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Oswaldo Cabrera

1. get up
2. watch tv
3. go to bed
4. visit friends
5. take the bus
6. go to the movies
7. start work / clases
8. eat out
9. have breakfast
10. brush your teeth
What other activities do you do everyday?

Describe your weekday routine to a partner. Use

first, next, then and finally.

First I get up, then I take a shower and finally I

have breakfast.

In the afternoon ….
Do homework
In the evening …. Do exercise
Go to the gym
Play soccer

Go to bed
Get up (at 7 o’clock)
Have breakfast / lunch / dinner
Write about these people. Follow the example.

He’s still at school! But

he’s not a student. He’s
a teacher now. He
teaches French and She works …
WORK in pairs. Take turns asking
And answering the questions.
Complete the questions and answers.

1. Q: What time do you _______ _______?

A: I get up _____ seven o’clock.
2. Q: ______ you watch TV in the morning?
A: No, I ______. I watch TV after work.
3. Q: Do you _____ _____ bed at ten o’clock?
A: Yes, I ______.

Ask the questions to a partner. Then tell the class about


My partner gets up at 6 o’clock. He watches TV in the

morning and he goes to bed at 10.
usually never often
sometimes always
1. What’s his name?
2. What’s his job?
3. Where is his company based?
4. How many countries does the company have
offices in?
5. Does the company have a competitor?

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