Extroversion-Introversion - Neuroticism / Stability Psychoticism / Socialisation or Normality or Self-Control

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The (Hans) Eysenck Personality Inventory or Questionnaire

His popular book ‘know your own personality´published in 1972

Extroversion-under arousal(feeling good) there is an optimal level or cortical arousal/

Introversion –over-arousal
Neuroticism-depression and anxiety in the sympathetic nervous system or visceral brain responsable for the
fight-flight response in the danger / stability

Psychoticism-a psychotic episode(or break with reality) but also with aggression,asociated with testosterone
/ socialisation or normality or self-control
Major scale Subscale Item
Análisis estratégico de la empresa Influencia del entorno: cinco fuerzas de Porter

 Primera fuerza. Poder de negociación de proveedores  Segunda fuerza. Rivalidad de la industria

 Tercera fuerza. Entrada de nuevos competidores o competidores potenciales

 Quinta Fuerza. Poder de negociación de compradores o clientes five forces model

 Cuarta fuerza. Entrada de competidores indirectos con nuevos productos o servicios
1. Wettbewerbskraft: Neue Konkurrenten (New Entrants) Michael Eugene Porter
Für wen kann unser Markt auch von Interesse sein ?
2. Wettbewerbskraft: Lieferantenstärke (Supplier Force)
Sind wir/Bin ich von wenigen Kunden oder Lieferanten abhängig ?
3. Wettbewerbskraft: Käuferstärke (Buyers Force)
4. Wettbewerbskraft: Gefahr durch Substitutionsprodukte (Threat of Substitute Products)
Gib es eine Technologie oder Entwicklung z.B. in Kunderverhalten die uns gefärlich werden kann ?
5. Wettbewerbskraft: Bestehende Konkurrenten  (Rivalry among Industry Competitors)
Wie stark ist die konkurrenz untereinander ?

Qué es storytelling en Marketing : el arte de crear una historia en torno a tu marca para

conseguir conectar con los usuarios, transmitir confianza y generar engagement.
Presentación o briefing de empresa.
Storytelling marketing means using a narrative to communicate a message. The aim is to make the viewer feel
something – enough that it'll inspire them to take action. Storytelling in marketing helps consumers to understand why
they should care about something, and it works to humanise your brand.

If you´re not sure how to get started with Brand storytelling ask yourself questions: What´s your history?

Why does your Brand exist? What´s your corporate misión? Have you failed in any áreas? How?

What are your gaps? What are your goals?

Infographic : Using Storytelling to strengthen Your Brand

Coercitivo o autoritario (commanding) , visionario u orientativo (visionary) ,

Timonel (pacesetting) , coach (coaching o capacitador),democrático o participativo
( Kurt Lewin ,1939 ) Leadership styles
Myers-Briggs Types : Extroversion-Introversion This deals with our flow of energy
Sensing-Intuition this is how we learn information Thinking-Feeling this is how we make decissions
Judging-Perceiving this is how deal with the world

executing and evaluating

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