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I. Datos Informativos:
● Unidad didáctica: Inglés para la comunicación en los negocios
● Integrantes:
● Oriana Gabriela Salas Gonzales
● Alejandro Javier Valdivia Huamani

II. Resultado :

O: Hello Alejandro, thanks for meeting me at this Cafe. I'm not going to lie, your invitation
was a surprise to me.

A: No worries Oriana. I was already in the area. I haven't heard from you lately, So
what’s up?

O: Well, let me bring you up to date. Last month I went to the hospital because I didn't
feel well. To make a long story short, the doctor told me that I am overweight, and I had
to change my lifestyle if I didn't want to die.

A: Oh, what a shame, I hope you can improve your situation, and what is your new

O: I used to wake up at 11, have breakfast and go back to sleep, but now I wake up at 9,
go for a run, half an hour later and when I'm done I prefer to shower and have breakfast.
At 2 o'clock I cook one of all my recipes that my nutrition allows me to eat. In my free
time I like to watch movies or social media until the moon sets. Then dinner and after a
tiring day a bedtime.

A: Oh it seems you are improving your lifestyle. I'm happy for you, I usually get up late
because I’m usually working until dawn and I don’t like to get up in the morning because
I'm too lazy. Could you give me a diet or a routine to get in shape?

O: I will if I can, but because you are a different person, with a different weight and a
different routine, I can’t. What I can do for you is to give you the contact of my nutritionist
and if you contact her, you would receive your own plan.

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A: Oh, it seems good to me, I will contact her to ask for an appointment and to analyze
my situation. I was planning to go in the afternoon since I usually go running in the early
morning from 5 to 7 am.

O: Yeah, I think so, that would be great for you

A:I have 2 tickets for a concert on Sunday. Would you like to come with me?

O: Yes, I would, thank you very much

A: Great! we meet on sunday, take care, bye

O: Take care too, bye

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