Picture Story

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The boys are playing football in a field. A dog is pushing the ball with its nose.

wants to play football! The dog has scored a goal, The boys are laughing.
Jane and Sally were in the kitchen to
make some biscuits when their baby
brother watched them. The girls were
in the living room and played the
computer game. The baby was in the
kitchen and ate all the biscuits. The
girls were very angry when they saw

A woman is putting a cake in the oven. Now,

she is sleeping in a chair. It looks like the cake
is burning. The woman wakes up and takes the
cake out of the oven. The cake is black and she
is sad.
Đáp án mẫu:

Betty and her Grandpa went on a boat trip together one day. While they were sailing, they saw a
dolphin. It was unhappy because it had a plastic bag on its head. Grandpa pulled the bag off the
dolphin. The dolphin was happy again and Betty and her grandpa were pleased, too. 

Đáp án mẫu:

Holly's class is visiting a factory and the children look bored. The manager meets
them at the entrance and gives them gloves and caps to wear. When he takes
the children inside, they're all surprised. It's a chocolate and biscuit factory! The
children see how the machines make them, and before they leave, they take
some of their favourite snacks with them. They're all excited now. 


Đáp án mẫu:

One day, William decided to play golf with his grandfather. But when he hit the
ball very hard, it landed on a pond. A friendly duck saw the ball and pushed it
back to William. He was very pleased.
Đáp án mẫu:

The man was taking a photo of mokeys. When he sat down on the bench next to
them, a monkey in the cage suddenly took the camera from him. He was
surprised. The monkeys was playing with the camera in the cage and the man
did not know how to take it back.

Đáp án mẫu:

Michael is exploring in a forest. It is a lovely day and he's very happy. Then he
sees a beautiful spotted butterfly and takes a picture of it. When he goes back
home, he wins a competition with that photo. He's so pleased!

Đáp án mẫu:

Jim went camping with his dad, but they didn't have any water so he went to a
stream to get some. A swan got very angry when she saw Jim, because her nest
was near the water. Jim took some water and ran back to his dad. Everyone was
happy then. 
Đáp án mẫu:

When Sarah and Oliver woke up on Sunday, they looked out the window and
saw that it was snowing. They got dressed and went outside to play. They built a
beautiful snowman and threw snowballs at each other. They were very happy.

Đáp án mẫu:

Sarah and Helen were in a running race. They were nearly at the finish when
Helen fell and hurt her knee. Sarah stopped and helped Helen get up. They
walked together and everyone clapped when they finished the race. 

Đáp án mẫu:

A police officer found a tortoise lying on its back in the park. The tortoise couldn't
get up so the police officer picked it up. Then, he took it home with him and gave
it some water. The tortoise was happy with his new family. 
Đáp án mẫu:

On a sunny day, there were a girl playing drums and her brother watching TV
next to her. However, it was so noisy that he couldn't hear the programme. He
broke the drum and gave his sister a guitar. She was very happy. Then, she
continued to play the guitar and her brother still couldn't watch TV because of its

Đáp án mẫu:

The boy went out with his friend and brought along a green yellow scarf. But
when it was windy and cold, he didn't put it on. When he came back home, he
didn't know that he dropped it in front of the house. Because not wearing it in cold
weather, he was sick. His mom saw the scarf and brought it back to him. 

Đáp án mẫu:

Vicky looked under her bed for her football socks. She looked in the kitchen but
she could not find them. She went into the garden and saw her dog with the
socks in his mouth.
Đáp án mẫu số 1: A boy in the desert is frightened by a monster. Then he sees
it is a camel. Finally, he rides a camel. 

Đáp án mẫu số 2: A boy in the desert thought he saw a monster. But it wasn't a
monster, it was actually some camels. A man invited the boy to ride on one of the

Đáp án mẫu:

Three students and their teacher are wearing helmets and firefighter's jackets at
the fire station. But then they have to take them off just as the firefighter spays
the water in the fire engine, so they get wet. But they have a lot of fun. After that,
they say goodbye to him to come back to school. 

Đáp án mẫu số 1:

A little girl is giving her plant some water, but the goat eats it! Her big sister puts
another plant in the garden and closes the gate. In the morning, the little sister is
very happy!

Đáp án mẫu số 2:
A little girl waters a little plant in the garden. A goat comes through the open gate
and eats it! Her sister is angry. She puts another plant in the ground and closes
the gate. In the morning, the little girl is surprised. “Look at my lovely big plant! It
has grown a lot!”, she says.

Đáp án mẫu số 1:

A boy and his mum are clapping for an actor on stage. Now they are waiting at
the theatre door. They are all taking a photo together.

Đáp án mẫu số 2:

David and his mum were at the theatre. There was a famous actor dressed as a
queen on stage. Everybody loved her and they all clapped a lot. Then Mum and
David went to wait for the actor at the stage door. When she came out thay all
took a photo together. David was very happy.

Đáp án mẫu:

Frank and Sophia went for a picnic in the park. They put everything on a blanket.
They had lots of food and drink, like juice and cake and sandwiches. They played
tennis and while they were playing, an eagle camde down and took their cake.
Đáp án mẫu:

Jill and Oliver had tickets to go to see a rock music concert. They arrived at the
stadium but Jill could not find her ticket. Then a boy found her ticket on the floor
and Jill was happy.

Đáp án mẫu:

Sophia was walking along the road and she saw some money on the path. She
took the money to a police officer. The man who owned the money came running
and the police officer said thank you to her.

Đáp án mẫu:

Oliver really enjoyed watching car racing. On Saturday there was a big race.
Oliver went to the race. It was good and his favourite driver won. He was very
excited. Then Oliver had an invitation to sit in the racing car. He was very happy
and his sister took a photo of him with the driver.
Đáp án mẫu:

A little girl was walking with her mother in a park. They saw a hungry dog. The
girl and her mother took the dog home. They gave the dog some food. The family
decided to keep the dog.

Đáp án mẫu:

A boy wanted to post something at the post office. When he was inside the post
office he looked inside his bag. There was no letter in it. He went home and
found it on the floor in his bedroom.

Đáp án mẫu:

A woman made a cake. She put it in the oven. She went into another room and
spoke to her friend on the phone. She forgot her cake and when she came back
to the kitchen the cake was (burned and) black!
Đáp án mẫu:

One day a man’s computer stopped working. He was very angry. He phoned a
computer engineer because he wanted someone to repair his computer. That
afternoon the computer engineer came to his house and repaired the computer.
The man thanked the engineer.

Đáp án mẫu:

A man lost a letter. He tried to find it everywhere in the house and looked under
the armchair. He asked his wife about it, but she didn’t know where it was.
Suddenly, they saw their dog with the letter in his mouth! They were very happy
that they found it.
Đáp án mẫu:

A woman left her keys in her house. Her friend broke a window and they got
inside. But a police officer came to the house because he thought someone
wanted to steal some things from the house.

Đáp án mẫu:

A boy had a bird in a cage. One night he dreamt of birds that were flying. The
next day he opened the bird’s cage. The bird flew away and the boy was happy.

Đáp án mẫu:

A boy sees a nice big toy train in a shop window but he doesn’t have the money
to buy it and he is very unhappy. The boy goes to his mother and asks her if she
can give him the money. His grandfather gives him the money and they go and
buy the toy train from the shop.
Last Sturday was Bob’s birthday. Bob invited some friends to his home.
And they had a funny birthday party. Juila gave Bob a present. Some
children enjoyed the party and danced to the music. Then Bob’s father
gave them a game. And then they found a treasure of fries. They were
very happy.

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