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What did you think of me when you first saw me?

I can�t see you because this is online.

How would you describe your version of a perfect home?

A house on a nice beach with beautiful water. I think it would be amazing to have
a little waterfall into a pool which then ran out to the ocean in a small stream.
I�d love a jacuzzi. I would like my house to have windows and plants. Maybe a
courtyard with some plants like a little jungle. I would want a kitchen with a
wooden table and wooden chairs. I like the pine look. I would like a kitchen with
marble floors, blue tiled counters, and wooden cabinets. A couch in the front room
with a TV. A bedroom with a big bed and curtains that can be pulled around it. I�d
like a bathroom with all the basics and a bathtub that has massaging jets. That
would be amazing. and is gonna happen.

Have you ever been jealous of your closest friends?


Who was your hottest boyfriend?

This guy in my history class was so hot. His name was Chris. I�ve never been so
forward with a guy before. We started dating after the first month of being in that
class together.

What qualities in me attract you most?

That you�re reading my blog?

Is there anything you would like change about me?

Don�t know, we haven�t met.

What�s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be
Marriage is wonderful. It�s a relationship of mutual respect, commitment, and love.
To me love means caring so much for another that you would sacrifice anything for
the other and satisfy any need that they have.

Are you open to a live-in relationship?

Um, no. Live-in usually leads to sex and nobody is having sex with me without the
commitment, end of story.

Does your boss like you or does he take you for granted?
My boss loves me. ??

If you could go on a dream holiday, where would it be?

Hawaii! I would love to go!

What is the wildest thing you have ever done?

Streaked in public in my underwear. Yeah, that was a one time thing for me. My
schools does this. It was freeing and exciting. I just felt awkward because people
had cameras�

Who is the one person you hate in your family?

I don�t really hate anyone in my family. I think hate is a strong word. People
upset me, but I don�t hold grudges.

What is the one most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
Played the penis game in a park. The park was rather empty but it was still
awkward. If you don�t know what I�m talking about then watch 500 Days of Summer.

Describe your first date? What did you do, where did you go? Did you love him?
My first date was in jr high and her parents drove us to a park after school. That
was awkward. We walked around the park and talked. Then we went to see a movie. We
watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? and it was hilarious. I definitely recommend
that movie. she put her arm around me during the movie. She was a bit of a cool
girl to me. Yeah, I loved her or I thought I did. We didn�t last obviously. She had
somethings that got in the way of us.

If you were lucky enough to win the lottery, what would you do?
I would donate a good portion to charities and my church. Then I would evenly
divide it between friends and family. Whatever little bit was left over I would use
to buy a house. I don�t need all that money and I don�t want to make people angry
so hording it isn�t a good idea. And owning a house would be nice.

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