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g a ¢etoag al e3fs ® Ss S02 See Sethe SS i i gous" (fruiga Uy) 3 affes fy ‘dost’ ued 3 Gena i ural ferrar a } lina goleafnal asta ehh i AN 92, 93, 18 is vou s Al deus mfg fea als aé ufas ‘Wea fears Ailes’ pit ugs fag foto fam da-uga | oof Pisra 1 ' oe c y: lL 3 Afdes fy ‘aos! ana! (fauisa Uy) a qaet ‘ae ws Hs" Sis oe ‘aos wae ct frenet del 31 ‘ae! Hee ‘gg we eeaa os ‘HST aE HS eT fen sel fen mae uifeae Aaa ‘ToHs are 81 ag dus et nda wrsna fean oe O1 ay oad 82 Ft et aa 3: ad at nfs aife ret ara (a@ai H: 9, 220) SA wel ae $ ag Sts alse was et Guan fest farn do: aa at fs 3 Sfa fend (ast ut: 4, 288) foarte ‘aan3" 3 frais 3 S mse sel aang § muvet wad 91 (8) gous afue aaa Hoe-naste ots ie det S, fen wel qany Basel Sater iors § Gas Ge sh soe mI oe TH arab, vei ot dag weet 31 Gre He nies 13 uy ned oH det a1 ag saa Se a fen nau few gate JS -— aanfs fgafs deaus Ww, dors wfefa woe std aarfs 3g un ve web oa ats soy arte aanfs 8g seq wg art rs diag foe yordt 1 masa arefs ofa afuwas fsdae ute aos ve Aa ae aret aanfs nats feefe AH 1 nfs ufy ony aud wariles fee visfs wey wutfent (Hg H: 908) (m4) qeug ne oS astdeaea Het di Tust ws farsa fpreut aves He fist gerd garg fen fs $a feet so: aeons aret gals efs agg fmreu ora ofe (mT H: 9-242) (2) Gaus Hs 3 4S godl a 3 aay, nPfiys 33 feaweTd : aanfs ats foaws oct 3S 11 aenfg rrfs Hof ofa $8 Wd nits 33 fees (a@ai H: a—229) (a) GaHy Vara TY Het AS SAE feu feusd Us: aanfs wa wants udaral nies aia 3d feeeret 1 (anrarat H: 9—K08) @ (@) (4) (a) (u) @ (a) ass Sats Tsu yx S Jay } usteet sd: aanfs dfe 3 gay ued 1 (anrarei H: a--€08) aa @3 F Gel ugst 3 fra forrs vas yus get 08 a@i fas niet 31 garfs Ga Gut uss fare safe WEA HASH GoNs afae aes BS WSs eI niga ase Hiss dT AfeT 3: wants rer di nfes Atss JOA le foerdt ou . (urg H: 2-900) qos erst am, gu, Su, Ha, wdare—n Wat} HG ao sudass gut rater 81 us ao fs Sa sadhor om on us fafoat ashes Ga ud ga uag us HES oe Cafe Gaus Sars THY, Asi § afye aser d= asest ge wg sign atsa aonfs fireba vis doug ave wea aay ad-ndes are na Aas FT ool fesse Cn § on fous a yrust deta, faa asa wales ots Ga fea fra d ater a 3 Qnet we (feet) rarfemt aie 3.1 Ga HOH HIS S Has I wed: 9. doufs ns Aafs 3 fegats wafes oni auf | (HBr 4: B—92uU8) 2. ufe ufe ofe afs ofa ng Refs fas eos HS feed aovfs aanfs aenfs ferrets ofa afe fife ifs feed 1 (aToaT H: 8--9899) . ToS ofa Heh oP hys urebi ony fearst) (HEH; 9-900) aaudt wa wea nfs ef nfs as Gorgas | (Ha H: A200) . THs ufe woe safe fus afs oS (frat ata 4: 8-30) afe oy fs fefa uefo 3 get dans Arg da om fagal (gual & fara—-¢32) ag fomrs erat 31 fade On 3° fast us sdk det 1 Quel ys at act $ fen wel foorsua at fada-gd A fear wierd ag @ fed fada act RIAA AS IH GIT We Is: fada ag ag AHeot faq freba Aa @3rd 1 (se H: 8—et 9) meow faia gu dtfsnes atdd afsag FS uve det ds) gas d ai age fea fada gut d | aderel tes faga gut w faaer fe: dfenr a : 9. fada aut afy dfe fearel aonfs oft yar [nat H: 3-v92 2. faa afa afsas = wel as forts ay ys dat [eat 3: g-939 u 3, fada aft stefs aaufy aa nafe fos fus ufs fas 321 [surdt u: 8. aaag 8. faga sfa ns aa ufy fans faefe fasts of Ui [afeurs w: g—a32u u. dant farts fadia afo dfe u ofa ae oe food arg uate 1 [es aGat uv: 3 399 aevfs ai feda aut arg Qudas feast a aang’ ove gut du 81 fas fa @3 efipa fart 3 ust pee ‘Ha! ‘ad!’ et eae S 1 gal fed fearst md finer ot fsarn ger 0, frat 2 wrarg 3 Set fearer eur 8 a fagt fed? ANS det near free 8 at faa Arg det era fe os | at fs yats erg aera: a. Ug Bt Hat 2. Fs Bt HST Hd 3.46 ai tfent et HST : 9. US Us gt feat Qn ot rust ust ai Hass 3 faefa Ca eae da det oot | Ga fa a8 us 2 Asta oot ager: AG ufs 3 nHASis ud ua fag ag a uta ad [ao uu, tes fad’ Gn $ arGer d, Ga my ager : ust unofs wrfu ag 3 ag A det 1 [andt at era H: 3-uo¢ 2. Og SHS at stag wt Quen o aA Has | enw a, fan fea ag wy farms der gd fer H3 ag Aart feos ae od TH 3.48 Fi Htfeat ats Gaus ool’, HONS UH Vans T1 fast Hse a7 a H3 oS fea Aa oot, Qa Hany 2, Has 3 | Tens 2 afys ass BS 2 as fey a aft at uset 3 1 Gfarm wel ald HS fea Ga feus mt uel a: nat aa@ A uals 3 eet His finn @ foafe wet 0 Panty: 4, 3.99 ve dt ys fus wa fon waz, ys 2 gan $ sal use Fae Hs ST Hae ag ja dag 3 ys A eet ag ds: Mat ag UeH & sel usa ot S AT I fas ufa ofr Qarusarar rus aif WETS I [awet H: u, até ag Hwan fey vee fea nee HS -vedt Se He sdt agetmg HATA agaretat 3 us afer 3: a. ust uaafs st fag ali a fae de ofe safes (8a 4: 8, aa3au) 2. Hat HESfs med fimrou HS aG ag 3 wie 1 (andl H: u, eet) Quiag fees S pune 8 fa aafty Sag ustaas sefeans Ja aaa ardier 31 fada gut ng Aas ore fs & ot rae det 3: é wa fats ffs fy fader: (mat: u, 999) wa Aas fes ag ere a1 fea Aisa ct fafeunret 3 1 Hg Hag nfsag vents 3 fas dfs ae fran) (ea west H: 8. 1394) Ag Aas aeinat et mys 3 «3 os asi @ fee vies wfgag mtu waserd: adit weg nfsaa 23 A faut dS S GA As wat one) (#3 a@st HaBT 8, 2929) fen wel dana ons asus AG dag fea eA, on Wud, dofhut er ys a teu oie, ag ving os fea d a atgt rss umes 3 aafry weardt gerd, faunal sat der, fen sel aang ot ess mma 3, feu aainut & ales ote Haus de" 91 gafty gang ay nove Hawt 9, uaa aet sat Roger | we det Cae us @3 He weed, @a as was ga foong a aie 9) urea @ vafes ga aes UeH ot cheat oe ot det 3 1 voy S MUSH mae eHest F aGe sel F aat Was saaws genie fist won safes gee gael wee 3: YoeI wa gH tes vs GAAS! USS WA Fes gy mela VAT! (ATs) dense dorag wars aa fea sel aves fiw ‘aeHs’ a2 fe@' fue os: ‘THs Mans as Sfent Hg use fw Anms vos aut $ wis ass go ufsst diem feg nes age Ha, a Wy fount wgra ag dew vt anst ae, Cn er sQ* aes faa wieti Hams Ss fea it aay a8, Ca gaurdhar Ger Ay MBAS GaHs was aa vfs sd views fea wma we 3d Hos SAN gus anay deo age AS | THT wel ast 2g fegu es aed fy lew feu Sfeut aed 6 1" AIS BH (John Matcoim) S oTuVl fasra “ASG mite Tt fas” (sketch of the Sikhs) Fa Tavs ard fe@* fehmi 3: when a Gurumata, or great national councill, is called, as it always isor ought to be, when any imminent danger threatens the country, or any large expedition is to be undertaken, all the Sikh Chiefs assemble at Amritsar, The assembly which is called the Guru-mata, is convened by the Akalis; and even the chicfs meet upon this Solemn occasiou, it is concluded that all private aminosities cease and that every man sacrifices his personal feelings at the shrine of the general good ; and actuated by principles of pure patrio- tism, thinks of nothing but the interests of the religion, and commonwealth, to which he belongs. When the chief and principal leaders are seated, the Adi Granth and Dasama Patshah Ka Granth, are placed before them. They all bend their heads before these scriptures, and exclaim, “Wa ! Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wa ! Guru Ji Ki Fateh !". A great quantity of Cakes made of wheat, butter and sugar, are then placed before the Volumes of their sacred writings, and covered with a cloth. These holy cakes, which are in commemoration of the injunction of Nanak, to eat and to Bie to others to eat, next :eccive the solution of the assembly, who then rise and the Akalis pray aloud, while the misicious play The Akalis whenrhe prayers are finished, desire the council to be 2 . They sit down, and the cakes being uncovered, are eaten of {by all classes of Sikhs, Those stinctions of original tribes, which are, on other occasion, (Kept uP» being on this occasion laid aside, in token of their general and complere union in one cause. The Akalis then exclaim, “Sirdars : (Chiefs) this isa Gurumata ! on which prayers are again said aloud. The chiefs after this sit closer, and say to each other,” The sacred Granth is betwixt us, let us swear by our scripture to forget all internal disputes, and to be united.” This moment of religious fervour, and ardent patrio- tism is taken of reconcile all animosities. They then proceed to consider the danger with whi they are threatened, to settle the best plans for averting it, and to choose the generals who are to lead theit armies against the common enemy. The first Gurumata was assembled by Gurn Govind, and the latest was called in 1895, when the British army pursued Holkar into the Panjab. (The Sikh Religion A symposium. publisded by Sasil G.ota (India) Private Limited. Calcutta, edition 1958- PP 121—22,) was fisay wants denst fea 23 a views erat At was TSHST St AST uaa daar der rt, dua ot wauel waael avel Ht 1 aoHst ade eens Uae tant S fedsr aig ater xl, fer § aevst weet fear ater wt fen se ot navel isa Radel etdadis atar aiet ah wif sw, Tors m3 ‘HoH wade wow TIE | grt dig fit 8 wud sree ‘nada aa’ fea ‘ans’ wadt fears use of3 os as fsa 3 femat ars fis uid as 1 as fea ot unsa ufos ufss atao 2 ‘sHbafes aimafaa' (Asiatic Researches) ot @ Unize at grat fase fee yas det few unga et omiteet ais fea ta-fada @ qu fee gqasshut am @ ag UH Q3 act ndag—vagea ae ot arsedn fea Sas ysteathdl few uufger fanart 1 avet A Hi-wadel et | CHET adiat fea der At fa ware dd & narel ua @ Ate Fa- wai dfmics Hoes, devs, ofthat 3 uffa uraHa gqeat efout 3 ds aael fret & Afeon aad ne 1 slags mY 3 As Bom amg der a ael A fie wa wd fea se a od de (a fhast 3 at at ds a) st as & He udsé ng gael de ase es ga sd, w8 fea ow ageze mus Qn fea det aes sot Sezai, fe wa 3 ea sdf asad | aad 2 tag A aS fa 3 qa ng ua ons de aS fies feg des AAE alass 3 2 mera fem aie, 3d ats YATE SIseT, pg eae 1 wa fat we far vga far an SAA ae fru de 3 and fea ws Je, AG Quad fedd sae! a mara Faas fu agen Hoey, fer 3 Hare aga onfenn dae Qs & wate FaETS @ poHu d omer fa Ht Ae Afsas Saget feaue we 38 sel vnfent at, Hat t for Bt us Brg, del Sz Sy, HF ws fee, Ado feet fey det de, del Isr adt urged | fer ysour @ wag fea sem Ao a aan gs Per fewot Ga a Hat AO Fie, mses Sst gd ater, Ga matel wes ATS get Bet aa Ay mi mud ut 2a Ae | matebat et da fea du det al fa Ga Vea ane we uy fey sa tag nald 1 narstnt et ufég ples, om chisar 3 gaa vA Ge wo fa fan a nbdile € nig soe sae ia den yaw Ali gai 3 Sut es wa feqi vel ‘fadon’ fast wife 8 ung wid fra yar we | fea ae aot dew fe gous fey dé dns 2 fedu det ed | fen Goud ot ufamret et ie ends feu dfeor, wd* ufssr genset Ga ane 38 dfent 3 aga Hfoa Afzal ut $ fen et uct ara fret, Wt ag die ftw ate dst ds m@s are ufser ea gost ater Agy fiw at a aged fea aaa wfoe fet 3 mnud) Teust aafed et sel fea yoga seria ftw ot weed 3 aren gar fly wars] @ ysu fea afew) fers wad' 3a Gens oot afer [ases Fa ust cute feS' dens fea nist Yaa ener dfent dfent A fea mrqH a gu was ag fort | ag gu Fronas eT ent Je aves fea va fru wel fea ‘gon’ der vf, faR gan Bet aa fry 33, Ho wz US ees Bel va MT fours afder A) Fea fiw xa asaTt aie Shit udamat wy fda sat set as fiw a ost fous fel & Aaesu3t AS wel vAZT dea ad uo UA : ‘ ; : : ; : : : fiw nat gfas @ et Sua famrat fes fu a fsus do fed ungat su ) Balbat as 9. aaet fry yao a) af Ag ea Se 3 Ae Aare ou un a, unr yg 20 dA §, TeHfs wast yaa @) afumr u, dar ast 9) afar €. ABss Unst 9) afirar 5. 83 faese 2 at uo oF ‘fu nat ufgar’ @ mers Haat § Hai uAsat 3 qu ae fest weal Bra way euaT Seal fu as asael aid es yas ‘fu Ast ugar Ta Has eA sly S faawer ay fan @ fein xia fea wearat unsa a} g@ asi WSs der SA: au al yea: goal firse et ust: y Adds HAST aed frau nat nase] ahd 3a fly mfeel are, oMfy2na Mnlalalengewist renter sted cdsadesscasecnd eoeroreoe: seal fiw nat asta atiel es fsaurgs aS TE ay sas aa fils, sag 3 ana fed ftw naret afey alsbat wre) 2. faa fiw nat mruer fea ATBTer Ws Aer avs et ener ad | 3. ofea fiw nat fee aa da fie fefson wt uss us a2 1 8, ofa 8A yen fee fiw nar Asteet aha afen ats} we 1 4 Una 2 ofea fad fea fast agreet aHdbat ofen atstut wre 1 & Rast 3 vent feu itl a9 feversi @ gaat Ut sal wal ast we 1 Do. Fass wen fea ug fefenadiat Beh, wel vs, age aifes, sel a3 a9 o9 al aa oma St dase Bel feom a8 we | vt. &y oRHt, 33, Her, fis uzz, goat fe gavel atai F afer wel %. atag da afoa at ot ogel fee far Sl femal a ua 3 “Us da ot Bre Wet qo. Ady aseefent 3 fil Anata: fee fay ua 3 fefsarn Rad) uAsat wait aifesddbit nerus atsbut we 1 9a. Ae Deeefent sel fruns gfebat S feaa 3a 3 ygu alg 3 aes HE Ardbut ftw narei 3 fer ofa 2 fefs- on 3 Ast et dloras Aafson we 1 93. Alag qe atfo at er ‘afore? uae’ Ja WS, We wi ON OH BIS Hatem aifent ag 1 ag, Al ag da mfaa ald we, ae ates 3 da wan UT als 3 awe whem aos! qu, fit ngu-an eal el Aas Bel que vel slag weed We SeA Se Sus a2. eqe @ fean ag d3a3' Was aisle ag. wenAge! 3 weW fea axel adi & Yao wee WEI fea 3a3 Gai ufgat 8 wads, F fiw at Hagel ail eS" 3-32-02 vi ufssl Hifea fea un a3 ae AS | wee i fea Un, sores oa, of hysne fed sium | Pi- 12 Sree To Teme er ee eeeesteescoeesmanseccseessecs toeo 4 eh ele salt ele lob le lola lslwlalelolalelelslc! IDOLS ce mcrecesscorcceseosicsn

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