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Fiscal Fitness The ISSA Business Guide for Personal Trainers

800.892.4772 •

The ISSA Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Fiscal Fitness Ninth Edition



Sal A. Arria, DC, MSS
International Sports Sciences Association
Neil Reuben, BA, CHT
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013
1.800.892.4772 • 1.805.745.8111 (international) Charles I. Staley, MSS
Sal A. Arria, DC, MSS
Neil Ruben, BA, CHT
Fiscal Fitness
The ISSA Business Guide for Personal Trainers
Charles Staley, MSS
Fiscal Fitness: The ISSA Business Guide for Personal Trainers (Edition 9)
Supplemental text for: International Sports Sciences Association’s Certified Fitness Trainer Program

10 9 8

Copyright © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association.

Published by the International Sports Sciences Association, Carpinteria, CA 93013.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, or in any information storage and retrieval system without the
written permission of the publisher.

Direct copyright, permissions, reproduction, and publishing inquiries to:

International Sports Sciences Association, 1015 Mark Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013

1.800.892.4772 • 1.805.745.8111 (local) • 1.805.745.8119 (fax)

Disclaimer of Warranty
This text is informational only. The data and information contained herein are based upon information from various published and
unpublished sources that represents training, health, and nutrition literature and practice summarized by the author and publisher.
The publisher of this text makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the currency, completeness, or scientific accuracy of
this information, nor does it warrant the fitness of the information for any particular purpose. The information is not intended for use
in connection with the sale of any product. Any claims or presentations regarding any specific products or brand names are strictly the
responsibility of the product owners or manufacturers. This summary of information from unpublished sources, books, research journals,
and articles is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals. It is not intended to direct their behavior or
replace their independent professional judgment. If you have a problem or concern with your health, or before you embark on any health,
fitness, or sports training programs, seek clearance and guidance from a qualified health care professional.
A Note From The Executive Director | iii


Dear Colleagues,
In 1988 when Dr. Hatfield and I founded the
International Sports Sciences Association, the field
of personal training was non-existent. Personal
training is the most rapidly growing profession in
the fitness industry! People realize that with the help
of a Certified Fitness Trainer they can achieve their
health and fitness goals and live healthier, more
productive lives.
No matter whether you’re a doctor, lawyer, or
personal trainer, there are two aspects of your trade. First, you must be competent in
your professional skills and never settle for providing anything but the best possible
service. Second, you must be competent in the business aspects of your profession.
Without good business skills, failure is inevitable.
As a personal trainer, you’ve got a precious opportunity to impact people. You can
help your clients achieve their maximum fitness potential, improve their self esteem,
improve the quality of their lives, and make money doing what you love!
I’m constantly asked, “Aren’t there too many personal trainers?” My response is
absolutely not! Look at our nation as a whole. There is more obesity, more heart
disease, more cancer victims, more overweight children that don’t have physical
education or fitness classes at school, and more deconditioned senior citizens
than ever before.
There are more people now who need you and your professional help than
ever before.
This book is designed to help you maximize the “business” aspects of your profession
and teach you how to become a successful fitness professional. But you must work
hard, be honest, professional and caring, and moreover, treat people the way you’d like
to be treated. Follow these simple guidelines and your financial success will follow.
Good luck!

Dr. Sal A. Arria

International Sports Sciences Association

Introduction, 2

First Things First, 3

Getting Started Toward a

Financially Rewarding Career, 5
Employee Versus Independent Contractor, 6
The Trainer as a Business Person: Setting Up a
Business, 7

Release Forms, 15

Working with Clients, 23

First Impressions, 24
Professional Scope of Responsibility, 24
Training in the Home, 25
Training at Club Facilities, 26
Marketing Your Training Business, 27 Insurance Issues, 59
Building a Clientele, 28 Liability Insurance, 60
Marketing, 29 Outcomes Management, 61
Defining Your Market, 29 Documentation, 62
Advertising, 29
Client Motivation, 65
Turning Prospects into Clients, 35
Drawing-In Phase, 66
Keeping Clients Satisfied and Coming Back, 37
Client Rapport, 67
Getting Referrals from Existing Clients, 38
Know Your Craft, 67
Success Secrets of Sincerity, 67
Top Trainers, 39 Integrity, 67
Referral Sources and Networking, 51 Enthusiasm, 67
Existing/New Clients, 52 Goal Orientation, 68
Letters of Introduction, 53 Appendix A, 69
Referral Cards, 53 Appendix B, 71
How to Establish a Relationship with a Healthcare
Appendix C, 73
Professional, 54
Community Resources, 56 Appendix D, 77
2 | Introduction

It is difficult to trace the origins of personal training the field is demanding and what the consumer is coming
within the fitness industry. Some say it started on the west to expect. In a world of increasing levels of preparedness,
coast with “training to the stars.” Others say that New fitness training is expanding its scope professionally in
York is the birthplace of training with personal exercise order to compete.
programs for professional athletes. A recent super-feature
This edition of Fiscal Fitness for personal trainers and
in Muscle & Fitness magazine (Staley) has uncovered
other health and fitness professionals is a guide that will
evidence that the first personal trainer worked over a
give you the basics of setting up your own business in
hundred years ago! For any coach who has stayed after
the training field. It should enlighten you as to the steps
practice to help an athlete achieve success in their sport,
necessary in running a day-to-day operation and give
personal training has been around for a very long time.
insight into the many avenues you can travel to ensure
Today, the personal training profession is becoming a success with your business in the coming months and
“tour de force” within the fitness industry. The fastest years. Success comes from mastering the knowledge
growing segment in its field, it commands a respectable in your field, working with people very closely for long
salary. The scope of training has expanded from athletes periods of time, setting up relationships with other
and the wealthy to general fitness, performance, and professionals, marketing your expertise, and having all of
even health-related sessions. Today’s trainer must know your financial areas balanced. Knowing where you want
information not just on strength training and exercise to be in the future is also of utmost importance in having
program design, but on nutrition, psychology, physiology, a successful business.
disease processes, and of course, business and marketing.
In a recent issue of The Futurist Magazine, editor Edward
The scope of responsibility for personal trainers is Cornish states that some of the most important benefits
changing as well. From the realm of body builders as of thinking about the future include: achieving career
instructors to persons with graduate degrees, fitness success, preparing for change, making better decisions,
training is requiring its professionals to continue to learn seizing opportunities, and developing self-confidence.
even as they teach. Most trainers have at least one national Knowing where you fit in within the profession and
certification. Many have an undergraduate health-related assessing your talents and experience will help you create
degree. Every year, trainers should attend a continuing a business that will suit your personality, help you focus
education conference to learn the newest advances in on those individuals who will benefit most from your
the field. Trainers may even work within healthcare or fitness services, and establish a long-standing occupation
teach for local high schools or colleges. Writing for health that will grow into its own as a sustainable profession for
magazines or giving community lectures is frequently many years. We hope that this edition of Fiscal Fitness will
part of the agenda of today’s personal trainer. This is what provide you with the basics you need to succeed in your
business as a personal trainer.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers



4 | Unit 1


Let’s face it: Even a doctor, after spending eight or more There are many, many sports and fitness professionals in
years in medical school, can’t just hang a shingle and wait this country who are making a comfortable living doing
for the patients to flood in. It just doesn’t work that way! what they’d do anyway, even if they weren’t getting paid
Doctors have to go out and MARKET their services, and for it. These trainers have the same 24 hours in a day that
so do you. you do. The difference is that they’re spending those 24
hours with maximum efficiency. After reading this guide
Simply being good at what you do is no longer enough to and employing the information within, you will be too.
be successful in today’s business climate. You must get
your message out to your prospective clients. If you don’t, In addition to this guide, you will benefit from access to
they’ll go elsewhere! our resident experts via our 800 HELP line (800-892-
ISSA). Call us anytime. We’re here to help. After all, when
This guide was written for you — the person who has you do well, we benefit also!
devoted his life to fitness, and now plans to make his
The International Sports Sciences Association can also be
living by sharing his knowledge and experience with
found online at As an active member
others. The problem is you’ve devoted so much time and
of ISSA, you have special access to our password protected
effort into becoming an expert fitness trainer, that you’ve
“Members Only Section.” This section includes a step-
probably never spent much time studying marketing!
by-step version of Fiscal Fitness, an interactive version of
ISSA has. ISSA’s staff has reviewed volumes of research our CFT course, an interactive anatomy tutorial, access to
on the subject and has collected vast amounts of practical many health related topics on MEDLINE, along with daily
advice from successful trainers in the field — people who updates of the latest fitness and nutritional information.
are where YOU want to be! Through this guide, we’ll boil We urge you to visit our award-winning web site for all
all this information down to the essentials — information your member support needs including: Tech support,
you can begin to employ immediately, without having to FAQ, continuing education, member support, updated
spend months sifting through business articles in your seminar schedule, job opportunities and enrollment in
local library! We’ve also kept your expenses in mind, and ISSA continuing education programs. We are very proud
most of the suggestions in this guide can be implemented of our innovative web site and look forward to providing
with very little financial outlay. If you do have money to you with cutting-edge information to help improve your
spend on advertising and marketing, we’ll show you how business. Good luck!
to spend it as efficiently as possible.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers



6 | Unit 2


Many college graduates face the prospect of where to work The IRS and local taxing authorities can assess severe
after they receive their diplomas. In many professions, penalties upon businesses that improperly classify
jobs are waiting if preparation is done well in advance of employees as independent contractors, so you should
graduation. This is not so well-defined in fitness. From consult a knowledgeable attorney or accountant when
coaching to consulting, there are many avenues for new forming such a relationship.
professionals to seek. But earning a living cannot be taken
for granted. Some Advantages of Independent Contractorship:
Upon becoming certified as a personal trainer, many • You set your own hours
individuals elect to go work for some organization as • You decide what rates to charge
an employee. Some types of organizations that hire
• You can grow, expand, and progress based on
personal trainers are gyms and health clubs, colleges
your own abilities and efforts rather than an
and universities, corporate wellness centers, resort or
employer’s dictates
hotel fitness facilities, hospital-based fitness facilities,
and geriatric facilities. The advantages of being an • Many work-related expenses can be deducted
employee include the security of a regular paycheck, from your income for tax purposes
employee benefits such as medical insurance and paid • You can choose to work with or not work
vacations, freedom from record keeping and income tax with individuals or groups based on your own
withholding, and above all, freedom from the necessity of preferences
going out and finding clients. • Most personal trainers who work as independent
The alternative to employee status is setting up oneself contractors earn three to ten times more
up as an independent contractor or as a separate business than employees for similar work
entity. Independent contractors are independent business Oftentimes, a newly certified trainer will begin his/
people who are hired to perform specific tasks. They are her career by working for a gym or health club for a few
just like any other vendor except they perform services months to build confidence and experience and then
rather than providing tangible products. They are gradually develop a private clientele and gradually phase
not eligible for unemployment, disability, or workers’ out of the relationship with the gym.
compensation benefits because they are not the hiring
firm’s employee. They are in business for themselves.
The hiring firm does not have to pay employee-employer WHERE IS THE GREATEST
taxes or provide workers’ compensation insurance and
usually is not liable for the independent contractor’s
actions. For this reason, it’s essential that you carry your Most very highly paid trainers perform their services
own liability insurance if you’re going to function as an at their clients’ homes or at private exercise facilities
independent contractor (see Unit 8). If you wish to form owned by the trainer. It is easy and inexpensive to obtain
an independent contractor relationship with a hiring firm, portable equipment such as dumbbells, rubber-band type
you should remember the following characteristics that resistance devices, and Swiss exercise balls that may be
must be satisfied to retain independent contractor status. transported from session to session in the trunk of one’s
car. (You can receive equipment recommendations from
Characteristics of Independent Contractors:
ISSA by contacting our technical support department.)
• Hired on a job-to-job basis If you wish to bring your private clients to a gym to train
• Operate as a separate business them, you can usually make such an arrangement with
the gym owner or manager by explaining that some of
• Offer their services to the general public
your clients will likely eventually become members of the
• Hired to perform a specific task gym. Usually the gym owner will require that you submit
• No ongoing relationship or obligation to the
proof of your certification and liability insurance coverage
hiring firm and that you pay a nominal fee (such as $10.00 per session)
to the gym. This fee will normally be a small fraction of
• No right to control the independent contractor’s the fee you charge your clients. (See page 26 for further
work by the hiring firm

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Getting Started Toward a Financially Rewarding Career | 7


If you’ve never actually trained clients before, you may
feel uncomfortable or even intimidated in the beginning. Possible Target Markets
This is to be expected. Anyone starting a new venture
feels the same way. Not to worry, however — as your
experience in the field accumulates, you’ll gradually
executives senior homes
become more confident and therefore, more comfortable.
But before you actually begin to work with clients, you’ll business persons fitness classes
need to attend to business procedures first. As you’ll soon
see, preparation is the key to developing a successful managers geriatric facilities
personal training business. Let’s first consider the steps
you’ll need to take in setting up your business, and then SPORTS CONDITIONING
later we’ll discuss strategies that you can use to market (ATHLETIC MARKET)
your business. This text is designed to cover the basics of professional or semi-pro
business start-up. For more detailed books on the subject, team athletes
see our resource section in Appendix A. college or
postpartum fitness
university athletes

STEP-BY-STEP osteoporosis high school teams

Let’s take a step-by-step approach to setting up your
general conditioning off-season conditioning
business. First, we’ll assume that you start your business
in your home town and the area that surrounds it. road runners (flexibility,
weight management
Sometimes trainers move to another area (such as a large strength, cross-training)
city) purely because of better business prospects, but YOUTH FITNESS
usually you’ll be happier if you work where you want WEIGHT MANAGEMENT (CLASSES, OR
to live. Second, either you will work as an independent ONE-ON-ONE)
contractor from your home or you will sub-contract your
services with a local gym or club. At first, you may do AQUA FITNESS SCHOOL PROGRAMS
both to allow yourself the greatest possible exposure to
your prospective clients.

The next thing you’ll need to consider is what type of client
you intend to target. Men, women, teenagers and children, Next, it’s time to obtain a DBA (Doing Business As)
very obese individuals, and medical referrals are just a few license from your local courthouse. This costs a nominal
possible categories. Whatever your niche, it helps to have fee ($25 to $50 based on geographic location) and
a unique aspect to your service. Perhaps you have great you’ll need to be ready with the name of your proposed
cooking skills and can show clients how to prepare low fat business. A search will be conducted to make sure that
meals. Or maybe you’re great on computers and can write no existing businesses in your community have this same
software training programs for your clients. Or perhaps name. The DBA license assures the city that you are doing
you have a pool at home and wish to conduct aqua-fitness business within its framework, and if you collect revenue
classes (information for specific training programs is for your services, you will be paying the proper amount of
available through ISSA at 1-800-892-4772). Try to develop local taxes. Like any small business, you should have this
a concept or a “mission statement” (such as the one used license number to market your services. Your name will
by ISSA) for your business based on the type of services appear in the fictitious business section of the local paper,
you intend to provide. Some target groups of people to and once all of the documents are in order, you may move
work with are listed in the following table. on to the next step.

International Sports Sciences Association

8 | Unit 2

Once you’ve got your DBA, you’ll need to set up a business
checking account at your local bank. It is best not to
do business with the same bank where your personal
account is domiciled — you should shop around! Business
accounts vary on their interest rates, annual, or semi-
annual fees, amount of deposit, or the monthly minimum
balance. You should consider the following when you PO BOX, BUSINESS CARDS,
decide to open your account:
• Your business name, address, number, driver’s
license number, and phone number should PO Boxes cost $25 to $100 per year, depending on the size,
appear on the upper left corner of the checks. and can be purchased through the Post Office, Mail Box
• Open an account with no minimum balance Express, or other mail service station. They are perhaps
needed. In some instances, when you open an the best way to keep your business and personal identities
account with a minimum amount of funds (say separate. All correspondence for your business should be
$1,000) and you fall below that amount for even mailed to this address.
one day per month, you are assessed a penalty.
That amount is deducted from your account. Business cards cost from $40 to $200. They can be simple
Always inquire about a “no minimum account or elegant. However, if you are on a tight budget, you may
balance” for your business account. wish to get the basic card, pay the nominal fee, and order
500 to 1000 cards. This will allow you to get your cards
• A minimum monthly fee for your checking
out to many professionals and prospective clients. (See
account. Some banks will have specials where
they charge no fee for checking or savings page 78 for some sample business cards.)
accounts. When you see this, take advantage of it. Mailings to prospective clients or other professionals may
• When you set up your business account, keep it help when you are just starting out. Letterhead stationery
separate from your personal account. Set up two with a brief (1/2 page) letter highlighting your business
accounts if your business and personal funds are may get the attention of those who may be seeking your
at the same bank. This is the best assurance of not services. Printing services for basic letterhead stationery
getting the two mixed up at any point. (and optional letterhead envelopes) run about $50 to $75,
• Avoid any extra fees for using your ATM business depending on how elaborate the style is. (See page 88 for
card for “quick cash” withdrawals. In some some sample letters.)
instances, you may pay over $20.00 per month
extra for this privilege. An information kit can be a simple double pocket
folder to give to the media, rehab agencies, clubs, and
• Quarterly taxes must be paid. For this, you’ll prospective clients. A starter kit may include:
need specialized forms from your bookkeeper or
accountant. • A current copy of your resume highlighting your
A re-cap of the services you should be looking for in a professional and academic experience.
business account are: (See page 90 for a sample resume.)

• No monthly minimum balance • Personal letter addressed to your prospect.

(See page 88 for a sample letter.)
• Minimal monthly services charges (3 to 6 dollars)
• Business cards.
• No extra fees for using ATM card (See page 78 for sample business cards.)
• No minimum amount of deposits needed per • Flyer(s) defining your business, including a photo
month of yourself. (See page 32 for a sample flyer.)

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Getting Started Toward a Financially Rewarding Career | 9


Many new trainers really agonize over what they should charge. The ISSA recognizes this and has responded
by publishing a suggested fee schedule (see page 11) based on the two levels of competence and experience
described on this page.

The ISSA recognizes two levels of CFT certification based on the following criteria:

Certified Fitness Trainer - CFT

1. Candidate must have a current CPR/AED/First Aid certification.
(Required for all ISSA certifications)
2. Candidate must be at least 18 years of age.
(Required for all ISSA certifications)

Master of Fitness Sciences - MFS

In addition to the qualifications required of a CFT, candidates must meet all of the following criteria:
1. At least 2000 hours* (roughly equivalent to twelve months) working with clients
in any of the following capacities:
a) Gym or health club floor trainer c) Personal Trainer (one to one)
b) Aerobics Instructor d) Related field
(pending approval of ISSA’s board of advisors)
2. Publication of at least one significant fitness-related article or research report yearly for the
past five years.
3. An advanced degree (Master’s Degree at minimum) from an accredited college or university in a
sport- or fitness-related discipline such as:
a) Physical Therapist e) Chiropractor
b) Occupational Therapist f) Physical education
c) Athletic Trainer g) Sports or fitness science
d) Medical Doctor f) Other related degree from an accredited college or university

4. At least four years as an ISSA member in good standing**

5. Unanimous ratification of an ISSA-approved panel of five MFSs

Other Certification Requirements:

*Work experience must be documented by a letter from employer, professional peer, or an ISSA certified MFS.
The letter must be on professional letterhead and must contain the writer’s daytime phone number.
**To be in good standing, a member must be up to date with all ISSA continuing education requirements.
Membership may be in any ISSA division (CFT, SSC, YFT, etc.). Note: On rare occasions, ISSA may elect to
waive criteria in certain cases, pending unanimous decision by an ISSA-appointed board of five MFSs. Such
cases normally involve a candidate who has exceptional qualifications not listed above.
Your certificate does not indicate your level. Your level is kept on file at the ISSA corporate office. If you require
a letter confirming your certification level, please make your request in writing to ISSA.
Level Upgrades: Level upgrades are processed at the time of certification renewal only. Please submit an
updated resume or CV with your CEU application.
Visit for detailed CEU information.

International Sports Sciences Association

10 | Unit 2

How Much Should

Certified Fitness Trainers Charge?
Some assumptions in this area are:
• There is a 10% savings with each added
client in a group.
• A maximum of 5 clients per group is
• There is a savings of 5% for 6 training
sessions and 10% for 12 training sessions.
• Cooperating gyms sometimes charge personal
trainers a percentage of their fees. If the gym
does the billing, work with each gym manager
to ensure that such charges are (at least in part)
passed on to clients.
• Experience tells us that a typical gym surcharge is
around 20% (some are as high as 35%).
• Part of the savings that are generated by training
clients at their homes is offset by having to travel
• For convenience, all fees are rounded to the
nearest dollar.
National surveys indicate that experienced trainers in
most large cities charge between $50.00 and $100.00
per individual session. (Source: Field). Of course, the
following schedule (page 11) may need to be modified,
depending on the relative affluence and economic status
of your community. Find out what other trainers in the
area are charging as a starting point. If there are no other
trainers in the area, look at similar businesses — dance,
gymnastics, or martial arts instruction, for example. See
what these businesses charge for both private and group
attain their goals under your tutelage, and if they do, ask
them to commit to a number of sessions (six to twelve)
If you do have other personal trainers in town, see what in advance. Explain that significant gains in fitness take
they charge relative to their experience and credentials. If time and persistence and if they’re not willing to make the
a trainer is nationally known, for example, you probably commitment, they’re very unlikely to succeed. You may be
won’t be able to charge as much as he or she does (at least 100% committed to their success, but if they don’t match
at the beginning), even if you’re a better trainer. your commitment, you’ll be spinning your wheels. Most
likely, after they experience your expertise during the first
Credibility is paramount. Do everything you can to
introductory session, they’ll feel more willing to commit.
develop yours! Many trainers find it effective to charge a
reduced fee (approximately half of the normal fee) for the In order to insure the commitment to a number of
first session with a new client. This enables the client to get sessions, you may wish to collect the fee for several in
a sense of your skill and expertise before making a large advance. Offering a discount as suggested in the table
financial commitment. on page 11 will act as a good inducement for paying in
advance. (See page 36 for more information on selling
At the end of the first session, sit down with the client
long term packages, not individual sessions.)
and do an evaluation of the session, giving them an
opportunity to voice any concerns or confusion they The chart on page 12 gives some reasonable earnings
might have. Ask them if they feel confident that they can projections for the first two years in business.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Getting Started Toward a Financially Rewarding Career | 11

ISSA Trainer Rate Schedule This rate schedule is based

CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER (CFT), 1ST YEAR on the number of clients per
session and the session package
Clients Per Group Base Fee Per Pkg of 6 Pkg of 12 (6 or 12). A 10% discount is
Session given for each additional client
1 $50 $285 $540 per session. A 5% discount
is given for a package of six
2 $45 $257 $486 (6) training sessions. A 10%
discount is given for a package
3 $40 $228 $432 of twelve (12) training sessions.
4 $35 $200 $378 All pricing and discounts
are based on payment in
5 $30 $171 $324 full at the time of the initial
training session. A session is
CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER (CFT), 2ND TO 5TH YEAR approximately 50 minutes
in length, allowing ten (10)
Clients Per Group Base Fee Per Pkg of 6 Pkg of 12
minutes of preparation time for
your next session. All packages
1 $60 $342 $648 are based on a three-session-
per-week average. Individual
2 $54 $308 $583
fees may vary. Economic
3 $48 $274 $518 conditions in certain geographic
areas may require adjustment
4 $42 $239 $454 to the fees listed. Experienced
MFS trainers may charge more
5 $36 $205 $389 than $100 per session. Larger
package commitments may
require additional discounts.
Clients Per Group Base Fee Per Pkg of 6 Pkg of 12 Figures are rounded to the
Session nearest dollar.
1 $75 $428 $810

2 $68 $388 $734

3 $60 $342 $648

4 $53 $302 $572

5 $45 $257 $486


Clients Per Group Base Fee Per Pkg of 6 Pkg of 12

1 $100 $570 $1080

2 $90 $513 $972

3 $81 $462 $875

4 $73 $416 $788

5 $66 $376 $713

International Sports Sciences Association

Projected Earnings For Personal Trainers
MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
l Number of Clients 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 14 14 14 14
s Number of Sessions 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Per Week Per Client
Number of Sessions 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 42 42 42 42
Per Week (Total For All
v Number of Weeks 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Number of Sessions 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 168 168 168 168
Per Month
(Total For All Clients)
n Base Fee Per Session GROSS INCOME
CFT $50 0 1,200 2,400 3,600 4,800 6,000 7,200 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 $67,200
CFT $60 0 1,440 2,880 4,320 5,760 7,200 8,640 10,080 10,080 10,080 10,080 10,080 $80,640
CFT $75 0 1,800 3,600 5,400 7,200 9,000 10,080 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 $100,800
MFS $100 0 2,400 4,800 7,200 9,600 12,000 14,400 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 $134,400
MFS $125 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 $168,000
MFS $150 0 3,600 7,200 10,800 14,400 18,000 21,600 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 $201,600
n Base Fee Per Session GROSS INCOME
CFT $50 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 $100,800
CFT $60 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 $120,960
CFT $75 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 $151,200
MFS $100 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 $201,600
MFS $125 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 $252,000
MFS $150 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 $302,400
l You are adding two (2) additional clients each month for the first seven months and managing a full base of fourteen (14) clients from that point forward.
s You are training each client an average of three times per week.
v We are assuming there are four weeks in a month, with twelve months in a year. This allows four weeks of vacation per year.
n We have listed six different dollar fees per session: $50, $60, $75, $100, $125, $150. Individual fees and actual income may vary. A session is approximately 50 minutes in
length allowing ten (10) minutes preparation time for your next session. Please see the chart on page 11 for an example of group and package pricing options.
Getting Started Toward a Financially Rewarding Career | 13

Decide where you will set up your office. It may be in a
separate room at home, or you may obtain the privilege
of using an existing room or office at the gym or club
you have an agreement with. Your office may be nothing
more than your briefcase as many people today can carry
a phone, FAX, electronic date book, etc. in a case or bag.
In either case, you must have all of the necessary forms, You’ll be able to demonstrate that you’re a professional
business cards, client logs, etc. in an accessible location. who keeps accurate and detailed records on each client
Another important reason to have an office is to have (also, see the section on documentation in Unit 8 on
a location to interview prospective clients, collect fees, insurance billing).
and so on. Even if you don’t have an actual office, it’s
important to have a consistent spot in the gym or health
club where you leave your briefcase and other necessities PARTNERSHIP OR
during a session. A simple table and chair will do the
job if nothing else is available. Important point: Use
your office to showcase your diplomas, photos of clients There are good and bad points about a partnership.
you have trained, articles you have written, etc. They’re The old saying that two heads are better than one often
great credibility builders as almost everyone who enters applies to business situations. When two partners team
an office spends time looking at items on the wall while up to start up any business, they usually can solve
they’re waiting for you. problems more efficiently together than individually.
On the other hand, many persons in business start up
Establish policies and communicate them to your client
their own organizations because they feel they can do a
at the outset. Doing so will prevent you from “hemming
better job than their predecessors did. Partnerships in
and hawing” when various problems come up along the
some instances may not be good if one partner feels that
way. If, for instance, you have a written policy that late
they are doing a majority of the work. In deciding if you
payments will result in a 10% service charge, you won’t
want to have a partnership, the following issues should be
feel uncomfortable charging it when the occasion arises.
Of course, you may decide to be “a nice guy” about it and
forego the charge, but at least it will be your decision! In • A signed contract delineating responsibilities for
your policy making, consider how you want to handle each party for a specified period of time (space
late clients, no shows, late payments, bounced checks, and rental, equipment costs, miscellaneous costs, staff
help, printing, phone, FAX, clothing)
other problems that may arise. Avoid having to create a
policy “on the spot” when problems come up — you’ll feel • A clause in that contract ending those said
uncomfortable, and your clients will pick up on this lack of responsibilities at the end of the time frame
professionalism. Be prepared and organized — it pays off! • A clear split of finances from both parties for
Keep thorough client records. Each client should have any costs associated with the start-up business,
and a time frame for re-paying those costs from
a file, and the first document that goes in the file is the
company profits to each party
Personal History and Information form, followed by the
training contract, if you use one. Also use some type of • Responsibilities to creditors or business associates
attendance sheet as well as a daily log. In this log, you’ll in case one of the partners leaves the business, or
make various entries, including the type of training that the business goes bankrupt
was done, how well the client did, any unusual events (or If you are not willing to assume the responsibility for
injuries that the client had “over the weekend” or outside sharing any of these items with someone who wishes to
the gym) that may have occurred, and anything else that do business with you, then you are better off being a sole
you may feel to be noteworthy. After each training session, proprietor. If you make mistakes, you make them on
immediately fill out the client’s training log while the your own. You have to answer to your clients, no one else.
experience is still fresh in your memory. Not only will this Whether to run a business solo or with a partner is one of
practice keep you focused better on your client’s progress, the most important decisions to make when establishing
but it will also be a valuable asset should a lawsuit develop. your business.

International Sports Sciences Association

14 | Unit 2

INCORPORATING This may seem like a lot of work for someone who just
wants to open a personal training business. But the
liability exposure of working with the general public
(Sub-Chapter S Corporation) cannot be overlooked. Think about it carefully if you feel
A corporation is started by business persons who want all you will be doing a lot of interacting with clients or feel
of the responsibilities of their organization to fall under that you may have an increased liability for any reason
the umbrella of a business, thereby avoiding personal (e.g. your club does not pay liability insurance).
liability. If anything happened to an incorporated
business (a lawsuit, for instance), the legal ramifications
of that suit would not normally fall on personal assets LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS
(home, car, etc.) of the principal(s). Personal savings
David Herbert, an attorney from Canton, Ohio, publishes
would probably not be affected. The corporation is
a newsletter for the fitness profession on the legal aspects
responsible for payment. The advantage of an “S” (Sub
of the exercise industry (see resource section starting
Chapter S) corporation as opposed to ordinary “C”
on page 69). The Exercise Standards and Malpractice
corporation is that “S” corporation profits and losses flow
Reporter highlights the major legal cases that involve
through your personal tax return. If you set your business
injuries, tort law cases, and medical procedures involving
up as a “C” corporation and your business is profitable,
fitness and clinical exercise. Tort law refers to negligence
the business will have to pay income taxes on profits and
of the practice of one’s profession. It has two important
then any dividends disbursed to the shareholders (you)
components. The first is omission — or failing to perform
are taxed again on your personal tax return. The “S”
a prudent aspect of your job — an example would be
corporation structure allows you to avoid this “double”
failing to provide a spot for a weight training exercise,
taxation. Also, if your business loses money in the early
resulting in injury to the participant. The second area is
start-up stage, the losses may offset other personal income
called co-mission — or performing your job incorrectly.
that you’ve earned, thereby reducing your tax liability.
An example here would be telling a client who is de-
For advice on the appropriateness of setting up an “S”
conditioned to use a racing program on a computerized
corporation, consult a qualified accountant.
bike, resulting in severe angina and collapse.
The “S” corporation operates essentially as any other
American corporation. You set up a fund for start-up Trainers should be familiar with the legal aspects of
capital, sell shares of stock, appoint a board of directors, their profession. Health clubs spend a lot of money each
hold regular meetings, and you take minutes of those year on liability insurance, and members sue clubs for
meetings. The shareholders may be your partners, family, the strangest reasons. As the profession of personal
or other work associates. In many states, the minimum training matures, more lawsuits (justified or not) will
amount of funding for stocks is $200.00. Meetings may be forthcoming. Your knowledge of this area will be
be informal, and officers may be elected on interim bases. beneficial to avoid making any mistakes that may cost you
Regular (annual) meetings are necessary and minutes your profession. One book that may be helpful is Personal
should be taken to verify that work is being done to keep Trainer’s Liability: A Trainer’s Guide to Legal Fitness, by
the corporation up and running. B.E. Koeberle.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


16 | Unit 3

Whenever you place your hands on a client, you need
their permission to do so. Without such permission, you
could be sued for battery. Release forms are standard fare
among fitness trainers, especially when you join a gym
or health club. Remember that all forms of exercise are a
stress on your client’s body. With this stress, there is an
inherent risk. Your clients must be made to understand
this. You’ll need to get some legal advice when you draw
up this form since laws vary widely from state to state.
You can always draw up a release form based on one
that you’ve seen at your local gym or club, but there’s
no guarantee that it will hold up in court. Consider the
following when drawing up a release form:
1. Determine the professional propriety of
using the form.
2. Consult your attorney about your state law CLIENT RELEASE
on the matter.
A second consideration that frequently comes up, and
3. Make sure that your form meets legal one you’ll need to be careful about, is training clients who
requirements, expressly stating that the have injuries (past or present) or some form of disease.
beneficiary of Do not train such individuals until their physician has
the form is being released from negligent acts provided you with a physician’s consent form. This form
and omissions.
will tell you what types of activities must be avoided for
4. Develop a clear written procedure that includes the sake of your client’s health and well-being. We cannot
verbally explaining the form and encouraging adequately stress the importance of obtaining these
the client to ask questions. forms before working with clients — if you don’t have the
5. Keep form on file permanently, as it will be forms, don’t begin training your client! It’s simply not
invaluable should questions or a suit occur. worth the risk. If you work with clients who have medical
restrictions on their ability to exercise, you may wish to
Also, verbally explain the information contained on the
take the ISSA Exercise Therapy Course which teaches
form, rather than simply having the client sign it. There
trainers to work with these individuals.
is legal precedent for such a practice — especially when
clients have stated that elements of the consent form An aside to this subject is that using release forms and
were never verbally explained to them, meaning they physician consents will enhance your professional image.
didn’t understand all aspects of the form. (Please refer to When you conduct yourself professionally, you can charge
Appendix D for a sample release form). more for your services. It’s that simple.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Generic Fitness Center Informed Consent Form

I, (print name) _______________________________________ , give my consent to participate in the

physical fitness evaluation program conducted by the _____________________________________

Fitness Center.

Participation in a regular program of physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of
organ systems. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased
muscular strength, flexibility, power, and endurance.

I recognize that exercise carries some risk to the musculoskeletal system (sprains, strains) and the cardiorespiratory
system (dizziness, discomfort in breathing, heart attack). I hereby certify that I know of no medical problem (except
those noted below) that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a regular exercise


I understand that I will undergo initial testing to determine my current physical fitness status. The testing will
consist of completing this health inventory, taking a step test or bicycle ergometer test for cardiovascular fitness,
and being tested for muscular fitness and body composition.
I further understand that such screening is intended to provide the Generic Fitness Center with essential
information used in the development of individual fitness programs. I understand that my individual results will be
made available only to me. I also understand that the testing is not intended to replace any other medical test or the
services of my physician. I will be provided a copy of all test results. I may share the results with whomever I please,
including my personal physician. By signing this consent form, I understand that I am personally responsible for
my actions during my tenure at Generic Fitness, and that I waive the responsibility of this center if I should incur
any injury as a result of my negligence.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________

Please note:
possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
SIGNATURE OF PARENT: _____________________________________________________ WITNESS:_______________________________ gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
or GUARDIAN (for participants under the age of majority) not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Health History Questionnaire

Answer each question by printing the necessary information. Your answers are confidential.
Name: Date of Birth: Age:


City, State, Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Employer: Occupation:

In case of emergency, please notify:

Name: Relationship:

City, State, Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Physician: Phone:

Are you under the care of a physician, chiropractor, or other healthcare professional for r Yes r No
any reason?
If yes, list reason:

Are you taking any medications? r Yes r No

(If yes, complete the following)
Type: Dosage/Frequency: Reason for Taking:

Please note:
possession of this
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ form does not indicate
that its distributor
is actively certified
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.800.892.4772
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information
gathered from this
form is not shared
Please list any allergies: with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
Has your doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high? r Yes r No liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained
Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem that has been or r Yes r No in or collected from
this form. Always
could be made worse by exercise? consult your doctor
concerning your
Are you over the age of 65? r Yes r No health, diet, and
physical activity.
Are you unaccustomed to vigorous exercise? r Yes r No
Health History Questionnaire p.1
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Is there any reason not mentioned why you should not follow a regular r Yes r No
exercise program?
If yes, please explain:

Have you recently experienced any chest pain associated with either exercise or stress? r Yes r No
If yes, please explain:


Please check the box that describes your current habits:

r Non-user of former user; Date quit:
r Cigar and/or pipe
r 15 or less cigarettes per day
r 16 to 25 cigarettes per day
r 26 to 35 cigarettes per day
r More than 35 cigarettes per day


If there is family history for any condition, please check the “family“ box. If you are personally experiencing any of these
conditions, check the box “self“ and provide any requested information.

r family r self Asthma: Describe your asthma:

r family r self Respiratory/Pulmonary Conditions: Diagnosis:
r family r self Diabetes: Type I: r Type II: r How Long?
r family r self Epilepsy: r Petite Mal: r Grand Mal: r Other/Description/Frequency:
r family r self Osteoporosis: Describe your osteoporosis:

Lifestyle and Dietary Factors

Please fill in the information below:

r Occupational Stress Level: r Low / r Medium / r High
r Energy Level: r Low / r Medium / r High
r Caffeine Intake/Daily: r Alcohol Intake/Weekly:
r Colds Per Year r Anemia
r Gastrointestinal Disorder: Diagnosis:
r Hypoglycemia r Thyroid Disorder
r Prenatal r Postnatal
Please note:
Comments: possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
Cardiovascular (1.805.745.8111
gathered from this
form is not shared
Please check the box(es) if you have been diagnosed with any of the following: with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or

r High Blood Pressure r Hypertension r High Cholesterol

liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained

r Hyperlipidemia r Heart Disease

in or collected from
r Heart Attack this form. Always
consult your doctor
concerning your
r Stroke r Angina r Gout health, diet, and
physical activity.

Health History Questionnaire p.2

1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Musculoskeletal Information
Please describe any past or current musculoskeletal conditions you have incurred such as muscle pulls, sprains, fractures,
surgery, back pain, or general discomfort:
r Head/Neck:
r Upper Back:
r Shoulder/Clavicle:
r Arm/Elbow:
r Wrist/Hand:
r Lower Back:
r Hip/Pelvis:
r Thigh/Knee:
r Arthritis:
r Hernia:
r Surgeries:
r Other:

Nutritional Information
Are you on any specific food/diet plan at this time? r Yes r No
If yes, please list:

Do you take dietary supplements? r Yes r No

If yes, please list:

Do you experience any frequent weight fluctuations? r Yes r No

Have you experienced a recent weight gain or loss? r Yes r No
If yes, list change:

Over how long?

How many beverages do you consume per day that contain caffeine?
How would you describe your current nutritional habits?

Other food/nutritional issues you want to include (food allergies, mealtimes, etc.)

Work and Exercise Habits

Please check the box that best describes your work and exercise habits. Please note:
possession of this
form does not indicate
r Intense occupational and recreational exertion that its distributor
is actively certified
r Moderate occupational and recreational exertion with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
r Sedentary occupational and intense recreational exertion 1.800.892.4772
r Sedentary occupational and moderate recreational exertion Information
gathered from this
r Sedentary occupational and light recreational exertion form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
r Complete lack of all exertion liable for the use or
incorporation of the
To what degree do you perceive your environment as stressful? information contained
in or collected from

r Minimal r Moderate r Average

this form. Always
Work: r Extremely consult your doctor
concerning your
Home r Minimal r Moderate r Average r Extremely health, diet, and
physical activity.

Do you work more than 40 hours a week? r Yes r No

Health History Questionnaire p.3
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Please make any other comments you feel are pertinent to your exercise program.



























Please note:
possession of this
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ form does not indicate
that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
Name: (1.805.745.8111
gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
Signature: Date: not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained
in or collected from
Signature of Parent: Witness: this form. Always
or Guaridan (for participants under the age of majority) consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.

Health History Questionnaire p.4

1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Trainer Notes:





_____ _______________________________________________________________________________________________




___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________












_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________






_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note:

possession of this
form does not indicate
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ confirm certification
status, please call
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1.805.745.8111
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ physical activity.

Health History Questionnaire p.5



24 | Unit 4

FIRST IMPRESSIONS and be pleasant. Be enthusiastic! Avoid the insincere

ranting of the latest TV infomercial (“Technique!!!
As the old saying goes, “You never get a second chance to Technique !!!”). Instead, exude genuine excitement for
make a good first impression.” As a professional fitness your client’s progress. If you degenerate into nothing but a
trainer, consider the importance of looking the part. You clipboard-holder and a rep-counter (which many trainers
would expect professionalism from your dentist, your are guilty of), success will elude you!
lawyer, and others with whom you do business. Anyone Note: While it is important to listen to your clients’
who charges more than $25.00 per hour for services concerns, it’s just as important to stay on track. Stay
should look, act, and be professional at all times. If you out of people’s private lives by always coming back to
wish to charge top dollar for your services (which you fitness-related topics — that’s what you’re getting paid for,
should), you must look as though you’re worth it. While after all! Don’t let your training sessions degenerate into
a select few individuals may appreciate tattered sweats, amateur psychotherapy, since presumably you don’t have
body piercing, tattoos, the odor of sweat, long hair, and a license for that sort of work! If you find your business
bad breath, the majority don’t! slowing down, remember reading this and see how far
Dress in clean, neat, professionally appropriate attire. you’ve wandered from your central purpose!
Don’t dress like you’re working out yourself, as you
shouldn’t be! Pay attention to your grooming and
cleanliness. Most trainers in clubs today dress in polo PROFESSIONAL SCOPE OF
shirts and dress shorts (or tennis shorts). Some wear long
pants as part of their attire, but the days of the cut off RESPONSIBILITY
shirt and spandex leotards for work are hopefully coming The main characteristics of the scope of practice for fitness
to an end. professionals include: physical assessments (body fat,
weight, strength and cardiovascular testing, etc.), exercise
You should also at least look fit. Not that you must be a
programming (actual hands-on exercise programs),
contender for a top body building show, but do look the
lifestyle counseling (nutrition, weight management, etc.),
part. After all, your clients are supposed to be looking at
and business procedures. If you do not have an allied
you as an example of what they can achieve — now take
healthcare license, stay within the realm of exercise
a look at yourself in the mirror and see if you’re setting
training and lifestyle counseling with your clients. If you,
a worthy ideal. If not, get to work and take some of your
as a trainer, feel your client may have a medical condition
own best professional advice!
(eating disorder, orthopedic situation, psychological
Personality is another critical factor. This really cannot condition, cardiovascular problem, etc.), you should guide
be overemphasized! If you’re boring, uninteresting, and him or her to medical and allied health professionals who
humorless, you’re in the wrong business. Make good use are able to deal with these situations. It is the ethical thing
of eye contact, smile often, listen to your client’s concerns, to do, and it is also good business.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Working With Clients | 25


Although many personal trainers operate out of gyms are no less effective than gym workouts; they’re just less
and health clubs, there is one major drawback to doing “glamorous.” So, you’ll just have to do a good job selling
so — high overhead. Most gyms and clubs will ask for your potential clients on the concept! You might call it
a significant portion of your fee right off the top. The “Spartan Training” as a unique selling angle! Remember,
advantages, however, are that the club can refer clients to though, Spartan doesn’t mean dirty, cluttered, or dingy!
you and that you’ll have a wide array of equipment to use If you train clients at home, do your best to make your
with your clients. For most trainers, the advantages of workout area clean, tidy, and well-lit. Have a source of
training clients in a club setting are well worth it. music available, and tell your clients to bring their favorite
MP3s or CDs! Note: Make sure that your liability or
If you can’t strike up a satisfactory agreement with your
homeowners insurance covers your at-home work with
local gym or club, you may instead opt to train clients at
clients — see Unit 8 for more information.
home (probably yours, but maybe theirs). There are two
major advantages of doing this: first, no overhead (ask If you have a van or truck or even a Jeep or station wagon,
your accountant if you may be able to deduct part of your you might more easily be able to haul your equipment to
household expenses as a business expense), and second, your client’s house. It’s often done and it can work if you
you’ll be taking advantage of the fact that many people are do it right. The big factor here is convenience.
intimidated about going into a gym.
A third option, if climate permits, is to train clients
The downside is that you’ll need to purchase some basic outdoors. You can run, bike, hike, swim, or skate with
equipment. You’d be surprised, however, how little such your client, as well as stretch, do obstacle courses, and
equipment can cost (leasing and lease-purchase options calisthenics exercises. Rubber surgical tubing can provide
are also available). A good adjustable bench, some a great workout, and it’s portable, too. You might even be
adjustable dumb bells, rubber tubing, towels, a bar with able to transport some dumbbells to a park somewhere
a few plates, and an exercise bike or a Nordic Track™ and do an outdoor weight workout — nicer than some
machine is all you really need to start, and nearly anyone dingy gym, don’t you think?
can get a good workout with such equipment! The key is
The main point is don’t limit your options. Keep your
to be creative. For instance, cardiovascular conditioning
mind open to possibilities. Twenty years ago, there were
can be worked on via a heavy bag, a mini-trampoline,
very few persons working as personal trainers. Now, there
a lateral slide board, or even a brisk mountain hike that
are thousands of trainers in the field. Who knows what
you can lead your clients on. Many excellent exercises
the trend will be twenty years from now? Maybe you’ll
can be done with no equipment whatsoever (see The
discover it!
Weightless Workout in Appendix A). Home workouts

International Sports Sciences Association

26 | Unit 4

TRAINING AT The problem is twofold: first, you’ll never get a decent

workout, and second, how much free advice do you give
CLUB FACILITIES someone before telling them that you cannot give any
more free advice?
The second option for professional trainers is to strike up
an agreement with a local gym or health club. Most clubs Certainly, you want to be friendly and helpful in the
have existing policy concerning agreements with trainers interest of promoting yourself. But at the same time,
who wish to utilize their facility as a place of business. You you can’t let people take advantage of you. Also, if you’re
may be required to pay the gym a flat fee each month, or always giving out free advice to others, your clients will
you may be asked to pay a percentage of your earnings — wonder why they’re paying for it!
that’s OK. In fact, your clients may be required to pay the The best way to handle this problem is to give the advice
gym for your services and then the gym would pay you once, and then end by saying, “By the way, John, if you’d
a percentage of that money — this way, the gym knows like to get set up with a few sessions with me, I’m sure I
exactly how much you’re taking in. Regardless, they have can help you attain the results you’re looking for. Here’s
the “overhead.” Work with the management — it pays off. my card; hope to hear from you!” With this type of
approach, you’re being friendly, but you’re also giving the
The facility may require you to abide by various rules,
message that you’re not going to be taken advantage of.
most of which involve standard professional courtesy
and ethics. You may or may not be allowed to work out If you can afford the overhead, working out of a gym
at the club “gratis” as part of the agreement. If you are, is a good idea — you’ll get plenty of exposure, you’ll
the arrangement obviously becomes more appealing, be in touch with what’s happening in the local fitness
but don’t lose sight of your major goal: to set up a community, and you’ll have a wide variety of equipment
successful business. to work with.
You may need to carry your own liability insurance, or
you may be covered by the facility’s insurance. In either
case, without insurance, you’re a risk to any gym or club.
(See Unit 8 for more on insurance.) OF TOP TRAINERS
If you work out at the same gym where you train clients, We surveyed some of our most successful trainers to
you will most certainly be faced with a difficult problem: ascertain specific attributes of their success, many of
handling gym members who know that you’re a personal which you’ll want to put into practice for yourself. (See
trainer and who are always asking you for advice. Unit 6.)

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


28 | Unit 5

Clinics, Seminars, Teaching

BUILDING A CLIENTELE A great way to get your name established in the
community is to offer free clinics, seminars, and short
Health Clubs and Gyms courses at local YMCA’s, colleges, community centers,
The most obvious source of prospects is the gym and so on. Tell the facility that you’ll do the clinic or short
where you train. You may notice that there is usually course free, as long as they allow you to hand out your
no supervision of club members on the exercise floor. flyer and business card. (Of course, if they offer to pay
Unfortunately, once new members join a club, they are you, all the better!) You can even give out a free session
left on their own after a brief introduction to the facility. card to all the participants. If you teach a night course
Consequently, their information about proper technique, or adult education class at a local community college,
exercise intensity and progression, injury reduction, you can call yourself an adjunct professor or faculty
nutrition, etc. is limited. This is a tremendous opportunity member — it helps your credibility and respect within
for alert personal trainers! Elements of conditioning and the community. Also, many civic organizations, hospital
proper nutrition have become very scientific in recent weight loss groups, and schools are always looking for
years and remarkable results may be achieved in body guest speakers — take advantage!
composition, strength, and endurance under the guidance
of a personal trainer. Information from a leading one- When you do such classes, people will be able to see what
on-one training facility states that a client training with you’re all about and word of mouth will spread. Think of
a personal trainer may be able to perform one-third it as a chance to promote yourself and your services — for
more work in a training session than if they were to be free! You might even be able to get a position training the
exercising on their own (STI Trainer’s Manual 1987). staff at a particular facility after they’ve seen you in action
When members of a club exercise on their own with no — all sorts of opportunities can happen, as long as let
guidance, they frequently become discouraged and many yourself be known.
quit. These are the types of members who make good
candidates for personal training. Distribute Cards and Flyers
One of the easiest ways to get your name out there is to
create an “8 1/2 x 11” flyer. This requires minimal expense,
and the flyers can be used for a variety of purposes. When
designing the flyer, include a good photo of yourself,
preferably a “head and shoulders” shot. Don’t crowd
the flyer with too much information, just the main
points about your services. Use a “catch phrase” to draw
attention to the flyer (Such as “Your Best Body Ever!”
or “Fit or Fat?”. Look at fitness book titles to get ideas).
Your phone number should be large and in bold typeface.
(When you get your business phone number from the
phone company, try to get an easy-to-remember number,
such as 555-PUMP.) If you’re ISSA certified, use the ISSA
logo on this and all of your promotional materials. Doing
so will lend credibility to your business! Print the flyer
on parchtone paper with black ink. It helps to have an
incentive of some type on the flyer, such as sliding scales,
free seminars, two-on-one training, monthly newsletter
mailed to clients, etc.). We have included a sample flyer on
the page 32.
Once your flyer is finished, distribute copies at such places
as shopping centers, grocery stores, health food stores,
laundromats, bulletin boards, and so on. Periodically
re-check the locations to see if any flyers need to be
replenished. You can also fold the flyer into thirds and
mail it to people. Many uses are possible, and with
experience you will no doubt discover many more.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Marketing Your Training Business | 29

MARKETING you may wish to focus on corporate fitness programs.

Look at your background, your interests, and your skills
There are five general areas or steps that comprise your and ask yourself what special talents and abilities you
marketing task. You should approach this task with bring to personal training and how you can turn those
confidence and the knowledge that ISSA is eager to help skills into a successful business. Once you’ve determined
you with each step. Lack of confidence in this area will who your target market is, the next step is figuring out
cause you to work as an employee of a gym or health club how to reach them with an effective message.
for $12.00 an hour instead of working for yourself for
$50.00 to $150.00 an hour.
• Step 1 is to determine who your targeted
clients will be. As you know, there are many forms of advertising
• Step 2 involves figuring out how to reach available. At the beginning, you’ll want to concentrate
your targeted clients with a message that your efforts on the least expensive ones. Among these are
stimulates interest. distributing flyers, posting ads on free bulletin boards,
placing inexpensive classified ads in local newspapers or
• Step 3 requires developing a methodology for
“Penny Saver” type publications, or wearing a lapel button
turning interested individuals (prospects) into
clients (selling). or t-shirt that displays a curiosity-arousing message such
as “Ask me about youthing.”
• Step 4 is comprised of all the things you do to
keep your clients satisfied and coming back.
• Step 5 involves turning your clients into good will Where to Advertise
ambassadors who will spread the word about your Although places to advertise are listed in other segments
excellence and refer other clients to you.
in this book, we are providing a “brainstorming” list of
possible places to advertise your services (depending on
STEP 1: your fitness training market):
• The Yellow Pages, which is pound for pound one
DEFINING YOUR MARKET of the best buys for your dollar
This step breaks down into geographical considerations • Local radio, TV, cable, etc.
and demographic ones. (See page 6 for more insight into • Flyers (in hair salons, colleges, super markets,
this task.) Do you live in a populated enough area to airports, therapy centers, weight loss centers, etc.)
provide you with a full client load (15 sessions per week)?
• Ads in women’s health magazines, local
If not, are you willing to travel to or relocate to an area
newspapers, ad boards in clubs, newspapers,
with an adequate population? It will be helpful to look at health club newsletters, business papers, and
a map of your area and draw in the boundaries of the area newsletters
you want to cover. Once you determine your geographical
boundaries, it’s time to decide what type of client you The problem is deciding how much of your revenue you
intend to target. If you’re a woman, you may (though can spend on advertising and still remain profitable.
not necessarily) wish to concentrate on training women, According to Levinson’s book, Guerrilla Marketing,
since many women are more comfortable training with setting aside about 10% of your profits to start with will
a female. If you’re an older individual, you may want build your base slowly. It is not uncommon for some
to concentrate on clients over 50 as they’ll relate better types of companies to spend almost all of their income
to you than someone younger, knowing that you’ve on marketing for the first year. Of course, you may not
had to overcome joint pain and other characteristics be able to do that, but you must devote some money to
of advancing age. If you’re an athlete, you may wish to an ad that will bring you more business. When
concentrate on training athletes. (The ISSA Strength approached by a prospective client, always find out
and Conditioning Course will help you to prepare for this how they heard about you. This will enable you to
niche.) If you’re a healthcare professional, you may wish evaluate your various marketing efforts so you can devote
to concentrate on post-rehab training. (The ISSA Exercise the greatest portion of your resources to the efforts that
Therapy Program will assist you in preparing for this are bringing the best results.
specialty.) If you’re knowledgeable about big businesses,

International Sports Sciences Association

30 | Unit 5

Print Ads Write Local Fitness Columns

Your local newspaper, arts & entertainment guide, or TV If you like to write, and have much to say about fitness
supplement is a good place to start. Also, many cities have and health, then a local fitness column in your hometown
a specialized magazine of classified ads. These often come paper is a good place to start. Call the managing editor of
out weekly, so the advantage is that it sits on the coffee your paper and set up a meeting with him or her. Explain
table all week long. Try a full page ad, for two reasons: what you would like to do, have some sample topics for
First, the reader will be assured of seeing it, and secondly, discussion, and if you have some sample work, bring it
you can take the ad to a print shop and make copies, with you. You should be well-versed enough to get your
which you can later distribute as flyers. Whenever you do points across and explain your topics of fitness to the
a print ad, it’s a good idea to include a coupon good for general public each time you write an article.
a free session so that the reader will have more incentive
to give you a call. Also, try two for the price of one, or
a similar incentive. (See pages 31 to 34 for some sample Advisory Board to Club/School
print advertisements.) Talking with local school boards and setting up programs
for students after school or on weekends may be an avenue
to use some of your personal training and athletic skills
Other Forms in areas where physical education programs have been
of Print Advertising canceled or are limited in scope. A proposal letter to the
administration should be prepared informing them of
Sometimes you will find other forms of advertising what you propose to teach, your hours of operation, your
available to you, such as ads on the reverse side of fee per class, your liability insurance form, your consent
supermarket cash register receipts, flyers that pizza form for parents and students, and access to phone and
delivery restaurants attach to the pizzas they deliver, first aid. Types of classes that could be taught include:
bumper stickers (that you hand out for free), fact-type post
cards, and so on. Be creative and find unique and cost- • Children’s dance and movement
efficient ways to advertise your business. • Martial arts (Katas, supervised sparring, T’ai Chi,
or Karate)

TV/Radio/Cable TV • Introduction to weight training

• Hiking
These forms of advertising are more expensive, because
they reach a wider audience, and you can better target • Aerobics (step, low impact, water, etc.)
your market. If you have a good appearance and a good The possibilities are unlimited with children
voice, these options may be right for you. If not, stick (especially young children) who are eager to learn
to print ads. Effectiveness depends on repetition — one and can benefit from the individual attention that a
or two spots won’t be enough. Television and radio ads small group size permits.
are a luxury of sorts — not the most efficient form of
advertising. However, with the advent of cable TV, this
is changing. Many local cable stations offer free program
time to individuals wishing to set up their own shows.
Time slots vary, but this is a great way of breaking into the
local TV scene and getting your message out to many local
businesses, and of course, the local viewers.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Marketing Your Training Business | 31


GET FIT! Want to hear OOOHs and AAAHs

Subtract Pounds • Add Years when people see you in your
Call Jeanne Sawyer at swimsuit this summer?
Feminine Fitness Find the Fun in Fitness
555-4291 and get into great shape for summer!
Call Sandy Prentiss at:

Bikini Weather
Get your body ready for the
beach. Train with the best.
Call Ellen Shaw at: Couch Potato Liberation
Health and Fitness is MORE FUN!
555-0000 Come and Find Out.
Steve Sanders - Personal Trainer

WOW! 555-1000
That’s what they’ll say when they see
you in your swimsuit this summer!!


Sandy Prentiss Be as beautiful as you can be.
PERSONAL TRAINER Get phenomenal results from your workouts.

222-8039 Call Joan Ellis at: 808-1212

International Sports Sciences Association

32 | Unit 5


Want Better Results?

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If you would like to receive

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ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer - Since 1995
Marketing Your Training Business | 33


Do you Smile or Frown

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ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

International Sports Sciences Association

34 | Unit 5


Better Results Are Only A Phone Call Away!

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ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer • Have More Energy

• Increase Self-Esteem
SESSION • Improve Performance

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Marketing Your Training Business | 35

Answering Telephone Inquiries - While spontaneity is
an admirable characteristic in many areas of life, having
Telephone Strategies
a script for handling telephone inquiries is much more While we’re on the subject of telephones, you must have
preferable than “winging it.” The following is a suggested either a voicemail or an answering service. If you use
script designed to get the best results. voicemail, make sure that your greeting is clear, to the
point, cheerful, and informative. If you have a “catch-
phrase” or have an upcoming seminar, class, course, or
Telephone Inquiry Script talk that you’re doing, mention it in the message. Here’s
If you adhere to this script, you’ll get nearly all your an example of a good greeting message:
inquirers to the next step in the process, which is the in- “Thank you for calling Peak Performers Personal
person interview. Training, Omaha’s premiere choice in personal training
services. We’re not able to answer the phone at present,
Trainer: Hello, this is (Name). How can I help you? so leave your name, number, time you called, and a short
Inquirer: I’m interested in finding out about message. One of our trainers will return your call as
personal training. soon as possible. If you’re interested in Marcia Cooper’s
“Women and Weights” class on Saturdays, please call the
Trainer: Good. How did you hear about me?
Omaha YMCA at 555-YMCA.”
Inquirer: (Answer)
Don’t let a call go to voicemail when you’re able to pick
Trainer: People come to personal trainers for a up the phone. It’s much better to personally answer calls
variety of reasons; what would you like to
whenever possible. If someone gets your voicemail, and
achieve by working with a trainer?
they’re in a hurry to get started, they’ll end up calling
Inquirer: (Answer) your competition!
Trainer: What else?
You may also consider an answering service. Many are
Inquirer: (Answer) relatively inexpensive (some charge a flat rate, which
Trainer: I think I may be able to help you in those is to your benefit if you’ve got a busy business, and
areas. Let me tell you how the process others charge by the call, which is better if you’re just
begins. The first step is to schedule a 20 getting started). With such a service, you enhance your
minute consultation with you. This will professional image since it sounds as if you’re got a clerical
give us a chance to get to know each person answering the phone. Some services can even
other a bit and to see if I can be of help schedule appointments for you! Check these services out
in moving you toward your fitness goals. and make use of them; you’ll never miss another call and
There’s no cost for the consultation. Is
you’ll never have a session interrupted by a ringing phone.
morning or afternoon (or evening) more
convenient for you?
Inquirer: (Answer) In-Person Interview
Trainer: Okay, I have (Day) at (Time), or (Day) at It is essential to begin this step with a “warm-up” with
(Time) available. Which one would be
the client. The warm-up should last until the client’s
better for you?
body language indicates that they are comfortable with
Inquirer: (Answer) you. Under no circumstances should you begin talking
Trainer: Okay, then I’ll see you on (Day) at (Time). about training or your services until you’ve first spent
I suggest you make a list of questions you at least five to ten minutes just getting to know each
may have, because that will be a good other. (See page 66 for further insight into establishing a
opportunity to get them answered. Now, relationship.) Instead, ask a series of detailed questions
I’m located at (Address) and here’s how about the client. Find out if they’re single or married.
you can get to my office. (Give directions). What are their family responsibilities? What’s their
So I’ll look forward to seeing you then,
occupation? Do they like their job? How physically active
okay? Goodbye.

International Sports Sciences Association

36 | Unit 5

or sedentary is their lifestyle? What do they like to do for

Commitment Interview Script
recreation? In order to avoid turning the session into an
interrogation, you should occasionally share information Trainer: What did you like about the session
about yourself but the main focus of attention (perhaps we just had?
90%) should be on them. It’s usually more comfortable
for the client if you’re not taking notes during the warm- What did you dislike about it?
up phase.
Once the prospective client is comfortable with you,
In general terms, what would you like to
you can begin the Intake Questionnaire. A copy of accomplish in the area of fitness?
this is included on pages 85 and 86 of this book.
Photocopy several copies of the questionnaire and use
Why is that important to you?
it with every prospect. Go through every question and
record every answer.
If you could accomplish these things, how
Complimentary First would it change your life?

Workout (Pros and Cons) Are you really sincere about your desire to
improve your fitness? (Yes.)
Allowing your clients a complimentary first workout
session may serve as an effective incentive to begin
You know (Name), it’s easy to pay lip service
training because you’re allowing them to try your
to something. But the true test is whether
services risk-free. If you’re really good, once they’re in
you’re willing to act on it. Are you willing to
the door, they’ll be sold on your expertise! Here are take action in this area of your life? (Yes.)
some advantages of giving out complimentary initial
consultations: First, you get them to directly experience Okay, we’ll soon see. As you know, it takes
your skills as a trainer. Second, even if they don’t sign up time to make significant gains, so we’ve set
for more sessions, they may tell their friends about you. up our training in blocks of sessions. We can
begin you on either of two programs:
On the down side, if you give away free sessions and 30
people sign up in a week, that is 30 hours that you’re
• Program A includes 6 sessions and
not earning money. That time is gone forever. So, think the cost is $____
carefully about free initial sessions. Also, it’s human
nature not to value that which you get for free. It’s • Program B includes 12 sessions and
probably a much better strategy to offer the first session at the cost is $____
a reduced rate. You may also wish to restrict this session
Payment for the first session is required in
to just a half hour followed by a question-and-answer
advance and if you’d like to pre-pay for the
session that ends with them making a commitment to entire block of sessions, you’ll save 10%.
become a regular client. Which program would you like to start out
The following script is the recommended format for with? (Answer.) (From this point on, the less
you say, the better.)
the commitment interview following the introductory
session. This is a very important step.
(After selection is made . . .) Congratulations.
Okay, let’s schedule your sessions. What days
Sell Long-Term Packages, are best for you?
NOT Individual Sessions! What times?

We touched on this earlier, but let’s expand on this idea Okay then, I’ll see you at (time) on (day).
for a bit. Obviously, no one can get fit in one session, or Here is a list of policies and procedures
two, or even three. In reality, it takes months and years to that I adhere to including how we handle
get and stay fit. Also, in order to get fit, you need a strong, cancelled sessions etc. Please sign it and
long-term commitment to this goal. Consistency is crucial bring it with you to our first session on (day).
in order to achieve results, and it’s your obligation to teach

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Marketing Your Training Business | 37

this to your clients! When your clients pay in advance, they do, as long as they’re not injured or overwhelmed by
they feel more committed, which means they are more inappropriately aggressive training programs. So although
likely to work out regularly, thus obtaining better results. you may be eager to show off your most advanced
Results motivate more than any other factor. exercises or techniques, leave the advanced stuff for your
advanced clients! In other words, don’t do anything to
The big benefit for you is that your clients are committing
discourage them. If one set will work, don’t do two or
themselves to your service for long periods, which ensures
three. If this results in a short workout, use the extra time
you of an on-going stream of income. The best way to sell
for educating and motivating.
a long-term package is to explain your regular price to
the prospective client and then offer them a discounted
price for the package. Everyone loves a bargain! Please see Periodization
example below.
In a recent article, Yale’s Director of Sports Conditioning
“Mrs. Jones, I normally charge $60 a session but this Steve Plisk summarizes some convincing evidence for
package offers you a discounted rate of $54 per session using well-planned training cycles which last three to four
when you sign up for 12 sessions. So in total you’ll be weeks in duration:
saving $72. Doesn’t that seem like a good deal to you?”
• In his classic Fundamentals of Sports Training text
If they stall at this point, offer them a one month “Phase (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1981 & Fizkultura
1” program (money up front). i Sport Publishers, 1977; pp. 245–259), Leo
Matveyev cites the existence of natural monthly
“biocycles” as a rationale for constructing training
STEP 4: KEEPING cycles which are approximately one month in
duration, each consisting of three to six subcycles
CLIENTS SATISFIED of approximately one week duration, in order to
exploit cumulative training effects.
AND COMING BACK • In Adaptation in Sports Training (Boca Raton: CRC
When we speak of “holding on to your clients,” we’re Press, 1995; pp. 241–299) — perhaps the most
not referring to the despicable practice of making profound text ever to integrate adaptation theory
with training tactics and strategies — Atko Viru
your clients dependent on you for the sole purpose of
cites the half-time of training effect “involution”
maintaining a high monthly income. It should be your as the rationale for a 24 to 28 day cyclic training
goal to educate and train your clients so that they can, structure consisting of four to six subcycles,
over time, gradually reduce their number of supervised each four to seven days in duration, in order to
training sessions and do more of their workouts on their summate their training effects.
own or with a training partner. Although on the face of
• In his superb Science & Practice of Strength Training
it, this approach may seem damaging to your income, text (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1995; pp.
you’ll quickly find that your clients will recognize and 344–421), Vladimir Zatsiorsky cites the need to
appreciate your genuine concern for them and refer their structure training cycles around a 4 [±2] week
friends and acquaintances as a result. window in order to superimpose the delayed
training effects of distinct “targets” distributed
So, our real concern is keeping your clients happy and over that time.
satisfied so that 1) they’ll take enough sessions from
you to achieve great results and learn enough to become
self-sufficient (or at least more self-sufficient), and 2) Variation
they’ll become your best source of new referrals. (See Step
5 on page 38.) Here are several important strategies to One of the most important strategies for retaining clients
consider: involves changing their workout routine frequently.
This serves several purposes. First, it improves fitness
by circumventing the body’s adaptive response. As
Adherence you know, keeping your workouts the same causes
diminishing results. As it turns out, constant alterations
In the beginning, adherence (getting clients to stick in training programs are essential for keeping your clients
with your program) should take precedence over all psychologically motivated, as well. If you rarely or never
else. Several studies have shown that beginners make change your client’s training program, they have nothing
significant progress regardless of what type of training new to look forward to. If you totally revamp their

International Sports Sciences Association

38 | Unit 5

programs every three to four weeks on the other hand, in part from a sense that the proprietor really cares about
your clients will want to “hang in there” to see what’s you and wants to keep you satisfied. Very few businesses
coming next! Finally, your clients are not the only ones understand this point, but those that do prosper.
who’ll benefit form variation — you’ll be more motivated
as well.
Pacing Another important strategy is frequent acknowledgement
of accomplishments and complimenting your client when
For the first few weeks, your clients will do anything you it is deserved. Everyone likes being told that they’re doing
ask, because they’re feeling committed and enthusiastic, well and looking good.
and because they want to impress you. But once the
novelty wears off, they cannot maintain the same level of
excitement. Here are a few remedies to consider: Monitoring Progress
• Leave your beginning clients “wanting a little Also important is frequent progress assessment and goal
more” rather than working them to their setting. (See pages 68.) After each block of training, you
maximum tolerance. This shows them that should sit down with your client and assess their progress.
training doesn’t have to be an exhausting, tedious Acknowledge their accomplishments and set new goals
experience. Later, as they have acquired a good for the next training block. That way, clients will not be
habit pattern, you can gradually raise the level of tempted to “rest on their laurels” and feel that there is
work and commitment.
nothing more to accomplish and no reason to continue
• Emphasize process over results. In his excellent their sessions with you.
book Finding Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
explains that people are most motivated and
fulfilled when they are engaged in autotelic
activities — activities done for the simple
enjoyment of doing them rather than for some
later, external goal. Another way of putting it
is that people usually do best what they LIKE
to do. So, even though you must acknowledge
that they are trying to lose weight (the most Every time your client comments on how pleased they
common, yet uninspiring goal possible!), if you are with your training, rather than telling them to tell
can communicate and instill a love for exercise their friends, ask them who among their friends and
for its own sake, your clients will be more likely acquaintances might benefit from your services. After
to develop a long term exercise habit. they tell you, ask if they’d be kind enough to give one
A side benefit of this approach is that you’re able to of your information kits (see page 8) to the person
separate the “doer from the deed,” which helps to show in question.
that people have intrinsic worth apart from their Also, you may wish to establish a referral bonus wherein
physical appearance. you offer a free session for every client referred to you or
some other incentive of your choosing.

Demonstrating Whether you realize it or not, you’re in the business of

transforming people’s lives. Anyone who experiences
Genuine Care and Concern a dramatic life-changing transformation will want
In today’s hurried and impersonal world, many people to share it with other people. Give your clients all the
lack fulfilling relationships with others. If you think about encouragement possible in this area. (See Unit 7 on
businesses that you’ve utilized for an extended period of Referral Sources and Networking.)
time, you might discover that your loyalty stems at least

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers



40 | Unit 6

An Interview with Carmen Demske

I have been training with Carmen for the past eight years. During that
time, she has made significant changes to my physique. Always using
new and innovative training methods, Carmen has helped me reach my
goals of being stronger and more effective in whatever sport I choose.
And looking good at the beach is certainly a nice bonus!
- Kelly Nash
I’m 55. I met Carmen at 50 to shape up my aging body. She has
changed my life. Thanks to her workouts, diets, dedication, friendship,
and inspiration, I can wear shorts and a bathing suit. I compete in
figure as one of her Blaster Girls. I am so proud of my transformation.
- Lori Bailey

How long have you been a personal trainer? What types of marketing have produced the best
19 years. results in helping you grow your business?
Word of mouth is my best marketing tool. Happy clients
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you will spread the word like wildfire. My website along with
have your own facility?
social media has been a great help in talking with others
I own a fitness studio: Sports Kick, Inc. outside my studio.
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? How has ISSA certification enhanced your
30 clients per week. business credibility?
The ISSA is notably recognized for great education of
What is your average number of sessions per client
fitness trainers. I have been given the proper tools to
per week?
educate my clients in fitness.
2 sessions per week.
How has your business benefited from access
What do you charge for your services? to our web site…
$35 per half hour. The ISSA website is a great tool for continuing education
and I know I can always get answers to any questions I
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
have about fitness from the support team.
Being healthy and fit has always been important to
me. I wanted to help others feel strong and healthy no What advice would you give someone just starting
matter what their circumstance. There is such a need for out as a personal trainer?
education in the realm of fitness and I wanted to be the Get the proper education with the best which is the ISSA
one that could simplify it for others. first and foremost. Be a great example of your own work
by being fit yourself. Be a positive trainer so your clients
What are the key factors you attribute to the
will get excited to be in your presence and to learn new
success of your business as a personal trainer?
strengths about themselves.
Education - there is such a need for proper
knowledge of fitness. Other comments:
I feel honored to be a part of the ISSA team. I look
Consistency - maintaining a consistent level
forward to continuing on my education with the
of training for my clients.
ISSA and increasing my trainer knowledge and
Personal Self - maintaining a healthy body credibility in fitness.
myself as a good example of fitness.

Strength - being a strong aggressive trainer to

my clients and showing them they can be strong, too.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Success Secrets of Top Trainers | 41

An Interview with Ronny Camacho

I’ve been in the fitness business for over 15 years. I have traveled the
globe, seen hundreds of gyms, and witnessed thousands of trainers.
I can tell you that Ronny Camacho is a cut above the rest. His
knowledge, client focus, attention to detail, support, and incredible
ability to motivate is second to none. There is an old cliché that says,
“You get what you pay for.” In Ronny’s case, this isn’t true because with
him you get so much more. I highly recommend Ronny to anyone who
is serious about achieving their goals.”
- Greg Nigro, Vice President - Vicore Fitness
Ronny provides you with constant encouragement, love, a passion that
is unmatched by anyone else that I have EVER met, as well as a vast
and immense knowledge of the overall fitness and nutrition field. I am
forever grateful for Ronny and everything that he has done for me, not
Nhat Nguyen

only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. He is not just

there for your physical well being but for your overall health.
- Jaloni Williams

How long have you been a personal trainer? How has ISSA certification enhanced your
17 years. business credibility?
I have always believed in being a sponge and to always
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you continue to learn. ISSA allows me to continue my
have your own facility?
learning, but has also allowed me to represent them
I’m am on my own. in a national ad which brought my business to a lot of
new individuals. ISSA is well respected in the fitness
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis?
industry and being affiliated with ISSA has definitely
10 or more, seeing each an average of 3 times per week. enhance my business.
What do you charge for your services? How has your business benefited from access
Depends on a lot of different parameters. (location, to our web site…
distance traveled, services required, private, semi- The website has a lot of extra tools which are really
private, etc.). beneficial, such as the question board, video seminars,
online video exercises, etc. It’s nice to be able to go
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
back to refresh on some items that you might not have
As an adult, I explored the foundations of building the encountered in the field for a while. I can really see how
body to achieve peak athletic performance in athletics a new trainer can utilize this to her/his advantage.
and martial arts, which was my first love. Fitness
education and my love for helping people made the What advice would you give someone just starting
transition to becoming a personal trainer very easy. out as a personal trainer?
Never stop learning, and practice what you preach. It
What are the key factors you attribute to the
is easier to take advice from someone who also looks
success of your business as a personal trainer?
the part than someone who just speaks the part. It’s all
The important factors that attribute to my success is my about taking pride in your craft and understanding all
love for helping people change their lives, my honesty, I the little things that are required to teach individuals
practice what I preach, approachability, and referrals how to live healthy lives. Getting knowledgeable about
from previous clients. I treat every client like a VIP and nutrition is more important than just knowing exercises.
give my undivided attention to him/her during training. You have to be positive at all times because the client
What types of marketing have produced the best looks at you to help motivate them. Most importantly,
results in helping you grow your business? have fun and the rest will come to you.
Word of mouth. I have never made a flyer or solicited Other comments:
my business. I make it a point to go above and beyond
You are part of a family when you become ISSA certified.
with my clients and they appreciate that tremendously.
You will get the support, knowledge and guidance you
In return, they tell their friends and loved ones what
need to become successful in your desired field. Enjoy
their experience is or was with me, the rest is history.
the journey and always remember to never stop learning.
42 | Unit 6

An Interview with Jason Pierce

Jason is energetic, dedicated, and passionate about being an ISSA
Master Trainer. He will never shy away from giving you a challenge.
Jason has deftly balanced the challenges of training a diverse client
base. He continually takes time to personally ensure each of his clients
receives the attention to succeed in their fitness goals.
- Matthew Glisson, Captain, USMC
Outstanding master of fitness, Jason Pierce not only truly exemplifies
the fitness lifestyle that he coaches, but is also highly knowledgeable,
experienced, and a well-rounded trainer. The most passionate and
dedicated coach I know, Jason is a polished professional. I highly
recommend Jason as a personal trainer and coach.
Desiree Nelson

- Karla Dorrough, NPC Bikini Competitor

How long have you been a personal trainer? such a wide range of people. Business cards are
I have been a personal trainer for four years. still a very simple and economical way to market
your business.
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you
have your own facility? How has ISSA certification enhanced your
business credibility?
I currently work on my own and train exclusive clients.
As a fitness professional, you should always try to
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? educate yourself continually. ISSA’s level of education
I work with 2 - 4 clients. and reputation in the fitness industry speaks for itself.
Having their stamp of professional approval lets people
What is your average number of sessions per client know you have a credible business. That knowledge will
per week?
be recognized by many clients and will give them that
Average number of sessions is 4 - 5 times. comfort level.
What do you charge for your services? How has your business benefited from access
$100.00 - $200.00 for a 12-week package. to our web site…
ISSA provides personal websites through
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
that allows trainers to establish a place to begin their
I wanted to be a fitness professional because I love business. Several basic questions can be answered,
fitness, not because it’s easy money. I wanted to share and useful resources are provided on the web site.
experiences with others and motivate people to become The site is very simple to navigate through when
healthier with their nutrition and fitness. I wanted to showing clients to ISSA.
establish credibility and create a solid educational base
to support what I was sharing. What advice would you give someone just starting
out as a personal trainer?
What are the key factors you attribute to the Listen to your clients every time and learn the real need
success of your business as a personal trainer?
behind what they want. Understand how you can help
Leading by example is the most successful factor in the them reach their goals and be creative in your methods,
fitness business. Always have more energy than your but stay within the scope of your knowledge. Encourage
client. Take fitness beyond the gym, into 5K’s, mud runs, them when challenges arise and always be professional
and sports outings. Establish a positive environment with unforgettable customer service.
for clients to train in and constantly remind them how
special they really are. Other comments:
ISSA continues to be a top notch organization with
What types of marketing have produced the best
a high standard in fitness education. The staff will
results in helping you grow your business?
genuinely go out of their way to help you attain your
I like to let my actions and results do the talking. Your certifications then provide you with every opportunity
reputation will spread and people will refer their friends. to get your business started at whatever level of training
Social media and websites are very effective and it hits you decide to do. I am proud to be an ISSA ambassador.
Success Secrets of Top Trainers | 43

An Interview with Lesslee Belmore

One of the biggest lessons I have learned from Lesslee is that asking
for help is a strength not a weakness. I thought I could do it all by
myself. Well, I was wrong. With her coaching, I have been able to find
peak performance with Crossfit. I also have lost a large amount of
weight and I’ve learned how to keep it off. Lesslee has a unique way
of deprograming and then reprograming with lifestyle habits that
work. Lesslee is flexible, but persistent as a coach. I would absolutely
recommend her. - Cindy Hoadle
Lesslee covered the entire basis with me. She taught me how to shop
smart, cook quick nutritious meals, and prepare food for my busy
week so that I wasn’t going hungry. Under her guidance, I have lost
J. Matthew Meiers

20 lbs. I have increased my capacity to lift, and my running has greatly

improved. What she taught me is sustainable and I feel that my
knowledge can be transferred to help educate my patients. It has made
me a better pediatrician. - Dr. Jay Ludwicki

How long have you been a personal trainer? What types of marketing have produced the best
Four and a half years. results in helping you grow your business?
Word of mouth and being involved in your community
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you is really huge. I would recommend that everyone put
have your own facility? together a couple of go-to presentations and do public
I teach a weight training class at Flex World Fitness and speaking. Let the world know who you are and that you
I do in-home personal training. Also, I have developed have information that will help them! Also, find what
a consultation business where I help women 45 and up your own niche is and what sets you apart.
find their personal “sweet spot” through effective exercise
and healthy eating. How has ISSA certification enhanced your credibility?
I have been hired, sight unseen, simply based upon my
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? ISSA certification. It is one of the best known schools
7 - 10 and I see them an average of 2 times per week. because of the quality of their education, advisory staff,
and accreditations.
What do you charge for your services?
At-home training is $65.00 per hour. In-the-gym How has your business benefited from access
training is $45.00 per hour. For clients who hire me as to our web site…
a consultant through my Nutritional Path business I I use it to develop great programs for clients, take
charge a monthly fee of $175 . seminars, and I frequently access the Question Board.
Having these tools readily available enables me to stay
What inspired you to become a personal trainer? on top of my game. I love it.
At one point, I was very unhealthy. I hadn’t made the
nutrition and health link. A good friend recommended What advice would you give someone just starting
a trainer with a background in nutrition. She opened up out as a personal trainer?
a whole new world for me by eating healthy and effective Be a master of your craft by always educating yourself
weight training. I not only regained my health back, I and learn from your peers; this is really helpful. Be on
found my mission in life: to help others do the same. time, be prepared, and be thoughtful of the needs of
your clients. Engage by being an active listener, watch,
What are the key factors you attribute to the listen, and learn as you work with each individual while
success of your business as a personal trainer? striving to be safe and effective. Last but not least: enjoy
A solid education in my field and always looking to yourself; it’s contagious!
improve my craft. Each time I train, I reflect afterwards
and think what I might do next time to make it better Other comments:
for my clients. The same with the program I developed I am very happy and grateful to ISSA for always setting
“Get your groove back.” I give each person 100% and the standards high and I am proud to be a graduate.
I create an experience for them, they get in shape, but This is an amazing organization. All the career choices I
more importantly, they learn to love who they are, right am making today started with my education with ISSA
where they are at! and it has helped make my dreams a reality. Thank you!
44 | Unit 6

An Interview with Niki Bryant

The mind-body connection that Niki has instilled in our daughter the past
four years has proven invaluable. She not only competing at both the high
school sport level and successfully at the national level with her tumbling
and trampoline team, but in her every day life as well. She knows how to
fuel and work her body and mind for anything life throws her way. We
couldn’t be more grateful for the relationship Niki has with our daughter,
helping her reach her goals. - Kathleen Rehberg
Niki’s passion and drive to help others achieve their personal goals is done
with such poise, confidence, and self-efficacy. She always puts her client’s
lifestyle into perspective when figuring out personal training goals. Not
only does she help with nutrition and training, but she is a great support
system as well. I believe to have a great trainer, they will not only be 100%
honest with you, but they will also provide you with constructive criticism
when needed. She works around the clock for her clients and always puts
her clients first no matter what personal obstacles she may be facing at that
time. All these characteristics of a trainer make my experience with her
something I never want to lose. I thank you, Niki, from the bottom of my
heart for everything you have done for me, and I hope that anybody that
you work with shares the same experiences I have. - Jackie Nicholls

How long have you been a personal trainer? What types of marketing have produced the best
Since 2006 results in helping you grow your business?
Referrals and results from clients! They are my walking
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you billboards for what I guide my clients into becoming.
have your own facility?
I own and operate a private studio called B-Xtreme How has ISSA certification enhanced your
Fitness Pro Center. I specialize in teen athletics, sensitive business credibility?
issue clients, and much more. My certification is the first thing someone sees when
walking into my studio. It’s the first piece of information
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? I talk about during a consultation. Letting my clients
15 - 20. know that they are being led by an ISSA Certified
Fitness Trainer assures them of safe techniques, effective
What is your average number of sessions per client
principles that are applied, and results are backed by
per week?
science. It helps them to recognize that the ISSA is the
My teens I see anywhere from 1-3 times. My other clients leader in the fitness certification industry.
2 - 3 times.
What advice would you give someone just starting
What do you charge for your services? out as a personal trainer?
$55 to $100 per session. Reach out to people. Let your passion drive you to
success. Be true to yourself and never give up! Become
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
that role model for someone who is looking to become
Having scoliosis and being very active, I always found their personal best.
it important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I had such
passion for wanting to help others like myself that I Other comments:
decided to make my hobby my career. Thank you for your outstanding courses. Without your
hard work and developing such wonderful materials,
What are the key factors you attribute to the
success of your business as a personal trainer? I would not have been able to achieve the knowledge
I have now as a ISSA Master of Fitness Sciences. You
Dedication. Patience. Persistence. And the ability to
have gone above and beyond what any personal trainer
evolve with your clients and society as we become more
could hope for!
advanced in our teachings and techniques. You have to
put in the time to make the dime.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Success Secrets of Top Trainers | 45

An Interview with Dave Dreas

I couldn’t be happier with the progress I made from training with Dave.
The reason I ended up hiring a trainer was to get ready for my wedding.
I lost 20 lbs. in 3 months and had an amazing wedding!
- Sarah
Long story short: I added some excess body fat over the last couple of
years. I was tired from letting myself go, so I figured I’d get started with
a personal trainer. I have always relied on being active but never spent
much time on my diet. I stayed true to the program, only deviating a
few times and was amazed to get my body fat down to 9%! This allowed
me to finally lean out. The training and nutrition programs were
simplified by Dave and that made it easier for me to reach my goals. I’d
highly recommend him as a trainer.
- Derek

How long have you been a personal trainer? How has ISSA certification enhanced your
5 years. business credibility?
It’s given me a lot of credibility. But more importantly, it
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you gives me the confidence I need in order to do my job. It’s
have your own facility?
opened many doors and allowed me to build a career.
I’m co-owner of Arizona Training Lab in Phoenix, AZ.
How has your business benefited from access
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? to our web site…
70 - 80 clients weekly. I think the ease of access has been the biggest benefactor.
It’s been very useful in providing up-to-date and quality
What is your average number of sessions per client
information that my clients are looking for daily.
per week?
2 - 3 times a week. What advice would you give someone just starting
out as a personal trainer?
What do you charge for your services?
Starting out, train as many people as possible. The more
$75 - $85 per session. clients you work with, the quicker you will develop
the experience necessary to improve. When you are
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
constantly improving, your clients will be constantly
Working with others. The best part about my job is it improving and that comes with experience.
doesn’t feel like a job. I wake up every day loving what I
do. My drive and passion for working out translates well Other comments:
in others. I can’t even begin to express how fortunate I am to have
a career as a personal trainer. I love my clients, I love
What are the key factors you attribute to the
success of your business as a personal trainer? my career path. But more importantly, I love my life. I’m
grateful for ISSA for providing me the tools necessary to
Communication skills have been, without a doubt, the
live on my terms.
biggest key to my success. New clients are always so
apprehensive. So it’s crucial to develop a good rapport
and make them feel comfortable. Once trust is there, the
results can be amazing.
What types of marketing have produced the best
results in helping you grow your business?
Facebook has been the biggest contributor. It’s allowed
me to reach a lot of people within my network.

International Sports Sciences Association

46 | Unit 6

An Interview with S. Asum Peterson

Asun Peterson has the perfect combination of extensive knowledge,
enthusiastic commitment, and extraordinary individualized exercise
programs to make him one of the best personal trainers in the industry.
Over the past five years, Asun has transformed my body into a energy
machine. I never thought I could improve my upper body strength to
be able to do 30 real push-ups!! I feel fortunate to feel and look this
great at 55, and I know that it would never have been possible without
Asun’s encouragement, caring personality, and his incredible intense
strength-building workouts, to make my body the best it can be!
- Alisa Kauffman, DMD, PC D’85
Asun is an effective, well-educated fitness professional. His wealth of
knowledge and attention to form makes him stand out as an industry
leader. Asun creates an individual program for his clients, developing
superior core strength along with functional movement and high
intensity interval training. I have seen my strength increase and my
muscles more defined since training with Asun. His encouragement,
motivation, and general caring attitude enable all his clients to succeed
and reach their goals. - Fern G.

How long have you been a personal trainer? What types of marketing have produced the best
I have been a personal trainer since 2000, results in helping you grow your business?
so 15 years and counting. Physically looking like a personal trainer is very
important. Word of mouth and producing results are
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you the best forms of marketing. Also, fitness apparel, social
have your own facility?
media, and business cards are great marketing tools.
I have a fitness company called Upscale Fitness.
How has ISSA certification enhanced your
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? business credibility?
I work with 10-20 clients per week. I have been certified by the ISSA for over 10 years and
have earned multiple certifications. My knowledge, as
What is your average number of sessions per client
well as my business, have grown through being certified
per week?
and educated by the ISSA. They are respected by any
My clients average 1-3 sessions per week. gym in America and internationally as well.
What do you charge for your services? What advice would you give someone just starting
$75-$125, depending on the services the client needs me out as a personal trainer?
to provide. Always present yourself as a professional. Learn
something new every day. Never give a client an exercise
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
you haven’t done yourself.
I was inspired to become a personal trainer because of
my love for being in the gym. I have been an athlete my Other comments:
whole life and being physically fit and active has always The ISSA has given me all the tools to be a successful
been a major part of my lifestyle. Training is something trainer. My advice is lead by example. Let the passion
that I was good at and love to do. and the love of your work be the light that guides you
and inspires your clients.
What are the key factors you attribute to the
success of your business as a personal trainer?
I am passionate about fitness and learning everything
I can about my field. I study successful business
entrepreneurs and continue to grow and evolve. I live
this fitness lifestyle; I don’t just talk about it.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Success Secrets of Top Trainers | 47

An Interview with Shannon Petralito

I have been training with Shannon for almost 4 years. After 2 years, I
expressed my dream of becoming a competitor. With Shannon’s help
and expertise in nutrition, training, & competing, she put together
a diet & workout plan for me. Shannon has taught me about clean
eating, weight training, & stage presence, which has been life changing
for me. Shannon has taught me to follow my dreams and never give up,
no matter how much time, sacrifice, and dedication it takes. I am now
healthy and more fit than I have been in years & I feel amazing.
- Joanne Pruneau
I wanted to do something about my weight, but I did not know what to
do and was ready to give up. During a discussion with my boyfriend,
he suggested for me to get a trainer! I remember the first time meeting
Shannon like it was yesterday. I was so scared and nervous. When I
started to talk to her, I realized that she is one of the nicest people I
had ever met. She really cared about me losing weight and the goals I
wanted to achieve. She kept saying, “If you want this, you can do this!”
She believed in me and she pushed me! I am now down 40 pounds! I
look better and feel better about me and my confidence has grown!
- Jessica Childs

Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you What types of marketing have produced the best
have your own facility? How long have you been a results in helping you grow your business?
personal trainer? The most important is word of mouth. Referrals are
I currently work at Powerhouse Gym in Plymouth, MA so important to the success of any business! For me,
and I also work as an online Lifestyle & Competition social media marketing outlets have provided me with
Coach with Body Ambition Fitness in Middleton, MA. tremendous opportunity for growth as well!
I specialize in group training, personal training,
nutrition & competition prep. I have been a personal How has ISSA certification enhanced your
trainer for six years. business credibility?
Education in your field of study is vital to your success.
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? I feel the ISSA has not only taught me the science
I work with about 30 clients a week. behind personal training and nutrition, but also the
key factors to help my clients be successful with their
What is your average number of sessions per client personal fitness goals! It’s not just about knowing the
per week? How much do you charge for your services? facts. Having great people skills and being able to relay
Personal Training sessions in the gym: 1 - 2. I charge information to them in addition to education is the
between $90 and $100 per hour. perfect combination. The ISSA understands both!

What inspired you to become a personal trainer? What advice would you give someone just starting
I discovered my passion for fitness while training for out as a personal trainer?
my first Figure competition. I was fascinated at how the As a personal trainer, it is not just about handing
human body can change throughout different stages of someone weights and going through the motions. You
nutrition and training. I am passionate about helping have to be dedicated to your clients and their success.
others better themselves through fitness and nutrition! If something isn’t working, you have to improvise! Stay
committed to your education. Knowledge is power.
What are the key factors you attribute to the Respect your clients individual needs. A good trainer
success of your business as a personal trainer? listens to his or her clients and is able to answer their
Of course, we all love to make money. But I have never questions, and knowing the right balance of pushing their
put the money first. I have always put my clients’ needs clients to do better vs pushing them to to do too much!
first and I have always put my passion into each client I
train. I want them to succeed. I want to show them they Other comments:
are capable of reaching their goals. I believe that these I am more than happy with my decision in choosing the
factors have helped me build a successful business. I love ISSA to obtain my CFT and SFN Certifications. I feel I
what I do! have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge which
has allowed me to build a successful client base.
48 | Unit 6

An Interview with Teena Gudjonson

I started training with Teena six years ago and have been training on
and off with her since then. In the past six years, Teena has pushed
me, kept me motivated, and taught me how to live a healthy lifestyle.
She helped me go from 141 lbs. down to 122 lbs. and lose 15 1/2 inches
which I have maintained with her guidance. She has been a friend and
an inspiration to me.
- Anna Garrett

I took a 12-week “get fit for summer” class with Teena and lost 10 lbs.
and more than 9 inches. I’ve learned how to achieve and maintain
my ideal weight. With the help of her cookbook (Feel Like A Fitness
Model), I’ve become leaner and more defined. Her expertise and
guidance has taken me further than I ever thought possible.
- Jen Varga

How long have you been a personal trainer? What types of marketing have produced the best
I have been working with clients and helping others to results in helping you grow your business?
get healthy for about 12 years. I became certified as a A community-based website helps promote my business;
Personal Trainer through ISSA about six years ago. they did a beautiful job of displaying my services and
photos of my facility. I find when people move to town,
Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you they will google fitness and find options for a gym
have your own facility?
or trainer. I also find word of mouth to be one of the
I own my own fitness facility. best marketing tools ever. If one person has a great
experience, they will tell others.
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis?
What is your average number of sessions per client How has ISSA certification enhanced your
per week? business credibility?
I usually have 12 - 15 clients that I work with Clients know I am a professional. I have tremendous
on a weekly basis. Typically, I like to do 3 - 4 sessions confidence in my ability to understand, apply, and teach
per week with a client but this depends on their schedule all aspects of fitness. The ISSA course has taught me the
and availability. “science” of fitness, and most professions realize that
What do you charge for your services?
ISSA is one of the largest certification agencies in the
world. When clients and other organizations see that
This depends on the service, anywhere from $40.00- I am certified by ISSA, they are more confident in my
$100.00 or $12.00 per class for group fitness. ability as a trainer.
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
What advice would you give someone just starting
I like to be healthy and active…. and I realized I have out as a personal trainer?
the ability to inspire others, which is very rewarding. Remember you still have a lot to learn. Listen to your
I make money doing what I love and have tons of clients. Oftentimes, they are the ones with valuable input
flexibility with regards to work hours. which you may learn a lot from. Try not to be boastful
What are the key factors you attribute to the or to overwhelm your clients. New clients have generally
success of your business as a personal trainer? thought long and hard about hiring a trainer. So be
aware that they may have many reservations.
First and foremost, I really care about my client’s
outcome. Nothing is more rewarding than having a Other comments:
client achieve his/her personal goals. I am always open I am proud to be part of the ISSA team. The knowledge
to new suggestions. I realize that the same methods don’t that I’ve obtained through the many courses I have
work for everyone and I make sure that I keep the lines taken with ISSA has empowered me to become a highly
of communication open with everyone. I am more than recognized fitness professional and successful business
their trainer; I am a friend. I also offer lots of variety, owner.
from old fashioned workouts to cutting edge fitness
products and services.
Success Secrets of Top Trainers | 49

An Interview with Karen Mullarkey

I was training for an Ironman in Lake Placid and I decided to hire
Karen virtually! Karen is a force to be reckoned with and went above
and beyond to keep in touch and to keep me motivated. Since the
Ironman I have continued training virtually with Karen because I have
noticed the difference it makes to my fitness level and I love sticking to
her plans!
- Naomi Kent
I was bored, out of shape, and suffering in poor relationships with
no real career plans in sight when I found out about “No Mullarkey”
Personal Training. Karen not only helped me build my best body ever
but I gained self confidence. She is beyond inspirational and is a true
example of what a coach, fitness model and friend should be. I would
recommend her training and nutrition programs to anyone looking to
make a positive change in their lives.
- Lauren Rae

How long have you been a personal trainer? Do you work am not only knowledgable of what to do on the gym
for a club, on your own, or do you have your own facility? floor but I also know how to run a business. You can’t
7 years. I work for myself. have one without the other if you want to be a success in
this industry.
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis?
50 What types of marketing have produced the best
results in helping you grow your business?
What is your average number of sessions per client When I first got started I hired a PR/Marketing
per week? company to help me build my local presence. I also
2-3 sessions/week/client and I average 40 hours a week began writing for national and international fitness
training clients in the gym. publications so I could build up my resume. Getting
published internationally allowed me to begin building a
What do you charge for your services?
fan base. Lastly, social media is HUGE! If you are not on
$90/session for one on one training. it, get on it... it’s FREE advertising and a great way
$350/month for group training which works out to to build a following. Don’t be afraid to put yourself
$30/session and if they fail to show up they lose their out there!
sessions, hence why it is a monthly fee. For competitors
How has ISSA certification enhanced your
the monthly rate is increased to $400.
business credibility?
Virtual Training-$400 for a 12 week plan and $800 for a
ISSA offers the top and most legit certifications in the
12 week competition prep plan.
biz. It was a no brainer for me to obtain the best CFT
Ebooks-$39.99/book 5 week plan certification out there. ISSA has a great reputation and
folks know I mean business when I tell them I am ISSA
What inspired you to become a personal trainer?
I knew I was not meant to sit behind a desk all day and
that I had much more to offer. I absolutely love inspiring What advice would you give someone just starting
others to accomplish things physically that they never out as a personal trainer?
thought they were capable of. Playing Division 1 Field Don’t be afraid to take a chance and follow your dreams!
Hockey and earning my IFBB pro card in 2007 led to me You can accomplish anything you put your mind too,
knowing that running a personal training business was but you are going to have to back it up with hard work
my calling. I started “No Mullarkey” Personal Training and consistency. Don’t forget that you also need to be
in 2008 and never looked back! prepared to run a business outside of the gym. Treat
your clients with respect and you will go a very long way!
What are the key factors you attribute to the
success of your business as a personal trainer? Other comments:
 aving an extensive athletic background gave me the
H I wanted to thank the ISSA for helping to make my
confidence to start my personal training business along career dreams a reality. The sky is and has been the limit
with earning my ISSA CFT certification. Personal in this amazing career. A great BIG THANK YOU goes
training is my full time job so I treat it like a career. I out to the ISSA team!
50 | Unit 6

An Interview with Noell Yanik

After having 2 kids and lack of motivation to work out, I realized I
had to do something. I wanted to get my “sexy” back and Noelle has
helped me achieve my goals in a short period of time. I LOVE working
out with Noelle in her Baxter Studio. Her energizing spirit has kept
me motivated, and her style of workouts are challenging and exciting.
I never knew that my body could transform so quickly. I have reduced
my overall body fat & lost inches. But most importantly, I can wear my
swimsuit and feel sexy & confident. And to me, that’s priceless.
-Misty Kasic, 32
Noell is the complete package and is an incredibly well-rounded,
educated, and ambitious person which carries over into her
professionalism as a personal fitness trainer. Throughout the years,
my entire body, strength, agility, and flexibility changed in ways I did
not know were possible. It was incredible! It was never about being
“skinny.” But because of her dynamic workouts and knowledge of body
types the pounds melted away. From the nutritional expertise to Noell’s
ability to customize and tailor workouts to match people’s individual
Volree Wade

needs, I can say she gives 110 percent! I certainly give five stars easily!!
- Morgan Moody, 30

Do you work for a club, on your own, or do you the support of the people around me and my belief that
have your own facility? How long have you been a I’m doing what God put me on the Earth to do. I have
personal trainer? passion for my job and that’s what drives me forward
I own my own facility. It’s actually in my home, my and keeps me motivated and striving for more. I want
garage to be exact. It’s my dream gym come true. I have to put the best of myself out there every day and I think
been a trainer for six and a half years. when anyone has that attitude, the best of what’s out
there comes back to them. What’s the saying? “You get
How many clients do you work with on a weekly basis? back what you put into things”- yes that’s it. I believe in
What is your average number of sessions per client this whole heartedly and have experienced it first hand
per week?
in my life.
I keep anywhere from 5 - 15 clients max at a time. Each
client is on my 12-week program. They see me twice per What types of marketing have produced the best
week for one hour at a time. results in helping you grow your business?
I have experimented with SO MUCH marketing tools,
What do you charge for your services? but nothing works better than word of mouth. Advice for
$65 per session. all trainers: all you need is one client to get your business
started, get them set up on a long term plan (3, 6, 9 or 12
What inspired you to become a personal trainer? months), change their life the way you’ve been trained to
Once I saw how weight lifting tightened and sculpted my do, and they will tell their friends! Even their banker will
body (I, like so many women, was skeptical of weights say, “Wow, you look great. What are you doing?”
because I didn’t want to bulk). I started looking into the
details and science behind muscle strengthening and was How has ISSA certification enhanced your
business credibility?
intrigued and fascinated by the process. I continued to
dig in deeper and wanted to know more about wellness ISSA is one of the leaders in the Training Certification
and exercise. In the process of collecting information, world. But to be honest, none of my clients know this
I realized the passion I had for changing other people’s or seem to care. I know that and other trainers do, too.
lives through good health. Thats when I took a huge Having my certification through a credible source like
leap of faith and quit my chemical sales job to become a ISSA is important to me because it gave me fundamental
personal trainer. knowledge that helped me become a responsible trainer
and made me confident as a result. I am confident in
What are the key factors you attribute to the what I do, and confidence in how to train can only come
success of your business as a personal trainer? from education and experience in the field. So I’m glad
I think my success has come from a combination of I chose one of the best certification companies to get my
things. The two factors that stand out in my mind are education through.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


52 | Unit 7

EXISTING CLIENTS Then tell them that they can call you anytime if they have
questions or problems. In other words, let them know that
The best source of new client referrals is YOUR you’re there for them. After this call, your client will be
EXISTING CLIENTS! And, according to conventional amazed that you cared enough to check up on them. This
wisdom, the best way to motivate them to tell their friends state of shock will likely lead your client to begin calling
and acquaintances about you is to 1) produce outstanding his or her friends to tell them how fantastic you are. You
results, and 2) show them that you truly care about them. just can’t buy advertising like that for any price!
Now, caring alone isn’t enough; you must SHOW THEM
2. After a client’s third session with you, send them a
that you care about them, and do it often.
note or card saying “Thank you for choosing me as your
However, while results and “good bed-side manners” (personal trainer, coach, karate instructor). I realize you
are important, what’s more important is your success at could have taken your business to someone else! I look
drawing your client into a fitness lifestyle! (See Chapter 9.) forward to our continued relationship in fitness (or words
According to the ISSA philosophy, this is the true mark to that effect) and I’m confident that we’ll achieve the
of a successful personal trainer! If your client gets good results you seek. If you have any questions or problems,
results, but then goes back to old (sedentary) habits, you my phone number is listed below. Call any time — I’m
have failed. AND, this client will forget you and probably here to help!”
never refer friends to you. Certainly, they’ll not continue
3. When you receive a new referral due to your client’s
as your client!
efforts, send the client another card or note saying “Thank
Let’s take a look at a series of “habits” that great trainers you for referring John Doe to me for personal training. I
use and all the rest don’t use. If you take advantage of appreciate your confidence in me by your kind referral.”
these habits, your training business will grow faster than With this note, attach your card and a complimentary
you can ever imagine. session pass. After three referrals, send them a
complimentary custom T-shirt, which has your business
WITH A NEW CLIENT name and/or logo and phone number on it. This will serve
as a walking billboard for your services whenever your
OK, you’ve got them “in the door,” now you’ve got to do client wears it.
things right. Here’s how:
These actions on your part will go a long way toward
1. On the first night after a client’s first session with you, getting your existing clients to become devoted to you
call them up to see how they’re doing. Explain to the client and will encourage them to work diligently to obtain new
that he/she may be a little sore and that’s to be expected. clients for you.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Referral Services and Networking | 53

A professional letter or email written to a prospect may be their mail every day. That letter may convince them to
one of the single most important marketing strategies you make that call they have thought about, but have not acted
can develop. Even if prospects don’t read flyers, or respond on yet. A sample letter/email would read something like
to all of their voicemails immediately, most people read the one below.

Dear (Name),
In response to your recent inquiry about personal training, I’d like to tell you a bit about my
professional qualifications.
I’m certified by The International Sports Sciences Association as a Certified Fitness Trainer. This
certification is the most prestigious in the industry and it qualifies me to work with virtually any
individual wishing to improve their fitness.
I’ve been a trainer since (Year) and have worked with more than (number) clients in my career. I have
abundant in-depth experience with virtually every form of exercise. But most of my clients say that
my greatest asset is my ability to motivate and inspire people.
I invite you to call me at (phone number) any morning between 9 A.M. and 10 A.M. so we can
discuss your fitness objectives and see if I may be of service to you.
John Q. Trainer

Many doctors and allied health practitioners like to do this card may be ideal for them to give to patients who
business (i.e.: patient referrals) through referral cards. may wish to work with you when they have completed
These are printed pieces that give brief descriptions of the their initial healthcare. (See the next section on how to
services that are going to take place. If these professionals establish a relationship with a healthcare professional on
are familiar with your work, and are willing to refer, then page 54.)

Trainer’s Best Fitness Studio

1101 South Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 • Los Angeles, CA 90020 • 213-555-9890
Name of Patient:

Date: Referring Physician:


Type of Service:
Exercise Training
Stretching and Movement
Aerobic/Cardiovascular Conditioning
Sports Conditioning (list event)

Specific Recommendations:
54 | Unit 7


Networking with healthcare professionals can be a huge source of referral business for you. The key to effective results is
knowing how to approach these busy individuals through a very brief contact that motivates them to refer patients to you.
The paragraphs that follow offer scripted approaches for connecting with chiropractors and physical therapists. The closer
you stick to the exact wording of these scripts, the more effective you’ll be.


Getting past the office manager or receptionist may be for five minutes about referring patients to him or her.
the most difficult part of the task here. Try a spontaneous When meeting the doctor, begin with a firm handshake
visit first. Tell the receptionist that you are a fitness trainer and introduce yourself as follows:
certified by the ISSA and you want to talk with the doctor

Trainer: Hello Dr. Jones, I’m Bill Bennett and I’m a personal trainer certified by the ISSA. Oftentimes, I run
across clients who are in need of chiropractic treatment and I’m frequently asked if I can refer them to
someone. I’ve heard good feedback about your practice and I was wondering if you’d mind giving me
some of your business cards so that I can refer my clients who need chiropractic treatments to you.

Chiropractor: Of course. How many cards would you like?

Trainer: Thank you. Also, I’m sure that many of your patients have weaknesses in different areas of their bodies
that result in injuries or pain. I’m guessing that some of these patients would benefit from a good
exercise program. I’m very knowledgeable in this area and if it’s okay with you, I’d like to leave some
of my business cards (referral cards) with you so that you can refer those of your patients who would
benefit from an exercise program to me. Naturally, I would always confer with you first, to be sure that
the program I’ve developed is in agreement with your treatment plan. Would that be all right with you?

Chiropractor: Yes.
Trainer: Thank you.

NOTE: If you can’t get past the receptionist, try phoning or writing to the chiropractor to set up an appointment.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Referral Services and Networking | 55


Trainer: Hello Mr. Evans, my name is Jill Jones and
I’m a personal trainer certified with the
ISSA. Occasionally, I work with clients
who need physical therapy before they’re
able to take on a regular exercise routine.
I’m sometimes asked if I can refer them
to a good physical therapy facility and
I’ve heard that the treatment offered here
is outstanding. I’m wondering if I could
possibly take some of your business cards so
that I can refer clients to you.
Director: Of course.

Trainer: You know Mr. Jones, these days most of

the healthcare professionals I talk to are
frustrated about how insurance companies
are calling the shots on standards of
treatment. How often have you had to
release a patient long before they’ve
recovered because their insurance will pay
for only a ridiculously small number of
Director: Too often.

Trainer: Because of the expense of healthcae, it’s

usually financially prohibitive for the patient
to continue treatment once their insurance
runs out, isn’t it?
Director: Yes.

Trainer: Do you ever worry about what’s going

to become of these patients once they’re
Director: Yes. If you’re going to network with
healthcare professionals, you should
Trainer: Well, you know, I may be able to provide an
definitely complete the ISSA Fitness
affordable alternative to your patients once
Therapy Program. This course was designed
you release them. Would it be okay if I leave
some of my business cards with you so you specifically to provide you with the knowledge
can refer patients whose insurance has run of how to work with clients who have
out before they’ve completely recovered? restrictions on their ability to exercise because
of medical conditions. The Fitness Therapy
Director: Yes.
Program will teach you how to integrate
Trainer: And would it be all right with you if I phone strength training for individuals suffering from
you occasionally to get your suggestions for orthopedic injuries, heart attacks, strokes,
further treatment? cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and nearly
Director: Yes. twenty more of the most common medical
conditions. This is the course that healthcare
Trainer: Thank you. It would be nice if we can help
professionals themselves frequently take and it is
each other and our patients at the same
time, wouldn’t it?
approved for continuing education units (often
required for renewal of healthcare licenses) by
Director: Yes. physical therapy and chiropractic associations
Trainer: Great, then let’s do it. throughout the country.

International Sports Sciences Association

56 | Unit 7

Senior homes don’t necessarily have to be staffed with (WORK HARDENING)
nurses and therapists working with members. You may
contract your services once or twice a week to work Most trainers view therapy as the job of therapists. In
one-on-one with seniors or teach small groups. Letters most cases, this is true. However, in certain situations,
to facility directors, followed up with a phone call may the job of a well-qualified exercise specialist is critical
prove to be successful if there are no rehabilitation or in assuring that persons prevent injuries or may work
exercise facilities in place. Note: If you wish to work through them after their primary care is completed.
with this market, you should complete the ISSA Senior Worker’s compensation insurance and therapy is
Fitness Trainer Course that will provide you with the discussed in more detail in Unit 8, but work hardening
understanding and expertise to work with senior citizens. is defined as applying proper movement skills in the
workplace so employees can lift properly and do their jobs
more easily without undue strain or injury. Exercise may
SCHOOLS be the most significant part of a cost-saving program for
many companies. By implementing an exercise program,
As budget cuts threaten many physical education they may save money and increase the health of their
programs across the country, many parents still employees at the same time.
would like their children to have some type of exercise
program after school to participate in. Contacting the
school superintendent or principal may help give you ALLIED HEALTH
information as to promoting your program after school
(see the section on specific programs in Unit 5, page 30). (MD, DC, PT, ETC.)
Note: If you wish to work with children or adolescents, Look into your community for other referral sources
you should complete the ISSA Youth Fitness Trainer for new clients — particularly chiropractors, MD’s,
Program to help you accommodate the special needs of orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, family and
young people. If you want to work with team sports, marriage counselors, and mental health professionals
you’ll want to complete the ISSA Strength and (physical exercise results in improved mental health,
Conditioning Course. after all).

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Referral Services and Networking | 57

Other trainers will refer clients to you if you have
developed a specialty that they may not have enough
knowledge in. Many trainer certifications focus on
conditioning and body mechanics. Most trainers,
therefore, are comfortable with the general alignment
principles and conditioning methods that are taught in
most courses and how they apply to clients.
POST REHAB FITNESS However, if a client has is under the care of a doctor, or
One of the most promising areas of expansion for fitness has a special physical need that you are proficient in, you
trainers is the task of working with patients who have may obtain referrals from other trainers. Some specialty
been in physical therapy or chiropractic care. In the examples include:
past several years, therapists and chiropractors have • Medical situations (metabolism, weight loss,
more readily acknowledged the fact that resistance type pregnancy, etc.)
training and supervised exercise are extremely helpful
• General movement (dance, ergonomics, work
in having patients not only regain “functional status,” hardening)
but go on to achieve a “supra-functional ability.” This is
defined as an improvement above and beyond the patients • Basic orthopedics (kinesiology, biomechanics,
previous ability to perform general activities for daily movement therapy)
living, a level which good therapists naturally strive to • Aquatics (swimming, lifesaving, aqua aerobics,
have their patients achieve. water therapy)

Having a packet of information describing your services • Counseling skills (lifestyle, imagery techniques,
to therapists is one way to let them know that you do work relaxation)
with persons who are coming back from initial medical • Coaching and specific athletic experience
treatment, and you are able to mainstream them back into
a real-world exercise program. (See page 88 for a sample If you have established yourself in a particular area (or
letter of introduction to a healthcare professional.) A word areas) of fitness specialty, then you may wish to send your
of caution: many therapists are extremely possessive of flyer to other trainers in your area who may refer clients
their patients and will refer them only to someone they to you if they feel working with this client is out of the
know and trust. If you have a personal or professional scope of their own knowledge. You may also work with
relationship with an allied health professional, it may be that trainer to help them become proficient in that area
the easiest way to obtain referrals. Also, many therapists (working one-on-one to teach them your knowledge — for
do not think that trainers have the medical background your regular fee, of course)
necessary to work with patients in a therapeutic program.
You should remember that making a medical diagnosis
is not your job; providing a safe and effective exercise Weight Loss Classes at YMCA or
program is. As long as you do not offer medical advice, Community Center
you can provide your clients with prudent information.
Do not debate your skills with persons who do not see If you wish to tap into this huge market, you can volunteer
your services as worthy. Work with persons who value your services or offer them at a nominal rate. Some of
your training, certification, and experience. Note: If you your students will undoubtedly want to hire you for
want to work with post rehab patients, one-on-one training, and others will most likely refer
you will definitely want to complete the ISSA Exercise friends and acquaintances to you. If you’re going to work
Therapy Course. in this area, you should complete the ISSA Specialist in
Performance Nutrition Courses.

International Sports Sciences Association

58 | Unit 7

Your Notes and Contacts:

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


60 | Unit 8


The general theory of insurance is simple — a large pool The average physician in the United States pays almost
of persons pay into a single source that will help a small $50,000 per year in professional liability insurance. This
number financially cope in a time of crisis. This “shared is because the percentage of lawsuits against all medical
cost” is supposed to help pay bills that are too expensive for doctors has increased many fold in the past decade.
individuals to incur by themselves (loss of a house, major Trainers should understand the legal risks involved
medical expenses, etc.). Unfortunately, the general scheme with training persons, such as giving bad advice or
of insurance has changed radically over the past 20 years, omitting advice that may help the client in their exercise
particularly in the area of health insurance. programs. Also, personal injury to clients is of concern
to many who are involved in the health and fitness
At present, many persons expect their insurance to
profession. Therefore, trainers should obtain professional
pay for any medical expense that they incur. Insurance
liability insurance for themselves, especially if they
companies have responded by dramatically increasing
work as independents (in clubs or homes) and carry the
rates, and doctors have joined many insurance programs
responsibility of self-employment.
as “providers” in order to keep seeing insured patients and
thereby protecting their incomes. As a personal trainer, Liability insurance covers against personal injury to
you’ll want to explore the links between insurance and clients or tort law suits that may occur. Most policies
fitness. given through fitness and sports medicine organizations
have a yearly fee and cover up to approximately one
Insurance issues are becoming more important in the
million dollars in case of lawsuits. So, personal trainers
fitness world as the responsibilities of training expand.
who work directly with clients should purchase insurance
There are two types of insurance that many exercise
on a yearly basis. This policy takes the burden of
professionals are concerned with. The first is liability
responsibility off clubs or other individuals who may not
insurance, which is necessary because of the plethora
be directly involved with the trainer/client relationship. It
of legal concerns that effect all areas of our society. The
is this cushion of protection that may help in negotiation
second is medical insurance, which is helpful because
with sub-contract type arrangements. The resource
it helps pay for many medical and allied health types of
chapter later in this text lists companies that offer policies
procedures. As healthcare reform and general changes
for the fitness professional.
in the insurance system take place at the present, fitness-
related services may be covered in certain instances, ISSA can help you obtain substantially reduced rates as an
depending on the type of service being rendered to ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer. Please call us at 877-240-
the client (patient) and the qualifications of the trainer 4772 for more information. Given that liability insurance
performing those services. This section will give a brief is easy to obtain and inexpensive (between $200 and $500
overview of both types of insurance issues, and present per year), you should NEVER train clients without it! In
practical information on how exercise professionals may fact, if you train clients at a club or gym, chances are that
use both insurances to their advantage. the facility will require it, anyway.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Insurance Issues | 61


THIRD PARTY INSURERS Personal injury claims are usually made against someone
following a failure to provide safe conditions. An example
Workers’ Comp Insurance would be: dumbbells left on the floor and not on the rack.
Anyone could file a suit if they were hurt as a result of
Workers’ compensation insurance is provided to tripping on those weights. Like workers’ compensation
employees who sustain a work-related injury. The insurance, personal injury cases are processed between
company has an insurance policy in case of an accident the patient, the insurance company, and the health
to their worker. In terms of exercise therapy for workers’ professional. Most personal injury claims result from
comp cases, the Workers’ Compensation Labor Bureau mishaps outside of the home or in situations involving
highlights two specific codes for professional practices. automobile-related accidents. If you advertise your
Code 3209.3 defines diagnostic and related procedures services for exercise therapy with specific personal injury
for physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, podiatrists, situations (low back rehab, extended exercise therapy,
etc. who provide primary care services for patients. Code etc.), you should ask the following questions of potential
3209.7 highlights additional therapies or practices to clients who you may be servicing:
be provided that are agreed upon between the carrier
(insurance company) and the patient. For exercise therapy 1. Are they covered on their auto insurance for
medical payments in case of injury?
services to be provided through a patient’s workers’ comp.,
there are a few steps that must be performed in order to 2. Have they brought an Assignment of Benefits
form for you to fill out and send the insurance
receive reimbursement. First, have a doctor’s referral, or
company as services are initiated?
written statement, indicating the diagnosis and the type
of therapy that is requested for the patient. Second, a 3. If the patient does not have auto insurance, do
they have health insurance under which personal
disability certificate may be required. This form verifies
injury claims are covered or can they afford the
that indeed an injury has taken place (on a particular services out of pocket? It is probably best for
date) and what approximate time a return to work is the clients to pay you at the time services
expected. It is signed and dated by the provider giving are rendered and then seek reimbursement
the service (you). Third, the claim must be filed with the from the insurer. That way you won’t
experience delays or uncertainty in
insurance claims examiner for the particular carrier. This
getting paid.
claim should include the referral and an explanation of
the procedures to be performed, approximate time line It should be remembered that both workers’ compensation
for recovery, and the correct type of coding for services and personal injury insurance may deal direct with the
performed. provider (you). The exercise specialist does not necessarily
need to be a licensed practitioner to provide exercise
The worker’s compensation coding for exercise therapy
programs for these patients. It does help to be working
services within a physician’s office or rehab agency are
within a club setting where the employer ID number
highlighted below. Coding that applies most frequently to
may be used for reimbursement payment verification.
exercise rehab are WC 97100 and 97200 for rehab to one
This number may substitute for a state license number in
or more areas of the body.
many areas. It is important to check with state workers’
compensation boards for specific recommendations.
WC 97000: Office visit with one modality to one area Perhaps the biggest difference between clinical therapy
WC 97050: Office visit with two or more modalities to and personal training programs is that of outcomes
same area management. Because of insurance reasons, it is not
possible for most therapy programs to treat patients
WC 97100: Office visit with one procedure to one area, for extended periods of time. Therefore, therapists
initial 30 minutes are required by law to establish outcomes criteria for
WC 97101: Each additional 15 minutes discharge. This simply means that they establish a program
to get the patient well in a reasonable amount of time.
WC 97200: Office visit with combination of any
modalities and procedures, initial 30 minutes Personal trainers—on the other hand—as private business
persons, usually wish to keep clients as long as possible.
WC 97201: Each additional 30 minutes For every long-term client they have, they spend less time

International Sports Sciences Association

62 | Unit 8

recruiting new ones. However, if trainers wish to work

in some aspect of healthcare (with physician or allied
healthcare referrals), they should understand outcomes Documentation simply means writing down all of the
criteria and be able to demonstrate how they can provide sessions you have done with your client and establishing
a comprehensive exercise program to clients, teach them that they are moving in a logical direction in terms of
how to perform this exercise program on their own, help becoming healthier. The use of notes provides insurance
them improve their physical condition, (back pain, weight companies with a record of your progress. Proper
loss, high blood pressure, etc.), and release them to their documentation would include (for example) recording that
self-care program. Reimbursement is usually contingent a patient lost six pounds of body fat in a month and a half
upon demonstrating this with insurance companies, or lowered systolic blood pressure (without medication)
except in some cases of fee-for-service patients or those from a value of 165 mm Hg to 138 mm Hg. There are many
with chronic medical conditions. variables to documenting outcomes criteria, but the basic
plan of action is the SOAP note format. This stands for
Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. A sample
would look something like the sample provided on
page 63.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Insurance Issues | 63

DATE: January 1, 2015 PATIENT: Lisa Smith

SUBJECTIVE: Lisa is a 56 year old referred by Dr. Seinhauser for hyper-cholesterolemia. She is suffering
from high blood pressure and is overweight (85.4 Kg). She has been referred to the staff
dietitian for nutritional counseling. She states that she is trying her best to follow the
low-fat guidelines presented to her. She was not sure about salt and high blood pressure,
so we discussed the relationship between high levels of sodium in the blood and the
subsequent constriction of vessels in the body, causing a rise in BP in some persons. She
has been having blood pressure rises for two months, prompting her physician to refer
for diet and lifestyle counseling initially, and if not resulting in reductions in four weeks,
to start on medication treatment. Lisa feels that she can reduce her weight enough to
lower her blood pressure because she is afraid of taking drugs. She asked about any
home exercises she can do without causing her feet to swell with long duration training.

OBJECTIVE: Blood pressure 148/90 (mean of two measurements)

Body fat (skinfolds) 35.5%

Cholesterol - 237 mg/dl (triglycerides - 207)

Edema - upon exertion

GXT - results from mod. Bruce - walked at 7.8 METS

ASSESSMENT: Lisa suffers from hypercholesterolemia (type IV) and primary hypertension. She has a low
working capacity for exercise and retains water during times of stress.

PLAN: 1. Initial consult on effects of exercise on weight loss.

2. Encourage patient to stay on low-fat, low sodium diet.

3. W
 ork in clinic for 2 weeks, 3 days per week on low level aerobic machines (UBE,
Stationary bike) to promote CV fitness w/o exacerbating edema in legs.
4. R
 ecommend a home exercise program consisting of an exercise machine (literature
given on sporting good store that carries equipment) and home monitor from the
local pharmacy.
5. R
 e-evaluate work capacity, body fat, and cholesterol panel as per physician request in
four weeks.
Note: If you need help in preparing documentation, contact the ISSA technical support staff.

International Sports Sciences Association

64 | Unit 8

Your Notes and Insurance Contacts:

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


66 | Unit 9

Once you have built up a client base, your next goal is

to keep them coming back. Use the “bucket of water”
analogy: Your new clients are like water being poured into This is an on-going obligation starting from the very
the bucket. But your bucket has a leak — and some of your first day. You’ll need to collect accurate, up-to-date
clients are spilling out! The key is to plug up that leak by information regarding your clients’ health status, training
keeping your clients happy, enthusiastic, and challenged progress, and so forth. This manual contains examples
to pursue higher goals. Remember, anyone can count reps of relevant forms (see Unit 3) that you can use with your
and hold a clip-board! If this is all you’re doing for your clients. In addition, if you’re working out of a club, they
clients, you deserve to lose them! will have liability and physician consent forms which your
clients will have to fill out as well.
Motivation is the fuel that makes all human achievement
possible. Without it, no one would ever bother getting out
of bed, much less exercise! As a trainer, even if you have GUIDED DISCOVERY
the best teaching and communication skills, and even if
you have mastered your field completely, you will still be Now it’s time to orient your client to a “guided tour” of
ineffective unless you can motivate your clients. the fitness facility you work out of. This aspect of the
drawing-in phase can last up to 2 to 3 weeks, or as little
as a few workouts, and is designed to: a) reverse the
DRAWING-IN PHASE effects of disuse, b) get the client oriented to all available
technologies, c) allow the client to learn what his or her
The ISSA had developed a system known as “the drawing- options are and which exercises he/she likes best (never
in phase” which should be used when developing a cram your own likes and dislikes down your client’s
fitness training regimen for all beginning clients. When throat!), d) learn more about your client, and e) to allow
consistently used, the ISSA drawing-in phase ensures a your client to gradually develop the discipline to maintain
high level of client motivation, while distinguishing you a more fitness-oriented lifestyle. The idea is not to force
as a professional trainer. Nothing motivates better than a person into immediate, massive change, but to gently
becoming a fitness “convert,” and the drawing-in phase guide them into gradual, but long-lasting changes.
ensures permanent results. The ISSA drawing-in phase
consists of the following five steps.
A RELATIONSHIP This involves a very basic training program based upon
mutually agreed-upon criteria and objectives. This “pilot
Perhaps the most sensitive experiment” should last from 2 to 4 weeks and is your
moment in your relationship client’s first experience with learning “discipline.”
with a new client occurs when
they first call or visit to find
out about being trained by you. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
Often we’re at loss as to what to
say. The best approach is to ask a Now it’s time to ask the question “What are your
series of detailed questions about the client. Find out who objectives?” and then develop the most scientifically
they are, what they’re about. Are they single or married? sophisticated and complete program possible within
What are their family responsibilities? What’s their the bounds of your clients’ interest level, monetary
occupation? What hours do they work? How physically restrictions, and lifestyle. NEVER ask your clients what
active or sedentary is their lifestyle? By gaining a better their objectives are until they fully understand what their
understanding of your client, you’ll be able to later options are!
construct a fitness program that’s compatible with their An interesting survey published in IDEA Personal Trainer
needs, responsibilities, and preferences — one that they’re (Gavin 1994) states the following reasons why people go to
able to stick with for the long term. a personal trainer:

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Client Motivation | 67


Sincerity is a reflection of your commitment to your
Body Shaping (82%) clients. Like knowledge, sincerity also generates trust that
Weight Management (77%) you have a genuine interest in your client’s progress and
Muscular Strength (72%)
well-being. Show some interest in other aspects of your
client’s life, not just his/her fitness development. Get to
Improve Health (72%) know him or her as a person — doing so will not only
Exercise Adherence (72%) make your sincerity evident to your clients, but it will also
allow you to gain valuable insights into what makes them
Improve Lifestyle (56%)
“tick,” which will in turn help you to motivate them by
Improve Diet (55%) tuning in to their emotive “trigger points.” Note: There
Improve Self-Image (52%) is a “fine line” over which you must not tread in terms of
getting too personal with your clients, however. Always
Aerobic Improvement (51%)
come back to the task at hand — your client’s fitness
Psychological Health (36%) objectives. (See note about respecting clients’ privacy at
Meet Social Needs (23%) the bottom of the section titled “First Impressions” on
page 24.)
*Please understand that these are not truly goals but
merely reasons to go to a personal trainer. A goal is a
specific objective to be achieved at a specific point in time.
For a further explanation of this concept, see the section on INTEGRITY
Goal Orientation, on page 68. Integrity reflects a committed, sincere, and consistent
set of principles and practices by which you operate. It
CLIENT RAPPORT enables your clients to practice both what you teach and
what you do. Your actions, speech, and behavior should
Developing a rapport with your clients is an essential
reflect your total commitment to the progress of your
first step in gaining their trust and confidence. Rapport
clients. Always conduct yourself as a professional!
implies a relationship based on common experiences,
interests, or outlook. This relationship creates a bond
between you and your client, which will decidedly
improve your effectiveness as a trainer. Try to find a
common interest you both can relate to. You’ll both learn Enthusiasm, as top trainer Jeff Magruder puts it, is your
something about each other and the time that you spend passport to success, not only as a trainer, but in all aspects
together can be more productive. Avoid judging your of your life. Enthusiasm is the by-product of expertise and
client or setting yourself up as superior just because you’re sincerity, as well as your genuine excitement about the
more fit. Focus on their strengths and get them to feel results you know you can obtain for your clients. Since
good about themselves. you’ve experienced these results yourself, and since you
can provide many “shortcuts” for your clients due to your
expertise and personal experience, you’ll naturally project
KNOW YOUR CRAFT enthusiasm for your work. Generously share success
stories of your own or your clients, observing that, “If I (or
Knowing your craft inside and out enables you to project
they) could do it, so can you!”
an authoritative aura which will inspire confidence in
your clients. This confidence ultimately leads to trust. And Enthusiasm is also a reflection of your love for your
when a client trusts her or his trainer, s/he’ll work much profession. If you don’t enjoy your work, it will come across
harder than s/he otherwise would. That’s motivation! loudly to your clients. “Burnout” is sometimes a problem
A good trainer literally inspires her or his charges into among trainers who expend significant emotional energy
action. If your clients have even the slightest doubt about with their clients, so learn to keep yourself motivated as
your expertise, you’re doomed in terms of what you can well! You simply cannot allow yourself to become a “clip-
accomplish with them. Incidentally, your own physical board holder,” mindlessly counting out reps with no real
condition is a billboard for your level of expertise — make interest in the task at hand. If you do, you’ll be looking
sure it speaks well of you! Ben Franklin once said, “The for another career, one that does not require emotional
best sermon is a good example.” commitment on an ongoing basis.

International Sports Sciences Association

68 | Unit 9

Goal orientation is a key element in establishing strong • A goal must have sincere emotional appeal to
motivation. Becoming successful without setting goals is you. If it doesn’t, you won’t act with urgency or
harder than nailing Jello to a wall! Goal-orientation not passion. Learn to prioritize your most important
only shows you where you’re going, it also shows you how goals and make the distinction between a mere
wish and an important objective.
to get there. Beware, however, of allowing your goals to
impose limits on your clients’ performance by making • A goal must be difficult, yet realistic. If the goal is
them “final destinations.” Instead, look on your goals as too easy, e.g., “I will go to the gym tomorrow,”
“stepping stones” that will put you in position to access you won’t be very likely to focus your attention
your next stepping stone! In other words, the goal is not on getting it done. Conversely, if it’s too difficult,
you’ll lack the confidence of knowing you can
an end, but a means to another goal. EXCELLENCE is an
do it. Set your goals in such a way that with a
ongoing process for the passionate, committed trainer! sustained, concentrated effort, you know you can
A goal can be seen as the bridge between wanting get the job done.
to achieve something and actually achieving it. The After each block of training, you should sit down with
following conditions must be present in order for a sincere your client and assess their progress. Acknowledge them
desire to be considered a goal. for goals accomplished and set new goals for the next
• A goal must be well defined. Vague wishes or training block. This will be very effective in keeping them
desires, such as “I want to be a great baseball on track.
player” or “I want to become thinner” just don’t
cut it. Instead, “I want to make the little league
team this year” or “I want to weigh 165” are
better defined, and as such, are more attainable.
The habits and skills that make great fitness professionals
• A goal must be stated in writing. Busy schedules are available to anyone, at no cost whatsoever! Actually,
and the various complexities of life have a way
there is a cost: diligence, patience, and perseverance. As
of turning sincere desires into distant memories.
Write down your goals, and put them in a place stated above, personal training is first and last a people
where you will often be reminded of them. business, and the key is service — ultimate service.
• A goal must be stated in the positive. The Successful fitness professionals come in all shapes
subconscious mind does not understand and sizes and work in all areas of the world. They’re
negatively stated goals, so always use a positive successful because 1) they love what they do, and 2) they
frame of reference in constructing your goals. utilize proven principles. Don’t make the mistake of
Don’t say “I won’t eat junk food any more,” but thinking that you’ll be successful simply because you’re
“I will eat healthy food each day.” Better yet: “I great at what you do! Conveying your ability to people
enjoy eating healthy foods each day.” Now you’ve
(marketing) is the key to translating your expertise into
turned the goal into an affirmation, which you
can use to precipitate action. professional success.

• A goal must have a deadline for its completion. Personal Training was recently named one of the 100
In order to get really excited about your goals, best careers for the 21st Century. (See reference to Shelly
you must have an expected time of completion. Field in Appendix B.) As the profession evolves, the
Otherwise, you simply won’t act with urgency, future of training looks very bright for those who are
and before you know it, you’re right back where willing to establish themselves as true professionals.
you started, no closer to your goal. Of course, Many skills come into play during personal training.
unexpected problems and circumstances often Being multi-skilled, credentialed, and able to service,
arise. And when this happens, simply adjust your
your clientele will make you as successful as you wish to
completion date accordingly.
be. On behalf of the professionals at ISSA, we wish you
well in your career!

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


70 | Appendix A

Alvarez, M., The Home Office Book. Woodbury, NY: Philadelphia Insurance Companies. 306 E. Lancaster Ave.,
Goodwood Press, 1990. Wynnewood, PA, 19096. (Ms. Kathleen Donahue). This
company provides comprehensive liability insurance for
Ching, D.S., The Personal Trainer Success Manual.
trainers, employees, and clubs.
Honolulu, HI, The Personal Trainer, Inc., 1990. Highly
recommended! Lots of great advice on establishing your Reidman Insurance Company. 6780 East Hampden Ave.,
business, marketing, exercise testing and principles, Denver, CO, 1-800-759-4620. This is the company that
injuries, exercise descriptions, and much more. To get ISSA contracts for its insurance needs. They provide
your copy, contact Dick Ching at The Personal Trainer, million dollar liability insurance at competitive rates in
Inc., P.O. Box 15242, Honolulu, HI 96830. the fitness industry.
David L. Herbert, JD., Exercise Standards and Malpractice Ringer, Robert, Winning Through Intimidation. 1973. This
Reporter. Excellent resource for the fitness professional is the definitive book on understanding how business
who is interested in the latest information about the legal works, and how you can get what you want from it. A New
aspects of exercise, current court cases that may affect York Times bestseller, still available in most bookstores.
exercise instruction, debate about legal issues within the
Robbins, A., Unlimited Power. New York, NY: Fawcett
industry, and information about scope of practice with
Columbine, 1986. Don’t let the infomercials put you off —
exercise training and fitness instruction. 4571 Stephen
Tony Robbins has great insight into human performance
Circle, NY, Canton, OH 44718-3629. 1-800-336-0083.
— learn from this book!
Entrepreneur Magazine. Lots of great tips and
Robinson, J., The Weightless Workout. Los Angeles, CA:
information for small business owners. Available
Health for Life, 1991. A valuable book for those trainers
at your local newsstand.
who work with clients at their home or outside. Insightful
Human Kinetics Publishers. Based in Champaign, IL, this approaches on getting high intensity training without
is a great resource for all sorts of books, videos, and other equipment. Call Health for Life at 800-874-5339.
materials pertaining to sports and fitness related topics.
Silver, S., Organized to Be the Best. Los Angeles, CA:
To get their catalogue, call 800-747-4457.
Adams-Hall, 1991 Probably best book on becoming
Kahn, S., Getting Into the Consulting Business. Stamford, organized — loaded with helpful info!
CT: Longmeadow Press, 1987. Nice little guide on trends
Your Telephone Personality Magazine. 12 Daniel Rd.
and opportunities in consulting — good info for trainers!
Fairfield, NJ, 07004. ($32.50 per year). Magazine giving
Levinson, Jay, C., Guerrilla Marketing. Houghton Mifflin information on selling, marketing, and communication
Co., New York, NY: 1993. Important book for those in skills over the phone. If you do a lot of phone business,
small business to define their market, drum up business, this magazine may help a great deal.
and be aggressive to increase revenues.
Ziglar, Z., Top Performance. New York, NY: Berkeley,
Pennington, A.T., Food Values. New York, NY: Harper- 1985. Zig Ziglar may seem old-fashioned to some, but
Perennial, 1989. Complete and accurate listings of he is a master of human performance, optimism, goal
nutritive values for common-sized portions of various orientation, and attitude. The kind of stuff personal
foods. A great reference tool! You can order this one trainers should become adept at.
through your local bookseller.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


72 | Appendix B

Brody. L. “On the horizon.” Shape Magazine. pp. 98-102. Leaf, A. “Preventive medicine for our ailing heath care
September, 1992. system.” JAMA. 1993. 269; 5:616-18.
Burg, B. Endless Referrals. McGraw-Hill Inc. New York, Levinson, J.C. Guerrilla Marketing. Houghton Mifflin Co.
NY, 1994. New York, MY. 1993.
Campion, EW. “Why unconventional medicine?” The New Patton, R.W. Corry, J.M., Gettman, L.R., Graf, J.S.
England Journal of Medicine. 328: 282-83. 1993. Implementing Health/Fitness Programs. Human Kinetics
Publishers, Champaign, IL. 1986.
Cornish, E. (editor). “10 reasons to think about the
future.” The Futurist Magazine. pg. 62. September- Quebec Task Force Study: “Low back pain — causes and
October, 1994. treatments.” Spine. 12:S-7. 1987.
Couzens, G.S. “Personal Trainers: A Formula for Fitness?” Ringer, R.J. Winning Through Intimidation. Fawcett-Crest
The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 20:11, 131-140. Publishers, Greenwich, CT. 1973.
November, 1992.
Schoff, S. Golding, “L.A. A Personal Trainer’s Profile.”
Dowell, JR, Boltier, CP, et al. “Psychological well-being Sports Training, Rehabilitation, and Fitness Journal. 1992.
and its relationship to fitness and activity levels.” Journal Presented at the 1991 Southwest Chapter of the American
of Human Movement Studies. 14:39. 1988. College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA.
Evetts, J. Seven Pillars of Sales Success. Sterling Publishing Sol, N., Foster, C. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Facility
Co., New York, NY. 1990. Standards and Guidelines. Human Kinetics Publishers,
Champaign, IL. 1992.
Fiatarone, MA, Marks, EC, Ryan, ND, et al. “High
intensity strength training in nonagenarians: effects on Sports Training Institute. Instructor’s Training Manual.
skeletal muscle.” JAMA. 263; 22:3029-34. 1990. First edition. STI, New York, NY. 1985.
Field, Shelly. 100 Best Careers For the 21st Century. Staley, C.I. “Personal trainers— everything you ever
MacMillan, Old Tappan, N.J. 1996. wanted to know about finding one, using one, or
becoming one (and more!).” Super feature, Muscle and
Gavin, J. “Mapping the boundaries. IDEA personal
Fitness. March, 1995.
trainer’s survey.” Personal Trainer. 5:7:24-30. August,
1994. Tardio, A. “In search of the perfect trainer.” Gentleman’s
Quarterly. pp. 180-184. Sept, 1992.
Handley, A. “10 ways to profit from one-on-one training.”
Club Industry. pp. 49-54. July, 1992. Warrick, P. “Trusting your trainer.” Los Angeles Times
Health Horizon’s Section. pg. 2-4. October 18, 1992.
Hardway, J. “The Exercise Physiologist as Part of the Work
Hardening Team.” Rehab Management. 6:6:75-77. Oct/ Yacenda, J. “Setting realistic training goals.” Fitness
Nov, 1993. Management. pg. 21. January, 1988.
Hatfield, F.C.. Fitness: The Complete Guide. ISSA Textbook Yacenda, J. “Personal trainers.” Fitness Management. pp.
for Fitness Trainer Certification. International Sports 19-20. September, 1989.
Sciences Association, Santa Barbara, CA. 1992.
Herzlinger, RE. “The simplest, best cure for our health-
care crisis.” Medical Economics. pp. 135-47. November,
Horner, J. Power Marketing. Oasis Press. Grant Pass, OR.
Koeberle, B.E. Personal Trainer’s Liability: A Trainer’s
guide to Legal Fitness. Professional Reports Corp. Canton,
OH. 1989.
Langway, L., Ruiz, R. “Fitness with a personal touch.”
Newsweek. pg. 83. June 27, 1983.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers



74 | Appendix C


In 1988, the most powerful team of fitness experts ever assembled joined together
under the leadership of Sal A. Arria, DC, MSS and Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD, MSS
to stem the tide of physical decline. Culled from the elite ranks of research, coaching,
sports medicine, and fitness science, these world-champion athletes and scholars
decided to draw a line in the sand and turn the tide toward a more fit and healthy
world. Together, they formed the International Sports Sciences Association with the
mission of transforming the fitness of our planet.
Since that initial gathering in 1988, ISSA has catapulted to the forefront of the fitness
community. ISSA is now recognized as the World Leader in Fitness Certification,
having educated more than 65,000 health and fitness professionals to date. The ISSA
acts primarily as a teaching institution for fitness trainers, athletic trainers, coaches,
physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and professionals in every field of allied
health. ISSA has set new standards in exercise assessment, nutritional planning,
fitness instruction, sports medicine practice, and post-rehabilitation training. Having
recognized the role fitness professionals play in the healthcare system, ISSA was the
first to create over ten specialized educational programs. Successfully completing
any of the ISSA specializations gives you the opportunity to live and teach a lifestyle
of fitness wherever you choose to reside. In addition to lending you professional
credibility and a valuable education, ISSA will continue to provide support even after
you have completed your course. ISSA understands your needs and is committed to
helping you succeed. ISSA programs are recognized universally and our professional
credibility is impeccable.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

About the ISSA | 75

ISSA Co-Founder and Executive Director
Sal A. Arria, MSS, DC was the founder and director of the Santa Barbara Chiropractic
and Sports Medicine Clinic from 1978 to 1996, which was one of the first sports
medicine clinics in the United States to incorporate a fitness training center within
the clinic. During that time, Dr. Arria personally treated nearly 20,000 patients from
all over the world. From 1980 to 1985, he served the US Track and Field team and was
appointed as a team doctor for the 1984 Olympic games. For 10 years, Dr. Arria was an
active member of the Sports Medicine Committee for the US Powerlifting Federation
and served as a team doctor for numerous national powerlifting championships and
three USPF World Championships.
His personal athletic achievements include winning the California State Powerlifting
Championships three times and was ranked in the top three in the USA in the
220-pound and 242-pound divisions. Dr. Arria was also appointed as a Special
Advisor to the California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and continues to
consult many Olympic and professional athletes. He has appeared on numerous
national radio and television shows including CBS, CNBC, ESPN, and the Family
Channel. He directed the American Institute of Health Education’s 1996 TELLY
Award winning show The Five-Step Back Solution. Dr. Arria was also the Fitness
Program Designer for Kathy Ireland’s platinum award-winning abdominal training
video, ABSolutely Fit.
In 1988 Dr. Arria co-founded and has since served as the Executive Director of the
International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), the first organization to certify
personal fitness trainers. Since that time, the ISSA has provided fitness education,
certification, and continuing education to 180,000 students and trainers. In 2003, Dr.
Arria was a founding member of the National Board of Fitness Examiners (NBFE),
a not-for-profit organization which is responsible for defining scopes of practice,
standards and national board examinations for personal fitness professionals. In 2004,
Dr. Arria was elected President of the NBFE by the Board of Trustees.


ISSA Co-Founder and President
Frederick C. Hatfield, MSS, PhD, is Co-founder and President of the ISSA. Dr.
Hatfield (aka “Dr. Squat”) won the World Championships three times in the sport of
powerlifting, and performed a competitive squat with 1014 pounds at a body weight
of 255 pounds (more weight than anyone in history had ever lifted in competition).
Dr. Hatfield’s former positions include an assistant professorship at the University
of Wisconsin — Madison and Senior Vice President and Director of Research and
Development for Weider Health and Fitness, Incorporated. Dr. Hatfield was honored
by Southern Connecticut State University when they presented him with the 1991
Alumni Citation Award. He has written over 60 books (including several best-sellers)
and hundreds of articles in the general areas of sports training, fitness, bodybuilding,
and performance nutrition. He has been coach and training consultant for several
world-ranked and professional athletes, sports governing bodies, and professional
teams worldwide. Dr. Hatfield qualified for the 1998 World Championships in
Olympic Lifting and competed in the Masters Division.

International Sports Sciences Association

76 | Appendix C

Charles I. Staley, BSc, MSS is a former martial arts competitor and trainer Staley
is also an Olympic weightlifting coach, as well as a masters level track and field
competitor (discus event). Staley has written and lectured extensively on the topics of
human performance and sport training.
Neil Reuben, BA, CHT received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English from
Brooklyn College in 1968. He is a faculty member of Learning Tree University,
instructing courses on the teachings of enlightened masters such as Buddha, Lao Tzu,
Zarathustra, and Kabir. Neil has completed numerous human potential programs
including e.s.t., The Forum, Silva Mind Control, Actualizations, Arica, The Warriors
Wisdom, and Personal Power.
Gary E. Lemons, MFS (editor). Gary’s diverse business background and experience
was honed through the founding and ownership of several different businesses. Gary
has an award-winning, twenty plus year background in competitive basketball and
volleyball and continues to share his knowledge with young athletes to help give them
the guidance and expertise necessary to perform at the highest level. Gary has spent
thousands of hours consulting with and assisting other personal trainers throughout
the world and working with some of the best minds in sports and strength training.
Disa L. Hatfield, BS, CFT (editor). Disa received her degree in Exercise Science from
the Pennsylvania State University, where she had the opportunity to study under
such esteemed professors as Vladimir Zatsiorsky and Dr. William Kraemer. Disa
gained much of her business experience directing athletic events and working in the
Athletic Office at Penn State and as a Regional Vice President for Phi Gamma Nu, a
professional business fraternity. Disa has also spent the majority of her life coaching
and working with children and young athletes and leading them into a lasting lifestyle
of health and fitness.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers


78 | Appendix D

Trainer’s Best Fitness Studio
1101 South Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 • Los Angeles, CA 90020 • 213-555-9890
Name of Patient:

Date: Referring Physician:


Type of Service:
Exercise Training
Stretching and Movement
Aerobic/Cardiovascular Conditioning
Sports Conditioning (list event)

Specific Recommendations:


New Bodies Health & Fitness

Chris Daniels
34 Winter Road, Meadville, PA 34987

(111) 555-0000

Your First Choice In Fitness!

John Fay
One-on-One Personal Training

1 Any Street
Anytown, CA 87969

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Generic Fitness Center Informed Consent Form

I, (print name) _______________________________________ , give my consent to participate in the

physical fitness evaluation program conducted by the _____________________________________

Fitness Center.

Participation in a regular program of physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of
organ systems. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased
muscular strength, flexibility, power, and endurance.

I recognize that exercise carries some risk to the musculoskeletal system (sprains, strains) and the cardiorespiratory
system (dizziness, discomfort in breathing, heart attack). I hereby certify that I know of no medical problem (except
those noted below) that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a regular exercise


I understand that I will undergo initial testing to determine my current physical fitness status. The testing will
consist of completing this health inventory, taking a step test or bicycle ergometer test for cardiovascular fitness,
and being tested for muscular fitness and body composition.
I further understand that such screening is intended to provide the Generic Fitness Center with essential
information used in the development of individual fitness programs. I understand that my individual results will be
made available only to me. I also understand that the testing is not intended to replace any other medical test or the
services of my physician. I will be provided a copy of all test results. I may share the results with whomever I please,
including my personal physician. By signing this consent form, I understand that I am personally responsible for
my actions during my tenure at Generic Fitness, and that I waive the responsibility of this center if I should incur
any injury as a result of my negligence.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________

Please note:
possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
status, please call
SIGNATURE OF PARENT: _____________________________________________________ WITNESS:_______________________________ gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
or GUARDIAN (for participants under the age of majority) not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Health History Questionnaire

Answer each question by printing the necessary information. Your answers are confidential.
Name: Date of Birth: Age:


City, State, Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Employer: Occupation:

In case of emergency, please notify:

Name: Relationship:

City, State, Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Physician: Phone:

Are you under the care of a physician, chiropractor, or other healthcare professional for r Yes r No
any reason?
If yes, list reason:

Are you taking any medications? r Yes r No

(If yes, complete the following)
Type: Dosage/Frequency: Reason for Taking:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note:

possession of this
form does not indicate
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ confirm certification
status, please call
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1.805.745.8111
Please list any allergies: gathered from this
form is not shared
Has your doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high? r Yes r No with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
liable for the use or
Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem that has been or r Yes r No incorporation of the
could be made worse by exercise? information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
Are you over the age of 65? r Yes r No consult your doctor
concerning your
Are you unaccustomed to vigorous exercise? r Yes r No health, diet, and
physical activity.
Health History Questionnaire p.1
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Is there any reason not mentioned why you should not follow a regular r Yes r No
exercise program?
If yes, please explain:

Have you recently experienced any chest pain associated with either exercise or stress? r Yes r No
If yes, please explain:


Please check the box that describes your current habits:

r Non-user of former user; Date quit:
r Cigar and/or pipe
r 15 or less cigarettes per day
r 16 to 25 cigarettes per day
r 26 to 35 cigarettes per day
r More than 35 cigarettes per day


If there is family history for any condition, please check the “family“ box. If you are personally experiencing any of these
conditions, check the box “self“ and provide any requested information.

r family r self Asthma: Describe your asthma:

r family r self Respiratory/Pulmonary Conditions: Diagnosis:
r family r self Diabetes: Type I: r Type II: r How Long?
r family r self Epilepsy: Petite Mal: r Grand Mal: r Other/Description/Frequency:
r family r self Osteoporosis: Describe your osteoporosis:

Lifestyle and Dietary Factors

Please fill in the information below:

r Occupational Stress Level: r Low / r Medium / r High
r Energy Level: r Low / r Medium / r High
r Caffeine Intake/Daily: r Alcohol Intake/Weekly:
r Colds Per Year r Anemia
r Gastrointestinal Disorder: Diagnosis:
r Hypoglycemia r Thyroid Disorder
r Prenatal r Postnatal
Please note:
possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
Cardiovascular confirm certification
status, please call
Please check the box(es) if you have been diagnosed with any of the following: Information
gathered from this
form is not shared
r High Blood Pressure r Hypertension r High Cholesterol with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
liable for the use or
r Hyperlipidemia r Heart Disease r Heart Attack incorporation of the
information contained
in or collected from

r Stroke r Angina
this form. Always
r Gout consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.
Health History Questionnaire p.2
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Musculoskeletal Information
Please describe any past or current musculoskeletal conditions you have incurred such as muscle pulls, sprains, fractures,
surgery, back pain, or general discomfort:
r Head/Neck:
r Upper Back:
r Shoulder/Clavicle:
r Arm/Elbow:
r Wrist/Hand:
r Lower Back:
r Hip/Pelvis:
r Thigh/Knee:
r Arthritis:
r Hernia:
r Surgeries:
r Other:

Nutritional Information
Are you on any specific food/diet plan at this time? r Yes r No
If yes, please list:

Do you take dietary supplements? r Yes r No

If yes, please list:

Do you experience any frequent weight fluctuations? r Yes r No

Have you experienced a recent weight gain or loss? r Yes r No
If yes, list change:

Over how long?

How many beverages do you consume per day that contain caffeine?
How would you describe your current nutritional habits?

Other food/nutritional issues you want to include (food allergies, mealtimes, etc.)

Work and Exercise Habits

Please check the box that best describes your work and exercise habits.
Please note:
r Intense occupational and recreational exertion possession of this
form does not indicate
r Moderate occupational and recreational exertion that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
r Sedentary occupational and intense recreational exertion confirm certification
status, please call
r Sedentary occupational and moderate recreational exertion 1.800.892.4772
r Sedentary occupational and light recreational exertion Information
gathered from this
r Complete lack of all exertion form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
To what degree do you perceive your environment as stressful? liable for the use or
incorporation of the
Work: r Minimal r Moderate r Average r Extremely information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
Home r Minimal r Moderate r Average r Extremely consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
Do you work more than 40 hours a week? r Yes r No physical activity.
Health History Questionnaire p.3
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Please make any other comments you feel are pertinent to your exercise program.




























______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note:

possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
Name: status, please call
Signature: Date: gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
liable for the use or
Signature of Parent: Witness: incorporation of the
information contained
or Guaridan (for participants under the age of majority) in or collected from
this form. Always
consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.
Health History Questionnaire p.4
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Trainer Notes:





_____ _______________________________________________________________________________________________




___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________












_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________






Please note:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ possession of this
form does not indicate
that its distributor
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ status, please call
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ international).
gathered from this
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
not responsible or
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ liable for the use or
incorporation of the
information contained
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ in or collected from
this form. Always
consult your doctor
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.
Health History Questionnaire p.5
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Intake Questionnaire
Please Discuss The Following With All New Clients At Your First Meeting.

Why did you respond to our advertisement? i) If you could improve or change all these
a) What were you curious about? things, what would it mean to you?

b) What do you think we do? j) How would it impact your feelings

of self worth?
c) Why would you be interested in that?
k) Do you think you deserve to be fulfilled
d) Ideally, what would you like us to do for you? in this area of your life?
e) Why is that important? What is your current fitness program?
f) How would it change your life? a) Exercises:
Let me start out by giving you our b) Nutrition and supplementation:
definition of fitness.
c) What do you know about how to improve
a) Experiencing abundant physical health. your conditioning?
b) Absence of pain, discomfort, illness, How well is your current fitness program
and disease.
working for you?
c) Experiencing vitality and high energy,
a) Why isn’t it working?
sufficient to enable one to do what one wants.
b) Are you willing to make some changes?
d) Looking attractive and fit, proud of
one’s appearance. c) Do you care enough about your own well-
being to make it a priority?
e) Capable of living a long, healthy life.
f) Able to participate in sports and active Aside from financial cost, is there anything
recreational activities. that would stop you from embarking on a
fitness program?
g) Having a healthy emotional and mental (Overcome all non-cost objections before proceeding.)
outlook fostered by the foundation of
feeling good. If you had everything you wanted in
life except for good health, would that
h) Do you agree with this definition?
be satisfactory?
i) Is there anything you would add or delete? a) How much do you pay for medical insurance?
What is the current state of your fitness? b) How much do you pay for doctor bills?
a) On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being barely alive c) Given the expensive cost of healthcare after
and 10 being totally fit, how do you rate your one gets sick, doesn’t it make sense to you
fitness? to spend a little money to prevent health
b) What illnesses or medical conditions do you problems?
have? d) How much is your health worth?
c) How is your energy level?
If there were an affordable program that could
d) How would you rate the quality of your give you everything you want in the way of
nutritional intake? health and fitness, would you do it? __________ Please note:
possession of this
form does not indicate
e) Do you feel refreshed and energized after When?­­­­­­­­_____________ that its distributor
sleep? (If they are not willing to act now, you should
is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification
f) Is your sex life fulfilling? (Don’t ask this terminate interview at this point and request that status, please call
of clients of the opposite sex as it may be they return when they are ready to make a change.) (1.805.745.8111
misconstrued.) Information
gathered from this
g) What areas of your personal fitness would you form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is
like to improve? not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the
h) What specific thing would you like to change? information contained
in or collected from
this form. Always
What else? consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
What else? physical activity.
Intake Questionnaire p.1
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 © 2019 International Sports Sciences Association

1.800.892.4772 (toll-free) • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

Intake Questionnaire
Please Discuss The Following With All New Clients At Your First Meeting

Okay (Name), let me tell you a little about my At the end of the introductory session, we’ll make
experience and my personal philosophy of fitness. a decision as to whether you should become my
In working with clients, I like to focus on... regular client or not. If the decision is “no,” we’ll
(expand). I have lots of experience in... (expand just part as friends. If it’s “yes,” I’ll ask you to
on your areas of expertise). Most of my clients are commit to a series of sessions and we’ll carefully
able to achieve their goals because... (expand on define your goals and make sure that you reach
your motivational skills).
them. Does that sound fair to you? (Yes.)
Another reason for my high success rate is that I
Good. What time of the day works best for you
confine my practice to only those individuals who
for the sample session: morning, afternoon, or
are really serious about improving their fitness.
evening? (Answer) Okay, I have two time slots
Are you? (Answer.)
open this week. (Tuesday at one o’clock or
Okay (Name), the next step is to set up an Wednesday at two o’clock) Which is better for
introductory session so that we can get a feel you? (Choice.) Great, then I’ll see you at (time).
for how effectively we can work together. The (While shaking hands enthusiastically...) It’s been
session will last for forty-five minutes and the a pleasure meeting you.
cost is just $­ .

Please note:
possession of this

form does not indicate
that its distributor

is actively certified
with the ISSA. To
confirm certification

status, please call


gathered from this
form is not shared
with ISSA. ISSA is

not responsible or
liable for the use or
incorporation of the

information contained
in or collected from

this form. Always
consult your doctor
concerning your
health, diet, and
physical activity.

Intake Questionnaire p.2

Samples | 87


Trainer: Hello, this is (Name), how can I help you?

Inquirer: I’m interested in finding out about personal training.

Trainer: Good. How did you hear about me?

Inquirer: (Answer)

Trainer: People come to personal trainers for a variety of reasons; what would you like to achieve by
working with a trainer?
Inquirer: (Answer)

Trainer: What else?

Inquirer: (Answer)

Trainer: I think I may be able to help you in those areas. Let me tell you how the process begins. The first step is to
schedule a 20-minute consultation with you. This will give us a chance to get to know each other a bit and
to see if I can be of help in moving you toward your fitness goals. There’s no cost for the consultation. Is
morning or afternoon (or evening) more convenient for you?
Inquirer: (Answer)

Trainer: Okay, I have (Day) at (Time), or (Day) at (Time) available. Which one would be better for you?

Inquirer: (Answer)

Trainer: Okay, then I’ll see you on (Day) at (Time). I suggest you make a list of questions you may have, because
that will be a good opportunity to get them answered. Now, I’m located at (Address) and here’s how you
can get to my office. (Give directions). So I’ll look forward to seeing you then, okay? Goodbye.

International Sports Sciences Association

88 | Appendix D


Dear (Name),
In response to your recent inquiry about personal training, I’d like to tell you a bit about my
professional qualifications.
I’m certified by The International Sports Sciences Association as a Certified Fitness Trainer. This
certification is the most prestigious in the industry and it qualifies me to work with virtually any
individual wishing to improve their fitness.
I’ve been a trainer since (Year) and have worked with more than (number) clients in my career. I have
abundant in-depth experience with virtually every form of exercise. But most of my clients say that
my greatest asset is my ability to motivate and inspire people.
I invite you to call me at (phone number) any morning between 9 A.M. and 10 A.M. so we can
discuss your fitness objectives and see if I may be of service to you.
John Q. Trainer


Dear Dr. (Name),
I was referred to you by a patient of yours, (patient’s name). My name is (your name), and I am a
Certified Fitness Trainer here in (city). I see many clients who are in need of a (chiropractor, physician,
osteopath) and I was hoping to set up an appointment to meet with you personally some time next
week to establish a referral procedure.
I realize you are extremely busy, so I would be happy to take you to lunch. I’ll give your secretary a
call Monday and set it up.
Thank you for your time, Dr. (name). I am looking forward to meeting you.

(John Q. Trainer)
Certified Fitness Trainer

Letters to doctors must be short and very direct. A general rule of thumb is that doctors who work
They always work best when you mention a friend with athletes understand the need for continued
or patient’s name. If you don’t know a patient who training after their treatment is over. And remember:
is seeing the doctor that you want to meet, call Don’t give up! Be persistent! Doctors are extremely
every gym and health club in town and get the busy and are solicited by numerous sales people. You
name of the doctors they work with or whom they have the edge over everyone because you have the
recommend. You can substitute this sentence: “I was potential to refer them new patients. Don’t forget:
referred to you by the Manager of Best Gym doctors need new business, too, and a synergistic
on Main Street.” relationship can be great for both of you.

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Samples | 89


Client Name: Date:

What did you like about the session we just had?

What did you dislike about it?

In general terms, what would you like to accomplish in the area of fitness?

Why is that important to you?

If you could accomplish these things, how would it change your life?

Are you really sincere about your desire to improve your fitness?

You know (Name), it’s easy to pay lip service to something. But, the true test is whether you’re willing to act
on it. Are you willing to take action in this area of your life? (Yes.)

Okay, we’ll soon see. As you know, it takes time to make significant gains. So we’ve set up our training in
blocks of sessions. We can begin you on either of two programs:
Program A includes 6 sessions and the cost is $ .
Program B includes 12 sessions and the cost is $ .
Payment for the first session is required in advance and if you’d like to pre-pay for the entire block of
sessions, you’ll save 10%. Which program would you like to start out with? (Answer.) (From this point on,
the less you say the better.)

(After selection is made . . .) Congratulations. Okay, let’s schedule your sessions. What days are best for you?
What times?

Okay then, I’ll see you at (time) on (day). Here is a list of policies and procedures that I adhere to, including
how we handle cancelled sessions, etc. Please sign it and bring it with you to our first session on (day).

International Sports Sciences Association

90 | Appendix D


Joan Smith (805) 555-8111

400 Main Street, Any Town, CA 55555

The Pennsylvania State University
BS in Exercise Science: Emphasis in Business

8/13 to Indiana County Day Care, Indiana, PA
Present School Age Program
• Oversee physical education activities
• Arrange games and special projects
• Counsel families and children on fitness needs and problems

Fall Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

2013 Athletic Operations Office
• Aided in managing Men’s Big Ten Soccer Championships
• Managed various athletic events
• Prepared NCAA, Big Ten, and PIAA budget reports
• Submitted bids to host NCAA and Big Ten athletic events
• Performed general administrative tasks
• Assisted with hiring of event personnel
• Planned athletic tournaments and championship games

2012 International Sports Science Association, Clearwater, FL

• Designed a brochure to send out to potential customers
• Implemented marketing techniques
• Handled public relations problems
• Assisted with customer requests and questions

Activities: P.S.U Barbell Club

• President 1995-1997

Fiscal Fitness: Business Guide for Personal Trainers

Fitnes: La Guía Completa Libro de Trabajo y Guía de Estudio
800.892.4772 •

Fitnes: La Guía Completa

Libro de Trabajo y Guía de Estudio
Novena Edicion



International Sports Sciences Association
1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013
1.800.892.4772 • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

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