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Name: Paula Kaye Z.

David Section: 9- Silicon

Task 2. Analysis of a Memoir. Read again “The Whistle” by Benjamin Franklin provided in LG 3.1. This time, read
it critically by analyzing how the use of descriptive languages enhanced the voice, tone, setting, and characterization
of the story. Support your answer by using excerpts from the story. Your analysis will be rated according to the rubrics
Benjamin Franklin describes the false estimates of people on material things as “spending too much on a
whistle”, and given that this comparison is a bit peculiar, it helps the literary work become distinct from the
others. The author also frequently uses anastrophe to emphasize his view on the subject. This can be seen on his
characterizations, like this, “He pays, indeed, said I, too much for his whistle”. Archaic forms can also be seen,
like “to-day” and “to-morrow”, which also makes the work a bit different.
The author’s tone was sympathetic throughout the story. This can be best seen from first sentences of the second
paragraph. “I am charmed with your description of Paradise, and with your plan of living there; and I approve
much of your conclusion, that, in the meantime, we should draw all the good we can from this world”. To add,
the use of the descriptive language in the sentence made the tone be more evident in the story.
The use of descriptive language for the setting was not complex however the mention of the specific time or
place was blended with some minor details instead of being too straightforward. We can see this on an excerpt
from the first paragraph. “Instead of spending this Wednesday evening, as I have done its namesakes, in your
delightful company, I sit down to spend it in thinking of you, in writing to you, and in reading over and over
again your letters”. Rather than stating that he was simply writing, the author added some additional
descriptions to give a clearer image of what he was doing what Wednesday evening.
The author uses indirect characterization, and mainly focuses on what the specific character does in his/her life,
which helps give a better view on his/her background. The phrase, “gives too much for his whistle” is also used
for all the characterization in the story. The author’s description on the “man of pleasure” is an example that
can showcase the idea. “When I met with a man of pleasure, sacrificing every laudable improvement of the
mind, or of his fortune, to mere corporeal sensations, and ruining his health in their pursuit, Mistaken man,
said I, you are providing pain for yourself, instead of pleasure; you give too much for your whistle”.

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