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Bio HrElr HoAc Bao oau rit cniNn vi

rn ics rsrpnr DiN st'Dol \ ol ror Tfrar o lutiv oqu

S6 GCN (Cenificatc No): 'i0,'CLClHCM12012

Duol cdp theo qul dinh cia Diau VII C6ng LIoc Quoc ri ri tra.h nhiem dan
'r d;i v6it6n th6t 6 nhi6m diu.
nam 1992.
Issued in accordance with rhe proljsions ofAdicle V]] ofthe lnrernational Convention on Civil Liabilit-\ for Oil Polhrion
Damage, 1992.

Ten tdu 56 ding ki hoac Cang ddne ki Sd ]MO Ien dia chi day du tru so ldn vi€c
(Name ofship) h6 hiQu (lMO ship chinh cta chri tdu dAng ki
(Dislincti!e registr!) Indentification (Nanre and fuU address ofthc principal
place ofbusiness ofthe regisered o\iner)

PVI hACLL \TNSG,I93,I,TD SAI GON 9l45.125 Southern Petroleum Transponati(nr

..l.Lrerr: 4th Fl. Hl Building. No 384.
Hoang Dieu Str., Disr..l. Ho ChiMinh
Cirr. VierNan

Ihira quyin cria Chinh phi nu6c COng hoa \a hor chu nghia Vier Nam. L hi cuc Hang hei Viel Nam tai thdnh
ptr6 Ua Cli Uinl xac *ran-rdng,d<rn bio hi6m hoac cac hao dem riL,rhrnh Lhac_ddi \ oi lau tri6n hieu
l!I.- drp i"ng )Au ceu 14i Diiiu VII cua C6ng udc quoc re \ e lrli(h nhiim dan .u ,]ui ! oi r6n th6t 6 nhi€m dau. ndm
B) lhe authorization of rhe Govennent of the Socialisl Rcpublic of v ien]am.lhe I Io Chi MinI branch of V ielnam Maritime
Administration hcrcb) ccrtilles ihat tlrcre is ir fbrce in respect ofthe above named ship a polic) ofinsxrance or olher
tinancial securio satis! ing rhe requ irements of Anicle VI I of the International Con lenlion on C i! il Liabiljly Ior oil Po llution
l)amage, 1992.
Loai hinh bdo ddm (Type olSecurity): Civil Liabilib For Oil Pollutiolr Damage.1992
Thdi h4n cua beo dAm (Duration ofsecurity): Frcmr 20 June 2012 To: 20 June 20lJ
T€n ,re dia chi cua oiic c6ng t) hao hidm !A hoac (nhinrgr nqtroi hao l,nh
(Namc and Address of the lnsure(, and'or G"arador(r)
I€n (Namc): The British European & Overseas P&l Insurance
Dia cld (Address): Bahnhofstrasse 7, 9,:19,1 Schaan. Principaliq ofLiechtenstein
Ian lName): /
Dia chr (Ad&ess): /
Cip t4i (lssued aO: Lp H6 Chi Minh.Vier Nam \s:it (on): 06/07/2012
Signature and title of issuing or cenilling of'ficial


GliM trcl,3

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