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The American Blacks continue to be a nation without a home, identity or purpose. This situation was brought about by William Lynch in Virginia in 1712 and now known as The Willy Lynch Speech or the Letter of William Lynch in which he created the process in which the Black Man and woman would be hamstrung for a period of 300 years and provided the mental, physical and spiritual, as well as political and economic blocks that the whites would use throughout this period of time. The year 1712 plus 300 years gives Black Men and Women their independence and wealth restored by the year 2012. In the film (and book) Return to Glory the Black Man is proven an Egyptian Wonder, creating the Pyramids, social as well as political and economic laws in which civilization is supposed to be traced, since that time the various denominations of Jews have led the way in blocking the black man in every way possible with unjust laws, trials, killings and violence in an effort to keep him blind and ignorant as to his greatness, god qualities and his Pharaoh bloodline, or Holy Grail of the Gods. In the Books of the Gods (as Holy Scriptures) it is specifically stated that the Black Man and Woman, as the Children of Ishmael (who is also known as Jacob/Israel as well as the Pharaoh AMEN HOTEP, the Jesus (Amen) of the scriptures as well as the Architect of the Worlds, would be brought out of their homes in Israel (true name Ka-na-na), also known as Palestine and the biblical Land of Canaan in a state of servitude to the Jews and after 400 years would be brought out with Great Possessions and returned to their homeland also referred to as the Land of Milk and Honey, the Promised Land once their period of captivity in America had ended. THE BLACK LAND Blacks here in America originally came from what is known as The Black Land. This country is also known as the Land of Kemet (Egypt), due to her dark (black) rich fertile soil. It was in this manner that the phrase, The Black Man was formed.

All blacks here in America are Egyptians under the Dynasty of AMEN HOTEP (also known as Ishmael and Jacob/Israel) who left Egypt in 526 BC to visit and live with the Neters (Gods) of the West (North America). AMEN HOTEP had, just as Ishmael/Israel, 12 sons and one daughter, the daughter would become the head of the Pharaoh Dynasty as all Queens were considered sacred due to their inner wisdom (think chess). The initial tribe which came to North America was named after the Black Land as the North American Blackfoot which in using the alphabet as mathematics (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc) is a 29 for the word black and a 56 for the word foot. This combination of numbers also leaves us with the number 29 being reduced to a 11/2 since 29 is also a 2 plus 9 , which equals an 11 as well as a 2 as 1 + 1 = 2. So here very simply we have the formula 2956 = 1156 = 526 BC. But we also find, using the 11/2 as a 29 my birth record in Egypt as well as America in the last days as being, 12.26.1956 as well as my time of birth here in America as being 5 AM (GMT) and 9 AM (EST). Also found is my full name in using the alphanumeric table, as a 5 26 + 9 = 5 35 = 8, as my full name as Eric Robert Powell is reduced to an 8.6.2 respectively. I said, You are Gods Psalm 8: 26 GOD/S 26 19 45 This provides us with much insight as the numbers (the mathematics of the Gods, taught by myself as the Creator of Mathematics and the written language as Thoth/Iah) provide us with our birth-date as Gods being 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time of birth ratio as well as my personal number being a 142. There are 142 Abominations listed in the King James Version of the Bible. My full name in numerals being 8.6.11/2 totals a 142 as well as the numbers of my first, middle and last name being a 4.6.6 respectively which is another 142. My number as IMHOTEPs last reincarnation is a 9 (the nine lives of the male Egyptian Cat known as Mau-Mau (pronounced meow).

My full name using each letter as its own alphanumeric value is an 88 as there are 88 known Constellations in the Universe. The phrase BLACK MEN total an alphanumeric 25 = 7 while the phrase BLACK WOMEN totals an alphanumeric 9, this combination proves that the Black race of Men and Women are my personal family as the children of the Greatest Pharaoh, the Architect known as AMEN HOTEP.

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