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Obyac twacs) ngdue ion to uHINU

Dadunslonding Concepi MulHiouda
To Stud and unsk turlh di-tount pas o muHinadia

uHimadiq is thgieldconcEsmed uth the Compulo
Contbolled intagiationo mOVin
4oc, gnaphics, dnewings, stil and movin
images (Vidao). animaion, audio, and any oAhoy medig tuhsa, eVOT
TJA o infavwngtion, an ha apsusentad, 9honad, Hnansirtad qnd
Fioossad deiinly
Moltimadioa is madiq thst vsg mulHtiplo anm of in-jamation
Contont and in-fobinaio psioS3ing. Inany businagS emoipsusa
mulkimadioa exists in Ah-forim ot
oGdvafisemants, pOSANAqHions
Vido onvLuncing, voicn mal. ete.

* Componanis o MulAimadiq *

Text ona dthen spaeInl Chajacla1s.

T+ conHains alphanunasie and
kesboand is U80ally ud -fan inpot of tox, houeVU), th QJ
includo Such 4ot
Soma inHnng! (inbuiH)-faoHunuS o

Gnphits Japusent, pioass, manipolqHe

hi9 Aachnologa to gensiata,
ho megt impotHant
and displ pictutO, + i s ho one of
cOmpononHS o muHimadiq qpplicqtion. "TLA doValopmont
o-6 nehis
is SUPPatod by di-oOnt SogitqsiO.
and plhysaudio (CSound).
Thischnology sucouds, 94thesTi03,
Thone 0Oining couIBAS md dihun instotyelions
Con b mediom agpasiogniataly
dolivasod d hyjoush 4his
Vidoo images (know
imagcs (knoun
This tochnology umuds, S4rthosrus,
ond displs
s romae
SUch 3tquoncos (at
S 1n 9patd) Ahot makoS -hQ counHion
fikad vidoo.
as moving: his is hou u
EDg Compla1o dova lopad
sta q
Tn o do
01do to uaHch Vidoo urthout any intonuption, vidao dovico
must display 94 to 30-iama9/ second.
Animation is modenn Hachnology. uwtich hulps in
Computon aninotion
Cnain doveloping, aquncing and displingaet o images
tochnoloay knoun ag fonamas). Animqtion aikas visual e-ffarks e
motion VOy Similay 4o thot of vidaoi
Guognphic in-janmetion sslans map (GTS)
ap Cagtad in Q G11C
Systom ana hoing vgad uild -ja mtunal srusouncag and uida li-
manggenat OS udll 3 wban planning. Thoge 9yctoms slona tho
gumgaphical in-janmation o tha map alonp uwrh q dokabasg comaining
Aaynmofio uulating highlightod mPanadeloMGnHS uith 91akistical o4am
doaails of6 the |lomstes gnd JIOomS tuJOyks'sin qn oico_ buildin

Hologaphic imgg0s
ll of ho tachnologios Sofa essenHiall pseenH
ett -tle view. in-fjanakion. Holopaphic imays eriand ho Concapt
oh visHual otaaliy by allouing Aho Us1 40 e"insida" q paut, Such 9S
an engina and vieu its cPu1ationiom ho insida

Obyactiua (s): THokuchions Ao uindous Ogofing Shstom

Aimg ins}allation% an
To Study Basic windouws Opeioions and
Coniquneliön of tho 0s.

Opesneting system
hot mamges
An ORofing suso9 (Os) is 90fuaa Common
Computy hopdwato and SoMag JOSoUSCOS and fiOvid0g essaHii
Bvicesto Compulo pioAa6. Tho gpangimg systam is

0 o tho systom Saßtovno in aoputor St 9stam
PYogsiarS USual JuqsO an ofamgting sugtomtO 5ONeni
Uindows Opaiating 93lom
Tho opOntina Systam indow is tho ertonsion
6hQha disk
disk opoling
openat ing and simpla st
9ylom: iti4 ConSYstom.
OprygHing 9ystam:
OHing thd most papula1
o T+ yedis ban RUTSOn who Can JOOd
and ondongtand basic
angish. as it doges not ouquila any
SpAcial fbaining.
Howev tha windotus Opasiahing SusAom JquiuOS Dog to Jtun
ha vabious applicotions pbvogpia ms ikialla. Bocmuge of his Jaason,
DOS Should be insHalled imo Ao momany and thon uindow an bo
ElomanHs o Windous OS
ollouwing O tho signitficant elonont oh uindoug
Oppiaking Systum(uos)
Ggphicql Uay lntonfao
Icons (ctuos, documonds, applicofion, poiosmam icons, ekc)

SHot botton
windous explawoy
Mou se butBon
Havduava CompolibilHy
Sottuno compmibrlH
Help, elc
Visions ot windous ORameting Systam

VaTSion ViSision Yoan

win dow 1-01 1985 Uindaus XP
Biofassionl x64 9005
indows NT 1993 windous VisB9
31 9004
windows 95 1995 Windous 9009
uindow9 98 1998 oindows 8 9019
windous 9000 9000 windoug 0 9015
windcws ME 9000 windouws SUvU 9ol6
windows P 900
ORahaking 9astan Tnskalation Tasks
Set up tho display enviononment

Ebase ho puimaviy book disk.

Tnstall Ahe opeeting sustm
Conigun 20u SILO fas RATO
nelall Aho opoting 9yslam, upaio the
doi vo1s, and Jtn opHI0
Sstom updaj03, as notaggibry

Ooyackive (S) uoukng úth Tntenaat

Aims Acquainod wdh inmsint Connectio0, Liowsoi, tsbsita
16WSIn E-maif
To Cxata Emil , Knding ond RQcaiving

Th intmndtis u neuwask 4th9t COnnacls
COmpotei a ha wonld. Toah tha intoinet Raopa Can 3hane
nasymefion and Communi m{ion omanywhoa with an intojno-+
Guattina Acquaintad wth Tntunet Coanection
Tho pstocuSS Can b0 quite
intimidoting q4bist, Sinca thopa U $o many dituont piacas o
haduwa and S-fHun 4o-ocus on. But onc O0 4aka 4tho 4ime
to loann about he elemunHs oa uoolk ingtålation, oU
ou wl
Sind thot Hs Jual not o hod 4oOndanskand at al.
OTL'S a kuies JQview o6 Aho hand astQ essontials 4o sctHing
UP a natwoik. 0nco ou arQ familio teth thaseKHing sknt0
3hoold b a bsLAOZA.
The Netwoslk Hub
masa than q 3mal|
A hub looks ika nothing
o19Ctangulm bor, but it 1 One o 4ho moessonAial plo COS
handuert a0ud1 ntuak Con haua Tha hob is hoB joins

aN Compolos on Mo o4wotilk 4cgedhoi, Sewing ag thacentaq

i3 Send 4o and sucaiVad fom tha intsno
point whe dafa
Q4 layg0
fooks and Opoyatas Similo
A wok Suidckos
hub btt 40k0e rmOsta do4ailad look at Ahoionforimakion
it JOCoiLOS.
winolags Aoutens
mos businosSOS, havina
TOutey 1 exBnonaly osetol A wwla,oss novtst atlows compuo1s

dovics thet use W fi to onnect to ho intonct wthatt n0ding

to o
Plugg0d tnvia Cablo.

SawonS planning to a0 urh

Onss OU ad
a cloud CompJiing
Modol-o 00 uill pio babl want
bUsiness, 0u
DOU businass,
Ho have
SATV.O4hert you Can 0 S tho Consal-focus on
on ous notualk, and
SOK SoJuS all ho inrjasngtion
USpondg o Uuquasts Ao gccoss tho in-fasMmotion.
Physical SHanage
Wh Atheocus baing On Movin infaimation o
oOs not) Nutwostk, it is eas 4o d t hat 2ou do dad
9ome physical SHsyage-fa all his machinoH Stnvai backups shoold
be kopti a sde, dby plam 4het i s u o sta}ic elacisicity

A hyowgo is an applicqtion Rioiamhgt RTOVIdos

ook qt nd itajgci urth all ho-josmofion
On tho wabld twdo wht ub.
ugb pago8, V Ido0g and imageS. Tha
would bupuwse
This includos
psiia to tha ngb as 9 anoic toim fai bsoI hdo-facoc
and ound) toxt ios onling,
Ahat Cot OU bjou 3 Cnavigatq Ahouph
qecoSS o tho inmtanmoet
9on peopl& 0-&A ulob biouwz0 Hoda-j0n
qnd is oalmost 09 nucAssHa in hou manH nviaate
hoisn dhily-
CommonUstA bJOuw Csooga Chuome is CUWOnHly 0 C6 tha
hich is uns 3eIS. Ohm bsuow Seste includo-
micnosotl Lpc
dovslopod by Mozia.
Edc Uscd a Japacomont -os inenct
nene explaum oxplasvm, uih indu
Ralaggtoad to ha pas, micsosofi hns
windows lo0.

O Rapla cod inManat tox plosun uith moat

A bstowsafa
tt- agpta
aPPla compolams
Compulos and
mobail daviOs.
-onl DTIOU
S01 -fa UNIx
Opanq-Afaet and
uwix 3hall
Bholl and vns
iqblo buiou30 4hot's
vMS UgO1S.

obsite Uuativaly opLigting ssumS.

compatiblo wrh tha moat

ConHant hAhat uobsilo

is collacHion
o uob pagps ad JolaHed
publishod 0n idoni-tiod ba a COmmon domain nama and
uiki podis, 0 2002l0.
OnO db oIVOI.
Com, and amazon. Notablo @xampo@ t
aec.osstblo uabsitog com. AM publici t
collactivo ConstiHuto
constiHut tho wolld
woslld uida db,
Th uOsld uwid uob
10-Hosmafion sygiom uhsto

Commondy krown tha uab, is an

doctmons and otho tulo6
idontrtitd by
b Uni-toum JuSOuI Cocalours, which ma 0 intnkod
D aRASIfinkS, qnd ou accossibl& ov.oi tha intana
E- mail
and Jual
- mail, in full elecdoonic mal, magsago 4vonsmttid
digi4al Conputons hvoua nota An-ema 9Stm
qlous computurs U801S 0 n g natuantk to Sond toxt, giaphie
Sounds, and animatod images to othusT v301S.
Io to csaote a kE- mail Td
UBeS1namO and
OU Can U8 oUSI
6imail and olhey Goonto pjoducts liko Youtoba,
Goml C Sgnin to
GrsmlaPi and Giooalo Ostio emciils
Follau h , CJLOgto OT E-mail qccoont and giut sendia

Stag T Vist Giooala accoont croction page, (Accuis goo@- Com)

Stap Chck Cn Cauole acoun

last onna
om will appoa Enta oun Finst
$tap TT T Spn- op
Stp iv Chcoge a Usdnaitasn aoUI aCcOUnt

Sp V AGlon cho0geing q USoJIname, enton a pasStuentd.

last top on Nax\
Shapvt A
phone ombo to vstrôH uous
S P VIT- On Aka page entoj youn
nominDIOU wll Jacoivo q tox massage
Step vr- On th0 Ki D
coda. Emon he virgicqtion
-Ajom Gaooala witn VUT-ficolion
Coa and 49P on airty.
10t entoi HOuT 008 in tho spocr6iald 6ields.
tho pagR
Stap ix On

Stopx Choo8e Gundon.

Lpxi Pond. Ghocalo's Toms o ovico and pStivac poliwil apraa

SCsLn gnd Click on T agso
On ho
Congriadulations COtd

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