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Course: English II : CGT

At the end of this session, students will be
able to describe actions that can be
visualized in a short video.
Why do you think is important to describe the
activities we are currently doing using the
present continuous?
The present continuous is used with normal
verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also
be used to describe temporary situations in our
Present Continuous (vocabulary)
Look at the picture and
write in the chat box
what people are doing.
• John is listening to music.

• Ann is riding her bike.

• Mr. Cardoso and Ms. Kean are

waiting for the bus.

• Paul is buying post cards.

• Suzanne and Adam are swimming.

• Kevin is stakeboarding.

• Adela is playing the guitar.

• Dimitri is talking on the pone.

Present continuous
¿Qué están haciendo?

Ellos están jugando voley bol

(Uso del presente continuo y expresiones de tiempo)

• To talk about something is happening now. (hablar de algo que está pasando ahora)
• To talk about temporary actions. (hablar de acciones temporales)
• To describe a current action. (describir una acción actual)

Common time expressions (Expresiones de tiempo comunes)

• At the moment (En este momento)
• Now (ahora)
• Currently (actualmente)
Present Continuous: Affirmative

For the affirmative form:

subject+ auxiliary verb BE (am/is/are) + principal verb+ING + complement

I am playing soccer.

You are cooking now. We are studying English,


She is reading a book. You are playing video games.

He is watching TV. They are running.

It is eating its bone.

Present Continuous: Negative

For the negative form:

subject+ auxiliary verb BE (am/is/are)+ not + principal verb+ING + complement

I am not playing soccer. I’m not playing soccer.

You are not cooking now. You aren’t cooking now. We are not studying English. We aren’t studying English.

She is not reading a book. She isn’t reading a book. You are not playing video games. You aren’t playing video
He is not watching TV He isn’t watching TV. They are not running. They aren’t running.

It is not eating its bone. It isn’t eating its bone.

Present Continuous: Questions (Yes/no questions & Wh-questions)

Yes/no questions
Am I Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he / she / it working now? Yes, he/she/it is – No, he/she/it isn’t.
Are we/you/they Yes, we/you/they are. – No, we/you/they aren’t.

What are you doing now? I am cooking dinner.
What is he/she/it doing now? He/she/it is eating.
What are we/you/they doing now? We/you/they are working.
Spelling Rules – verb+ING

Words with one syllable

Verbs that end in –e

make making / write writing / drive driving
(make/write, etc) eing
Sometimes a word ends in a vowel + a consonant. Before
adding –ing the consonant at the end is “doubbled” run running / swim swimming
(get) getting

Do NOT double the letter if the word ends in two consonants help helping / talk talking / work working

Do NOT double the letter if the word ends in two vowels + a

look looking / read reading / speak speaking
Do NOT double the letter if the word ends in
snow snowing / fix fixing / buy buying
-w / –x / -y
Let’s practice!
In groups of 5, make a collage
with one picture for each student
with the activities you are
currently doing. Then, you are
going to share your picture and
say oral in class.
Now, in Jamboard
write one
sentence about
one activity you
may be doing
• What did you learn in this unit?
• How did you learn it?
• What strategy can you use to remember?
• Is this topic relevant to you? Why?

Course: English II : CGT

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