G5 TG ENGLISH Q3 Week 9-10

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1. Learn how to gget the point of view in a story
2. Identify Point-of-View in a story
3.Observe tactfulness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Identifying Point of View
Reference: EN 5 LC – III; 3.17Developing Reading Power 5 p.2 p.10 p.12 p.16
Materials: Story ‘’The Eyebrows’, ’’ Magnets’’,‘Why we cook food we eat?
‘ Air Pollution’, Purifying Drinking Water cassette/ CD player
Values Integration politeness at all times
III. Procedure
1. Setting the Stage
The teacher will play a story using a cassette/CD
2. .
‘‘The Eyebrows’’
Eyebrows are part of the face which serves two purposes – for beauty
and protection. Eyebrows made the face look more beautiful by calling attention to the eyes.
They make the eyes look healthier and brighter. Eyebrows do not only beautify the face but also
protect the eye from sweat. Without the eyebrows, drops of sweat may run into the eyes and
blur the sight. Sweat itself is a waste product and should be rid off.

Our lesson for today has something to do with identifying “the point of view” in a story.
3. Explaining what to do
The teacher will ask the students to listen to the story very well and let them give
theimportance of what they have heard.

Magnet attracts objects made of steel, iron and other metals. The discovery of themagnets and
the many things that have been made out of it had brought many discoveries and useful things.
The magnet makes possible the compass that was used and still being used by travelers, pilot,
sailor, boy scouts, soldier, engineers and others. The magnet W/C makes use of electricity has
made all types of electric and industrial motor.

4. Modeling/Demonstration
The teacher will tell tell/read a story and she will give the point of view
of the story, She will explain how to get the important idea in a story
“Why we cook the Food We Eat

We cook our food for there are reasons – to make food palatable and appetizing, to soften
hard and tough foods, and to kill any microbe that may happen in the food.
There are many ways of preparing food. Food can be fried,boiled, roasted, baked, steamed,
stewed or sautéed. They can be cooked but some are eaten raw.
5. Guided Practice
Another story will be heard and the students will be the one who give
the point of view in the story heard with the guide of the teacher.
“Air Pollution”
Today, in most cities, smoke and exhaust fumes fill the airand endanger the health and
the well being of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products
from gasoline burned in cars and from factories. Air pollution or smog is a serious
problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust fumes mixed w/ fog.
To control air pollution, smoke ordinance have been passed. Smoke belching
vehicles and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.
6. Independent Practice
Theteacher will read a story, then ask the student to write or orally “the
point of view” that can be found in the story heard

Purifying Drinking Water

There are different ways of purifying water for drinking purposes.
Distillation is one. Distilled water is made by evaporating and then condensing the water
vapor from the boiling water. Bacteria are removed by passing water through a filter.
Adding chemicals to the water also makes it pure. But the best way of purifying water at
home is by boiling it. When water is boiled, the bacteria in it are surely killed.
7. Closure/Assessment
How do we get the point of view in a story heard?

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will ask the students to make a role play and their classmates will
identify the point of view they want to emphasize. (Group activity)

I. Objective
1.Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in choral,
echo and shadow reading.
2. perform a choral, echo and shadow reading using the appropriate rate
and proper expressions.
3. show politeness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in choral,
echo and shadow reading.
Reference: EN 5 F-IIIc; 1.7 English for you and me 5 p.126
Materials: cartolina, nursery rhyme, video clips

Values Integration: Politeness at all times

III. Procedure
1. Setting of the stage
Who among you are member of church choir? How do the members of
the choir sings?
Today we will learn how to observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper
expressions in choral, echo and shadow reading. The teacher will let the
class sing Hello!!! Hello!!! by group.

Group Activity (Hello, Hello)

Hello, Hello,Hello,
Hello, How do you do
I’m Glad to be with you
And you, and you and you!!
Tralalalalalalalala!! 3x

2. Explaining what to do

The teacher will play a video clip showing a reader theater…after

watching she will ask the students to perform a reader theater w/ proper
pronunciation and expressions as what they have watched.
(Group Activity)
3. Modeling for students
The teacher will play a poem recited in coral to show the appropriate,
and accuracy and proper expression is reading.

Behold the beautiful land
The young hills and the corn
In the green river womb
Children are born
Honey’s in the forest
Blue fish in the sea
The ash gray of the cleanings
Grows grains for me
The teacher will explain how the words are properly pronounced, and read.
She also explains the proper and accurate expression when reading this kind
of texts.
The teacher will group the class into 5 and each group will be given a task to
be performed in the class.
Group 1- choral singing
Group 2- Speech
Group3- Poem Recitation
Group 4-

4. Guided Practice
The teacher will show a video clip showing choral recitation and guides the pupil
to make their own critic about the video clip.

5. Closure/Assessment

What have you learned from today’s lesson?

IV. Evaluation (Group Activity)

The teacher will give an envelope to each group containing task card and the
student will present it in the given situation.

A. Choral singing
B. Reader theater
C. Echo reading

I. Objectives
1. Know how to organize information from secondary sources is
preparation for writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in
collaboration w/ others
2. Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for
writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration of
3. Be tactful all the times

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Organizing information from secondary sources in preparation
for writing, reporting and similar academics tasks in collaboration w/
B. Reference
EN 5 SS-III; 4
English Lesson Guide p. 237-
C. Materials: Newspaper, chart of news report
Strips of cartolina
III. Procedure
Setting the Stage
What reading material do you have at home?
Are newspapers good to read? Why

The teacher will group the class into 4; each group will be given a
newspaper and a cartolina. Each group will read an article and they will write
the important facts from it. W/c will be use for writing or reporting.
Class this activity has something to do w/ our lesson for today.
Organizing information from secondary sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration w/ others.

2. Explaining students what to do

The teacher will assign a pupil to read aloud the news report on the
chart while the other pupils read silently.
Ask the students to write important points from the news heard.
3. Modeling for the students
The teacher will use the news from the previous activity in writing a
report; she will show the class on how to get the important points in writing
4. Guided Practice

Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format

below. (The sentences must be written on strips of cartolina). (Group Activity)

Format in Writing a Report

Title: ____________________________________________

Introduction: _____________________________________

Main Points: _________________________

1. __________________________







5. Independent Practice
Direction: On a one whole sheet of paper, arrange and write the sentences into a news report.

6. Closure and Assessment

Today we have learned about …….

7. Evaluation

Write a brief report about your community. Be able to follow te points to remember/pattern in
writing a report.

I. objectives

1. Learn te use of particular kind of sentence for specific purposes and audience –
expressing opinion/ emotion
2. Write /composea particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience –
expressing opinion and emotion
3. Show politeness at all times when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Use particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience –
expressing opinions and emotions
Reference: EN5 G IIIi 1.8.10
English Expressways 5 p.124

Materials: Newspaper, video clips, magazines

Values Integration: Tactfulness when communicating with others

III. Procedure

1. Setting the Stage

Do you still remember what are the different kinds of sentence according to

Use? Identify them and give example of each kind.

These kind of sentence has something to do with our lesson for today ‘’ The

Use of particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience expressing
opinions/ emotions.

2. Explaining the what to do

The teacher will show some situation through video clip and the students will write on a
cartolina strips provided by the teacher the emotions /opinion they feel upon watching
each video clips.

3. Modeling for the students

The teacher will read a news from a news paper . Then she will give her opinion emotion
about what she has read. Then she will write it on a cartolina using declarative sentence
or exclamatory sentence.

The teacher will allow the students to read an article on a magazine and let
them express their emotions/ opinions about the articles they have read on a cartolina.
4. Guided Practice

A. The teacher will show a video clip and she will write the emotions opinion she
feels about the video using a particular kind of sentence.

5. Independent Practice

Ask the students to reminisced their experience last summer and construct a
paragraph using the particular kind of sentence.

6. Closure/ Assessment

What have you learned from our lesson today? How do you expressed your emotion
/opinion about what have you heard, read or watched.

7. Evaluation

The teacher will play a video clip and make express your opinion/ emotion about it.
Write it in a paragraph form.
Write a 3-paragraph Feature Article

I. Objectives

1. Remember the mechanics in writing a paragraph.

2. Write a 3 paragraph feature article.

3.Observe politeness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Write a 3-paragraph Feature Article

Reference: EN5-WC- IIIi-2.2.7

Materials: cartolina, video clip, picture of an apple, garlic

III. Procedure

A. Setting the Stage

The teacher will ask the students if they know the plant COCONUT, then they will be ask to
write the benefits that we can get from coconut on the metacards given by the teacher.
(Group Activity)

Class today we will learn on how to write a 3 paragraph feature article.

B. Explaining the students what to do

The teacher will show garlic to the class. What can you say about the garlic? Write your
answer on a paragraphh form.

C. Modeling for the students

The teacher will flash a picture of an apple on a monitor TV. Then she will ask the students
to write a paragraph about the apple, with the help of the teacher she will facilitate the students
in writing, reminding them with the mechanics in writing a paragraph.

She will explain how to write a feature article. The introduction, the body and the conclusion
must be in order. It should be in order. From simple to complicated information about the
featured person, place, things or events.

D. Guided Practice
The teacher asks the class to write a 3 feature paragraph featuring their favorite pet/food.
The teacher will guide the class in writing.

Group Activity
The teacher will give each group some cartolina strips wit facts and they will arrange the
paragraph into its correct sequences.
E. Independent Practice

The teacher will present a video clip to the class. Based on what you have watched
compose your own 3 feature paragraph.

F. Closure/assessment

What have you learned from our today’s lesson?

G. Evaluation
Write a 3 - paragraph feature article based on the following situation.

On your way to school, you saw a grade five papal helping an old woman crossings
the street. Three were bigger boys playing nearby who did not care to help her. Give your article
an interesting and an attention arousing title.
I. Objectives

1. Learn how to gget the point of view in a story

2. Identify the point-of-view in a story
3.Observe tactfulness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Identifying Point of View

Reference: EN 5 LC – III; 3.17 http://www.moralstories.org/the-boy-and-a-tree/,
Materials: Poem ‘’My Mother’,
Stories: ’’ The boy and The tree’’,‘The mang0 Tree
‘ Air Pollution’, Purifying Drinking Water cassette/ CD player
Values Integration politeness at all times

III. Procedure

A. Setting the Stage

The teacher will allow the students to listen to a poem using a cassette/CD.

Our lesson for today has something to do with identifying “the point of view” in a story or poem.

B. Explaining what to do

The teacher will ask the students to listen to the story very well and let them give
theimportance of what they have heard.

The Boy and the Tree

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come
and play around it everyday. He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under
the shadow.. he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by.. the
little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. ‘Come and play with  me’
the tree asked the boy. ‘I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees any more’ the
boy replied. ‘I want toys. I need money to buy them.’  ‘Sorry, but I do not have money..
but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.’ The boy was so
excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came
back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned and the tree was excited  ‘Come
and play with me’ the tree said. ‘I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family.
We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” Sorry, but I do not have any house.
But you can chop off my branches to build your house.’ So the man cut all the branches
of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never came
back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted. ‘Come and play
with me!’ the tree said. ‘I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax  myself. Can you
give me a boat?’ said the man. ‘Use my trunk to build your boat.  You can sail far away
and be happy.’ So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never
showed up for a long time.
Finally, the man returned after many years. ‘Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything
for you anymore. No more apples for you’ the tree said. ‘No problem, I do not have any
teeth to bite’ the man replied. ‘No more trunk for you to climb on’ the tree said.  ‘I am too
old for that now’ the man said. ‘I really cannot give you anything.. the only thing left is
my dying roots’ the tree said with tears. ‘I do not need much now, just a place to rest. I
am tired after all these years’ the man replied. ‘Good! Old tree roots are the best place
to lean on and rest, Come, come sit down with me and rest.’ The man sat down and the
tree was glad and smiled with tears..

8. Modeling/Demonstration
The teacher will tell tell/read a story and she will give the point of view
of the story, She will explain how to get the important idea in a story


Once there lived a lazy man in a village. His only source of income was a mango
tree, which was planted in the backyard of his house. 
One day, one of his relatives came to his house. At breakfast, lunch and dinner,
only mangoes were served to the relative. He got fed up of this and thought of a plan.
At night, when the lazy man was sleeping, the relative quietly woke up, cut down the
tree and fled away. Next day, when the man saw that the tree was cut down, he cried a
lot. After few years, the same relative again came to his house. By now, the man had
worked and prospered. His condition had improved. He thanked the relative for making
him realize his mistake.
The End..
C. Guided Practice

Another story will be heard and the students will be the one who give
the point of view in the story heard with the guide of the teacher.

“Air Pollution”
Today, in most cities, smoke and exhaust fumes fill the airand endanger the health
and the well being of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products
from gasoline burned in cars and from factories. Air pollution or smog is a serious
problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust fumes mixed w/ fog.
To control air pollution, smoke ordinance have been passed. Smoke belching
vehicles and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.

D. Independent Practice

The teacher will read a story, then ask the student to write or orally
“the point of view” that can be found in the story heard

Purifying Drinking Water

There are different ways of purifying water for drinking purposes.Distillation is one.
Distilled water is made by evaporating and then condensing the water vapor from the
boiling water. Bacteria are removed by passing water through a filter. Adding chemicals
to the water also makes it pure. But the best way of purifying water at home is by boiling
it. When water is boiled, the bacteria in it are surely killed.

E. Closure/Assessment

How do we get the point of view in a story heard?

V. Evaluation
The teacher will ask the students to make a role play and their classmates will
identify the point of view they want to emphasize. (Group activity)

I. Objective

1.Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in choral,

echo and shadow reading.
2. perform a choral, echo and shadow reading using the appropriate rate
and proper expressions.
3. show politeness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Topic :Observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressions in

choral, echo and shadow reading.

Reference: EN 5 F-III; 1.7 English for you and me 5 p.126


Materials: cartolina, nursery rhyme, video clips

Values Integration: Politeness at all times

III. Procedure

A. Setting of the stage

Who among you are member of church choir? How do the members of
the choir sings?
Today we will learn how to observe accuracy, appropriate rate and proper
expressions in choral, echo and shadow reading. The teacher will let the
class to watch a video clip of a singing choir.

Group Activity

B. Explaining what to do
The teacher will play a video clip showing a reader theater…after
watching she will ask the students to perform a reader theater w/ proper
pronunciation and expressions as what they have watched.

(Group Activity)

C. Modeling for students

The teacher will play a poem recited in coral to show the appropriate,
and accuracy and proper expression is reading.

Behold the beautiful land
The young hills and the corn
In the green river womb
Children are born
Honey’s in the forest
Blue fish in the sea
The ash gray of the cleanings
Grows grains for me
The teacher will explain how the words are properly pronounced, read. She
also explains/sows the proper and accurate expression when reading this
kind of texts.
The teacher will group the class into 5 and each group will be given a task to
be performed in the class.
Group 1- choral singing
Group 2- Speech
Group3- Poem Recitation
Group 4-

E. Guided Practice
The teacher will show a video clip showing choral recitation and guides the
pupil to make their own critic about the video clip.

F. Closure/Assessment

What have you learned from today’s lesson?

V. Evaluation (Group Activity)

The teacher will give an envelope to each group containing task card and the
student will present it in the given situation.

D. Choral singing
E. Reader theater
F. Echo reading



4. Know how to organize information from secondary sources is

preparation for writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in
collaboration w/ others
5. Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for
writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration of
6. Be tactful all the times

II.Subject Matter

D. Topic: Organizing information from secondary sources in preparation

for writing, reporting and similar academics tasks in collaboration w/
E. References:
EN 5 SS-III; 4
English Lesson Guide p. 237-
F. Materials: Newspaper, chart of news report
Strips of cartolina


1.Setting the Stage

What reading material do you have at home?
Are newspapers good to read? Why

The teacher will group the class into 4; each group will be given a
newspaper and a cartolina. Each group will read an article and they will write
the important facts from it. W/c will be use for writing or reporting.

Class this activity has something to do w/ our lesson for today which
is organizing information from secondary sources in preparation for writing,
reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration w/ others.

2. Explaining students what to do

The teacher will assign a pupil to read aloud the news report on the
chart while the other pupils read silently.
Ask the students to write important points from the news heard.
3. Modeling for the students
The teacher will use the news from the previous activity in writing a
report; she will show the class on how to get the important points in writing

4. Guided Practice

Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format

below. (The sentences must be written on strips of cartolina). (Group Activity)

Format in Writing a Report

Title: ____________________________________________

Introduction: _____________________________________

Main Points: _________________________

1. __________________________







5. Independent Practice
Direction: On a one whole sheet of paper, arrange and write the sentences into a
news report.

6. Closure and Assessment

Today we have learned about …….

7. Evaluation

Write a brief report about your community. Be able to follow the points to
remember/pattern in writing a report.
I. objectives

1. Learn te use of particular kind of sentence for specific purposes and audience –
expressing opinion/ emotion
2. Write /composea particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience –
expressing opinion and emotion
3. Show politeness at all times when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Use particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience –
expressing opinions and emotions
Reference: EN5 G IIIi 1.8.10
English Expressways 5 p.124
Materials: Newspaper, video clips, magazines
Values Integration: Tactfulness when communicating with others

III. Procedure

1. Setting the Stage

Do you still remember what are the different kinds of sentence according to

Use? Identify them and give example of each kind.

These kind of sentence has something to do with our lesson for today ‘’ The

Use of particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience expressing
opinions/ emotions.

2. Explaining the what to do

The teacher will show some situation through video clip and the
students will write on a cartolina strips provided by the teacher the emotions /opinion
they feel upon watching each video clips.


3. Modeling for the students

The teacher will read a news from a news paper . Then she will give her
opinion emotion about what she has read. Then she will write it on a cartolina using
declarative sentence or exclamatory sentence.
The teacher will allow the students to read an article on a magazine and let
them express their emotions/ opinions about the articles they have read on a cartolina.

4. Guided Practice

A. The teacher will show a video clip and she will write the emotions opinion she
feels about the video using a particular kind of sentence.

5. Independent Practice

Ask the students to reminisced their experience last summer and construct a
paragraph using the particular kind of sentence.

6. Closure/ Assessment

What have you learned from our lesson today? How do you expressed your emotion
/opinion about what have you heard, read or watched.

7. Evaluation

The teacher will play a video clip and make express your opinion/ emotion about it.
Write it in a paragraph form.

I. Objectives
1. Remember the mechanics in writing a paragraph.

2. Write a 3 paragraph feature article.

3.Observe politeness at all times

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Write a 3-paragraph Feature Article

Reference: EN5-WC- IIIi-2.2.7

Materials: cartolina, video clip, picture of an apple, garlic
III. Procedure

A. Setting the Stage

The teacher will ask the students if they know the plant COCONUT, then they will be ask to
write the benefits that we can get from coconut on the metacards given by the teacher.
(Group Activity)

Class today we will learn on how to write a 3 paragraph feature article.

B. Explaining the students what to do

The teacher will show garlic to the class. What can you say about the garlic? Write your
answer on a paragraphh form.

C. Modeling for the students

The teacher will flash a picture of an apple on a monitor TV. Then she will ask the students
to write a paragraph about the apple, with the help of the teacher she will facilitate the students
in writing, reminding them with the mechanics in writing a paragraph

She will explain how to write a feature article. The introduction, the body and the
conclusion must be in order. It should be in order. From simple to complicated information about
the featured person, place, things or events.

D. Guided Practice
The teacher asks the class to write a 3 feature paragraph featuring their favorite pet/food.
The teacher will guide the class in writing.

Group Activity
The teacher will give each group some cartolina strips with facts and they will arrange the
paragraph into its correct sequences.
E. Independent Practice

The teacher will present a video clip to the class. Based on what you have watched
compose your own 3 feature paragraph.
How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?

F. Closure/assessment

What have you learned from our today’s lesson?

G. Evaluation
Write a 3 - paragraph feature article based on the following situation.

On your way to school, you saw a grade five papal helping an old woman crossings
the street. Three were bigger boys playing nearby who did not care to help her. Give your article
an interesting and an attention arousing title.

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