Department of Education: Code Number of Teacher

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Code Number Division of Rizal
of Teacher Kalayaan, Angono, Rizal


Grade 12 Section: HUMSS-C Name of Subject Teacher: MRS. MYLENE ESCANILLAS

Part of Module: evelopment SCORE:

Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 1 WRITTEN WORK (50%)
Module Page: 6 30
Directions: Recall and write the highlight activities that you have accomplished in the following
subjects below. Write your answers on the space given. Be guided by the Rubrics that follow.
a. Philippine Politics and Governance 10 points each
Philippine Politics and Governance is one of my favorite subject when I was in Grade 11. For me, It is
very interesting when we talk about Politics and Governance. I recall doing projects including
Interviewing some of the barangay council and Some student with experience in doing Public
Service. It was very interesting and fun to do.

b. Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

For me, this subject is one of the hardest because you need to read every Discipline and Ideas
related in Social Sciences but somehow it is very good Subject because you can learn some of
Discipline and Ideas Regarding Social Sciences. I can’t really remember specific activities that we did,
All I can remember is, this subject really leaves my brain bleeding. It’s very hard subject and at the
same time fun to learn.

c. Creative Writing
I really love this subject. This subject made me think faster as as fast as writter. I remember writing
some poems and Spoken word poetry and I really enjoyed doing it because I am the type of person
who loves to write poems and other forms of letter. This subject is very fun to take and you can
learn a lot of lessons here.

Score Description Rubrics/Scoring Tool Criteria

10 Excellent The answer was clear, well-organized, supported by detailed and accurate information.
8 Very Good The answer was clear, organized and supported by information.
6 Good The answer was written in clear information.
4 Fair The answer was short and unclear.
2 Poor The answer needed improvements.


Part of Module: evelopment SCORE:
Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 2
Module Page: 6
Directions: Among the
highlighted activities of the The Activity in Creative Writing can be the Springboard
specialized subjects, identify of a possible culminating activity. Nowadays Generation
one area that can be the old forms of writing are being ignored and forgotten. If
springboard of a possible we Consider the needs of the community, We can do
culminating activity. Consider this one. Let us lift up again our old forms of Writing and
the needs of the community and
educate New Gen about Creative Writing. Writing is one
the different aspects of the
of reason why are we connected so we must improve
society including your home.
Write 5 sentences as your ourselves in terms of writing. Some may use Writing as
justification on choosing the an escape to reality.
highlighted activity. Be Guided
by the Rubrics in Task 1.

Part of Module: ngagement

Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 3 SCORE:
Module Page/s: 12 15
Directions: Assess the status of your community/town (Angono). Identify three areas or aspects
which need to be assisted. Indicate your observation about the needs regarding the identified
areas/aspects below. Be guided by the Rubrics below.
Areas/Aspects Observations 4 points each
(need to be assisted)
1. Santo Niño 1. Churches in Santo Niño needs to take more care. It’s very old so the
foundations are getting weak. It needs some renovation.

2. Kalayaan 2. In this barangay, You can see garbage everywhere. This barangay
needs to have community service and other projects that can help the
barangay to be presentable and clean.

3. San Vicente 3. One of the famous spot in Angono can be seen here. I’m talking
about Angono Lakeside eco park (wawa). Everyday a lot of people go
there to catch fresh air and good ambiance but it seems some of them
are irresponsible because you can see their trash everywhere and
worst they polluting the lake.

Score Description Rubrics/Scoring Tool Criteria

4 Excellent The answer was clear, well-organized, supported by detailed and accurate information.
3 Very Good The answer was clear, organized and supported by information.
2 Good The answer was written in clear information.
1 Poor The answer needed improvements.

Part of Module: ngagement

Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 4 SCORE:
Module Page: 12 5

Directions: With the identified areas/aspects which need to focus with, choose one aspect and
formulate OBJECTIVES that will address the identified area/ aspect with challenges. Use SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Resourceful, Time Frame) approach in formulating
your objectives. Be guided by the Rubrics used above.
4 points
One Aspect Objectives
Polluting the  To Save the Lakeside from pollution.
Angono  Clean the area before and after the day ends.
Lakeside eco  Inform Visitors to throw their trash in Designated areas.
 Do Community Service atleast Twice a week.
park (wawa) in
 Monitor the area always.
San vicente.

Part of Module: ngagement

Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 5 SCORE:
Module Page: 12
Directions: Using the created objectives, formulate the premises/scope and time frame of the
preferred project by answering the questions on the table. Answer each question in complete
sentence. Be guided by the Rubrics used in Learning Task 3.
4 points each
Questions Answers
1. What is the program all about?  The program is all about Saving Angono Lakeside
eco park from Pollution.

2. Who are the target  The visitors and the people residing near the area.
3. When is the target date of  This Election break. ( May 2 to 9).
implementation of the
4. Where is the target location of  Barangay San Vicente Angono Rizal.
the program?
5. Why does the program need  To make the eco park more beautiful and clean for
to be implemented? the tourists.
6. How to implement the program  Announce the Program, Ask for Volunteers and Ask
for the assistance of the Barangay Officials.

Part of Module: ssimilation SCORE:

Activity/Task Title: Learning Task 5 30
Module Page: 12
Directions: Formulate the plan of the program to be proposed by developing the steps in
implementing the program that will benefit your chosen area. Consider the three implementation
phases discussed in this lesson. Be guided by the Rubrics given in Learning Task 1.
10 points each
A. Pre-implementation B. Implementation C. Post-Implementation
 Prepare for the program  Assign all the  Check the result.
activities. Volunteers in  Take pictures of the
 Prepare the schedule designated areas. area after the project.
and time frame of the  Assist them of what they  List all possible
said project. can do. activities that can be
 Prepare the materials  The project should run done in the next project.
needed. for one week.  Give a certificate of
 Conduct orientation.  Monitor their acts. appreciation for all the
 Discuss the .  Distribute the task Volunteers.
properly and equally.

Jessie Laurence N. Tomnub Margarita Tomnub

W O RSignature
KSHEE ofTthe
S _Student
Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian

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