Pipe2Cad: Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Drainage Networks

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• Pipe2CAD is an AutoCAD add-on which can be used efficiently to complete the design work

of pipe networks, such as water supply, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage networks.

• After finishing the hydraulic design of your pipe networks with any of the available hydraulic

design packages, networks are easily imported into Pipe2CAD environment to proceed with

all subsequent design steps.

• From checking interference points and conflicts between different networks, verification of

low and high points in pressure networks, and editing networks by adding, deleting, or

adjusting pipes.

• to finally producing fully formatted plan views and longitudinal profiles, ready for

Preparing Shape files
To import a network from shape files you need at
least one shape file for nodes and one shape file for
pipes. However, Pipe2CAD can collect your network
elements from any number of shape files in the
same import. For example, in a Sewage network you
may have your nodes in Two shape files; one for
manholes, and one for outfalls.
Shape Files Data Needed by Water or Sewer cad

Pressurized Gravity
Pipes Shape File Pipes Shape File
Label Label
Start Node Start/Upstream Invert Elevation
End Node End/Downstream Invert Elevation
Pipe Section Size Start Node
Pipe Material End Node
Pipe Section Size
Pipe Material

Nodes Shape files Nodes Shape files

Label Label
Node Ground Elevation Node Ground Elevation
Node Invert Elevation
1) Network Definition
Add Imported Elements to (New Network/Existing Network):
Specify whether the imported elements will be created in a
new network, or added to an existing one. Be careful when
you import elements to an existing network, because if label
duplication occurs between an imported pipe or node and an
existing one, the label of the imported element will be
changed automatically without notification.
Network Name: Name of the network in which imported
elements will be created.
Network Type (Gravity/Pressure): Type of the new network in
which imported elements will be created. A new network can
be a gravity network like a sanitary sewer or a storm sewer
network, or a pressure network like a water distribution, a
fire fighting, or an irrigation network.

2) Data Files
Using the two buttons Add and Remove, specify
shape files containing pipes and nodes data. You
need at least one shape file for pipes and one
shape file for nodes.
1) Pipe Label
Pipe Label Field: The data field in pipe
shape file carrying labels of pipe

2) Pipe Invert Levels

Import From Fields: Select this option if
you want to import the values of pipe
invert levels directly from the shape file.
In this case, you are required to specify
the data fields carrying the start and end
invert levels of the pipe. If you are
working with a gravity network, it's a
good practice to consider the upstream
level as the start level, and the
downstream level as the end level.
Calculate Using the Following Criteria: Select this option if you want Pipe2CAD to calculate the invert levels
of the pipes during importing, based on certain criteria you define. The calculation criteria include two
1. Minimum Soil Cover: The minimum vertical distance you require from ground level to pipe soffit. For an
imperial units project, soil cover is expressed in feet; while for a metric units project, it is expressed in
2. Matching at nodes: Here you specify if pipe levels should maintain a certain matching rule at nodes. For
example, in pressure networks, it's common that connected pipes even with different diameters have the same
centerline level; while in gravity networks, it's common to have the same soffit level.
4) Pipe Section Size
Import From Field: Select this option if you want to import the pipe section sizes directly from the shape
file. In this case, you are required to specify the data field carrying the section size of the pipe.

Set to: Select this option if you want to set the section size of all imported pipes to one same size. You then
pick one of the section sizes available in the project library.

5) Number of Cells (gravity networks only)

Usually set to one cell

6) Node Label
Node Label Field: The data field in node shape file carrying labels of node elements.

7) Node Ground Level

Import From Field: Select this option if you want to import the ground levels at nodes directly from the
shape file. In this case, you are required to specify the data field carrying the node ground levels. For an
imperial units project, ground levels should be expressed in feet; while for a metric units project, it should
be expressed in meters.
Set to: Select this option if you want to set the ground levels of all imported nodes to same value.

Note: After Importing the networks ,every one has Layer differently on another.
View style settings :
Use for Showing and hiding The Annotation on pipes and nodes of pressurized and gravity networks
on plan,
Specify the text style and text height used for annotations.
Check the networks you want to be visible on the plan view. the unchecked networks will be
temporarily hidden. This doesn't affect the visibility of crossing points, and low/high points of the
Low Point shape

High Point shape

When you import or create a new pressure network, Pipe2CAD automatically analyzes node levels to
define low and high points. Low points are marked with red circles, and High points are marked with
green circles. While you are editing the network, low and high points are automatically re-analyzed
and updated.
1) Crossing Combinations to Show
Check the crossing combinations of networks
for which you want to show crossing
annotations on the drawing.

2) Clearance Criteria
Decide if you want to show only critical
crossing points. Critical crossing points are
those which don't satisfy the minimum
required value of clearance. If you select this
option, you need to specify the minimum
acceptable clearance value in the text box at

3) Crossing Annotations
Here you decide if you want to reset crossing
annotation locations. You will need this option
when you change the UCS of the drawing, so
you want to regenerate the crossing annotations
to be in a readable position again.

Note: While you are moving, stretching, or editing pipes and nodes; crossing points are
automatically updated.
Value of clearance doesn't consider the thickness of pipes. If pipes have relatively big
thicknesses, you should consider this when you decide which crossing points are critical.
· To add a new profile click the Add button to open the dialogue box Add/Edit Profile.
· To edit an existing profile, select the profile name on the left list, then click the Edit button to
open the dialogue box Add/Edit Profile.
· To delete a profile, select the profile name on the left list, then click the Delete button.
· To manage profile styles, click the Styles button to open the dialogue box Profile Styles.
1) Profile Name
Name of the profile being created or edited. Note
that profile names cannot be duplicated in the same
2) Network
If you are creating a new profile, here you select the
network in which the new profile will be created. If
you are editing an existing profile, this option is
3) Profile Style
Select the profile style you want to assign for the
4) Insertion Point
Click the arrow button to pick the insertion point of
the profile on the drawing.
5) Datum Elevation
Auto: Select this option to make Pipe2CAD define a suitable datum elevation automatically for the
profile based on pipe invert levels.
Custom: Select this option to enter the value of datum elevation manually in the text box.
6) Profile Pipes
Select on Screen: Click this button to select profile pipes directly on the drawing.
Select by Line Name: This option is available only for gravity line profiles. In this option, Pipe2CAD
tries to recognize the line names in your network using the node labels. To be able to use this feature,
the labeling of nodes (manholes) should follow a certain convention which is understandable by
7) Ground Line
If you are running Pipe2CAD on AutoCAD Civil 3D, you have an additional option to draw the ground line
of the profile directly from a surface. If you select this option, you can select the ground surface name from a
list of the available surfaces.
8) Plan Annotation
Show Profile Name on Plan: Select this option if you want to show the profile name on the network
plan along the pipeline.
Show Profile Stations on Plan: Select this option if you want the show the profile stations on the network
plan along the pipeline.

Note : When you change levels at nodes or Add Pipes, Stretching Pipes, Delete Pipes,
Merge Pipes…etc At line, the drawn profile should be Updated by Double click on it.
Double click
1) Style Name
Name of the profile style.
2) Profile Splitting
Select the option Split long profiles if you want to divide the
produced profiles into several parts to maintain a maximum part
length you specify, in order to fit the length of your drawing
3) Profile Text
Text Style: Select the text style to be used for all profile texts.
Height for data: Specify text height for the data in the profile
Height for labels: Specify text height for data band labels, and
node labels.
Height for title: Specify text height for profile title.

Note : Maximum Part Length Depend on scale of DWG you will submit (ex : scale
1:1000 Max Part Length 700 m, 1:500 M.P.L=400 m, etc)

Note :Can edit General AutoCAD text style to be (Pipe2cad_text and choose Font name
you will be submit in DWG(ex:(stencil.shx)) to be easy for Drafting.
You should edit the Height of data, labels and title on The same concept of DWG Scale.
1) Vertical Exaggeration
The Common Scale of Profile
HL:1/1000 ,VL:1/100
you can specify a different value of vertical scale.

Note : When you need Measure angle of deflection

between head and tail, VL and HL scale should be
equal.(ex Vertical Exaggeration =10 ,VL Scale =1/100
Vertical Exaggeration=1 ,VL Scale=1/1000,etc )

2) Features
Show crossing pipes of other networks: Select this option if
you want the pipes of other networks passing above or
below the profile pipes to be shown on the profile.
Show lateral connections to profile pipes: Select this option
if you want the pipes of the same network that are
connected to profile pipes to be shown on the profile.
Show node labels: Select this option if you want node labels
to be shown on the profile.
3) Horizontal Grid
Grid spacing: Specify spacing between horizontal grid lines.
Show grid lines: Select this option if you want horizontal grid lines to be shown on the profile.
Show left scale: Select this option if you want a horizontal grid scale for levels to be shown on the left
border of the profile.
Show right scale: Select this option if you want a horizontal grid scale for levels to be shown on the
right border of the profile.

4) Vertical Grid
Grid spacing: Specify spacing between vertical grid lines.
Show grid lines: Select this option if you want vertical grid lines to be shown on the profile.
Show top scale: Select this option if you want a vertical grid scale for distances to be shown on the top
border of the profile.
To select a data band to appear on the profile, select it in the Available Bands list and click the right
direction arrow button, to move it to the Selected Bands list.
To remove a data band from the profile, select it in the Selected Bands list and click the left direction
arrow button, to move it to the Available Bands list.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to adjust the order of data bands in the profile.
To format a data band, select it in the Selected Bands list, and click the Format button.
You can Draw Lines or Polyline by
AutoCAD and Convert it to Pipes by
this Option.

Add New Pipes to (New Network/Existing Network): Specify whether the new
elements will be created in a new network, or added to an existing one.
Network Name: Name of the network in which new elements will be created.
Network Type (Gravity/Pressure): Type of the new network in which new
elements will be created. A new network can be a gravity network like a
sanitary sewer or a storm sewer network, or a pressure network like a water
distribution, a fire fighting, or an irrigation network.
Select Pipes or Nodes or
both you Need to Edit.
Not necessary Selected
Elements at same Network.

Network: Name of the network which elements will be edited.

Element to Edit (Pipes/Nodes): Select to edit pipes or nodes of the
Split Pipe :Use this option to divide pipe into pipes Merge Pipe : Collect Continuous Pipes to one Pipe

Reverse Pipe : Reverse Direction (used for gravity pipes)

Reverse Pipe Split or Merge Pipe

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