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Instruction: Differentiate acute kidney injury from chronic kidney injury.

- Acute kidney injury is usually caused by an event that leads to kidney

malfunction, such as dehydration blood loss from major surgery or injury, or
the use of medicines.

- Chronic kidney disease is usually caused by a long-term disease,

such as high blood pressure or diabetes that slowly damages the kidneys
and reduces their function over time.


1. Which of the following metabolic changes accompanies acute stress?

a. Hypoglycemia
b. Reduced heart and respiratory rates
c. Elevated immune responses
d. Muscle protein catabolism
RATIO: metabolic changes that accompanies acute stress is Muscle
protein catabolism

2. Which of the following statements concerning protein and energy

recommendations during acute metabolic stress is true?
a. Protein and energy recommendations are similar to those for healthy
b. Protein and energy recommendations are reduced because a stressed
individual cannot metabolize nutrients normally.
c. Acutely stressed individuals can benefit from as much protein and
energy as can be provided.
d. Protein and energy recommendations are often increased to minimize
muscle tissue losses.
RATIO: To avoid muscle tissue loss, protein and calorie requirements are
frequently increased.

3. A primary feature of emphysema is:

a. obstruction within the bronchi.
b. obstruction within the bronchioles.
c. destruction of the walls separating the alveoli.
d. excessive lung elasticity.
RATIO: The loss of the walls separating the alveoli is a key characteristic of

4. The weight loss and wasting that often occur in COPD can be caused
a. reduced food intake.
b. increased metabolic rate.
c. reduced exercise tolerance.
d. all of the above.
RATIO: Weight loss resulting in depletion of FM occurs when energy intake
is insufficient to meet daily requirements (energy imbalance) and
inadequate dietary intake has been found to be common in patients with
COPD particularly during exacerbations of the disease. Therefore, all of the
following options are true.

5. Nutrition therapy for a person with respiratory failure includes:

a. careful attention to providing enough, but not too much, energy.
b. a generous fluid intake to facilitate mucus clearance.
c. a high fat intake to prevent weight loss and wasting.
d. a high carbohydrate intake to increase carbon dioxide production.
RATIO: To provide enough, but not too much, energy to a person with
respiratory failure, nutrition treatment must be carefully planned.

6.Which of these dietary substances may help to protect against cancer?

a. Alcoholic beverages
b. Well-cooked meats, poultry, and fish
c. Animal fats
d. Compounds in fruits and vegetables
RATIO: Compounds found in fruits and vegetables are dietary components
that may aid in cancer prevention.

7. An advantage of radiation therapy over chemotherapy is that:

a. radiation is not damaging to rapidly dividing cells.
b. side effects of radiation therapy do not include malnutrition.
c. radiation can be directed toward the regions affected by cancer.
d. the radiation used is too weak to damage GI tissues
RATIO: Radiation treatment, as opposed to chemotherapy, has the benefit
of being able to target the cancerous areas.

8. Which food below should be avoided by a patient consuming a low-

microbial diet?
a. Baked potato
b. Pasteurized yogurt
c. Banana
d. Leftover luncheon meat
RATIO: If a patient is on a low-microbial diet, leftover luncheon meat should
be avoided.

9. HIV can enter and destroy:

a. epithelial cells.
b. helper T cells.
c. liver cells.
d. intestinal cells.
RATIO: HIV attacks a specific type of immune system cell in the body. It's
known as the CD4 helper cell or T cell. When HIV destroys this cell, it
becomes harder for the body to fight off other infections. When HIV is left
untreated, even a minor infection such as a cold can be much more severe.

10. In people with HIV infection, mouth sores may be caused by all of the
following except:
a. cryptosporidiosis.
b. Kaposi’s sarcoma.
c. herpes simplex virus.
d. candidiasis.
RATIO: All of the following, except cryptosporidiosis, can induce mouth
sores in HIV patients.


Summarize or paraphrase the concepts based on your own understanding
of the said topic. After the activity, your teacher will rate your output as
follows: E-Excellent, S-Satisfactory and N- Needs Improvement.


When germs A sense of The tumor is Immunocompromised
damage tissues, emotional or malignant if it is a wide phrase that
the inflammatory bodily strain is is made up of refers to a weaker-
reaction ensues. referred to as cancer cells than-expected immune
stress. and can system that isn't
infiltrate operating correctly.
Examples: Example Exampl Examples:
s: es:
- Overweight - Covid-19
- Asthma - Full tasks - Cancer - Asthma
- Mental (Breast)
Problems - Brain
- Financial cancer
Stability - Organs

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