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———Reading Project———

Henry Vlll & his six Wives

Nome: Mateus Gabriel

turma: 112
Catherine and margaret arrive in the king Henry’s palace, the
palace was cold and dark. “When we arrived at the palace, it
was cold and dark”, said Catherine. They went Henry’s room,
the room has a long wooden write desk with many big chairs
around the desk, on the walls have many pictures of Henry,
in the picture Henry is young, strong and beautiful “you see
that picture of the king? That’s what he was like when he was
young” said Catherine to Margaret. Catherine sit down in
one of the big chairs, in front of her was a wooden box with
many old letter with different writing. Catherine said that this
letters is from the Henry’s six wives. Catherine was one of
the six wives, she was the last wive, ands she tell the Henry’s
wives history.
Pages 1 to 5

O chose this scene because she start the history, she have
much informations, tell about the Henry’s power, tell about
his wives, his daughter and his death, and all this
informations help us to understand the history
first wive :
Katherine of Aragon was the first Henry’s wive, she was
spanish, but came to england to marry with Henry’s brother,
but he dead, so she marryed with Henry. They stayed together
for 24 years, and Henry divorced her because he want a son,
and Katherine had a daughter, so Henry’s divorced her to
marry with one younger woman. Katherine never forget Henry,
and she took care of his daughter for three years, living a
lonely and sad life, until die. Before her die she wrote a letter
to Henry, the card said that her daughter, and se was
“returning” the girl, she was the princess Mary

I chose this woman because she was very unjustified, Henry

was very bad to her, her life was lonely and sad, because she
couldn’t stay with her love, and took care about his daughter,
Katherine of aragon all this because she didn’t had a son to be king after Henry,
and I felt sorry for Katherine
My Opinion :

the book “Henry Vlll and His Six Wifes” is much interessing, all the wives stories is diferent and
tragics, tell the history with catherine’s vision was a big ideia, she read the letters and gave
your opinion, she shared the stories with margaret, and she gave her opinion too, this chose
gave more informations to the history, the diferent points of vision help to understand the
history. the book is great, but isn’t my favorite type, the book is a “history about stories” and
this isn’t mutch good in my opinion. In the general the book is good.

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