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Business Decisions

SOC 138/ECO 148

Professor: Carter T. Butts

Time: M/W/F 11:00-11:50

Decisions Matter
■ Betting on a "Sure Thing"

Bernard Madoff, former NASDAQ
chairman and respected
financier and philanthropist,
claimed to offer clients modest
but surprisingly steady returns

Attractive to many, especially
non-profit organizations

In 2009, admitted that his entire
business was a scam

Wall Street Journal estimated
total loss of over $26 billion
dollars to hundreds of clients

Scam was a "classic," but went
uncaught for almost 20 years 2
Decisions Matter
■ Extreme Management

In late 1911, Robert F. Scott leads a
five person expedition to the south
pole (racing against Roald

Numerous questionable command
decisions by Scott

Reliance on ponies and experimental
motorized sledges

Disdain of dogs (thought unreliable and

Substantially insufficient food/resources

Unwillingness to listen to others

All five men perished. A supply depot
was 11 miles away. 3
The COVID-19 Pandemic
■ Weighing the odds

COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses
and governments around the world to
weigh the risks of infection against the
costs of shutting down businesses

Unstopped, could have resulted in apx
3 million deaths in US (based on
Thomas et al., 2020, Verity et al., 2020),
large numbers w/chronic injuries;
deaths alone imply economic cost of
over $21 trillion (@$7 million per, Cutler
and Summers (2020))

US economic costs from shutdowns/interventions (not all
policy-driven) estimated at $3-5 trillion (Walmsley et al., 2020)

■ Potential savings from intervention are huge - but

so are costs; uncertainties are large, but little room
for making a bad call....and decisions can't wait for a
final analysis 4
A Normative Lesson: The Price of Human Folly

■ Poor
decision making costs time,
money, jobs, and even lives
■ In
business contexts, decisions can
make the difference between
success and failure
■ Doingthings “right” means knowing
how – and why – we so often do
things “wrong”
A Descriptive Lesson: Predicting Decisions

■ Decision making as a behavioral

■ Understanding decision processes
facilitates prediction of individual,
group outcomes
■ Humans do not always do what
would seem “rational” or “intuitive”
to an outside observer
What Is a Decision?
■ Decision Maker


■ Context

Choice Set A B

States of the 50% 50% 90% 10%

1 4 3 2
Example: Value at Risk and Bank Capital Requirements
■ In making lending decisions, banks must weigh value of
interest against risk carried

Beliefs: estimates of default probability, opportunity costs, future
capital availability, estimates of capital demand

Values: risk/return trade-off, discount rate

Choice set: loan terms (exposure, maturity, interest rate, etc.)

States of the world: possible income streams (including potential
for firm failure)
■ Likewise, those investing in banks must consider
■ Regulating exposure: capital requirements and the Basel

Agreements determine how risk is assessed, communicated

Rules for rating risks set context for future investment decisions
Domains in the Study of Decision Making

■ Judgment

What we believe, how we learn?
■ Choice

What do we value, how to we choose?
■ Strategic Behavior

How do we respond to other decision

Decisions in Business Contexts
■ Accounting/forecasting

■ Consumer behavior
■ Human resources
■ Task performance
■ Managerial decision making/strategy

Class Overview
■ Three Components:

Part 1: Models of Rational and
Irrational Decision Making Behavior

Part 2: Pathologies in Individual
Decision Making

Part 3: Decision Making in Social
■ Approximately
nine lectures, one
exam per component
Requirements and Grading
■ Assignments



Discussion sections
■ Evaluation

Three exams [3x30% = 90%]

Decision making exercises [4x2.5% =
■ See syllabus and web site for timing
information and related policies 12
Discussion Sections
■ TAs

Iuliia Puchko Wilson (

Alexander Murray-Watters (

Camille Samuels (

Roscigno Saverio (


Review/discuss lecture and readings

Answer additional questions from lecture

Prepare for exams
Final Notes
■ Remember to check the web site for
syllabus and updates

■ Use business.decisions.logistics if you encounter technical
■ Discussion sections start in week 2

Sections are held in person at their assigned
times and rooms

Contact your TA if you have section-related
questions 14
Rational Decision Making: Myths
and Confusions

Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

Back to Decisions
■ Decision Maker


■ Context

Choice Set A B

States of the 50

1 4 3 2
What Do We Mean by a “Rational” Decision?

■A quick and dirty approximation:

One which considers the probable states of
the world associated with each potential

Weights states of the world based on
probability and personal values in a logically
consistent manner; and

Selects the option which puts the most
weight on the most desirable states.
■ Choiceconsistent with our values
and beliefs
Modern Rational Choice Theory
■ Providesa precise, minimal
implementation of consistent

Future oriented

Avoids pathological behavior

Builds on probability theory, logic

Concerned only with consistency, not
with content of values or beliefs
■ (We’ll
see this in more detail in the
next several lectures)
■ Mythsand confusions abound
regarding “rational” behavior

What seems rational may not be – and
what seems irrational may be rational!

Must turn to the theory, rather than
■ Beforediscussing what the theory
says, we consider some things it
does not say

Myth: Rationality is “Cold” or “Emotionless”

■ Rational behavior depends on


The content of these values is not in
question – only their consistency

There is no “rule” against “sentimental values”

Ignoring one’s values is not rational
■ Emotion per se is neither rational
nor irrational

Rationality involves decisions, not feelings;
it neither predicts nor prescribes emotional
Myth: Rationality Is Inherently Egoistic

■ Rational behavior is assessed in

terms of the decision maker’s
■ …thus, if the decision maker’s
values are altruistic, it is rational for
him or her to behave altruistically.

Altruistic behavior can satisfy the axioms of
rational choice

Egoism is sometimes assumed but not
Myth: Rational Players Always Win
■ Actors are constrained by the choice set

The action chosen will be the best available,
but may not be the best conceivable

Popularity is not always a signal of desirability

Strategic factors may make some choices

Dilemma games
■ Actors also face limited information

We can’t choose options if we don’t know
about them!

Incorrect beliefs may be rational if derived
from faulty information
Myth: “Weird” Things are “Beyond” Rationality

■ Rational choice requires action which is

consistent with our beliefs

Even if we are dealing with a strange or far-fetched
notion, we can (and must) consider it
■ Rational judgment as scientific skepticism

Update prior beliefs based on the weight of

That which is logically consistent is not ruled out
(although it may be extremely improbable)

The same rules of judgment apply to all claims

From Myth to Reality
■ Rational
decision making stresses
consistency with values and beliefs
■ All
decisions or questions of
judgment are “fair game”
■ Context, subject matter, or
emotional states do not render
decisions intrinsically rational or

Confusion: Normative and Descriptive Models

■ Descriptive Models – What is

Rational behavior as a predictive device

Empirical – it works or it doesn’t
■ Normative Models – What “ought” to be

Rational behavior as a prescription for making

Evaluative – we accept it or we don’t
■ The same concepts can be used for both
purposes, but the purposes are not the same!

Example: Planning, Policy, Measurement, and Forecasting

■ Normative or Descriptive?

Basel Capital Accord

Annual sales forecast

S&P 500 index

Mission statement

Investment plan

Sharpe ratio
■ How could each of these be used in
an alternate role?
Avoiding Confusion
■ Determine if a given use if normative
or descriptive

Are we making prescriptions, or
■ Keeping our “is” out of our “ought”

We do not have to view real behavior
as optimal or desirable

Our ideas of optimal or desirable
behavior do not have to reflect
common practice
Summary and Prospect
■ Folk notions of "rational" behavior differ
from modern rational choice theory
■ Principles of rational decision making can
be used either descriptively or

Both are important, but shouldn't be confused!
■ Up next: the theory itself (in three parts)

Axioms of rational choice

Principles of rational judgment

Game theory
The Axioms of Rational Choice

Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

Reminder: Goals of a Rational Decision System

■ A quick and dirty approximation:

One which considers the probable states of the
world associated with each potential option;

Weights states of the world based on probability
and personal values in a logically consistent
manner; and

Selects the option which puts the most weight on
the most desirable states.
■ Choice consistent with our values and

An Axiomatic Development
■ “Axiom”: a property or constraint which must
be satisfied
■ Axiomatic development (indirect definition)

Pick constraints (axioms) which are necessary
conditions for rational behavior

Find a system which satisfies those constraints (if

Behavior generated by such a system will then
satisfy the initial constraints – it implements the
■ Applied to choice by Von Neumann and
Morganstern, Savage, and others

Notation and Basic Concepts
■ Alternatives

S signifies the set of alternatives, with outcomes A,
B, etc.
■ The preference relation

AB signifies “A is preferred or indifferent to B,” or
“B is not preferred to A”

A=B signifies indifference between A and B
■ The lottery

(ApB) signifies a gamble (or “lottery”) in which A
occurs with probability p, and B occurs with
probability 1-p

p ? 1-p
(ApB) A B 4
Axiom 1: Comparability
■ Given alternatives A and B, either AB, AB, or
both, in which case A=B
■ Interpretation: All pairs of options can be
compared; you either prefer one to the other,
or else you are indifferent between them
■ Pathology avoided: Inability to make a
prediction or judgment of any kind (even of
indifference) for some sets

Axiom 2: Transitivity
■ If AB and BC, then AC
■ Interpretation: Preferences can’t have
“loops”; values must form a hierarchy
■ Pathology avoided: The “money pump”;
also, manipulation via agenda setting
(the Condorcet problem)

The "Money Pump": A How-To
Imagine that "Bob" has preferences A>B, B>C, but C>A...
Here's how to take all of his money:

1. Give him A (you have B and C).

2. Offer to trade him C for A (and a small fee).
3. Now that he has C, offer to exchange his C for a
B (again, for a fee).
4. Finally, offer him the A (that you got from him in
step 2) in exchange for his B (and a fee).
5. Go back to step (2) and take more of his money!
Repeat as needed.

(Transitivity: it keeps you from losing your shirt.)

Axiom 3: Closure
■ If A and B are in S, then (ApB) is in S as well
■ Interpretation: If I can compare A and B, then I
can also compare lotteries over A and B
■ Pathology avoided: Inability to make a
prediction or judgment for choice under risk

Axiom 4: Distribution of Probability Across Alternatives
(Frame Invariance)

■ (ApB)qB = (ApqB)
■ Interpretation: Only the “final” probability
distribution over states of the world matters –
re-expressing a choice in terms of compound
lotteries will not change your decision
■ Pathology avoided: Manipulation by framing
q 1-q

pq 1-pq
p 1-p

pq 1-pq pq 1-pq 9
Axiom 5: Independence
■ For options A,B,C, AB if and only if (ApC)(BpC)
■ Interpretation: Adding an equal chance of getting
an irrelevant third outcome instead of either A and
B shouldn’t change your decision
■ Pathology avoided: Manipulation by framing effects
(e.g., pseudocertainty), “(weak) stochastic money

Taking More of "Bob's" Money
Imagine that "Bob" has preferences (ApC)>(BpC), but B>A...
Here's how to take more of his money:

1. Sell him (BpC) for R (his reservation price).

2. Offer to trade him (ApC) for (BpC) (and a fee)
before the lottery is held.
3. Let the lottery resolve. You either both win C (in
which case stop) or you win B and he wins A.
4. If you won B in (3), trade it to him for his A (plus
a small fee).

Ultimately, "Bob's" outcomes are the same as (BpC), but

he pays more than his reservation price!
(This is like the earlier money pump, but can only be run once ("weak")
and relies on randomness ("stochastic"); also called a "Dutch Book")
Axiom 6: Consistency
■ AB if and only if A(ApB)B
■ Interpretation: Preferring A to B implies that
you should be at least indifferent to having
some chance of getting A instead of B (and,
similarly, that you don’t strictly prefer some
chance of getting B instead of A to getting A for
■ Pathology Avoided: Violation of the “sure
thing” principle; “(strong) stochastic money

Yet More Money from "Bob"
Imagine that "Bob" has preferences (ApB)>A>B...
Here's how to take whatever money "Bob"
has left after the previous axioms:
1. Give him A (you have B).
2. Offer to give him a chance to win B from you
(i.e., (ApB)) in exchange for A and a small fee.
3. Let the lottery resolve; if he ends up with A (you
have B), return to (2).
4. If instead he ends up with B (you have A), offer
to trade it for your A and a small fee.
5. Go back to step (2) and take more of his money!
Repeat as needed.

(This is like the first money pump, but it uses a random ("stochastic")
process; we call it "strong" because it can be repeated.)
Axiom 7: Solvability
■ If ABC, there exists a probability p such that
■ Interpretation: If you prefer A to B to C, there is
some lottery over A and C which is equivalent
to B
■ Pathology avoided: “Obsession with the
infinitely improbable”; indirect violation of
completeness (e.g., if two alternatives are

The Form of Expected Utility Theory
■ A model which satisfies the axioms: Subjective
Expected Utility Theory (or just EUT)
■ Model structure

Utility function: an abstract numerical measure of

Subjective probabilities: beliefs about states of the
world, given choices
■ Decision procedure

For each option, take the (probability) weighted
average of outcome utilities

Choose the option with the highest expected (I.e.,
weighted mean) utility

Example of EUT in Action

Hypothetical utility for money: u ( x)  x

60% 40% 40% 20%


$15 $10 $40 $5 $0

E  u  A   =0.6 u  15 0.4 u  10  E  u  B   =0.4 u  40 0.4 u  5  0.2 u  0 

=0.6  150.4  10 =0.4  400.4  50.2  0
≈0.63.8730.4 3.162 ≈0.4 6.3250.4 2.2360.2 0
≈3.589 ≈3.424

A Geometric View of Risk Aversion

u(x) 4
$0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40

Another Example – the WhirliLoop Dilemma
Invest in new infrastructure, or not?
• Current facility results in $200,000 profit per quarter
• New facility costs $100,000
• If demand for WhirliLoops spikes (30% chance), new facility would
allow for estimated quarterly profit of $600,000
• Without new facility, could only obtain $300,000
• Only interested in next quarter (you plan on retiring!)

Maintain Invest
30% 70% 30% 70%

$300k $200k $500k $100k

E u=0.3 u $300k 0.7 u $200k  E u=0.3 u $500k 0.7 u $100k 
=0.3  3000000.7  200000 =0.3  5000000.7  100000
≈477 ≈433

Generality of the Framework
■ A surprising result: any model satisfying the
axioms will be equivalent to EUT

In fact, only transitivity, completeness, continuity,
and independence are required

Further, the utility function itself can be specified up
to a positive affine transformation
■ Implications:

EUT can be considered a “generic” or canonical
model of rational choice (as defined by the axioms)

Any alternative model must lead to one or more
pathologies of choice

Still Ahead….
■ The judgment side: probability, and
rational judgment
■ Strategic decision making
■ Descriptive models

Rational Judgment

Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

Manifesto for Rational Judgment
■ Judgments must be logically
■ If a conclusion can be reached in
more than one way, then every
possible way must lead to the same
■ We must always take into account all
of the evidence at our disposal
■ The same evidence must always
lead to the same judgment
Reasoning About Uncertainty
■ Long understood to be of importance

“Probability is the very guide to life.” –J. Butler,
■ Deeply connected with “common

“Probability theory is nothing but common
sense reduced to calculation.” --P. Laplace,
■ …but, as we shall see, Monsieur Laplace

From Mystery to Probability
■ Rules of evidence

Roman and Talmudic witness laws

Medieval “half-proof”
■ Early insurance pricing

Athenian “Maritime Loans”, c340BCE

Ulpian’s annuity tables
■ Games of chance

Geralamo Cardano (1540s) – inveterate

Le Chevalier de Mere (1650s) – first
mathematical theory of dice (followed by
Fermat, Pascal, and others)
What is Probability?
■ Probability
is a mathematical
representation of uncertainty

Probability theory is a formal system
for reasoning about uncertainty
■ Various interpretations




Basic Concepts and Notation
■ The“universe of possibilities”
(denoted S)

Events (denoted A, B, C, etc.)

Negation (denoted A)

The null event (= S)

Conjunction (AB) and disjunction (A or

Conditioning (A|B)
■ The probability measure (denoted p)

p(A) is the probability of A

The “Rules” of Probability
■ 0p(A)1 for all events A in S

Probabilities are real numbers between 0
and 1
■ p(S)=1, p()=0

Something must happen, and nothing can’t
■ p(AB)=0 iff p(A or B)=p(A)+p(B)

If A and B are mutually exclusive, the
probability that at least one happens is the
sum of their probabilities

More “Rules”
■ p(A)+p(A)=1

Something either happens, or it

(Can derive from previous rules)
■ p(AB)=p(A|B)p(B)

The probability of A and B is the same
as the probability of B times the
probability of A given B

Bayes’ Theorem
■ The most important result in the
theory of inference!
■ p(B|A)=p(A|B)p(B)/p(A)

The probability of B given A is “share”
of the probability of A taken up by the
probability of A and B together

Why the Excitement?
■ Bayes’ Theorem allows us to derive
probabilities of hypotheses given
data from probabilities of data given
■ For hypothesis, H, and data, D:

p  D∣H  p H 
p H∣D=
p D∣H  p  H  p  D∣¬H  p¬H 

Interpreting the Theorem
■ Each component of Bayes’ Theorem
has a specific meaning:
Probability of Probability of
data given H H before data

p  D∣H  p H 
p H∣D=
p D∣H  p  H  p  D∣¬H  p¬H 

Probability of Probability of NOT

H after data Probability of
data given H before data
Some More Terminology
■ Useful jargon:

“Prior” probability – p(H) before data

“Likelihood” – p(D|H) and p(D|H)

“Posterior” probability – p(H|D) after
■ Analogies

“Prior” – experience

“Likelihood” – evidence

“Posterior” – conclusion

Example #1: Detecting a Cheat
■ Problem: p(Coin is two-headed)

Assume fair/2H are equiprobable

Three flips yield 3 heads in a row
■ Solution:

p H H H∣CpC
p C∣H H H =
p H H H∣Cp Cp  H H H∣¬Cp ¬C

Example #2: Bankruptcy
■ Problem: p(Mr. X defaults)

Assume a base default rate of 0.01

Mr. X is observed to have a monthly obligation of $X

60% of defaulters have a monthly obligation of $X,
versus only 10% of non-defaulters
■ Solution:
pO X∣D pD
pD∣OX =
pOX∣DpDpO X∣¬D p¬D

■ Probability theory supplies a basis for rational
■ Bayes’ Theorem tells us how to combine past
experience (priors) and new evidence
(likelihood) to reach conclusions (posteriors)

Recite it to yourself every day; it builds character

■ Next time: the theory of strategic behavior

Decision Making in Strategic
Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

Life is But a Game....
■ Thus far, we have been concerned with choices
and judgments

“Decision” as central concept
■ “Games”: formal models of strategic situations

Basic Elements






“Chance” as a player

Information sets
Game Theory and Strategic Decision Making

■ Game theory – a body of normative

work on rational strategic behavior
■ Builds on “classical” rational choice

Multiple decision makers

“Dynamic” versus “static” orientation
■ Providesformal guidelines for
optimal play

“With many calculations, one can win;
with a few, one cannot” –Sun Tzu
Sequential Games
■ Games in which
players can observe I.
and respond to Cheat Not
previous actions

Represented in
extensive form
■ Subgame perfection Report Not Report Not

Look forward in tree

Find path such that
every step is payoff- -9 9 -1 0
maximizing 1 0 -1 0

Simultaneous Games
■ Games in which
players choose
without observing I.
others’ choices Cheat Not

Not observing others
doesn’t mean ignoring -9 -1
them, however Report

Represented in matrix 1 -1
form II.
9 0
■ Various solution

Dominant strategies
0 0

Nash equilibrium
Dominant Strategies
■ Strategies which are at least as good as
any other strategy, no matter what one’s
opponents do

Weakly dominant: at least as good

Strongly dominant: strictly better
■ Should always be used, where possible

Where available, can ignore opponent’s

Dominant strategies do not always exist

Procedure: deletion of dominated strategies

Example – Overzealous Enforcement

Cheat Not

-9 -1
5 1
9 0
0 0

Best Responses
■ Given opponents’ strategy choices, the
best response is one which maximizes
expected payoff

Contingent on opponents’ strategies

Dominant strategies are best responses, if they exist
■ Best response may be a mixed strategy

Do one thing sometimes, sometimes another

Choose randomly, given optimal weights

“Clamor in the East, attack in the West” –Stratagem 6

Example – Adoption of New Technologies

C++ Java

1 -1
1 -1
-1 2
-1 2

■ Multiple decision makers create the
problem of strategic reasoning

My behavior depends on your behavior which
depends on my behavior which depends on your behavior which depends on my behavior………..

“In war, the will is directed at an animate object
that reacts” -Clausewitz

Seek sets of strategies which are “stable”

Infinite regress should not change behavior

Rational players should not have incentives to
■ Strategy sets which are stable in this way
are called “equilibria”

Many kinds – we consider only two here
Equilibrium in Dominant Strategies
■ Where dominant strategies exist, they
should be used…
■ …so, if each player has a dominant
strategy, this provides a stable strategy set
■ Equilibrium in dominant strategies

Usually unique, but may not be (if multiple weakly
dominant strategies exist)

Not often found

Very stable – not easily perturbed

Always subgame perfect

Hypothetical Example - OPEC
■ Cartel problem

Increased production Prod.
decreases price/barrel

Temptation to expand
1 2
■ Dominant strategies 3 5

Kuwait: produce more
Saudi 24 20

SA: produce less
■ Result: Kuwait 2.5 4.4
expands, SA holds 9
back 22.5 19.8

Why? SA has larger
(Production in mB/d, Payoffs in 10m$/d)

Nash Equilibrium
■ Where equilibria in dominant strategies
fail, what other options are there?

Look for sets of mutual best responses
■ Nash equilibrium

Many may exist

May be in pure or mixed strategies

Can be unstable – problem of equilibrium

Dominant and subgame perfect equilibria are
Nash, but the reverse is not always true

Hypothetical Example – Tobacco Advertising

■ Advertising problem

Advertising is
expensive Philip Morris Adv.

Can draw customers L H
from a competitor
■ Nash equilibria 1.2 1.4

One stands firm, one L
yields Ligget 0.8 0.7

Mixing it up Adv.
■ Result: unstable 1.1 0.9
situation H

Multiple equilibria 1 0.6

Expect frequent
changes in strategy (Payoffs in 1b$/y)
A Heuristic Summary
■ Assess the game

Determine players, actions, payoffs

Determine form (sequential or simultaneous)
■ D&N’s Heuristics

“Look forward, reason backward”

“If you’ve got a dominant strategy, use it”

“Eliminate dominated strategies from consideration”

“Look for an equilibrium”
■ Final inspiration

“Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit
of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of
yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.”
Bounded Rationality, Search,
and Satisficing
Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

The Frailty of the Flesh
■ Rational choice implies substantial cognitive

Must consider all possible options

Must consider all possible outcomes

Must weight probabilities/values perfectly for all of
the above

In strategic contexts, must model opponents’
behavior, too!
■ Perhaps we ask too much?

Limits on memory, cognitive processing capacity

Cannot conceive of all possibilities, must less
compare them optimally

Bounded Rationality
■ An alternative to perfect rationality:
assume decision makers are rational
within specified limits

Primarily descriptive, although some
normative uses
■ Many kinds of limits can be considered


Forward-thinking (myopia)

Strategic thinking

■ Heuristic: a general guideline or “rule of
thumb” which usually works well (but
which is not optimal)
■ How well each rule works depends on the

Particular heuristics are better for particular situations

Can be especially bad in the wrong context

■ Measuring length via thumb, forearm,
■ Avoiding odd-looking people in dark
■ Buying from established firms (branding)
■ Hiring based on recommendation
■ “Folk” diversification rules (e.g., always
have 5 stocks, half stock/half bond mix)
■ Investing based on personal experience
Heuristic Search
■ A metaphor: “All the world’s
a supermarket”

Many options, with multiple
features of interest

“Search space”

Can only see a few at a time

Must search through the
options for the one which is
most preferred

“Search strategies”
■ Want to understand the
implications of different
search strategies for choice
The Conjunctive Rule
■ Procedure:

Choose a set of requirements each option must meet

Reject any option which fails one or more requirements

Pick (possibly randomly) from the remainder
■ Properties:

Close to optimal if filtering conditions are stringent

Not very useful if conditions are too loose

Can get “stuck” if no option satisfies conditions

Related to the principle of satisficing (which we will see

The Disjunctive Rule
■ Procedure:

Choose a set of requirements each option must

Reject any option which fails all of the requirements

Pick (possibly randomly) from the remainder
■ Properties:

Close to optimal if options are similar except for one
feature (and filter is tough enough)

Often over-inclusive

Can easily lead to acceptance of skewed options

Lexicographic Search/Elimination by Aspects

■ Procedure:

Rate aspects by importance

Compare/eliminate options by most important
aspect (for EBA, pick aspect semi-randomly)

If still not through, go to the next aspect
■ Properties:

Close to optimal if one aspect is vastly more
important than all others

Can get into trouble if strong trade-offs exist

Example – Portfolio Selection
Portfolio A Portfolio B Portfolio C
Expected Return: $1500 Expected Return: $900 Expected Return: $3500
Sharpe Ratio: 1.5 Sharpe Ratio: 3 Sharpe Ratio: 0.75
Social: 2 out of 5 Social: 4 out of 5 Social: 1 out of 5

Conjunctive: Return >$1000, Sharpe >1, Social>1

Disjunctive: Return > $1000, Sharpe >1, Social>1

Lexicographic: Return > Sharpe > Social

(FYI, Sharpe Ratio is excess return/risk.)

■ Very general heuristic: search until you find
something which is “good enough,” then stop
■ Strength – relatively undemanding

Need definition of “good enough,” ability to check
options against the definition
■ Weakness – you may miss out on a good thing
■ Close to optimal when search costs are high,
and/or when most “acceptable” options are of
similar value

Example – Hiring by Interview

1 2 3 4 5 6

1yr 2yr 6yr 3yr 10yr 4yr

Observed Not Observed

Wanted: As experienced as possible

Criteria: 5yrs experience

Win-Stay Lose-Shift
■ A simple satisficing heuristic for strategic play

When you are winning, keep the same strategy

When you are losing, try something else
■ Requires minimal processing power, works
moderately well in many situations

Don’t tend to keep doing things which don’t work, tend
to spend most of your time with strategies which (more
or less work)

In long run, will avoid dominated strategies, seek
dominant ones

Not so good where “clever” behavior (like mixing) is

Example – Good/Bad Traders

■ Bounded rationality: a compromise
between genius and stupidity

Heuristics instead of optimal procedures

Search metaphor
■ Different heuristics have different

Some aren’t bad, but they must be matched
to the environment

Can result in systematic distortion (e.g., eye-
level bias)

Loss Aversion and Framing
Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

A Less Rational Decision Theory
■ With bounded rationality, persons
were taken to be rational within
■ The problem runs deeper, alas

Empirical studies by Allais, Ellsberg,
Kahneman, Tversky, and many others
suggested that people choose in
fundamentally irrational ways
■A new imperative: can we model this

A Detour Through Psychophysics
■ Study of human response to
physical stimuli

Perception of color,
light/darkness, sound, etc.
■ Stylized fact – perceptions
occur in terms of changes,
rather than absolute values
■ Weber-Fechner law

The “just-noticeable”
difference in any stimulus is
proportional to the magnitude
of the stimulus 3
Example: Noise Levels

Increase for
Same Perceived

1 Change

Base Level

Reference Values
■ Psychophysical principle for decision making:
values are assessed in terms of changes,
rather than absolute states of the world
■ Each person has a reference value for their
current state

Decisions are evaluated based on changes from the
reference point

Contrast with EUT, which focuses only on end

Results in irrational behavior, as we shall see

Diminishing Sensitivity to Gains/Losses
■ Application of Weber-
Fechner law Value

Sensitivity to
gains/losses diminishes
as gain/loss grows

Requires “S-shaped”
value curve Payoff
■ Implies proportional
pricing effects

Example 1: would drive
across town to save $20
on a vacuum cleaner, but
not on a car

Example 2: difference
between losing nothing
and $10 greater than
between losing $10,000
and $10,010
Gain/Loss Frames
■ A problem: we can change gains into losses by
changing the problem frame!

The same choice between states of the world can be
put in terms of what you could lose (assuming the
gains) or what you could gain (assuming the losses)

Violates the principle of frame invariance
■ S-curve implication: risk averse when framed
as gain, risk-loving for loss

Sure gain of $240 vs 25% chance of gaining $1000

Sure loss of $750 vs 75% chance of losing $1000

46% chose A,B (about twice as many as the next
most popular option), 59% inconsistent

Example – The Layoff Problem
"Due to a revenue shortfall, a CEO faces a dilemma. Firm
analysis say that required plant closings will force the
layoff of 600 workers for certain, unless one of two plans is
chosen. If the CEO chooses the first plan, 200 workers’
jobs can be saved [400 workers’ jobs will be lost]. If the
CEO chooses the second plan, there’s a one-third chance
that 600 workers’ jobs will be saved [no jobs will be lost],
and a two-thirds chance that none will be saved [600
workers’ jobs will be lost]. Which plan do you think the
CEO should choose?"

First (safe) plan: 84% [52%] Second (risky) plan: 16% [48%]

(Loss frame increased rate of choosing risky option by

about 30%....)
Loss Aversion
■ Gain/loss response is

Losses felt more keenly
than corresponding

Linkage with biological
theory, e.g., loser effect
■ Don’t confuse with
risk aversion!

One can be loss averse
and risk loving!

Implication: Honoring Sunk Costs
■ When we fail to update our reference values,
we may think of resources already spent as
still being “ours to lose”

Violates future orientation
■ “Completing Tennessee-Tombigbee is not a
waste of taxpayers’ dollars. Terminating the
project at this late stage of development would,
however, represent a serious waste of funds
already invested.” –Sen James Sasser, Nov.

(Too bad the project was estimated to be worth less
than the cost of completion!)

Implication: The Endowment Effect
■ Once we are “endowed” with an object, we
update our reference value

Giving it up is now a loss – and the object is now
worth more than it was before!

Kahneman, Knetch, and Thaler’s magically more
marvelous mugs
■ Evidence suggests that the effect grows with

No clear endpoint

May explain obsession with old trinkets

Example – Negotiations
■ Consider negotiations between Mr. X and Ms. Y

Mr. X has apples, Ms. Y has oranges
■ An obstacle to trade: the endowment effect

That which you trade away is a loss – and hence
more valuable

That which you receive is a gain – and hence
(relatively) less valuable

But this is true for both parties!
■ What can be done?

Distance both sides from their endowments; “put
everything on the table”

Discuss dividing the resources, not direct exchange

Frame the breakdown of talks as a loss

Tying it All Together: Prospect Theory
■ Descriptive model Value

Choice among
 [(x1,p1),(x2,p2),...,(xn,pn)]  Payoff

■ Three elements

Reference value

Loss averse value
function (v(x))

Probability weighting 1
function ((p))

Decision Weight
■ Choose prospect
which maximizes

∑ v x i  pi  0
0 Probability 1
Prospect Theory vs. EUT
■ EUT looks to the end state, PT thinks about the

Gains and losses may lead to the same place, but
PT cares about how we get there
■ EUT is frame-invariant, unlike PT

Can lead to transitivity, comparability violations
■ PT differentially weights probabilities

Can lead to independence violations

Overweights certain small probabilities,
underweights moderate ones
■ EUT has a normative foundation, PT is
intended to describe real behavior

Coming Soon…
■ More on the weighting function

Censoring effects
■ Forecasting and scenario thinking
■ Risk perception
■ And, finally, the dread exam

Advice from prospect theory: endow
yourself with a good grade, and then
consider the chance of losing it!

Censoring Effects,
Forecasting, and Scenario
Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

Prospect Theory, Redux
■ Descriptive model Value

Choice among
 [(x1,p1),(x2,p2),...,(xn,pn)]  Payoff

■ Three elements

Reference value

Loss averse value
function (v(x))

Probability weighting 1
function ((p))

Decision Weight
■ Choose prospect
which maximizes

∑ v x i  pi  0
0 Probability 1
Prospect Theory and the Decision Weighting Function

■ In EUT, outcomes 1
are weighted by p; in
PT, (p) fills that

Decision Weight
■ Some features:

Underweighting of

Overweighting of 0
small probabilities
0 Probability 1

Censoring of

Censoring the Extremes
■ For probabilities very 0.2
close to 0/1, weights
are treated as 0/1

Decision Weight
■ Intuition: we cannot
conceive of extremes,
“round” them to
nearest whole number
■ Problem: where
extremes matter, 0

judgment may be 0 Probability 0.2


Conjunction Conundrum
■ The intersection (conjunction) of many highly
probable events is difficult to evaluate

For probabilities close to 1, PT rounds up

Even below this point, hard to calculate intuitively
■ Problem: many scenarios involve conjunctions

Plans with multiple elements

Strategic contingencies

Mechanisms with many parts

Example – Uptime Problem
"A machine is composed of seven parts. Suppose each part in the
machine works 90% of the time. If the machine works as long as
all seven parts are working, what percent of the time will the
machine be working?"

Correct answer:

p works= p  part 1 works×⋯

× p part 7 works
= ∏ p  part i works
≈48 %

The Difficulties of Disjunction
■ The probability of an event happening at least
once (disjunction) is hard, too

Disjunction = conjunction of non-events

For probabilities close to 0, PT rounds down

Same problem of intuitive calculation
■ Problem: risk evaluation often involves

Chance of event happening within time span

Chance of at least one failure occurring

Example – Bankruptcy Risk
"Assume that a firm, StableCo, faces a 0.4% chance of filing for
bankruptcy per month. Over the course of 25 years, what is the
probability that StableCo will file for bankruptcy?"

Correct answer:
p  BR in 25y =1− p ¬BR in 25y 
25 12 ?!?
=1− ∏ ∏ p ¬BR in 1mo
i =1 j =1
25 12
=1− ∏ ∏  1− p BR in 1mo 
i =1 j =1

=1−0.996 300
≈70 %

Thinking with Stories
■ In considering complex situations, we fall
back on causal narratives (“stories”)

Reflect mental models of phenomenon at
■ Elements of a story



■ Stories without these elements typically
seem less plausible

The “Plausibility” Bias
■ Flashback from probability: p(AB)≤p(A)

Thus, adding elements to a story cannot make it more
probable (conjunctive fallacy)
■ Thinking with “reasons” and “explanations”

More reasons/explanations provide a clearer picture
of how the story might come about

Conjunctive reasoning is difficult, makes complex
stories seem more probable
■ “Plausibility” bias

Stories with more elements (particularly elements
which are individually probable) are seen as more

Example – PittSteel
"PittSteel is a rust-belt steel company which has fallen on hard times. 87%
of similar firms in the region have filed for bankruptcy in the last five years,
and two of the firm's five largest customers have recently shifted to
alternative suppliers. After a recent earnings report, PittSteel's credit was
downgraded, and its stock price has fallen by more than 40% over the past
three months."

Which of these scenarios seems more likely to you:

• PittSteel will post record profits within the next four

quarters. [8%]

• PittSteel will implement massive job cuts within the next four
quarters, leading temporarily to record profits, but will be forced
into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection when revenues continue
to slump. [92%]
(p(profits)≥p(profits AND job cuts AND bankruptcy), but it doesn't
always seem that way....)
Further Problems from Hindsight
■ Coherent stories are easier to remember
than complex collections of events

An incoherent set of circumstances may be
forgotten; cases which fit our sense of
“plausibility” more likely to be remembered

“Profusion of special cases”

Each previous account seems to be unique,
generalization difficult
■ “Creeping determinism”

Memory biased in direction of current knowledge

Past events seem more certain in retrospect

Implications for Forecasting
■ Systematic biases in scenario evaluation

Risks of event occurrence will be underestimated

Probability of plan success will be overestimated

Scenarios which make “good stories” will be seen
as more probable (even when they aren’t)
■ Difficulties in learning

Past uncertainties will seem reduced

Present knowledge will color recollection

The “this time will be different” effect

Putting it All Together
■ Reasoning about “chains” of events is hard

Censoring of extremes

Difficulty of intuiting px
■ Instead, we think with stories

Elements linked by “explanations”

Plausibility related to the strength, number of causal
■ Produces problems for realistic forecasting
■ Next time: risk perception

Risk Perception

Business Decisions
SOC 138/ECO 148

What is “Risk”?
■ Conventionally: a chance of a negative

I am “at risk” if something bad might happen to me
■ More formally: uncertainty in payoffs

I am “at risk” if I’m not sure what will happen to me
■ Contrast the notions by considering sure
losses and unsure gains

Sure losses are “risky” by lay usage, and unsure
gains are not

Sure losses have no risk in the formal sense, and
unsure gains are risky

Objective Factors
■ For a rational decision maker, risk is a function
of payoff uncertainty
■ While uncertainty is “subjective” in a strict
sense, it depends upon objective information

Set of potential outcomes

Base rates in the relevant population

Supplemental knowledge regarding problem
■ Rational perception of risk must also follow
rules of rational judgment, EUT

Update probabilities using Bayes’ Theorem

Weight outcomes by the axioms

Example – Portfolio Selection
■ Standard financial risk measure: standard
StdDev  x=

n−1 i=1
 x x
i 


■ Common measure of risk efficiency in financial

settings: Sharpe ratio

(Portfolio Return-Risk Free Rate)/Portfolio Standard

How many units of return do you get for every unit
of risk?
■ Would calculate from historical data, statistical
models, etc.

Risk Perception
■ Risk as a lay concept

Not simply variance in payoffs
■ Affected by cognitive, environmental

Differential reporting of certain events

Differential saliency, ability to recall from

Loss aversion

Decision weights and censoring

Example: Perceived Death Rates
■ Death rates provide a basic background set
of risks for a population
■ It is difficult to weight risks appropriately if
you do not even know the rates
■ Knowledge of death rates heavily skewed

Differential media coverage (“newsworthy” death)

Differential visibility (“silent” death)

Differential saliency (“representative” death)

Coherent causal accounts, low variability in details

Confusion of morbidity with mortality (“non”

The Slovic et al. Three Factor Model
■ An alternative to variance: descriptive model of
risk perception based on event features

Subjects rate risks

Ratings analyzed using factor analysis
■ Risk perception of non-experts employs three
distinct concepts

Not simply an approximation to variance

Combination of factor scores determines overall
perceived risk

Factor 1: “Dread”
■ Most powerful latent dimension: “dread risk”

“Perceived lack of control, dread, catastrophic
potential, fatal consequences, and the inequitable
distribution of risks and benefits” (Slovic)
■ Events which are dramatic, and which we
cannot control, are seen as riskier

Airplane crashes, terrorism, food poisoning
■ “Mundane” events are less likely to generate
dread, even if they kill more people
불안감, 공포

Tobacco, car wrecks, falls and other household

Factor 2: “Knowability”
■ Next latent dimension: “unknowable risk:

“Judged to be unobservable, unknown, new, and
delayed in their manifestation of harm” (Slovic)
■ Events which are thought to be poorly
understood are seen as riskier

Carcinogen scares, “psycho kids” and spree
shooters, genetic engineering
■ Events which are seen as well-known seem

Coal plants, x-rays

Factor 3: “Scale”
■ Third dimension: scale or exposure

Total number of persons affected by or exposed to
the risk
■ Something which affects only a small minority
is perceived as less risky

AIDS during the early/mid 1980s
■ Threats which are omnipresent are seen as
more hazardous

Radon, alar scares

■ Nuclear power: rated high dread,
unknowable/controllable, potentially affects
many people
■ Tobacco: rated low dread, easily controllable,
potentially affects many people

Compare concern over second-hand smoke with
first-hand smoke
■ X-rays: rated low dread, unknown, affects few

More Examples

(Figures from Slovic, 1987)

Interpreting Events – Preexisting Views and Risk Updating

■ What happens when we observe a near-miss?

Could be a sign of increased risk (“this was almost
a disaster”)

Could be a sign of increased safety (“see, nothing
went wrong”)
■ Assessments are made based on existing
mental models

Make sense out of ambiguity by relating it to prior

Reinterpreted event taken as evidence that prior
beliefs were right all along (circular reasoning)

■ Plous showed various (real) near-misses to
subjects with established pro/anti military leanings

US nuclear missile launch initiated by accident

Russian missile accidentally re-targeted to Alaska

Phony US Coast Guard advisory claiming that WWIII had
been declared

Russian naval alert falsely claiming war with the US
■ Elicited interpretations, implications
■ Responses followed preexisting biases

Pro-military subjects felt reassured, saw cases as
proving that the system worked

Anti-military subjects felt alarmed, saw cases as proving
that the system is prone to failure

■ Normatively, risk is a shorthand for payoff uncertainty
■ Perceptions of risk do not follow normative models

We fear the catastrophic, the mysterious, and the omnipresent
■ Understanding of objective factors relating to risk is
also distorted

Biased information leads to biased estimation
■ Our interpretation of risk-related events depends on
our base risk perception

Tend to interpret in a based on initial beliefs

Circularly use interpretation as evidence
■ Speaking of risk…Exam 1 approaches! Don’t dread it!


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