Laws Related To Covid 19 in The Ph1

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LAWS RELATED TO COVID-19 March 24, 2020

President signed the law RA 11469


Valid: 3 months (unless extended


by the Congress).

RA 11469
It is enacted by the house of

representative of the Philippines and
has been passed on March 23,
2020 decla ring a nationa l
e m e r g e n c y t h ro u g h o u t t h e
Philippines as result of the
COVID-19 situation

Effectivity: March 26, 2020

In it congress authorizes the

WHO organization has already president to exercise the necessary
characterized COVID-19 as a special powers for a limited time &
pandemic and called on all the subject to certain restrictions to
cou ntries to ta ke u rgent & address a problem that put us a
aggressive action to mitigate its clear and present danger to the

The outcomes in wake of initial measures Section 4 of RA 11469

already taken with the president to The law grants the President 30 special
address the confidential maintenance powers to address the COVID-19 in the
with issuance of proclamation 922
outbreak in the country.

Signed: March 8, 2022

1.. Adopt and implement these measures to
Declaring the state of public prevent further spread in the coronavirus, ff the
health emergency throughout the WHO guidelines

- Phys ica l or socia l
Proclamation 929
Signed: March 16, 2020
- Quarantine facilities (14
Declaring a state of calamity days quarantine for +)
throughout the Philippines and of ventilation of indoor
imposing an enhance community spaces
quarantine throughout Luzon.
- Covering coughs,

- Hand washing emergency cash aid - depending on the prevailing

- Keeping and washed minimum wage in the region - for 2 mos.
hands away from the Total of 200 billion pesos cash
face assistance provided by the bayanihan to
- The use of face masks heal as one act.
or coverings has been 5. P. Duterte grants a special risk allowance to
recommended in public frontline public health workers
settings to minimize the
2. Expedite and streamline the accreditation THE LAW
of testing kits and facilitate the testing of patient Covid-19 special risk allowance will be given to
under investigations and visions and under all public health worker on top of their usual
monitoring with private and public hospitals as hazard pay granted under the magna carta of
well as the immediate isolation and treatment of public health workers. (RA 7305)
patients. Full health coverage for medical expenses of
private and public health workers who are
The law provides the compulsory and diagnosed to have covid-19 and there is also a
immediate isolation & treatment of patients 100,000 pesos compensation for health
and that the cause of such treatment for workers who contracted severe COVID-19
covid-patient should be covered under the i nfe ct io n w h i l e i n th e l i n e of d uty
national health insurance program of the (Retroactive Application (February 01,
Philippines health insurance corporation or 2020)
PHILHEALTH. 1 million compensation to those who died
3. Ensure that all the LGUs are acting fighting the COVID-19 infection (Retroactive
according to the regulations and directives issued Application (February 01, 2020))
by the national government while implementing
the standards of the community quarantine to 6. Direct PhilHealth to shoulder all medical
their respective locales. The LGUs are still costs of workers exposed to the coronavirus
allowed to exercise their autonomy in situations for the duration of the emergency
not defined by the national government.
7. Mandate that public and private health
4. The authority to give 18 million low-income workers who contract the virus will be given
families P5,000 - 8,000 a month in 100,000 pesos, and 1 M pesos for the families


of health workers who succumbed to the virus (Section 9) states that the act in full force
while in the line of duty. and effect only for the duration of the national
health emergency
8. Take over private medical facilities Offenses that are in effect only for
the duration of the national health
The public interest requires the act authorizes emergency
the president to direct the operation of private (Section 6) enumerates some offenses under
establishments specifically hospitals to serve the act:
as quarantined areas or as medical relief and Enga g ing in hoa rd ing a nd
aid distribution location or other temporary profiteering price manipulation
medical facilities including the transport of product deceptions, monopolies, or
contemporary accommodations for health other pernicious practices affecting
emergency personnel. th e su p p ly d ist r i b ut io n a n d
T h e m a n a g e m e n t o f s u c h p r i va te movement of food, clothing, hygiene
establishments are to be retained in the hands and sanitation products, medicine
of their owners but the owners are required to and medical supplies, fuel in order
to provide a full accounting to the president of articles of fine necessity whether
their operations including the costs and imported or locally produced or
damages incurred as the basis for their manufactured.
unreasonable compensation 11. Ensure that donation, acceptance, and
distribution of health products are not delayed.
9. Discontinue appropriated programs or
activities of agencies of the executive branch A.O. 27 establishing a framework for the
(including government-owned and controlled acceptance, management , distribution and
corporations) - to save money. The savings will delivery of all the medicines, medical
then be allocated for support operations and equipment and supplies in other health
response measures in the fight against products donated to the national government
COVID-19. or DOH for addressing the COVID-19
10. Enforce protective measures against (Section 4 (J)) authorized the
hoarding and profiteering of commodities such as president as temporary emergency
food, fuel, medicine, and medical supplies measure to ensure that donation,
acceptance, and distribution of
health produces intended to entrust


the COVID-19 pu b l ic hea lth 14. Engage temporary HRH (Human

emergency are not necessarily Resources for Health) to complement or
delayed and that the health products supplement the current workforce in hospitals
for the national certified by the and other facilities.
re g u l ato ry a g e n cy o r th e i r
accredited third countries with Health systems can only function with health
esta b l ished regu lations sha l l workers improving health service coverage and
automatically be cleared. realizing the right to the enjoyment of the
Imperative need to properly consolidate and highest attainable standard of health is
manage all the donations of medicines, medical dependent on their availability, accessibility,
equipment and supplies and other health acceptability and quality.
products to address COVID-19 whether to the Mere availability of health workers is not
national government as a whole or the DOH sufficient when they’re equitably distributed
specifically assist the latter in the efficient and and accessible by the population.
expeditious delivery of assistance to the public When they possess the required competency
during the state of national emergency. and are motivated and empowered to deliver
quality care that s appropriate and acceptable
12. Secure goods such as protective laboratory to the socio-cultural expectations of the
and medical equipment, medical supplies, tools, populations.
testing kits, facilities and venues, and others in When they adequately supported by the health
an efficient manner. system that can be theoretical coverage
translating to an effective service coverage.
13. Partner with PRC (Philippine Red 15. Money a nd Credit. Ensu re the
Cross) as the primary humanitarian agency.. availability of credit to the productive sectors
by lowering the lending interest rates and reserve
PNRC/PRC will always provide emergency requirements of lending institutions.
relief to the people in need during natural
disasters, a rmed conflicts a nd other 16. Ease up grant incentives for the
emergencies they have the local knowledge manufacture or importation of much-needed
relationships and access that enable them to equipment or supplies, including medical
be fast and effective responders before, during equipment and supplies
an d after the pandemic.
The president is also authorized to ensure the
availability of credit to productive sectors in


the countryside as well as incentive for 19. Regulate and limit the operation of land,
businesses to manufacture and import critical sea and air transportation, private or public.
or needed equipment against COVID-19 that is
exact from duties and tax sets. 20. Regulate traffic on all roads, streets,
bridges, et al
17. Ease the availability of essential goods
through measures that will reduce interference to In order to ensure also the speeding movement
the supply chain. & distribution of such essential goods and
services, the government is also to make sure
The act also provides that the president that the encroachments and other obstacles to
ensures the availability of essential goods and traffic in all roads including legal constructions
services including the food and the medicines in public places are also removed
to the people by adopting reasonably
necessary measures to facilitate the movement 21. Continue to authorize alternative working
of such goods and services as well as to arrangements for employees and workers in
minimize supply chain destruction to the the executive branch, and if necessary, other
maximum extent as possible. independent branches of government and the
In order to ensure also the speeding movement private sector.
& distribution of such essential goods and
services, the government is also to make sure 22. Regulate the distribution and use of
that the encroachments and other obstacles to energy, fuel, and water, and ensure sufficient
traffic in all roads including legal constructions supply of these.
in public places are also removed
The president is also authorized by the act
18. Require business to prioritize and accept undertake measures to conserve and regulate
contracts for services and materials necessary the distribution and use of power, fuel, energy,
to promote the law and water to ensure an adequate supply of
such necessities for the duration of the
In case of denying, (Section 6 of RA national health emergency
11469 (d)) , it penalizes their revisal to
prioritize and accept contracts for materials 23. Use unutilized funds to fight against the
and services necessary to promote the coronavirus. Any unutilized funds shall be
billionaire laws which is already declared as a considered abandoned during the state of
national policy Emergency.


The LGSF covid-19 to LGUs should be The imposition of the enhanced quarantine has
recorded called as trust receipts by the severally disrupted economic activity &
LGUs for the specified purposes for which the negatively affected the livelihood of many it has
funds were received. difficult for in the individuals and business to
Funds remain unutilized (ex. It has not been either pay their loans, rents, and bills to
used up until December 31, 2021) shall be produce adequate funds to settle these
reverted to the national trust by the recipients obligations.
of the local government units. However, if at To address these concerns private companies
any point. (Before December 31, 2021), the allow the extension of the deadline of bills
LGU determine that the fund can no longer be payment to at-least 30 days from the original
utilized date without the additional penalty.
24. Authorize to allocate funds - including The government mandated this grace period
unutilized or unreleased subsidiaries held by with inclusion section 4(a&b) of RA
G O C C s - to a d d ress th e CO V I D - 1 9 11469
EMERGENCY Direct all banks was the banks financing
companies lending companies and other
25. Move the deadline and timeline for the financial institutions- public or private
submission and filing of documents, taxes, fees, including GSIS, SSS, PAG-IBIG - to
and others while in community quarantine. implement a 30 day grace period for
payments of loans and credit card bills
BIR Issues amendment to extend deadlines including but not limited to salary
suspended assessment and collection of the personal housing and motor vehicles
efficiency taxes unaccepted the importation of loans as well as credit card payments
needed health care equipment or materials falling due within this period of the
from certain taxes and duties in view of the enhanced community quarantine without
enhanced community quarantine imposed by incurring interest, penalties, fees or other
the Philippine government in response to the charges a person with multiple loans shall
worsening COVID-19 in the Philippines. be given the minimum30 day grace
period of every loan.
26. Direct banks and other financial institutions Section 4a: allows the president to enforce
- including GSIS, SSS, & PAG-IBIG Fund - to 30-day grace period on payment of loans
implement a 30 day grade period for and also to ensure the implementation of the
payments of loans and credit card bills provision that there are penalty or it penalizes
the refusal to provide the 30 day grace


period under section 4 with fine or Cited: Presidential Proclamation 929

imprisonment or both at the discretion of the Dated: March 16, 2020
28. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
(4Ps) implement an expanded the 4ps to
include persons working in informal economy
(self-employed, construction, etc.) and those who
are not recipients of the current 4Ps.

29. Lift the 30% cap on the amount

appropriated for the quick response fund

Under the lifting of limits on DRRM funds and

personal services cup
Under RA 10121 (Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010)
applicable during the state of national
emergency as declared by the president

BENEFITS FOR THE PRODUCTIVE Realignment of local funds:

Section 4(q) : local chief executive of all the
27. Provide a 30-day grace period on LGUs are hereby authorized to realign their
residential rents within the period of the ECQ respective local funds including but not limited
without incurring interest, penalties, et al. to their development fund, GAD, SK, and
Special Education fund including the utilized
DTI enforces 30-day grace period for or unreleased subsidies and transfers in order
residential, commercial rent which has to address the covid-19 pandemic.
cumulative amount of rents falling due within Section 4(j) : withstanding the provisions of
the ECQ shall be equally amortized in the next section 272 of RA 7160 or local
6 months, without incurring interest, government code of 1991, a portion of a
penalties, fees and charges. special education fund may be used for the
support of alternative learning modalities
Falls: March 17, 2020 - April 12, 2020 digital education, digital infrastructure and


continuity plans such as purchase of Violators of these law

equipment, materials and supplies related to Disobedience by LGU officials of
printing and delivery of self-learning modules, national government policies or
provision of safe schools infrastructure, directives in imposing quarantine.
equipment and facilities such as hand-washing Unjustified refusal of owners and
station, soap, alcohol sanitizers & other possessors of privately-owned hospitals
disinfecting solutions as well as medical health and facilities; to operate pursuant to the
supplies deemed appropriate by public health directive of the President
officials such as thermometers, face masks Engaging in hoarding, profiteering,
and face shields subject to existing, injurious speculations, manipulation of
accounting and auditing rules. prices, product deceptions, and cartels,
monopolies, or other combinations in
30. Undertake other reasonable and restraint of trade, or other pernicious
necessary measures to carry out the law p ra ct ic es affe ct i n g th e su p p ly ,
subject to the constitutions. distribution, and movement of food,
clothing, hyg iene, a nd sa nitation
The constitution constitutes to be in effect the products, medicine and medical supplies,
act provide that nothing here in shall be fuel, fertilizers, chemicals, building
construed as an implement restriction or materials, and equipment required in
modification of the provisions of the agriculture, industry and other essential
constitution which states in services, and other articles of prime
Section 7: Bill of Rights and other necessity, whether imported or locally
Constitutional Guarantees. produced
Refusal to prioritize and accept
PUNISHABLE ACTS contracts for materials & services
necessary to address the COVID-19
Section 6 of RA 11469 pandemic.
Law provides that aside from acts or Refusal to provide the 30-day grace
omission already penalized by existing period.
laws, the following acts shall be Creating, perpetrating, or spreading of
punishable with imprisonment of 2 false information rega rding the
months or a fine of 10,000.00 - COVID-19 crisis on social media and
1,000,000 pesos or both, at the other platforms
discretion of the court


Failure to comply with reasonable

limitations on the operation of certain
transportation sectors, whether land, sea
or air, be it private or public.
Impeding access to roads, streets,
and bridges, putting up prohibited
encroachments or obstacles, and
maintenance of illegal constructions in
public places that have been ordered to
be removed.
Violations of the act are punishable with either
imprisonment or a fine and if the offense is
committed by a corporation or any other
juridical person,t he penalties to be imposed on
the president, directors, managing partners or
participated in the commission of the offense
or who allowed it to be committed or failed to
prevents its commission.
If the offender is a public official or
government employee, the person can be
admitted the additional punishment of
perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification
from the office

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