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1Q: Is tourism one of the biggest businesses in your country?

A: Actually, tourism is a pretty big business in Ecuador, but I think It's not the principal
industry in this country, but it's an important one for sure especially in Galapagos. I don't
know how much revenue it generates, though. But it's important for jobs and things like

2Q: Are there any areas that rely heavily on tourism?

A: Sure of the islands Galapagos are dependent on tourism. Well, that and the fishing
industry. And there are some small towns in the Ecuadorian region and Amazonas jungle
that almost completely rely on tourism. Some of the local people are employed as guides.

3Q: Has the development of tourist resorts had a huge impact on the environment?
A: Honestly, I’m not sure about that in some places. But I know there is concern about
conserving the of galapagos islands always. A lot of tourists pollute the environment, which
is terrible.

4Q: Has air pollution and noise adversely affected the wildlife?
A: Of course about noise pollution, there are many animals being adversely affected by
pollution, we are altering its natural habitat, some vibrations can affect the flight of birds
and some gases are toxic to animals.

5Q: Do tourists produce huge amounts of trash?

A: Oh, yes, sure. It’s awful. If you go to some of the tourist areas in the city even for
example the Histoy Center of Quito, there’s garbage in the streets, this gives us a bad
image. other example when there is a holiday, you can see some of the beaches are really
dirty. The garbage and the disorder is disgusting, if you ask me.

6Q: Does revenue from tourism help protect endangered plants and animals?
A: I really don't think it's like that. I’m not sure how much of the revenue from tourism
goes back into protecting animals and plants, but I think almost nothing. There are lots of
NGO that seek to protect some species and I know the money from those NGO is used to
protect plants and animals and things.

7Q: Do people have a greater understanding of environmental issues these days?

A: I think they do much better than in the past.Today recycling, the circular economy, is
already a reality. people are environmentally conscious. but much remains to be done on
this issue.

8Q: Do hotels and other businesses employ local people?

A: Oh, I know of some small hotels that hire people from the area. A lot of local people are
employed in the hotels, also many people meet and create businesses as a circular and
solidarity economy an example of this is Salinas de Guaranda.
in what way?
# How are the kind of projects helping future
Be in space would be life changing. they’d never look at
things in the same way egain. So, I guess it will not be a
good idea, but these ideas will open the minds of others.
Train little astronauts, I don't know if it's a good idea.

#How does this project affect environment?

Tourism is one of the biggest businesses here and I imagine
that making trips to space will be very expensive, then it will
be a good business. But in the Earth the development of
tourist resorts has negative impact on the environment. the
Air pollution and noise have adversely affected. I can't
imagine what we'll do in space.

you mean . . .
(so) you're saying (that) . . .
(so) what you're saying is . . .
(so) I guess . . . (then)

People pollute the air the water, deplite natural resources

People could take the garbage out into space, and it is not a
good idea.
As far as relationships with a friend, they increase the feeling that you are part of a group and
the sense of purpose by supporting you in every moment. First, friend’s relationships are
important because they support people's lives because in life you will always need friends who
can be there when you need them. In addition, they can be an emotional support for you, just
like supporting you in a work group. Furthermore, sincere friends always help you without
expecting anything in return. All friends try to support you in difficult moments in addition to is
important have a friend who is your emotional support and never expects anything in return.

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