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Improving your relationships

How would you describe your relation with your parents and elders if I asked you to? Are you content
with it? Are you only thinking of positive words? Or are you not able to answer that question?

If you are not able to, you’re not alone. A recent survey stated that 34% of teens are unable to improve
their relations with their family and elders. And why not? Family members tend to be connected to us in
a more complicated and intimate way compared to anyone else and that is why as a teenager, you
might feel that it is impossible to improve your relationship with them but believe me, it is vital to have
a good family relationship.

The importance of a good relationship with family is inexplicably unparalleled. A lot of times, you might
tend to not get along with your parents and elders but tell me, is it worth it?

Having a good relation with parents does not only reflect your outlook to life but also different aspects
to it such as mental health, relation with other individuals, studies, social skills, etc. It is psychologically
proven that lack of love and security shared between a family can hinder a child’s emotional and
intellectual development. You wouldn’t want to do that to yourself, would you?

Improving relations with them also gives you the skills needed to build healthy relationships of your own
like with friends or anyone else for that matter. Shutting them out, entering your comfort zone and lying
about stuff is only going to make you suffer socially and mentally. Also, it will not only help you
overcome difficulties with your sleeping, eating, learning behavior but it will also make it easier for you
to solve conflicts and help you deal with problems in general. It can encourage you to develop a high
moral character by establishing your wisdom of right and wrong and can enhance a sense of
responsibility in you by teaching you the value of fulfilling your duties, obligations and upholding
commitments. Moreover, can help intensify emotional intimacy which in turn can foster feelings
of empathy and compassion in you. It will also help you respect each other’s difference of opinion while
boosting your individual thinking and personal self-worth.

There are several ways to improve them and the crucial one tends to be prioritizing them and that can
be enhanced though effective communication and spending quality time together. Sit and have all meals
of the day together, do regular and fun things with your family like playing games or simply sit and
communicate with them without any distractions. Appreciating them and showering them with affection
is another essential for building trust and closeness. It will assist in forming unbreakable emotional ties
and moulding a warm and caring atmosphere at home. Even a simple ‘I love you’ would go a long way
and put a smile on their faces. Acknowledge their feelings, find out why they’ve been so stressed or why
you upset them. Know that, no one is perfect and you could be wrong in feuds with them too.
Understanding is the key. Build yourself. Extend unconditional support for them. Understand that,
theyre doing everything in their capacity to fulfill your desires. Understand that, just because they’re
adults, that doesn’t mean that they have everything sorted out. Everyone has their share of difficulties
and supporting your parents during a tragedy should be your role as a child. Forgiving and forgetting is
also something you should be doing when it comes to family. Aim to have no hard feelings at all. Last
but not the least, don’t forget to give them their space at the same time. Giving one privacy is usually
and highly needed by both ends.
Do something for them today itself. Seeing them smile would elevate you too right? So, why not do it
now? Have a heart-to-heart relationship with them and think about how you can be a better child to

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