” in empowerment.
the original survey packet and asked each participant to give it to a
coworker who was familiar with his or her work. Complete confidentiality Dimensionality of Information Privacy
was assured in both surveys. Respondents were not required to write their
names on the surveys, and coworker surveys were matched through a To examine the validity of our measurement model, we first
sequence number. Coworker surveys were mailed directly to the research- conducted exploratory factor analysis on a random 50% of the

Table 2
Means, Standard Deviations, Zero-Order Correlations, and Reliabilities Among Scale Composites for Study 1 and Study 2

Construct M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Perceived legitimacy 2.87 1.10 .81 .28** .39**

(3.84) (1.05) (.80)
2. Information gathering
control 3.61 1.21 .38** .75 .51**
(3.50) (1.11) (.75)
3. Information handling
control 3.50 1.37 .38** .68** .88
(3.56) (1.08) (.81)
4. PE-meaning 5.91 1.18 .25** .18** .22** .93
5. PE-self-determination 5.90 1.09 .21** .17** .14** .34** .89
6. PE-impact 4.60 1.53 .21** .27** .32** .44** .48** .90
7. PE-competence 6.27 .72 .07 .03 .04 .27** .31** .20** .79
8. OCB-I 5.97 .77 .07 .16** .13* .11* .13* .06 .10 .91
9. OCB-O 6.10 .62 .18** .16** .15** .20** .20** .21** .07 .67** .84
10. Creativity 5.84 .84 .06 .05 .00 .18** .24** .21** .18** .45** .40** .88
11. Familiarity with
coworker 4.95 5.24 ⫺.04 ⫺.04 .04 .17** .00 .10 .09 ⫺.05 .00 .03 —
12. Status relative to
coworker 1.88 .73 ⫺.05 ⫺.04 ⫺.10 ⫺.02 ⫺.05 ⫺.09 ⫺.03 ⫺.05 ⫺.08 ⫺.03 .05 —
13. Marker variable 5.51 .83 .15** .07 .04 .14** .09* .05 .09 .03 .05 .03 .11 ⫺.01 .61

Note. Study 1 N ⫽ 310; Study 2 N ⫽ 286 –303 for correlations with OCB-I, OCB-O, Creativity, Status relative to coworker and Familiarity with coworker.
N ⫽ 489 for all other Study 2 relationships. Study 1 correlations are above the diagonal. Study 2 correlations are below the diagonal. Alphas are on the
diagonal for Study 2 (and on the diagonal in parentheses for Study 1). Descriptives for Study 1 are in parentheses. OCB-I ⫽ organizational citizenship
behavior—individuals; OCB-O ⫽ organizational citizenship behavior— organizations; PE ⫽ psychological empowerment.
* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01.

cases in Study 1 (N ⫽ 155), specifying maximum likelihood validity, they recommend an additional test for situations in which
estimation with oblique rotation. Three factors emerged. Items that discrimination may be questionable. Because of the high correla-
did not load at least .40 or higher (see Bennett & Robinson, 2000) tion between control constructs, we compared a model in which
or that cross-loaded on other factors (as indicated by a difference the correlation between control dimensions was allowed to vary
of at least .30 between loadings per Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994) versus a model in which the correlation was fixed to one (without
were dropped. Thirteen items were retained (see Table 1). We then legitimacy in the model). Further evidence of discriminant validity
conducted a three-factor confirmatory analysis on the remaining is established if the chi-square difference test is significant (Ander-
items using the remaining 50% of cases (N ⫽ 155). Results of this son & Gerbing, 1988; Shook, Ketchen, Hult, & Kacmar, 2004).
cross-validation step confirmed that a three-factor solution fit the The results suggest that the unrestricted model fit better than did
data well, root-mean-square error of approximation ⫽ .06; Tucker- the model in which the correlation was restricted to one, ⌬␹2(1,
Lewis Index ⫽ .93. N ⫽ 489) ⫽ 4.87, p ⬍ .05, further supporting discriminant validity
For both Study 1 and Study 2, full sample confirmatory factor between control dimensions of privacy. Thus, the three-factor
analytic results for the expected three-factor measurement model measurement model for information privacy being proposed ex-
and alternative two- and one-factor measurement models are rep- hibits sufficient discriminant validity among its three
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

resented in Table 3, with factor loadings shown next to each item subdimensions.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

in Table 1. For Study 1, results indicate that the three-factor To test that information privacy is related but distinct from
solution provides a close fit to the data (N ⫽ 310). All fit measures psychological empowerment, we conducted a confirmatory factor
exceeded conventional standards of good fit. Moreover, applying analysis specifying two higher order factors (information privacy
the chi-square difference test, the three-factor solution provided a and psychological empowerment), indicated by each of their sub-
significantly better fit than a two-factor solution combining control dimensions respectively. This solution fit the data well and fit
dimensions, ⌬␹2(2, N ⫽ 310) ⫽ 87.16, p ⬍ .05, and the one-factor significantly better than a model that collapsed information pri-
solution, ⌬␹2(3, N ⫽ 310) ⫽ 418.53, p ⬍ .05, collapsing all vacy and psychological empowerment indicators, ⌬␹2(1, N ⫽
dimensions. Results from Study 2 confirm the dimensionality and 489) ⫽ 219.69, p ⬍ .01, providing additional evidence of discrimi-
reliability findings from Study 1. Again, the three-factor solution nant validity. The results from Study 1 and Study 2 suggest that
provided the best fit to the data (see Table 3). Despite a high our information privacy measurement model is reliable and valid.
correlation between the control dimensions, a nested chi-square The proposed three subdimensions are distinguishable from each
test once again indicated that the three-factor solution provided a other, are reliable, and are distinguishable from other related
relatively better fit to the data than the two-factor solution com- constructs.
bining control dimensions, ⌬␹2(2, N ⫽ 489) ⫽ 71.99, p ⬍ .05, and Because we conceptualized information privacy as a broad
the one-factor solution, ⌬␹2(3, N ⫽ 489) ⫽ 650.65, p ⬍ .05. For construct indicated by its three subdimensions, consistent with
both studies, all subdimension reliabilities exceeded .70 (see research suggesting that information privacy can be represented as
Table 1). a common factor (Stewart & Segars, 2002), we tested our hypoth-
Although Anderson and Gerbing (1988) indicated that the above eses using the broader second order information privacy construct
demonstration of dimensionality provides evidence of discriminant as indicated by its three subdimensions.

Table 3
Confirmatory Measurement and Structural Model Fit Results

NNFI confidence
Structure ␹2 df ␹2/df (TLI) RMSEA interval

Study 1 Information Privacy Subdimensions CFA (N ⫽ 310)

One Factor 551.72*** 65 8.49 .94 .156 .144, .168
Two Factora 220.35*** 64 3.44 .98 .089 .076, .102
Three Factor 133.19*** 62 2.15 .99 .061 .047, .075

Study 2 Information Privacy Subdimensions CFA (N ⫽ 489)

One Factor 888.64*** 65 13.67 .92 .160 .151, .169
Two Factora 309.98*** 64 4.84 .98 .088 .078, .098
Three Factor 237.99*** 62 3.84 .98 .076 .066, .086

Study 2 Structural Model Test (N ⫽ 303)

Hypothesized model 1,593.59*** 623 2.56 .98 .056 (.053, .059)

Note. NNFI ⫽ nonnormed fit index; TLI ⫽ Tucker–Lewis Index; RMSEA ⫽ root-mean-square error of approximation; CFA ⫽ confirmatory factor
The two-factor solution combined the eight items constituting the two control dimensions (information gathering and information handling) into a single
dimension with legitimacy remaining a separate dimension.
*** p ⬍ .001.

Confirmation of a General Model of Information Privacy significant relationships between our mediator variable and our
and Outcomes outcome variables (Baron & Kenny, 1986, Steps 2 & 3; see Figure
2). For mediation, one must also establish that the independent
Overall fit. According to data from Study 2, fit statistics variable is related to the dependent variable when the mediator is
confirmed that the model provides a good fit to the data (e.g., absent (Step 1), and that this relationship is reduced when the
root-mean-square error of approximation ⫽ .056, Tucker-Lewis
mediator is present (Step 4). We ran three separate structural
Index ⫽ .98; Hu & Bentler, 1999; see Table 3). Figure 2 provides
models to examine these direct relationships between information
the standardized path loadings (including measurement model
privacy and OCB-O, OCB-I, and creative performance
factor loadings), all of which were significant at p ⬍ .01.
Mediation tests. For Hypotheses 1–3 we tested mediation on
Both paths from information privacy to OCB-O (␤ ⫽.20, p ⬍
the basis of Baron and Kenny’s (1986) methodology extended to
.01) and OCB-I (␤ ⫽ .20, p ⬍ .01) were significant. We then tested
structural equation modeling (Bing, Davison, LeBreton, & Le-
Breton, 2002; Grandey, 2003; Holmbeck, 1997; Kenny, Kashy, & whether these relationships were weakened when the mediator was
Bolger, 1998; MacKinnon, Lockwood, Hoffman, West, & Sheets, added to the model. In both cases, when the mediator (psycholog-
2002; Rupp & Cropanzano, 2002). We also report the Sobel (1982) ical empowerment) was added to the model, the direct relationship
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

between information privacy and both OCB-O and OCB-I went

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

test, a measure of the indirect effect (i.e., the extent that the effect
of independent variable on mediator is carried forward to depen- from significant to nonsignificant, suggesting full mediation.
dent variable), in situations in which Steps 2 and 3 in Baron and Moreover, the nested chi-square difference test between the full
Kenny’s (1986) procedure are satisfied (see also Kenny et al., mediation (indirect influence only) and partial mediation model
1998). Statistically significant indirect effects may be found using (direct and indirect influence) suggested that the full mediation
the Sobel test even when the zero-order relationship between model provided a relatively better fit, ⌬␹2(2, N ⫽ 303) ⫽ 4.31,
independent and dependent variable are nonsignificant, as might p ⬎ .05. The added complexity of the additional partial mediation
be the case when the independent variable is a distal antecedent paths (direct effect) did not significantly improve model fit, and we
(Kenny et al., 1998; Shrout & Bolger, 2002). thus reject the more complex partial mediation model. Hypotheses
The above model test established significant relationships be- 1 and 2 were supported. The positive relationships between infor-
tween our independent variable and mediator variable, as well as mation privacy and OCB-O and OCB-I are fully mediated by

Figure 2. Path diagram with standardized results of the relationship of information privacy, psychological empow-
erment, and discretionary behaviors. Factor loadings for each measured variable are within boxes. Gray-shaded ovals
represent the highest level of construct in the model. OCB-O ⫽ organizational citizenship directed at the organization;
OCB-I ⫽ organizational citizenship directed at the individual. OCB-O was indicated by its three subdivisions
(conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue). OCB-I was indicated by two-item parcels each for altruism and
courtesy following the single-factor method for parceling (Landis, Beal, & Tesluk, 2000). * p ⬍ .01.

psychological empowerment. Sobel (1982) tests reinforced the workers were judging employees’ creative performance on the
indirect relationship of information privacy on OCB-O (z ⫽ 2.61, basis of innovations (which can take months to realize) rather than
p ⬍ .05) and OCB-I (z ⫽ 2.18, p ⬍ .05), respectively. creative behaviors expressed daily. We found a significant indirect
Hypothesis 3 was not supported according to Baron and effect of information privacy on creative performance applying
Kenny’s (1986) test because the path from information privacy to Sobel (1982). Ultimately, additional future research will have to
creative performance was not statistically significant. However, decide whether information privacy is a distal antecedent to cre-
scholars have recently suggested that the zero-order relationship ative performance.
between independent variable and dependent variable need not be The cross-sectional nature of the study design precludes us from
present for mediation (Bing et al., 2002; Kenny et al., 1998; drawing causal inferences. Also we introduced potential biases in
MacKinnon et al., 2002). Indeed, the Sobel (1982) test indicated allowing employees to select the coworker rating them as well as
that the indirect effect of information privacy on creative perfor- by having only one coworker rating. For example, employees
mance was significant (z ⫽ 2.34, p ⬍ .05) with a standardized could select coworkers with whom they have a good working
indirect effect of .10, indicating a possible distal effect (Shrout & relationship. Despite this potential, we felt that the value of this
Bolger, 2002). Although Hypothesis 3 was not supported using strategy outweighed alternatives, such as allowing the employees
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Baron and Kenny’s (1986) test, the Sobel (1982) test supports the to rate themselves on creative and extrarole performance. More-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

conclusion of an indirect effect of information privacy on creative over, both the status and familiarity of the coworker were unrelated
performance. to coworker ratings of employee behaviors (see Table 2).
Information privacy is a complex issue for organizations. Em-
Discussion ployees’ needs for privacy are inherently at odds with increased
efforts by organizations to gather and use employee information
The present study contributes to the information privacy litera- (Bies, 1993). The present study has implications for those organi-
ture in at least two ways. First, the present study provides some of zations that attempt to gather and handle personal information. As
the first evidence linking employees’ information privacy judg- the present study demonstrates, higher levels of information pri-
ments to important psychological and behavioral outcomes. Spe- vacy are associated with higher empowerment and a greater will-
cifically, information privacy was directly associated with psycho- ingness to engage in behaviors that help the organization. Thus,
logical empowerment and indirectly related to both OCB-I and organizations must exercise good judgment in striking an effective
OCB-O. Theoretically, a mediation model in which information balance between information gathering initiatives deemed to re-
privacy was related to psychological empowerment, which in turn duce employees’ control over their personal information and em-
was related to discretionary behaviors, was largely supported. ployee privacy. Those organizations that fail to consider the im-
Second, in order for information privacy in organizations to be portance of information privacy may run the risk of inhibiting
examined, it is important to have measures that tap into the discretionary behaviors. Adding to this complexity, workers in
constructs of interest. Although researchers have made several certain industries (e.g., academia, research and development) may
prior attempts to conceptualize and develop measures of privacy- be more sensitive to privacy violations. In other situations, privacy
related constructs (e.g., Marshall, 1974; Pedersen, 1997; Smith et invasions may be deemed more reasonable, including the afore-
al., 1996), this is the first study to develop the information privacy mentioned scenarios of airport passenger screening and school
construct within an organizational context, including its measure- employees. Future research is needed, therefore, to discern how
ment. We found that the higher order information privacy con- contextual factors influence the relationship between information
struct can be represented in terms of three subdimensions: infor- gathering and control initiatives and individual freedom or privacy.
mation gathering control, information handling control, and This balancing act is delicate: too little information gathering and
perceived legitimacy of information policies. Moreover, we vali- control, and organizations run the risk that employees may behave
dated scales that tap into each of these three subdimensions by opportunistically, possibly leading to security breaches; too much
confirming that they represent distinct subdimensions, are reliable, information gathering and control, and organizations may compro-
and can be distinguished from other constructs such as psycholog- mise employee privacy. Insofar as people feel less empowered,
ical empowerment. creativity and extrarole behaviors may be diminished, impeding an
The results of the present study suggest that creative perfor- organization’s ability to develop and sustain a competitive advan-
mance is likely to be one benefit of ensuring an intrinsically tage. Future research should continue to explore this intriguing
motivating workplace. Surprisingly, although creative perfor- paradox.
mance was related to psychological empowerment, it was unre-
lated to information privacy. Perhaps information privacy is not as References
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Appendix A

Psychological Empowerment (Spreitzer, 1995)

Meaning (␣ ⫽ .93)
The work I do is very important to me
My job activities are personally meaningful to me
The work I do is meaningful to me

Self-Determination (␣ ⫽ .89)
I have significant autonomy in determining how I do my job
I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work
I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do my job
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Impact (␣ ⫽ .90)
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

My impact on what happens in my organization is large

I have a great deal of control over what happens in my organization
I have significant influence over what happens in my organization

Competence (␣ ⫽ .79)
I am confident about my ability to do my job
I am self-assured about my capabilities to perform my work activities
I have the skills necessary for my job

Note: The subdimension definitions are as follows:

Meaning: the fit between the requirements of one’s role and one’s Impact: the degree to which a person can influence strategic, admin-
beliefs, values, and behaviors. istrative or operating outcomes in his or her organization.

Self-Determination: control over the initiation and continuation of Competence: confidence in carrying out one’s tasks (Spreitzer, 1995,
work behavior and processes. 1996; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990).
From “Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement, and validation” by G. M. Spreitzer, 1995, Academy of Management
Quarterly, 38, p. 1464 –1465. Copyright 1995 by Academy of Management. Reprinted with permission.

Appendix B

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, & Fetter, 1990)

OCB-O (␣ ⫽ .84)
Attendance at work is above the norm (Conscientiousness)
Does not take extra breaks (Conscientiousness)
Obeys company rules and regulations even when no one is watching (Conscientiousness)
Is one of our most conscientious employees (Conscientiousness)
Believes in giving an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay (Conscientiousness)
Consumes a lot of time complaining about trivial matters (Sportsmanship) (Reverse)
Always focuses on what’s wrong, rather than the positive side (Sportsmanship) (Reverse)
Tends to make “mountains out of molehills” (Sportsmanship) (Reverse)
Always finds fault with what the organization is doing (Sportsmanship) (Reverse)
Is the classic “squeaky wheel” that always needs greasing (Sportsmanship) (Reverse)
Attends meetings that are not mandatory, but considered important (Civic Virtue)
Attends functions that are not required but help the company image (Civic Virtue)
Keeps abreast of changes in the organization (Civic Virtue)
Reads and keeps up with organization announcements, memos, and so on (Civic Virtue)

(Appendixes continue)

OCB-I (␣ ⫽ .91)
Takes steps to try to prevent problems with other coworkers (Courtesy)
Is mindful of how his/her behavior affects other people’s jobs (Courtesy)
Does not abuse the rights of others (Courtesy)
Tries to avoid creating problems with coworkers (Courtesy)
Considers the impact of his/her actions on coworkers (Courtesy)
Helps others who have been absent (Altruism)
Helps others who have heavy workloads (Altruism)
Willingly helps others who have work-related problems (Altruism)
Is always ready to lend a helping hand (Altruism)

Note: Reprinted from Leadership Quarterly, 1, P. M. Podsakoff, S. B. MacKenzie, R. H. Moorman, and R. Fetter, Transformational leader behaviors and
their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors, pp. 107–142, Copyright (1990), with permission from
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Appendix C

Creative Performance (George & Zhou, 2001; ␣ ⫽ .88)

Comes up with creative solutions to problems altruism were created to form indicators of OCB-I, following the single-
Not afraid to take risks factor method for parceling (Landis, Beal, & Tesluk, 2000). One item from
Promotes and champions ideas to others the OCB-I (altruism) measure was omitted, again because of our desire to
Is a good source of creative ideas keep the coworker survey to one page. All items in appendix use a 7-point
Exhibits creativity on the job when given the opportunity to Likert scale with anchors of 1 ⫽ strongly disagree and 7 ⫽ strongly agree.

Note: The original George and Zhou scale included 13 items. We used
a shortened version in order to keep the coworker survey to a single page. Received February 6, 2004
Composites of conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue served as Revision received October 14, 2004
indicators for the OCB-O measure. Two parcels each for courtesy and Accepted October 19, 2004 䡲

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