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The Sun!

Energy production: By Fusion : H atoms combine to form Helium

Effective Black Body Temperature (as seen from earth) = 5,777 K
Solar Spectrum

48% of the total radiation- Visible , 6% - UV and 46%- IR

Annual average radiation 1,366 W/m2 in space (Called the Solar Constant)
Black Body Radiation
The black body radiation is governed by 2 laws:

1. Stephan-Boltzmann law: total power radiated is proportional to T4

H  T 4
2. Wien's displacement law : The peak wavelength at which the irradiance is
the highest is given by:

2.9 103
p 
The peak shifts to lower wavelengths as the temperature increases

The sun is treated as a black body at ~ 5,800 K (surface temperature)

Earth Orbit
Extraterrestrial Radiation
Extraterrestrial radiation Solar Constant : 1366 W/m2 Day Number

Jun Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Aug Oct Nov Dec

The declination is the angle between the earth-sun line (through their
centers) and the plane through the equator. Its value is given by:
 284  n 
  23.45 sin 2 
 365 
where n is the day of the year ( n=1 for January 1 ).Declination varies from
+23.450 to -23.450 Declinations are positive in the northern hemisphere and
negative in the southern hemisphere.
Solar Hour Angle

Solar hour angle is the angular displacement of the sun east or west of
the local meridian: morning negative, afternoon positive.

This angle is zero at solar noon

and varies by 150 per hour from
solar noon.

Sunrise/Sunset hour angle

The solar angle ω is given by the equation:

s  (150 h 1 )  (hours  from  local  solar  noon)

When the sun is due north ( southern hemisphere) ,the hour angle is zero
Average Daily Extraterrestrial Insolation


Jun Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Aug Oct Nov Dec
Average Daily Extraterrestrial Insolation

Jun Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Aug Oct Nov Dec
Solar Radiation at Earth’s Surface

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