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Learning Software Testing...

1) What is Software Testing?

2) Ways of Software Testing?
3) System Testing Level
4) Functional Test Type
5) Functional & System Testing
6) Aware of Other Test Levels & Test Types 

1) What is Software Testing?

Testing Computer Software, nowadays Software is not only for Computers
(Desktop & laptops) also for Small devices like Mobiles and Tablets (tabs).

So, Testing Compute Software and / Or Mobile Software is called Software


Note: You can find Mobile Testing nowadays, Mobile Software Testing, Appium
like Test tool also available for Mobile Testing.

2) Ways of Software Testing?

We have 2 ways for conducting Software Testing,

i) Manual Testing
ii) Automated Testing or test Automation

Manual Testing: Testing Computer Software and or Mobile Software Manually

without using any Test tool or Test script.

Automated Testing: Testing Computer Software and or Mobile Testing using any
Test Tool or Test Script is called Automated Testing or Test Automation.

Note 1: We have several types of Automated Testing, ex: Automated Functional

Testing, Automated Performance Testing, Test Management etc...

And we various Test Tools for Automated Testing or Test Automation, 

i) For Automated Functional Testing, selenium, UFT/QTP, RFT, and SilkTest etc..
available but famous Test tools in this category are Selenium, UFT/QTP.

ii) For Automated Performance Testing, LoadRunner, JMeter, RPT, SilkPerformer

like Test tools available, famous Test tool in this category is HP-LoadRunner.

iii) For Test Management, ALM/QC, Jira etc..test tools available.

Note 2: Functional Testing is an important area in Software Testing, It can be

conducted Manually or using Test tool like Selenium or UFT etc...

Performance Testing is an another area in Software Testing, Manual Testing is

impractical for Performance Testing, Automated Testing is preferable for this.

Usability Testing is impractical using Test Tool (Automated Testing) , Human

users /manual Testing only can judge the Look & Feel aspects.

Note 3: 70 to 80% market share is Functional Testing, remaining all are 20 to

25% market share only, and We can conduct Functional Testing in both ways,
i) Manual Testing
ii) Automated Testing

3) System Testing Level

We have some levels of software Testing in Software Development life Cycle,
i) Unit Testing
ii) Integration Testing
iii) System Testing
iv) Acceptance Testing

We Independent Testers conduct Testing at System Testing Level using Block

Box Test Design Techniques,

So Our Level of Testing is System testing (Testing on Integrated System)


4) Functional Test Type

As Independent Testers we conduct Software Testing at System Testing Level,
here we have several Test Types to be applied an Integrated System, 
important Test Types are,
i) Functional Testing
ii) Non-Functional Testing 

Learn Conducting Functional testing Manually as well as using Test Tools like
either Selenium or UFT (formerly QTP).

5) Functional & System Testing

Functional Testing is Test Type, System Testing test Level, Test Level is primary,
we conduct Functional and Non-Functional Testing in System Testing level, then
what is "Functional and system Testing", yes, It is correct term, 
Functional Testing is part of System Testing then what is "Functional and System
Testing", means Functional Testing in system testing level. 
6) Aware of Other Test Levels & Test Types 
Basically We Independent Testers conduct Functional Testing (Test Type) in
System Testing Level using Black box Testing techniques like Equivalence
Partitioning,  Boundary Value Analysis, Data table Testing etc...

Learn Functional Testing conducting Manually (Manual Testing), and using Test
Tool (Automated Testing).
G C Reddy at 5:41 PM

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