Too Bad Mafia S Love Part 1

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After coming out of the high school generation party A group of friends continued to come to

the pub. beautiful young man kim Even if he could clear the past with the person he had been
waiting for all along. But I couldn't help but feel the pain. Seeing the person who had
embraced himself was embracing another young man opposite to where he sat Even though
he knew that Day had never loved himself at all but still waiting for that day Day can turn to
love himself, but no, the person Day loves is a brick. A young man who is Day's first and last
love. Kim secretly looked at the two of them with anguish, even in the corners of his eyes, Day
did not look at Kim at all. Because Day's gaze was fixed on only one brick.

“Are you okay?” another friend, Jim, whispered in concern. Kim smiled softly.

"It's okay, don't worry," Kim said back, smiling at his friend. before continuing to drink until it
was already very late A group of friends came out of the pub. The conversation still didn't stop.

“Hey Kim, can you drive back? Would you like me to send it to you?" another friend asked.

“Very well, I drank less than you guys,” Kim said with a smile. before turning to look at Day and

"Drive back well, Kim," said it again. Kim smiled slightly.

"I'll go first," Kim said as he looked at Day.

"Hmm," Day replied shortly. which Kim knew that Day accepted Being rammed by a brick in
response to Kim's words, Kim smiled slightly before going their separate ways. Kim got in the
car before driving back to his condo. When parking in the parking lot Kim sank his face against
the steering wheel.

“Huh…huh……” Kim was patiently sitting in the pub. and all the way back to the condo
Uncontrollably released the ho. many years of waiting But when I came back to meet On the
other hand, there is someone who loves you very much.
“Hug...I'm going to cry because of you. It's the last time, Day...heugh...and I'll go back to being
your friend again," Kim said to himself, sobbing. Kim sat and cried for a moment. before
getting out of the car and went up to his own room with tears streaming down his face A figure
walked into the bedroom. Along with laying down exhausted. Some of them trembled from
the sobbing force. before falling asleep after a while


"Kom, come into my room," a deep 30- year-old man's voice rang into his cell phone. before
placing it on the table in front of the mirror. while standing in a single towel, looking in the
mirror to examine himself for a while

Knock knock

There was a knock on the luxury hotel bedroom door. Before being opened, the sharp, tall,
dark-faced young man. Walked in with a glimpse of the wide bed. At this moment, there was a
young man curled up, trembling, as if he had been through some war.

“Yes, sir,” replied Kom, his own boss.

“Give this boy some money. And have someone take you to go, um, order breakfast for me
too," replied the other. Kom bowed his head before walking towards the young man who was

“Put on your clothes. I'll have someone take me to deliver," Kom said to the other party in a
flat tone. The young man hurriedly got up and put on his clothes with a trembling torso. The
traces on his body were a good indication of the fervor and intensity of the affair in bed. After
sharply taking the young man out and taking care of everything as instructed, went back into
the room again Found that his own boss was already complete as well.

"It's done, sir," he said.

“Um, thank you. Have you ordered breakfast for me?” asked Kom's boss.
"Yes, I'll take it in a while," said Kom.

“So, did you order everyone?” asked Kom's boss.

“Yes,” he replied again. Before the boss nodded his head and walked out of the bedroom. The
underlings in the central hall bowed their heads to Kamol, who had a dark influence. Many
people are said to be the most cold-blooded mafia. and has the most skillful subordinates as
well Kamol waved his hand to make everyone feel comfortable. because he himself did not
raise his subordinates to serve only But he raised him like his own relatives. Kamon sat at a
glass-paneled table with a cup of hot coffee ready. Kom, a close friend walk and bring the

“Thank you,” Kamol said back, before unfolding the newspaper to read to kill time waiting for

"Sir, do you agree that the kid just recently liked you?" Kom asked as usual.

“Not very pleased. Even if my mouth agrees that I can be as violent as I can But when it comes
down to it, it doesn't satisfy me as I want," Kamol replied with a calm expression. His eyes also
looked at the letters in the newspaper.

"Sorry, next time I'll find a better one for you," Kom said back. Kamol smiled slightly.

"Don't think too much, I'm not serious about these things. I understand. Is there anyone who
can support the mood of someone like me, right?" Kamol said with a smile. All subordinates
know that How is Kamol's taste? Lily doesn't like women. He liked the boys more. which no
subordinates feel disgusted or distrustful of anything Everyone still accepts and respects Kamol
as usual. Kamol never thought of hiding his preferences. whether it is the circle of people who
work together And most importantly, the taste in the lily bed is quite sadistic and violent.
Therefore, no partner can endure it for a long time. Some people offer themselves to test
because they know the money is good. But when I actually met He did not dare to come for
the second time, so Kamol did not want to associate himself with anyone. Maybe it's because
of the job duties that I'm doing. making him unable to have a private life as his heart desires
Shut up

The doorbell rang in the front of the room. One of Kamol's underlings walked to open the
door. before helping to gradually push the breakfast cart into the room Time to sleep with
someone Kamol will choose to stay at the top floor of the hotel, which is the hotel that Kamol
owns most. Kamol never thought of taking anyone back to his own big house.

“You guys can eat together. You don't have to wait until I'm full. Now we have entered the
office again, "Lily said, told his followers 5 people, except for a sharp disperse sit together on
the other side of the room. As for Kom, having to sit and eat with his own boss is normal.

“Is there anything to report? You can talk and eat, I don't mind." Kamol asked sharply.

“Last night, there was nothing much. Our people who run all 8 pubs said that there were some
harassment. But our people can handle it all. As for the goods tonight, they will be delivered
with the ship, disembarking at 5 PM. Waiting for your order that we will be the ones to check
the goods. Or will you go by yourself?” said Kom. Kamol nodded slowly.

“Well, I better go and see for myself. But don't forget to manage the poses as well,” Kamol said

"It's done," Kom replied. He had already managed to stuff the money to the high-ranking
people who had already inspected the cargo on board. Therefore, there is no problem with
being caught carrying something. When they sit and eat together Talk about politics Some
business matters already. Kamol then ordered his subordinates to prepare the car and get out
of the luxurious room. to take the car to their own office



Kim's phone rang. while he was sleeping on the bed His eyes were red from the heavy crying
last night. A slender hand looked at his phone before answering the call.
"Hello," Kim's chin rang out.

(“Pop Kim, are you going to the office today?” A female voice came along the line. who is a
partner in joint accounting office upon hearing the question Kim nods his head to look at the
clock. So I know it's already 10 o'clock.

"Let's go in the afternoon, May. Last night, I went to a reunion party. Drink a little too much,”
Kim told the other party. The other party laughed softly along the line.

(“Yes, May will not have to email the customer's work details. Kim, let's come and see the
office by yourself.” The woman said back.

"Um, thanks," Kim said before ending the call. Some of them were lying on their backs staring
at the ceiling of the room. The image of Day and the Brick last night is still vivid in my memory.

“Oh, take it easy, Kim,” Kim said to himself, although his heart was hurting. Some people got
up to take a shower because last night they slept in the whole dress that went out to the party.
After taking a shower, get dressed. Kim makes his own breakfast that is easy to eat. before
preparing things to go out to the offices of themselves and their partners Someone opened the
door to enter the office. There is a staff to take care of the documents and receive customers
in front to turn around and raise their hands to pay respects. A young woman named May
immediately walked out to see Kim.

“Uncle Kim, that eye is here again, brother,” May hurriedly told Kim first. When a likable
customer who likes to flirt with Kim came to visit Kim Kim breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are you?" Kim asked.

“May please wait in the guest room. I don't want you to wait at Kim's office," said the woman
“Thank you, go tell Khun Karan too. I'll talk to you in a moment. Let me pack my things first."
Kim said back. The girl nodded. before going to do the duty as Kim said. Some people walked
towards their own offices. Then open the door and take the things into storage. After a while,
he walked to the guest room. As soon as Kim opened the door The other party immediately
opened its mouth and smiled widely.

"Hello Khun Karan," Kim waved his hand to the person who was older than himself.

"You don't have to pay homage to me, sister Kim. I thought that today I will be waiting for
Nong Kim Kee.” The other person replied, looking at Kim with dazzling eyes.

“Khun Karan has something to give to our office to serve, you can leave it to May. will not have
to waste time sitting and waiting After all, May and I have to work together to make decisions,”
Kim said officially. as a job

“It's not a waste of time. I want to see Kim's face too.” The other replied, ignoring the slightest
tone of Kim's calm tone. Maybe it's because Kim has a pretty feminine figure and face. So
many people are not afraid. But because no one knows that there is a dark mode Kim as well.

"Khun Karan came in today, what's going on?" When the other party was not interested in
Kim's tone. Kim wasn't interested in the other person's voice as well.

“Don't stress too much about work. I'm only going to invite Kim to have lunch together,"
replied the other. Kim let out a light sigh of relief.

“I already ate. I'm sorry. If you don't have anything to give, my office will serve you. I'll have to
wait because there are many other customers' jobs waiting I don't have time to talk nonsense.
I'm sorry." He said and walked out. Leaving the other person to sit and grit their teeth. Not that
he had never heard such cold words. But because how many times, if I didn't come to work, I
was always reacted like this

"Jin, send a guest to me," Kim said to the secretary in front of his room. before walking into the
office without caring about how Karant feels At first, Kim spoke in a kind manner. but after a
while The other party got in too much chaos. So Kim has nothing to do with each other's
kindness. in order not to let the other party get too much
Knock knock

There was a knock on Kim's office door. before the door opens

"What's up, May?" Kim asked the girl who walked in.

“I'm back. Your face is as grumpy as a monkey's ass.” The woman walked in and reported

"Good," said Kim back.

“This eye-catcher is strange, Kim. Every time I come, I get kicked back, but I still come. I suspect
a psychopath," said the girl.

"What a mechanic You'll be bored by yourself," said Kim before leaning on the back of the
work chair.

“Last night was heavy, Kim, your eyes were swollen?” asked the girl. Kim paused.

“Well, after the dinner, the friends invited them to come together again,” Kim said back.

“Which job did you tell me? Let's take a look." Kim invites the girl to talk about work to change
the subject. Before Kim spent the afternoon working in his own office.


1 month has passed

From the day of the party Kim has never seen Day and Brick again. Even though there was a
phone number, Kim didn't dare to call. Every day, Kim worked hard. so as not to think about
Day After work, I went out to drink alone. with employees in the office

“Kim, are you going to have a drink tonight? May found it in a store. It's very nice to sit in, but
it's quite high-class. because it is a restaurant in a hotel May did not dare to go alone. P' Kim,
please go with May,'" said the woman, giving Kim a slight smile because the woman is an avid
drinker who likes to go to restaurants with a good atmosphere to sit and drink and review
them on the Internet.

“Okay,” Kim replied, causing the girl to smile widely.

"May invite Jin and Jin's boyfriend to come with me, Kim," said the woman again. Kim nodded.
Before sitting and working until the time elapsed until about 1 pm May walked in to follow. So
Kim packed up to close the office.

“Will May go to your car?” Kim asked.

“Maybe better take the car by yourself. Brother Kim will not have to return to send May to
take the car at the office again,” the woman said back. before waiting for Jin's boyfriend, the
secretary in front of Kim's room Then drive along to the shop that May invites to go. When
they arrived, the four people gathered in front of the entrance to the shop. Now there are not
many tourists come to sit and drink. Most of them are foreign businessmen, some Thais.
Because everyone is dressed well.

“Oh, Aunt May will not come to the shop like this. I'll be wearing a suit," Jin's boyfriend said.

"It's over, Coco. You can wear work clothes like this. Just don't wear a t-shirt, pants, and
sandals," May said back, causing Jin and Ko to giggle. Kim also stood up and smiled slightly.

“Brother, let's go inside,” said Kim. The girl nodded in agreement before the four of them
walked inside. The atmosphere in the shop is quite luxurious as May said. There are tables for
groups. and a single bar The staff greeted them before escorting Kim's group to a table. which
is attached to the glass with water flowing from the top of the glass on the outside It adds a
romantic and luxurious atmosphere well, the lights are dim, not too dark. As Kim looked
around, it was clear that some of them would bring their business partners here for a drink
and talk about work. When ordering a drink and being served already The four of them
continued to drink and talk. May took a photo of the drink. Along with writing down the details
to go to the review. When the information was satisfied, they continued to sit and chat. Kim
sat quietly drinking. Look at the still water flowing outside.

"Pee Kim, P'Kim," May called Kim, causing Kim to startle a bit and turn to look.

"What's wrong, May?" Kim asked.

“What is wrong with Kim? Or don't you like this restaurant?” The woman asked, cautiously
because she was the one who invited Kim.

“No, I like it, but when I sit and think about it, I have fun,” Kim said with a smile.

“Pop Kim has something to worry about, you can tell us, oppa,” Ko said because he often drank
with Kim and May until they became close.

“Yes, a few weeks ago. Jin feels like Kim oppa isn't very cheerful,” Kim's secretary said
somewhat. Kim looked at the trio thoughtfully before sighing softly.

“Can I ask you something?” Kim Kren led up. The three people looked forward to hearing.

“What shall we do? to forget someone But not completely forgotten. It's like forgetting that
special feeling that you have for that person to get back to being a normal acquaintance." Kim

“Is Kim heartbroken?” May asked bluntly. Kim smiled slightly.

“You can say that. But it's better to call it one-sided love," Kim corrected, giving the three of
them a slight look at each other. I didn't think that Kim would suffer because of this.
“If you ask Jin, Jin would like to use your own experience and tell me. In the past, Jin used to
secretly love someone who loved him very much, but when he knew that he didn't think of us
the way we thought of him, he was so heartbroken for a while. But after Jin meets Ko Go
makes Jin forget about that person. Let Jin know that there are actually many people who love
us. We don't need to beg for love from someone who doesn't love us,” said the woman,
turning to look at her lover. The seat squeezed Jin's hand and smiled. Kim looked at his
secretary slightly shocked. because I never knew about it before

“Jin was going to tell Kim that Do you want Brother Kim to find someone to replace that
person?” May asked back.

“That's about it. But that doesn't mean that you have to hurry or find anyone. Jin thinks that
when the time comes, that person, the right person for me, will come to us. But as Jin said this
because I don't want Kim to be attached to someone who makes me sad I want Kim to know
that there is definitely someone who is right for Kim who is waiting for you,” said the woman.
Kim smiled slightly.

“Thanks for the advice,” Kim said with a smile. before sitting and talking again Until the time
has passed until about 4 p.m.

"May, we better go back," said the woman.

“Let's go back first. I'd like to sit here and have a drink for a while. Just in case you find the
right person," Kim said with a smile, not letting the kids worry.

“Can you be alone, Kim?” May asked.

“Yes, I'm not a kid,” Kim said, before the three of them answered as they paid for their drinks
at the table. When the three of them returned Kim went and sat at the bar and ordered a drink
to drink alone.





“Thank you everyone. I'm tired today Let's go get something to drink first," said Kamol to his
subordinates. After checking the latest lot at the port and going back.

“Where are you going?” Kam asked.

“Go have a drink at the hotel bar. Tell our people to follow only 5 people is enough, the rest
can go back to rest." Kamol said back, so Kom ordered his subordinates and drove him to the
bar of the hotel. As soon as Kamol stepped into the bar The staff hurriedly greeted each other
and took them to a private room. Kamon walked past the bar and saw a sweet young man
drinking alone. but only a glance with the corners of his eyes because not familiar with the
familiar face Before walking into the VIP room, Kamol ordered a drink for his subordinates and
himself to sit and drink.

“Sir, do you want me to find a child for you tonight?” Kom asked his boss. Kamol thought for a

"Find one, shall we?" Kamol replied, as he hadn't vented for three days. Because he was busy
with the goods to be delivered, but when he said the order, the sweet face of the person
drinking at the bar entered his mind. Because a young man with a sweet and beautiful face
meets Kamol's specifications in everything. but in bed Kamol thought that the other party
wouldn't be able to accept himself for sure. to be a mafia But Kamol never thought of coercing





Sit and drink alone for a while Kim felt dizzy. because he just sits and drinks and thinks about

//How can I forget your hug Day// Kim muttered softly. luscious eyes

// Or should I find someone to replace it? Let's make me forget your hug // Kim kept muttering
again. Sitting and drinking for a long time, I feel like I want to go to the bathroom. Kim then
walked to the bar's bathroom. As soon as the young man walked into the bathroom The eyes
of some hungry tigers stared at them as if they had found a delicious prey. Kim walks to run his
own errands. But as soon as the hungry tiger devours its prey It had to be stopped when
someone walked into the bathroom, causing everyone to almost run out of the bathroom
when they saw that it was Kamol and Kom. Kim, who had already finished his errands, walked
over to wash his hands. A pair of beautiful eyes collided with Kamol's sharp gaze that stared at
Kim from head to toe. Which Kamol didn't think that he would meet this sweet young man in
the bathroom either

“Are you looking at me?” Kim asked in a coy tone. This caused Kamol's subordinates to frown a
little. Kamol raised his hand to stop him from saying anything.

"Yes, I'm looking at you," Kamol replied. Now, in the bathroom, there are only Kamol, Kim and
Kamol's subordinates. Kim turned to look directly at Kamol again. while leaning against the sink
to support himself from falling down
“Are you interested in me?” Kim asked again, raising an eyebrow slightly. with a smile on the
corner of his mouth

“Yes, I'm interested in you, and you asked me like this. What do you mean?” Kamol asked
back, biting her lip slightly. which Kamol looked at and felt very voluptuous in his own eyes
Where will your face turn red because of the power of alcohol again? Kim moved to walk in.
Kom was also prepared to watch out for his boss. because I don't know who Kim is

“You look good. Looking good like this, would you be kind enough to hug me?" Kim said with a
puzzled look. The sanity to meditate is no more at this minute. Kim wants to find someone to
hug herself to erase and replace the hug that Kim will never get back. Kim put a hand around
Kamol's neck. Kim's eyes trembled as if someone was searching for a way out in his heart.

“Help me, help me forget his hug, please, do whatever you want, help me,” Kim said in a low
voice. Both legs began to stand unable to stand until Kamol had to raise his arms to wrap
around his thin waist. The soft aroma mixed with the sweet aroma of liquor made Kamol feel
excited as if he had found something he had been looking for for a long time.

“Sir, I think..” Kom was worried about his boss's safety. because I don't know what the other
party came in for exactly what purpose

"It's okay, I can handle it," Kamol said back, so Kom just stood there and watched.

“Baby, are you sure you want me to help you?” Kamol asked, realizing that the people in her
arms were longing for something.

“Sure,” Kim replied, with a smile on his lips.

"If something happens, you won't regret it later," Kamol asked again, and Kim nodded. Now,
Kim needed someone's warmth to quench the cold in his heart.

“Kom called to cancel the child you called. Then prepare a room for me," said Kamol.
“But sir, you never brought someone who is not a sales boy to your room,” Kom warned.

“I told you it was okay.” Kamol turned to look at his subordinates with still eyes. Causing to
have to bow his head to accept, but in good faith

“Yes,” Kom replied, before Kamol scooped up Kim's body and held it in the princess position.
Kim immediately put a hand around Kamol's neck. with a dizzying head

“Prepare yourself, child. I will definitely make you forget to hug that person.” Kamol said
before holding Kim and walking away. without allowing his own subordinates to help

2 Be-Con


Up Kamol Kim for the first time

Do you think it's easy? It's easy. Haha.

Kim is awesome How can you go with him easily?

It might not be fun, sorry.

There might not be much at first. because introductory to the two of them first

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