Digital Solutions in India July 2022

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Tracking the Relentless

Digital Momentum
in India

Nonstop process umbers do not lie, but they often vary, especially from

n at r ot / i s to c k . c o m
one industry research paper to the next. But two indica-
automation, content tors are consistent when it comes to the digital pub-
lishing industry: the projected market value is huge and
enhancement, and

its growth, exponential. Now, that’s the good news that

i l l u s t r at i o n
everyone likes to hear.
technology adoption are According to the Business Research Company, the global digital
publishing market, valued at $36.29 billion in 2021, is poised to
the ways to meet grow to $41.64 billion this year and hit $68.81 billion by 2026. A
more conservative study from Insight Partners puts the market value
evolving publishing and at $37.94 billion by 2028. On the other end of the spectrum,
Technavio forecasts a massive growth of $105.96 billion between
consumer demands 2022 and 2026, of which 41% will come from Asia Pacific. The edu-
cational segment is set to expand by $10.55 billion over the next four
years, with K–12 leading the charge.
Meanwhile, consolidation in the publishing industry continues,
seeing numerous big deals in 2021: Wiley bought open access journal
publisher Hindawi, Clarivate purchased ProQuest, Platinum Equity
acquired McGraw Hill, HarperCollins took over the trade division of
By Teri Tan
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and Hachette Book Group snapped up
Workman Publishing. Also in the news was the exit of Follett
Corporation from the education business after nearly 150 years, with
the sale of its school solutions and higher-ed divisions and Baker &
Taylor. All eyes are now on the upcoming court battle between
Penguin Random House and the U.S. Department of Justice over the
publisher’s plan to acquire Simon & Schuster.
This feature is published with the support of the For digital solutions providers in India, the name, or ownership, of
vendors covered in these articles a client may change, but the needs of the publishing industry remain

32 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 2
Digital Solutions in India

constant: greater efficiencies in production processes, shorter compliance as new updates are continuously rolled out.
project-turnaround time, faster time to market, and more Additionally, we offer a mix of automated and manual processes
unique and enhanced deliverables to offer consumers. Tweaking to assess accessibility gaps and help publishers to detect and
their tech tools amid the constant changes and challenges is par prioritize the enhancements they need to administer.”
for the course. There is currently a high demand for digital titles, with a
growing request that they meet accessibility requirements,
Ensuring content accessibility for all specifically WCAG 2.0 AA and EPUB Accessibility 1.0
According to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), at least Conformance and Discovery specifications, says Taylor, of
one billion people, or 15% of the global population, have a Westchester Publishing Services. “Publishers are focused on
recognized disability. But the number that grabs the attention converting their backlists, whether they are from older EPUB
of publishers and vendors is likely to be this group’s cumulative versions or from print titles, in order to provide digital content
spending power, which is estimated to exceed $6 trillion. for all users to access.” This movement, she says, was one of the
Catering to this group, however, requires additional planning key drivers of the company’s decision to invest in Benetech’s
and careful execution. Increasing text color contrast, adding Global Certified Accessible (GCA) certification process.
alt-text to images, labeling form elements, offering a simple Publishers are starting to evaluate their workflows in terms
website navigation, and describing links, for instance, will of how to address accessibility in their frontlist titles from the
make content more accessible to those with cognitive difficul- beginning—rather than at the end—of the production process,
ties, vision impairment, and auditory issues. These efforts to including how to develop guidelines and processes around alt-
ensure content accessibility and create “born accessible” con- text development, Taylor says. “Most publishers recognize that
tent—which will also help support digital equity—require by thinking about accessible design early on, they can minimize
publishers and vendors alike to take a step back, look inward, or even eliminate additional steps at the end.”
and reconfigure their internal processes. As a GCA-certified vendor, Westchester is now “seeing cli-
Publishers who serve the European market, or intend to do ents turning to us for best practices and to perform digital
so, will definitely need to take a hard look at accessibility and conversion and accessibility checks for them as well,” Taylor
rework their processes by June 2025, when the European says. “And as digital compliance standards continue to become
Accessibility Act takes effect, says Deb Taylor, business devel- more complex, publishers will need to determine whether they
opment director at Westchester Publishing Services. “This is invest in expensive and highly skilled resources to add to their
going to push for accessibility standards to be adopted in more teams or rely on partners who can offer that expertise at scale.”
markets, especially where such standards do not yet exist.” Like time, accessibility standards and requirements certainly
More countries are certainly putting in place stronger acces- do not stand still. WCAG, for instance, has gone from 1.0 to
sibility legislation, with the vast majority choosing Web 2.0 and 2.1, with 2.2 expected to be released by September; 3.0
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA as the stan- is being drafted as we speak to address color contrast issues.
dard, says Tony Alves, senior v-p of product management at What’s more, there are different conformance levels—A, AA,
HighWire Press, now owned by MPS Limited. “Recently, we and AAA in the 2.1 guidelines—to consider during the content
have had many clients requesting WCAG 2.1 AA Voluntary creation, production, and delivery processes as well.
Product Accessibility Templates [VPATs] for their sites to With these changes in accessibility requirements comes the
enable them to sell licenses to their own customers, including need for constant training in various standards and guidelines
libraries, educational institutions, and corporations.” Each as well as third-party screen reader tools. “We are training our
VPAT, Alves says, “is time-intensive, and we supply a generic staff in advanced accessibility services such as audiobooks with
VPAT as part of our standard platform offering. Some clients synthesized voice, that is, text-to-speech, and embossed braille,”
have us develop a dedicated site-specific VPAT to offer as a paid says V. Bharathram, president of Lapiz Digital, who sees a huge
service.” demand for services such as audio/video captioning, alt-text
Additionally, the MPS team has developed a solution whereby writing, and creating accessible PDFs and PPTs going forward.
the VPAT is created and customized for clients who host their “Our accessibility services now extend from alt-text to acces-
content on proprietary platforms. “For such a solution, we sible graphics. In one of our recent projects, we had to use
always do both automated and manual testing against the EPUB3 accessibility features to produce the digital content and
WCAG standards,” Alves says. “Automated testing gets you describe products provided to retailers.”
most of the way there, but the added manual testing makes a “We are talking a lot more about accessibility with our
huge difference to the actual accessibility of a site.” clients,” says Jo Bottrill, managing director of Newgen
For websites that derive from MPS hosting platforms JCore KnowledgeWorks in the U.K. and U.S. “As a Benetech-accredited
and Scolaris, a standard VPAT is provided to explain how the vendor, we support the efforts to make all content accessible,
specific platform meets each criteria in WCAG 2.1 AA, Alves and through membership of organizations such as W3C, we are
says. “For publishers, a plan should be in place to maintain taking an active role in helping to form new standards and

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Digital Solutions in India

processes to improve the accessibility journey. Through our present-day internet. Global spending in the metaverse, which
team of accessibility experts, both onshore and in India, we includes remote learning and gaming, could reach $5 trillion
provide consultancy and advice to clients on crafting their acces- by 2030, according to a new report from McKinsey & Co. Tech
sibility workflows.” Newgen KnowledgeWorks recently held a players such as Adobe, Huawei, Meta, Microsoft, Qualcomm,
webinar titled “Digital Accessibility: A New Era for Academic Sony, and W3C have recently joined forces to launch the
Publishers” that brought together several industry experts to Metaverse Standards Forum to develop industry guidelines for
talk about the latest thinking in the world of accessibility. ensuring that immersive VR worlds are compatible. Apple,
“Remediation of backlist titles continues to be an important absent from the group for now, is poised to debut its long-
aspect of our work in accessibility,” Bottrill says. “But the con- awaited immersive AR/VR headset in January 2023. With so
versation is now about perfecting frontlist workflows to much buzz, hope, and hype surrounding the metaverse, it is
produce truly born-accessible content. Increasingly, we are definitely the topic du jour and one that digital solutions
supporting editorial teams and their authors around issues such vendors have to prepare for.
as alt-text creation and accessible content design. And it does Impelsys, for instance, is in the process of convening a
not stop with accessibility. Reading content for aspects of diver-
sity, inclusion, and equity is a growing need, particularly for
education and English-language publishers as they review their
backlists and look to adapt content for new markets.”

Contemplating interactivities, AR, VR,

and the metaverse
The latest Research and Markets report indicates that the global
market for augmented reality (AR) in education was around
$760.4 million in 2020 and will grow to $41.8 billion by 2027.
In the K–12 segment, AR has a 74.1% CAGR to hit $14.1
billion in 2027. These numbers and revenue potentials are
fueling a whole new game. Mahesh Balakrishnan (l.) and A.R.M. Gopinath, both executive v-p at
Enter the metaverse, the virtual reality (VR) version of our DiacriTech

Revamping and Developing Platforms at DiacriTech

Version 4.0 of XEditPro, DiacriTech’s cloud-based SaaS editorial School and university course content and assessments with
and production platform, underwent a major architecture related HTML5 assets, audio, and video files can now be created
upgrade last year. A downloadable option, for instance, was cre- within XEditPro. “The files can be populated directly from XEditPro
ated based on a client’s request. “The on-demand widget encrypts into popular LMS platforms such as Moodle and Canvas using
and decrypts content on the fly as the user scrolls through it,” APIs [Application Programming Interfaces] or the Common
says executive v-p A.R.M. Gopinath. “It is most useful for staff Cartridge export option,” Gopinath says. “These features and
and clients who are still in WFH mode and do not want, or need, to enhancements are aimed at making the publishing process
be online at all times to access or work on the platform.” easier and faster while generating high-quality products.”
The latest iteration also addresses one major issue that pub- Then there was the launch last September of Eazy Author, an
lishers grapple with: fonts. Only fonts preapproved by the pub- authoring platform that streamlines and simplifies the manu-
lishing clients will now be used for their respective projects, and script-writing process. Eazy Author’s creation was driven by the
a font report will be generated for compliance purposes. twin goals of meeting the rising global demand for OA publica-
Customizing content from multiple titles within the XEditPro tions and assisting authors with their OA content. “This full-
system is also possible and easy. “One client has been using, fledged platform lets the author focus on just the content
and benefitting from, XEditPro’s capability to customize their con- without the fuss of tedious formatting or technical know-how,”
tent for the past three years,” Gopinath says. “We have integrated Gopinath says. “It enables collaborative authoring with tools for
XEditPro with their digital delivery systems, thus enabling their file sharing, reviewing, and commenting. The WYSIWYG equa-
products to get to market faster and at lower cost with little fuss. tion editor makes entering equations super easy, and there are
Floating bars, customized functions, and other cosmetic changes, ready-to-use templates to quickly output content in different for-
for instance, make the process faster and the user experience mats, including EPUB, HTML, XML, PDF, JATS, NIMAS, and DAISY.
more fluid and friendly. The enhanced XEditPro features further Several templates designed to meet OA publishers’ require-
facilitate collaborative content editing while allowing contributors ments are also available. Authors can prepare and publish on
to add chunks of content as well as attachments that they can their own, as well as use this platform to kickstart the publishing
refer to at later stages of the process.” process.”  —T.T.

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Digital Solutions in India

research team to identify a metaverse learning solution. “Our helping trade publishers to turn manuals, training processes,
team currently offers the development of complex interactive field implementation guides, and troubleshooting procedures
EPUBs and read-aloud audiobooks,” says Uday Majithia, v-p into interactive technology-driven solutions. “With travel cur-
of products, platforms, and technology services division. “We tailed and social distancing the norm during the pandemic,
are also focused on creating state-of-the-art learning solutions the adoption of MR and VR had increased significantly,”
as well as interactive and engaging e-learning solutions.” Balakrishnan says. “We just completed a complex self-training
At DiacriTech, interactive publishing has been gathering project for a multinational company for use with HTC Vive and
strength during the pandemic. One publishing client, upon Oculus Quest. The client is now exploring the idea of adding
seeing a slowdown in print sales, asked the team to populate its modules to test technicians on their training effectiveness with
e-learning platforms with digital content. Within 75 days of simulations in the VR environment.”
the approval of suggested storyboards, more than 430 videos, But fear about costs is holding back wider adoption.
750 animations, 120 slideshows, 350 infographics, and 680 “Publishers see interactive publishing as one that comes with a
interactive widgets were created. The project also involved hefty price tag accompanied by uncertain returns,” Balakrishnan
ingesting the LMS content and quality-checking the rendering. says. “The task for us is to convince them to give it a try and to
All of these processes were accomplished without affecting work around their budgets. While VR and MR is no doubt
ongoing classes. “After assessing the benefits of the interac- expensive, the publishers—and vendors—that can adapt to
tive content, the publisher’s client had us revamp some of the changing consumer expectations and market demands with the
existing titles with additional rich media when the classes right interactive content are the ones that will lead the market.”
went on a break for a few weeks,” says executive v-p Mahesh Spending on interactive publishing “can be limited to and
Balakrishnan, who notes that the demand for rich media inter- capped based on the business model and prospects of a project,”
active products are set to increase further with more traditional says A.R.M. Gopinath, executive v-p of DiacriTech. “We always
publishers jumping onto the bandwagon. tell clients not to spend more than necessary. We also suggest
DiacriTech’s AR/VR/MR product, Immersive Gaze, is now that solutions and developments for interactive publishing

Web/Mobile Publishing
Editorial Management
Cloud based single Journal/Book Services

source unified
Accessibility Solutions
Custom Publishing
authoring, editorial
and production Collaborative Editing
Math Authoring and Editing
platform AI/NLP based Cleanup
Common Cartridge -Moodle/Canvas
On Demand PDF, ePub, XML, Word Boston, USA Chennai, India

Digital Solutions in India

projects—or other projects, for that matter—should be tion of automation technology, human production, and edito-
upgradeable and adaptable for the foreseeable future.” rial expertise ensures that our clients’ titles meet the budget,
“Now we are talking about the metaverse, NFT, block- production deadlines, and high-quality targets every time.”
chain—a whole new world out there—with the next generation The nuanced skill of copyediting, for example, still requires
of consumers speaking that language,” Gopinath says. “And all a human eye, says Balakrishnan, of DiacriTech. “Contextual
of us will be seeking to create and distribute content made for copyediting is a manual process. So is language refinement and
these consumers. So unless we plan for the future, the content alt-text writing. These cannot be entirely automated at this
that we create and distribute will not be engaging anymore.” moment, nor do we plan to do so in the near future.” But file
tagging, content conversion and composition, reference
Adopting automation and AI editing, and Digital Object
Deploying chatbots as virtual assistants to serve customers, Identifier (DOI) checking
using predictive algorithms to personalize content and recom- are highly automated on its
mend authors and books, and applying natural language pro- production floor. “Mundane
cessing to refine content and create text-to-speech audiobooks: copyediting tasks, graphic
these are just some of the common uses of cognitive technolo- conversions, and sizing pro-
gies, the umbrella term that includes AI, machine learning, cesses as well as indexing
expert systems, and robotic process automation. For publishers, and glossary-making are cer-
adopting AI and automation makes perfect sense in terms of tainly automated to shorten
reducing turnaround time, lowering production costs, and the turnaround time and
speeding up time to market while simultaneously creating and reduce production costs,”
enhancing their content. Balakrishnan says.
Increasing the automation and efficiency of its processes is an Process automation and
ongoing commitment at Westchester Publishing Services. “But tool development are going
we also make sure that we have the human QC protocols strong at Lapiz Digital. Uday Majithia, v-p of the products,
embedded throughout—not just at the end, as is common in “This is one of the Key platforms, and technology services
other digital solutions providers,” Taylor says. “This combina- Result Areas for our staff, in division at Impelsys

Impelsys Focuses on Digital Transformation

Rapid growth—30% in 2021 and with 40% projected for 2022— Scholar LMS by leveraging the power of AI, leading to the creation
has seen Impelsys add 750 employees in just 18 months. “We of Scholar ALS (Adaptive Learning System). This drive to con-
support more than 250 clients across the globe,” says Uday stantly improve and create novel solutions won Impelsys the
Majithia, v-p of the products, platforms, and technology services Amazon Web Services ISV Innovation Cup last year.
division. “We have also established an Innovation Lab, added a Recently, one major STM publisher partnered with Impelsys on
near-shore development center in Porto, Portugal, and launched its digital transformation journey, with the goal of digitizing and
a software development center with Laerdal Medical.” automating 80% of its business processes. “By using our solu-
Impelsys, a Great Place to Work–certified company, has been tions that offer a single view of customer and business opera-
busy helping societies, associations, STM publishers, health-care tions, the client can make informed and time-sensitive decisions,”
companies, and enterprises become sustainable and future-ready Majithia says. “Our team brings domain understanding, tech-
through digital transformation. “We deliver integrated technology nology expertise, and market-tested digital solutions that have
solutions—process transformation, data-driven insights, and secu- helped nearly half of the Top 20 global publishers to unleash their
rity measures, for instance—that enable our clients to deliver value untapped revenue potential.”
to their end-users through a unified experience across all channels,” And when a civil aviation agency came looking for solutions to
Majithia says. “Digital transformation for us is not just a buzzword: support its distribution of regulatory publications to members
it is our core competency.” and subscribers, iPC Scholar was ready with the answers. “The
Impelsys’s flagship platform, iPC Scholar, is the engine driving platform’s freemium business model is the perfect fit, as it sup-
much of its digital transformation projects. The latest version—3.0, ports free anonymous access as well as paid business models
which launched in October—rides on strong AI and machine-learning while making the content free for online consumption for all
infrastructure to create innovative tools specific to the business of users with access to discovery, citation, sharing, and tools,”
e-learning. Majithia says. “It has search functions and the ability to offer
“We now have Scholar AI Cloud, which as the name suggests is related documents as well as ancillaries to the main content.
an AI-powered cloud-based platform, and Scholar LMS, which offers Furthermore, multilingual iPC Scholar supports six languages,
a comprehensive learning management system with enriched user including right-to-left and double-byte languages such as Arabic
experience,” says Majithia, whose team has further enhanced and Chinese.” —T.T.

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Digital Solutions in India

which they are tasked with generating ideas that improve experience,” Majithia says. “But such automation remains a
work process productivity or quality,” says Bharathram. “In challenge, as each publisher comes to us with unique opera-
the conversion side of the business, we have automated most tional needs and processes. Since no one product fits all, devel-
of the processes. But there are still areas where manual inter- oping and implementing bespoke apps while ensuring that
vention is required, such as device view checking. And there each of our client’s businesses continues as usual is the path
are certain areas where we have no intention to automate, forward.”
given the wide variety of plug-ins and tools available in the The driver of the automation and design of more effi-
open market to help with the processes and tasks involved.” cient workflows and processes is simple common sense, says
Over the years, the Impelsys team has built a significant Bottrill, of Newgen KnowledgeWorks. “But now, with the
level of automation into digital conversion and print-related tight labor market, wage growth, and the potential for an
projects. “Our create-once publish-everywhere model allows economic reset on the horizon, automation is no longer a nice-
our clients to go digital-first and print on demand, saving to-have. It is a neces-
them a considerable amount of cost and inventory while short- sity. Publishers must
ening time to market, which are all critical for their busi- quickly adapt to the
nesses,” says George Oommen, v-p of learning and content changing economic
services division, whose innovation team is busy automating conditions, bring effi-
question-authoring and text-summarizing processes. “We will ciency to their opera-
continue to invest in automation, pass on the savings to our tions, and ensure that
clients, and help them reach their markets faster, thereby their systems and plat-
keeping the cost of education low.” forms are producing
The Impelsys team has also increased automation in its soft- great content quickly
ware-testing cycles. “Testing of tailor-made software products and get it directly into
and apps requires a wide coverage of test scenarios to ensure the the hands of their con-
desired product or app is meeting all requirements, including sumer with as little
functionality, performance, security, and user accessibility and effort as possible.” V. Bharathram, president of Lapiz Digital

Lapiz Digital Leverages Its Core Market Expertise

Traditional typesetting continues to be the main strength and trained in various content-authoring tools, including SoftChalk,
identity of Lapiz Digital. “We have built and leveraged our skill Media Library, and H5P Activity, which are mostly compatible
sets, especially in mathematical and engineering journals and with numerous devices, thus making content rendering that
educational titles,” says head of operations Meena Prakash. much easier,” says Prakash, whose team has been busy gener-
“Flexibility in production scheduling to meet tight deadlines, ating interactive elements and working on K–12 projects, espe-
stringent quality control, and meticulous project management cially those in English and Spanish.
capabilities are our main selling points.” Though VR and MR projects are more popular than ever, their
More small and medium publishers have approached Lapiz adoption has been markedly slower than that of other technolo-
Digital for typesetting combined with e-book conversions in recent gies. “Prohibitive costs of hardware and development aside, get-
years. “Although cost remains the deciding factor for these clients, ting skilled and creative staff to produce appropriate content is a
our project management team has been instrumental in making big challenge,” Prakash says. Her team recently completed one
the publishers comfortable from the moment they approach us,” VR project involving simple but engaging learning apps that stu-
says Prakash, whose team is used to onboarding and supporting dents can use to easily learn and understand mathematical
new, and nervous, independent publishers looking for help with concepts.
their titles. “This enables us to build long-term relationships with Software solutions have gained a lot of traction since the
them and generate more revenues in return.” start of the year. Lapiz Digital’s proprietary Customer Relationship
A higher demand for e-book conversions saw the Lapiz team Management (CRM) application, for instance, is a user- and
working on EPUB2-to-EPUB3 projects, enhanced audio e-books, mobile-friendly solution that keeps track of transactions and is
and accessible EPUB3 content. “We have processed well over one applicable across different industries. Deep customization has
million pages in the past six months, covering both English and enabled the app to be integrated with a client’s existing ERP,
non-English content,” Prakash says. “The huge volume and rising and new features and tools continue to be added and upgraded.
demand have prompted us to develop various tools for finding and Digital products are here to stay and grow, Prakash says. “To
fixing errors accurately, effortlessly, and speedily.” better serve this trend, we continue to upskill our staff in new
Educational projects requiring content authoring with mul- content management platforms, build teams specializing in
tiple functionalities—such as interactive games and activities, image and alt-text, and develop tools and automation for e-book
puzzles, and quizzes—are also in high demand. “Our team is conversions.” —T.T.

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Project Management

InDesign and Latex

Editorial Services

Ebook/XML Conversions

Interactive HTML5

Accessibility Compliance
Conversions (508)

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Seizing opportunities in OA and OER and features that assist readability, allow accessibility, and
The numbers were just in: more than half of the transformative enhance engagement. The value we offer to our publisher part-
journals that signed up with Plan S, the European-led initiative ners when working with OA content or OER does not differ
for scholarly publishing to transition to the open access (OA) much from the value we offer with regard to subscription
model, had missed their first-year targets in increasing OA content.”
content. The publishers literally ran into paywall issues, But there are some unique opportunities that MPS’s publisher
because, let’s be honest here, adding more pressure to their partners can take advantage of when it comes to OA and OER.
traditional revenue models during these tough economic times “We have products, such as our Sigma access management
of rising costs and wages is a bit too much to ask. So the plan system and our Vizor analytics tools that track OA content and
did not deliver the shock that its “S” suggests, but we remain OER for reporting and understanding usage and usability,”
hopeful for the sake of open science. Arora says. “We have mechanisms that allow for
For the vendors, working on OA articles and ‘freemium’ offerings, where the main content is
journals is about further lowering production free and the user can opt in to pay for additional
costs and reducing turnaround time while main- content such as video or interactive learning. We
taining the quality—hey there, AI and auto- see significant interest in this hybrid solution,
mation—necessary to make the whole Plan S where some content is open and some ancillary
proposition viable for publishers. The same content has associated fees.”
applies to open educational resources (OER), As more publishers embrace OA—for jour-
whether these are open textbooks, courseware, nals and books—the ability to provide excellent
learning modules, or digital learning objects. service systematically and at scale becomes more
“Open” is a business model, not a content important than ever, says Bottrill, of Newgen
model, says Rahul Arora, chairman and CEO at KnowledgeWorks. “Whichever OA model is
MPS Limited. “Whether the content is behind followed, the economics of the publishing pro-
a paywall or is openly available, the articles and cess are turned on its head and the pressures on
resources must still be easy to access and well- Rahul Arora, chairman and CEO of publishers to innovate the process and cut costs
indexed for maximum discoverability with tools MPS Limited grow even stronger. We have helped to launch

Unlocking Synergies Between Segments at MPS Limited

At MPS, all three of its business segments—corporate, education, event for MPS and for the scholarly publishing marketplace. “It
and research—are poised for growth. “Requests for immersive positions us as the provider with the most comprehensive product
solutions came in early and with sustained traction when the pan- suite across peer review and workflow, production, hosting, ana-
demic forced everyone to go digital overnight,” says chairman lytics, access management, and subscription management,” says
and CEO Rahul Arora. “Our corporate clients, for instance, were Arora, who has combined all of his company’s technology offerings
looking for digital onboarding and virtual solutions to deliver a under the HighWire umbrella brand. “It offers the marketplace a
livelier experience to their workforce.” serious independent option that is not tied to a single publisher
The partnership between Swisscom and MPS Europa is a and that will actively invest in its product suite while developing
case in point. “The goal was to reinvent the shop onboarding for an unbiased product strategy. This acquisition has improved our
their sales staff with digital twins of their retail stores,” Arora revenues due to its recurring nature as a SaaS and has increased
says. “Our team developed a cloud-based VR solution to power our strategic alignment with clients.”
an immersive and highly interactive experience that enabled The pandemic, Arora says, “has created significant lines of dif-
Swisscom to onboard new employees during the pandemic.” ferentiation between content solutions players that delivered
Other clients, including two major European railroad organiza- with resilience on their robust business continuity plans, and
tions, used MPS’s AR-Living Paper solution to bring static others that faced headwinds and faltered. This differentiation has
content to life via mobile phones. led to vendor consolidation and volume expansion across our
Phenomenal growth in MPS’s e-learning business is projected client base.”
over the next 12 to 24 months. “There is an inherent momentum It has also propelled MPS into a new growth phase that Arora
across simulations, serious games, digital onboarding, and calls “building scale.” “I want to create a compelling learning com-
eXtended Reality [XR] solutions,” says Arora, whose company is pany at a meaningful scale that helps the world learn smarter,”
also seeing great traction in its workflow, analytics, and subscrip- says Arora, who is seeing major growth in Asia Pacific and some
tion management platforms. “Our recent acquisition of e-learning tailwinds in the U.K. and Europe; North America remains its big-
company E.I. Design further strengthens our expertise in this gest market, with about 65% of its total revenues. “We aspire to be
segment.” the provider of choice in our markets for powering experiential
The 2020 acquisition of HighWire Press has been a significant learning with the latest technology innovations.” —T.T.

40 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 2
Content Platform eLearning
Content Solutions Solutions
Platform Solutions Solutions
eLearning Solutions

Content Authoring and Submission and Peer Learning Consulting

Development Review Managed Services
Content Enrichment Workflow and Production Training Effectiveness
Editorial Services Content Management and Custom eLearning
Project Management Hosting
Gamifications and
Content Production Authentication and Serious Games
Access Management
Digital Transformation Simulations
Impa and Usage
Accessibility Solutions Analytics Extended Reality –
AR and VR
Order and Customer
Management Learning Platforms
Experience Centers

Excellence | Empathy | Efficiency

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several new OA publishing initiatives in the past year, all of ther strengthened by the platform’s built-in DRM capabilities
them experimenting with different approaches to the challenge. that provide the freedom to our customers to manage the granu-
Whether it is a niche OA journal or an enterprise channeling a larity of restrictions on the content, types of users, and number
proportion of revenues into OA projects, we are helping pub- of devices.”
lishers to innovate by finding new models, not just for content
production but also in the business of publishing.” Pondering the pandemic impact
With OER and free solutions, the need to be cost efficient Between 2019 and 2021, there was an additional 800 million
during the production process is critical, Majithia, of Impelsys, internet users, according to the International Telecommunication
says. “Our automated processes and network of subject-matter Union, and Gartner reported that, in 2021, global smartphone
experts available on demand have helped to keep our costs low. sales grew 6%. At the same time, the e-learning and mobile
This, in turn, has led to a significantly higher volume of proj- learning (m-learning) market, valued at $18.23 billion in 2019,
ects requiring quick and scaled-up access to experts, and so the saw a growth spurt projected to reach $58.5 billion by 2025,
ability to turn them around quickly is reports Market Data Forecast.
crucial.” In Indonesia, the number of internet
“As an intelligent and intuitive con- users jumped 45 million in the last two
tent delivery platform, our iPC Scholar years, as its population turned online for
3.0 has been an amazing solution their daily activities, work, school, and
catering to all aspects of management, shopping. Halfway across the globe,
distribution, and monetization of online learning platform Coursera added
e-learning contents irrespective of their 27 million and 21 million new students
format,” says Majithia. “Its modular in 2020 and 2021, respectively; in com-
architecture is scalable as the business parison, its annual new registrations
grows. The back-office administration were between seven and nine million
of the platform provides the flexi- prior to the start of the pandemic. The
bility to identify the OA contents and Jo Bottrill, managing director of Newgen m-learning market, which exceeded $20
manage them accordingly. This is fur- KnowledgeWorks in the U.K. and U.S. billion in 2019, is set to grow at 13%

Newgen KnowledgeWorks Strives to Meet Client Needs

Newgen’s launch of its English language learning (ELL) division in innovative collaboration and validation features, helps publishers
September was a direct response to the rising demand from pub- differentiate their author services by putting content creators and
lishers, learners, teachers, and parents for resources in this seg- editors more in control of the production and correction cycles,”
ment, says Jo Bottrill, managing director of the U.K. and U.S. oper- Bottrill says.
ations. “Add the dramatic shift to digital learning to the equation, Meanwhile, Newgen’s publishing platform, Nova, has been
and our considerable expertise in digital development, academic instrumental in helping to launch several new publishing ventures
publishing, and the wider education business gives us the unique that provide reading platforms for books and journals. “Publishers
skill set to support ELL publishers,” Bottrill says. “By partnering are learning the benefits of partnering with us for their content
with e-learning platforms such as Avallain, we are able to deliver delivery,” Bottrill says. “By changing the business model and
engaging content built by our in-house ELL editors and learning focusing on well informed and structured content through a
designers and supported by a network of trusted contributors.” simple user interface, we are able to deploy Nova quickly to put
Several recent projects have called for the adaptation of the publisher in direct contact with their customers, thus allowing
existing ELL materials for use in Latin America and the Middle them to keep more of the revenue and sell content in new and
East. “The content is often tied to significant commercial deals, innovative ways.”
which require immediate attention and short turnaround,” says As for Newgen’s project management work, much is channeled
Bottrill, whose team writes and develops new materials, adapts through its next-generation workflow management tool, Pubkit.
digital assets for new platforms, and brings diversity, equity, and “With dynamic auto-scheduling, email management, and file and
inclusion expertise to the content review process. “The involve- asset storage all under one roof, Pubkit’s task-based system gives
ment of multiple stakeholders, often including international minis- project managers complete control over their projects,” Bottrill
tries and corporations, underlines the importance of expert project says. “It improves handoffs between teams and provides real-time
management.” data to everyone involved in the publishing process. Integration
On the production side, the Newgen team is busy rolling out its and interoperability are the watchwords for systems these days,
online proofing tool, Impact, which enables book and article and Pubkit intelligently links up with publisher and other third-party
authors to correct their content in the browser in real time. systems to ingest and disseminate data, including publishable
“Impact, which requires zero software downloads and comes with assets as well as metadata.” —T.T.

42 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 2
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CAGR between 2020 and 2026, according to Global Market there, from Owl Labs and Global Workplace Analytics, for
Insights. By 2027, this market is projected to hit $80 billion. instance, that tout increased productivity, happiness, and
On the publishing side, Bloomsbury reported record sales job satisfaction—with companies benefitting directly from
and profit in 2021, which its chief executive attributed to the a significant decrease in employee turnover, operating costs,
pandemic reading boom and a reacquired reading habit. Wiley and workplace stress.
just announced that revenue from its fiscal 2022, which ended The pandemic “has given us the opportunity to test alter-
in April, topped the $2 billion mark for the first time in its native working models,” says Bharathram, of Lapiz Digital.
215-year history, with 83% of it coming from digital sales. All “For now, we will continue the hybrid model where our staff
four major trade publishers in the U.S.—HarperCollins, comes to the office two or three days a week. We have imple-
Lagardère, Penguin Random House, and Simon & Schuster— mented a multilevel security and encryption system to ensure
posted gains in 2021 over 2020. The Association of American zero compromise in the confidentiality, productivity, quality,
Publishers further reported that a strong rebound and turnaround time in delivering the projects
in sales of K–12 materials and trade books had led to our clients. This hybrid model has in fact
to a 12.2% increase in publishing sales in 2021 resulted in increased productivity and quality.
compared to the year before. At the same time, we have built in ‘me time’ for
So while the pandemic brings about major staff with regular online team meetings to check
challenges—supply chain issues, for instance— on their and their families’ well-being.”
the increased appetite for books, reading, and On the consumer end, the pandemic has pushed
learning is clear and significant. For the digital more people to go online, and this is the biggest
solutions vendors, the new “normal” has led to long-term change, Bharathram says. “The con-
discovering alternative ways to work, tweaking ventional method of generating sales has also
tools to ensure data and process security, shifted during the pandemic, with more indepen-
improving telecommunication and video confer- dent and digital-savvy publishers bringing new
encing capabilities, and helping clients to meet ideas for digital solutions providers to explore.”
shifting consumer habits and demands. And for Deb Taylor, business develop- Over at DiacriTech, staff have returned to its
those wondering if working from home (WFH) ment director at Westchester Chennai, Kottayam, and Madurai offices. “But
is effective, well, there are plenty of reports out Publishing Services we have copy editors, indexers, and project man-

Westchester Publishing Services Expands Further

Investment in technology solutions for helping clients with their embedded audio and video within the digital titles that her teams
projects is continuing, says Westchester’s business development produce for clients. “So we will continue to build on our accessi-
director Deb Taylor. “We have expanded our API capabilities, bility solutions and help clients to meet their goals.”
broadened our use of the Dropbox platform and tools, increased Adding more cloud-based services to the Westchester Client
automation in our composition processes, and enhanced the Portal is one way of meeting rising client demands. “This will move
user experience of our Client Portal,” Taylor says. “We are also more of the project workflow onto the Web, thus increasing the
developing more tools to enhance the services we provide to efficiencies around project initiation, collaboration, and review of
our clients.” titles in progress,” says chief revenue officer Tyler Carey. “Our
Westchester obtained the Benetech Global Certified Accessible team of developers recently created a customized solution that is
certification last September. “Our team has proven capabilities to essentially an extension of our Client Portal. The request came
produce accessible EPUBs for clients, and this certification gives from a legal publisher who wanted to chunk their content into mul-
our clients the assurance that their EPUBs will meet accessibility tiple products and formats via an XML workflow. We had to pull pri-
standards wherever their content is distributed,” says Taylor, mary data from multiple licensed sources and feed that into an
whose teams have combined their expertise to establish custom online tool, where editors can upload Word documents, and then
e-book conversion workflows and services for Ingram distribution finalize the manuscript for both print and digital editions.”
clients. “Additionally, clients who do not have the resources or Education content development needs are also increasing
modified workflow to create alt-text for their digital products can globally, especially with the learning gaps caused by the pan-
rely on us for such content.” demic, Taylor says. “Our expertise in this segment has expanded
In the past year, an additional 100 or so publishers of all sizes beyond supplemental and Core 4 subject development. We expect
have come to Westchester for help with their accessible digital to see growth in all subject areas for print and digital platforms,
workflow and with creating digital content from print titles. with even more focus on social-emotional learning and culturally
“Publishers are working on maximizing the number of titles that responsive reviews and remediation. All these demands will need
meet EPUB and WebPDF accessibility guidelines,” says Taylor, who to be translated and transadapted as well. Our teams are ready to
is seeing an increased demand for interactive content and meet these demands and grow with our clients.” —T.T.

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business impacts and solutions for its customers in each of

the three markets—research, education, and corporation—it
serves. “Our products and services in the content, e-learning,
and platforms business segments are simply tools available to
us but not what we are restricted to,” says Arora. “We solve
client and marketplace problems. We do not want our clients
to work to have us working for them. Our customer interac-
tions—that is, our outside-in market-based approach—are
focused on leveraging multiple capabilities across our business
segments to better address client needs instead of deploying our
previous traditional product-based approach.”
For Majithia, of Impelsys, the adoption of digital solutions
agers, for instance, who prefer WFH and will drop in at the is no longer a good-to-have in the strategy road map but a
office twice a week,” Balakrishnan says. “We do see a better must-have. “We see demands from our existing services as well
work-life balance with WFH and have thus implemented an as those from areas such as AI, Managed Content as a Service
‘on-request WFH’ policy that staff can utilize for up to six days (MCaaS), solutions to curate and provide bundled content,
per month.” usage of Experience API (xAPI) specifications in LMS to track
The Covid-19 lockdown has made small and medium-sized learner progress, e-learning, simulations, and social learning,”
publishers realize that outsourcing and digitizing their content he says. “While adaptive learning has been around for some
is the way forward if they want to remain relevant in the industry, time, it is now coming of age, and the next few years are set to
Balakrishnan says. “Numerous small publishers approached us be a turning point for the e-learning industry.” For more on
for assistance when their supply chain was not able to manage this, check out the Go Digital webinar series on the Impelsys
large-scale WFH operations. Somehow, these publishers seem website, including the latest, “Adapting Businesses to the New
to think that working with only 10 or 50 titles annually does Normal Using Digital Transformation.”
not interest offshore digital vendors like us. On the contrary, we Users, particularly those in the vibrant library and institu-
are here to help and make their workflows better.” Working with tional markets, “now demand richly linked and certified acces-
smaller companies, he says, “allows us to provide bespoke solu- sible digital content that can integrate seamlessly with their
tions. The work is also interesting as we find their passion for existing platforms, including learning management systems
their content, though much smaller in volume, to be very high. and virtual learning environments,” says Bottrill, of Newgen
Such projects keep us on our toes, forcing us to innovate and KnowledgeWorks. “While the up-front cost of producing a
operate within their tight budgets.” book may seem higher for a truly digital-first workflow, pub-
At Newgen KnowledgeWorks, there is “an increased engage- lishers need to factor in the cost of conversion and the benefits
ment in technology—from workflow management to new of improved time to market that taking a digital-first approach
platforms—as publishers are poised to take on new projects opens up. Accessibility is another important factor that requires
and renew tired technology post-pandemic,” Bottrill says. publishers to take a digital-first structured-content approach.”
“Interoperability is essential. Having multiple systems that talk Being close to clients helps too. Having offices in Germany
to each other creates a more modular and flexible approach, and Malaysia “has been a key part of our business strategy for
enabling different parts of the organization to communicate with some time,” Bottrill says. “These hybrid services, particularly
each other and cut down on rework or inefficiencies.” in the realms of content creation, and where design and product
development are required, have long benefitted from having
Charting their next steps people in the local markets to listen to, support, and engage
With more sophisticated and demanding publishers and end with the communities that we serve. Having experts in the
consumers, not to mention new gadgets and technologies, market will remain an essential instrument in our toolbox,
digital content must be fluid and mobile. As for the platform especially as we form closer and more meaningful partnerships
solutions offered by vendors, they are increasingly becoming with our publishing colleagues.”
modular, with potential enterprise-wide implementation to Publishers, says Taylor, of Westchester Publishing Services,
make them more cost-effective, robust, and scalable. For ven- are evaluating their workflows and staff workloads to identify
dors, being innovative and nimble makes the difference between where their internal resources are best dedicated to growing
just surviving and leading the pack. To this end, each of them their titles and revenues and where their partners can be
has unique business strategies and paths for forging ahead. used to offload some of the work that still needs to be ful-
Over at MPS, rather than trying to sell products and ser- filled. “At the same time, many publishers, having to focus on
vices that it has acquired via eight companies—including E.I. supply chain and workforce challenges while also managing
Design and HighWire Press—the team is focused on driving changing market and distribution needs, are turning to us to

46 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 2
Digital Solutions in India

handle more of their prepress and digital conversion tasks,” publishing is becoming the norm and is used to detect plagia-
Taylor says. These industry challenges were discussed at the rism of copyrighted works, correct grammar, and mark complex
“Publishing Now ’22: Driving Business Forward” webinar, errors. It also helps in auto-tagging unstructured data to reduce
which Westchester cohosted with PW in March. turnaround time and overall cost in the production process.”
Digital solutions are moving toward more ancillary content, The Lapiz team also expects to see more self-publishing
says Balakrishnan, of DiacriTech. “Online and blended learning activities as well as the rise of independent publishing groups.
are here to stay, and publishers want to monetize that. And “In the educational publishing segment, media-rich digital
with newer technology, systems developed in past years are products will continue to grow over the next two years,” says
being revamped and made more powerful and flexible, thus Bharathram. “Here, we see distinct needs for proper content
accelerating publishers’ speed to market while increasing management and authoring tools and the capability to develop
cost-effectiveness for their products.” interactive content.”
Small and medium-sized publishers cannot afford to ignore For Oommen, of Impelsys, there was “a significant increase
the digital, especially in key academic, education, and English- in demand for personalized and adaptive learning solutions,
language markets, says Bottrill, of Newgen KnowledgeWorks. interactive e-books, and print-on-demand services. The
“While major publishers were sold on the benefits of XML demand for digital content in regional languages is also
long ago, there are still scores of smaller publishers for whom increasing rapidly, and we are building capabilities to cater to
postproduction digital conversion is the norm. Not only does this emerging market.”
this slow down the production process and time to market, but And that brings us to this: the “create once, publish every-
it limits the quality and function of the digital content.” where” principle of content digitization, while it sounds simple,
Bottrill expects to “see publishers for education and English- is actually getting tougher and more complex to execute, thanks
language learning markets continue to embrace the benefits of to the plethora of devices, platforms, standards, and workflows
outsourcing, offshoring, and our hybrid solutions. And with available out there. Bespoke apps and platforms are getting
the labor market tightening around the globe, our ability to popular as publishers, and vendors, eschew proprietary products
access staff globally will help publishers flex and scale their in favor of customized, modular, templated, and XML-first solu-
operations as required.” tions. But most importantly, for publishers, the authored,
Speaking of the English-language learning market, it is one designed, and structured digital content must be agile and
area that has garnered more attention from vendors and mobile, and it must be delivered seamlessly via engaging and
publishers. After all, this market is set to grow by $14.37 bil- intuitive user interfaces to the end consumers.
lion, progressing at a CAGR of 16.78% from 2021 to 2026, Which means that lower production costs, shorter turn-
according to a recent Technavio report. Around 45% of this around time, and enhanced e-deliverables are the norm, not
growth will originate from Asia Pacific, with China and India the exception. So too is keeping the workflow energized, audi-
as the key markets. ences engaged, and content quickly discovered and monetized.
Meanwhile, Bharathram, of Lapiz Digital, is seeing a growing And, yes, that tall order is growing taller by the minute. But
trend toward audio products, where text-to-speech technology for the six digital solutions vendors featured in this report,
is crucial. “We see more books being converted to audiobooks along with their many counterparts out there, reengineering,
that publishers distribute through multiple digital platforms to rethinking, and revitalizing any asset, content, or list is just
achieve a global reach,” he says. “At the same time, AI in digital another day at work—from home or at the office.  ■

This coverage is also available online at

Articles in the Expert Series, penned by vendors themselves, examine critical topics impacting both publishing and digital solutions industries:
● A Unified and Cloud-based Publishing Solution is the Future by A.R.M. Gopinath, executive v-p at DiacriTech
● Digital Transformation Services To Navigate the New by Uday Majithia, v-p of the products, platforms, and technology services division at
● Web Accessibility Broadens Participation and Improves Discovery by Oliver Rickard, product director at HighWire Press

Related Reads from PW:

● AI Influence on Audiobooks Grows—As Does Controversy ● New Report Accesses Global Trends in Digital Book Sales
● As Digital Comics Surge, Comics Plus Takes Off in Schools and ● OverDrive: Record Number of Libraries Hit Million Digital Lend
Libraries Mark
● Bologna Webinar: Reaching Kids and Teens in the Metaverse ● The Past 25 Years of E-books
● Digitization Can Support Publishers with Decision Making ● Readmagine 2022: Publishing Faces Its Future in Madrid

Visit to find out more about the vendors featured in this coverage.

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