Module 07-Culminating Project Final-Stacey Hopkins

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Training Guide

Intending to develop a training curriculum for new and existing personnel in the
area of Organizational Assessment, methodologies will be employed to explain
the various aspects of the topic. Discussions will consist of a simplistic definition,
its elements, the importance and rationale for it, and the proposed approach for
conducting the organizational assessment.

Stacey Hopkins
Training Manual
ABC Corp. All Rights Reserved
1 For the past several
productivity and profit margins have
remained virtually stagnant.

assertions abound for why we have not



been able to move beyond the status
quo and into the realm of excellence.
To facilitate our goals of progressing
towards excellence, we will be
conducting a complete analysis of the

As Confucius once stated, “[w]e have

two lives, and the second begins when
we realize we only have one.”
Essentially, this means that one can
only move forward once they realize
what is holding them back.

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Introduction “By committing to a relevant and useful
assessment tool and fully integrating it
into strategic processes, organizations are
able to achieve the internal knowledge
and historical data necessary to improve
performance and drive ongoing
transformation efforts” (Perkins et al.,
Main Elements?
The primary focus will be across six
categories, but responses from the
Organizational Assessment may
highlight other areas of that require
What is an Organizational
Assessment? I. Organizational structure
An organizational assessment is a tool II. Current operations
that is used to identify the strengths and III. Leadership competence
weaknesses of an entity. Its focus is on IV. Disconnects between divisions of
internal factors, but may be evaluated on
external results. Essentially, it is a bi-
V. Inefficiencies in processes
directional process that reviews not only
VI. Inconsistencies between stated
processes, but the environment of the
and actual corporate culture
workplace, and overall institutional
Why is it Important?
One might think of this like an annual
Performance Appraisal that is
administered, but instead of employees, it
is the organization that is being evaluated.
Essentially, one cannot begin to develop
strategic plans without having a current
snapshot of where the company is now.

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Assessment Model II. Anonymity of assessment takers.
III. Relatively short assessment period.
IV. Easily repeatable for continual
evaluation of stratagem implemented.
V. Evaluates the company as a whole,
but also further illustrates individual
categories of Leadership, Support, and
The Shingo Prize is broken down into
three separate phases consisting of: an
Achievement Report, an Insight
Assessment, and finally, a site visit.
The report tells the story of the company’s
Which One? perceptions, whereas the assessments
There are many assessment tools give the reality of where we are.
available today; however, the one that Achievement Report
has been selected is The Shingo Prize. The Achievement Report is written to
This evaluation tool was created by the communicate our “transformation to
Utah State University in a cooperative operational excellence” and will disclose
effort with Shigeo Shingo, the co-creator how well we, as an organization, match up
of the Toyota Production System. with each of the four dimensions of The

Despite having roots with Lean, The Shingo Model and the “Guiding Principles”

Shingo Model and subsequent Shingo behind each.

Prize are concentrated more on I. Cultural Enablers – “Lead with

continuous improvement and corporate Humility” and “Respect Every

culture. Individual.”

Reasoning II. Continuous Process Improvement –

I. Allows for assessment by “Focus on Process,” “Embrace

individuals from multiple levels of the Scientific Thinking,” “Flow and Pull

organization to avoid perceptual Value,” “Assure Quality at the

inconsistencies. Source,” and “Seek Perfection.”

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completed, a completely anonymous,
web-based questionnaire will then be
distributed to selected team members that
will further divulge any disconnects
between what we strive to be and where
we are, right now, as a firm.
The questionnaires are estimated to take
between 20 and 35 minutes each and
therefore it will minimize the impact to the
productivity of those that are selected.
The Shingo Insight Assessment will be
given to individuals that are randomly
selected by Human Resources
III. Enterprise Alignment – “Create department. Selections will be made,
Constancy of Purpose” and “Think irrespective of hierarchical level and/or
Systematically.” duration of tenure.
IV. Results – “Create Value for the The purpose is to garner the opinions of
Customer” (Shingo Institute, 2020). the complete spectrum of personnel; from
Insight Assessment the 20-year veteran C-Level executives to
“The assessment helps managers improve the hourly associates that began their
the consistency of their execution and employment yesterday. To genuinely
performance by measuring and addressing move forward, an unbiased look into the
gaps surrounding the ten guiding disparities between where we think that
principles of the Shingo Model” (Shingo we are and where we actually are must be
Institute, 2020). uncovered. Only then, can a plan be

Site Visit developed that will bring us into

Not all applicants are selected for a site alignment.

visit, but if chosen a team of Examiners All participants and their responses will be

will spend, approximately, two days kept completely confidential to ensure

validating our assertions on the previous honest feedback relating to the

two portions. questionnaires given.

After the Achievement Report is

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Scoring Matrix

Regardless if a site visit is awarded, a Behavior Assessment Scale
Scoring Matrix, a Behaviors Assessment
Scale, and a Measures Assessment Scale
will be provided by the Shingo Institute;
along with feedback regarding the scores.
To ensure complete transparency, all
feedback and performance measures will
be posted on a dedicated intranet site
where all are able to access it.
Additionally, the Achievement Report that
Measures Assessment Scale
we complete and submit for review will
also be posted to this site for review.

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John M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University. (n.d.). Shingo insight. Shingo Institute.
Retrieved June 12, 2022, from

Perkins, L. N., Nightingale, D., Valerdi, R., & Rifkin, S. (2010). 6.3.2 Organizational Assessment
Models for Enterprise Transformation. INCOSE International Symposium, 20(1), 809–823.

Training Manual
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