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Current Status of T&P NMs in ENCs

Not all ENC producers include Temporary and Preliminary (T&P) Notices to Mariners (NMs) in their ENCs.
The following table lists the confirmed status of T&P NMs in the ENCs that are available in AVCS and the
Admiralty ECDIS Service.

To ensure that T&P NM information is as widely available as possible, worldwide Admiralty T&P NMs are
also available through the Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) and the Admiralty Digital Catalogue.

9 indicates that T or P NMs are included in the ENC by the ENC producer.
8 indicates that T or P NMs are not included in the ENC by the ENC producer.
N/A indicates that the ENC producer does not issue Temporary (T) or Preliminary (P) NMs for either
paper or digital charts.
U/K indicates that the ENC producer’s policy is currently unknown.

NMs Included in ENCs

Producer Country Producer Code Link to National NMs
Temporary (T) Preliminary (P)
Argentina AR 9 9

Australia AU 9 9

Bahrain BH U/K U/K

Belgium BE 91 91

Brazil BR 9 9

Canada CA N/A N/A

Chile CL 9 9

China (People’s Republic) C1 8 8

China (People’s Republic) -
C2 82 N/A
Hong Kong
Colombia CO 91 8

Croatia HR 9 9

Denmark DK 91 91

Estonia EE 9 8

Finland FI 9 91

France FR 9 9

Germany DE 9 9

Greece GR N/A N/A

Iceland IS 8 8

India IN U/K U/K

Indonesia ID N/A N/A

Italy IT 8 93

Japan JP 9 9

Korea (Republic of) KR 8 8

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NMs Included in ENCs
Producer Country Producer Code Link to National NMs
Temporary (T) Preliminary (P)
Latvia LV 9 9

Malaysia MY U/K U/K

Malacca and Singapore Straits MS 9 9

Mexico MX 9 9

Netherlands NL 91 91

New Zealand NZ 8 8

Norway NO 94 94

Pakistan PK U/K U/K

Peru PE 9 9

Philippines PH U/K U/K

Poland PL 91 91

Portugal PT 9 9

Russia RU N/A N/A

Singapore SG 9 9

South Africa ZA 9 9

Spain ES 9 9

Sweden SE 9 9

Thailand TH 8 9

Turkey TR 8 8

United Kingdom GB 9 9

Ukraine UA 9 9

United States of America US 8 N/A

Venezuela VE 9 9

T&P NMs are included if necessary and are considered case by case.
Temporary (T) NMs will be included in Hong Kong ENCs from 1 January 2012.
Preliminary (P) NMs are included only when the information relates to a new or changed Traffic Separation
New T&P NMs included in Norwegian (NO) ENCs from 1 April 2012. T&P NMs older than Efs no. 06/2012
are not included in NO ENCs.

This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrographic Office with the permission
of the UK Hydrographic Office, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office

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