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XXXXXX- Food Safety Culture Survey 2022

This questionnaire has been designed to measure the food safety culture at XXX. This survey
is anonymous, and we cannot link you to your answers, this is to enable you to answer as
honestly as possible. The results of this survey will be used to put actions in place (to the best
of our ability) to improve the food safety culture of the business.
Section A – Demographics and Work History

1. Select your gender

o Male
o Female

2. What age category do you fall in?

o 18-24
o 25-34
o 35-44
o 45-54
o 55 and over

3. How long have you been working at XXX?

o Less than 1 year
o 1 - 5 years
o 6 - 10 years
o 11 -15 years
o 16 -20 years
o Over 20 years

4. Which Team are you apart of?

o Managerial/Administration/Quality
o Bacon Line
o Packaging Line
o Grinding Line
o Maintenance
o Butcher Room /Injecting Line
o Sanitation

Section B – Food Safety Risk Perception and Knowledge

How strongly do you agree with the following statements?

5. When people in my team ignore food safety rules and procedures, it is not my problem.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Not sure
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
6. If we don’t follow all food safety rules and procedures our customers are not really at any risk.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Not sure
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Section C- Business Priorities and Attitudes

7. How important do you think food safety is at XXXX based on daily observations? (When
compared to profits, brand recognition, etc.)
o Extremely important- ensuring food is safe is always top priority
o Very Important- food safety is one of the top priorities
o Somewhat important -it becomes important when something goes wrong or visitors are
o No so important- getting the job done is the main concern
o Not at all important - it's not thought about much

8. It is more important to get product out the door, than to produce product that is the safe and of
the right quality?
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Not Sure
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

9. At what point would a product be unfit for sale/distribution?

o Never. It’s always ok to dispatch despite quality issues
o Only when it’s 100% unsafe to eat
o When there is a possibility its unsafe to eat
o When quality is unacceptable
o When quality is uncertain

Section D- Workplace Practice & Leadership

10. Who is responsible for making sure the food is safe?

o Operation Manager
o Specific people (e.g. Quality Team, Managers/Supervisors and Team Leaders)
o Everyone at all levels
o The Owner and Company Directors
o I don’t know, this information has not been communicated to me

11. How does food safety/GMP rules and procedures affect your daily routine?
o They don’t, they are essential and are part of my daily routine
o They can slow things down, but I understand the importance of following them
o I don’t really know, I am told I need to follow them, so I do
o They are an annoyance which gets in the way of what I am doing
o They don’t affect me as I don’t waste my time with them

12. What is the general situation like in the workplace, especially in terms of staff reporting
problems, questioning procedures or suggesting improvements?
o No engagement, e.g. there is no way to report problems or suggestions or staff are
actively discouraged from reporting concerns
o Minimal engagement, e.g., staff is not encouraged to speak about food safety
o Fair but formal, e.g., staff can only talk with managers during meetings or inspections or
o Pretty strong and flexible, e.g., staff are encouraged to bring suggestions/share concerns
o Very strong and supportive, e.g., we all communicate opening

13. The solutions suggested by me in order to improve food safety will be taken seriously.
o strongly disagree
o disagree
o Not sure
o agree
o strongly agree

14. How committed are Managers (including owners) to food safety?

o not committed, e.g. they don't do or say anything much about food safety
o somewhat committed, e.g., they talk about it sometimes at meetings or inspections and
o very committed, e.g., they often talk with all staff about it, it's in our procedures.
o barely committed, they talk about it only when something goes wrong
o I don’t know

15. How does the management team encourage good hygiene?

o Staff are frequently encouraged to apply food hygiene procedures; explain why they are
necessary and applauded for good practice
o Management provide a good example and challenge poor hygiene practices
o Leadership around food hygiene is inconsistent and follows instruction from regulators
e.g. Auditors
o Leaders fail to act as a role model of good food safety behaviours. Poor food hygiene
practice remains unchallenged

16. How are food safety problems or complaints addressed?

o Strategic and proactive, continuously monitoring, thinking ahead and implementing
preventative actions before issues arise
o Strong response, e.g. issues are identified, fixed and verified to conform action is
o Minimal response - just fixed enough to pass inspection or audit
o Negative response e.g. nothing changes, or a person/team is blamed
o I don’t know

Section C- Staff Knowledge and Action

17. How much training on food safety is available for staff?

o No food safety training is offered. If I want to learn I have to do it myself
o Induction training for new staff and sometimes some extra training if it is needed
o Induction training plus regular refresher training, extra courses and on-the-job
mentoring (if necessary)
o Minimal training is offered, management assumes I should already know

18. How would you rate the food safety trainings you receive?
o Excellent
o Very Good
o Good
o Barely Adequate
o Poor / Inadequate

19. Do staff always put their knowledge and training into practice while working?
o Probably not- especially if they're busy or no one is watching
o I assume they do
o Their supervisors or peers make sure they do
o Everyone has food safety as their top priority and does things properly every time
o No, never

20. Most times decision, actions, and behaviours only change in the plant when we are being
audited or supervised by Managers/Supervisors/QA
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Not sure
o Agree
o Strongly agree

21. I do believe my family and I can consume, without question, the food products manufactured at
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Not sure
o Agree
o Strongly agree

22. I would recommend the products produced at the XXXX to family and friends.
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Not sure
o Agree
o Strongly agree

23. If you were asked why you did not report a food safety or quality issue that I came to your
attention, your answer would be
o I will be seen as an informer
o I do not want to lose my job because someone will be blamed
o I don’t care anymore; I have been reporting for years and there has been no change
o I was going to but was waiting on the right time
o This would not be the case, as I normally report matters once I see them

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