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4th Quarter Final Exam

Date: of June 2017

Subject: Social Studies Eng.

Grade: Grade 2

Time: 1 h.30min.


Student’s Name: _________________________________

Class: _________________________________________


1- Read the sentences, then write T if the statement is _____
true and F if T statement is false

a. A globe is a flat picture of the Earth’s surface ( )

b. Maps show us what places in the real world look like ( )
c. All continents are the same size. ( )
d. Different countries have different cultures. ( )
e. Countries are separated by borders. ( )
2- Complete each sentence with a word from the following

Culture -Places-Native clothes- Borders- Symbol 5

1- A …….…..……….. is a picture on the map that represents something

in the real world.

2- The way people live is called………………………………….

3- ………………………….. are lines that separate countries.

4- …………………………………….. are Parts of Earth's surface.

5- The clothes of a culture is …………………………………………………………..

3- Choose the correct answer:
1. The biggest Ocean is the
a) Pacific b) Atlantic
c) Indian d) Artic
2. Music, food and clothes are parts of a
a) Custom b) Tradition
c) Culture d) Hobby
3. We learn culture form
a) Our friends b) Our neighbors
c) Television d) Our family
4. Egypt is in the continent of
a) Europe b) Africa
c) Asia d) Australia
5. Most of the globe is
a) Land b) Air
c) Water c) Clouds
4- Match to complete the sentence:

1- Globe a) A big piece of land.

2- Ocean b) A place where people live.

3- Continent c) A huge body of salt water.

4- Map d) small model of the earth.

5- Country e) A flat picture of a place in the

real world

5- Spelling:



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