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@ apna _ —— ‘ technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Unpacking and inspecting the unit. Contacting Apna Technologies & Solutions. ‘What You need to Install BNWAS... ‘Typical Configurations & their connection... Direct connection from Main(stibuton)unit- Schematic. Direct connection from Main{dstibution}unt- Connection... Daisy chain Configuration- Schema. Daisy chain Configuration- Connection... Installing BNWAS Main Unt & Distribution Unit Installing Alarm Units. es ‘Connecting Distrbution unit to alarm unit in Bridge/Bridge wings. ‘Connecting Distrbution unit to alarm unit for second stage... ‘Connecting Distrbution unit to alarm unit or tid stage. Connecting two alarm tnt in parallel. rnsenn Connecting Thee stage alarms from distribution unt (dalsy Chl) Setting one and volume contol audio alarm, Instaling Reset Unis. Connecting Distribution unt to Reset Unt... Connecting External Units to BNWAS ‘Connecting VOR... Connecting Traetion contol Connecting BNWAS status outputs. Veetiying Installation Annexure [ENWAS Main unit connector pin configuration: [BNWAS Main unit connection to Distribution Unit... Pin details Cable connecting BNWAS Main Unt & Distribution Unit Page 2 of 24 ee Berges & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Contents, List of Figures. : Unpacking and inspecting the un. = Contacting Apna Technologies & Solutions... What You need to Install BNWWAS ‘Typical Configurations & their connection, Direct connection from Mein(cstrbution)unt- Schematic Direct connection from Mein{cstrbution)unit- Connection Daisy chain Configuration: Schematic Daisy chain Configuration Connection Instaling BNWAS Main Unit & Distribution Unt Instaling Alarm Unis. ‘Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit in Bridge/Bridge wings Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit for second stage... Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unt fr third stage ‘Connecting two alarm unit in parallel ipasinsnnaea Connecting Tree stage alarms from distribution unit (daisy Chain) Setting tone and volume contol audo alarm. Instaling Reset Units... os ‘Connecting Distrbution unit to Reset Uni. Connecting External Unis to BNWAS. Connecting VOR nn ‘Connecting Traction contol Connecting BNWAS status output. Verifying instalation Annexure B BNWAS Main unit comector pin configuration [BNWAS Main unit connection to Dstbution Un... Pin details a = Cable connecting BNWAS Main Unt & Distribution Unit Page 2 of 24 apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Figure 1: Direct Connection Figute 2: Dtect Connection wiring Figute 3: Daisy Chain... Figure 4: Daisy Chain wiring Figure 5: Main & Distribution Unit. Figure 6: Main unit Connectors Figure 7: Alarm unit Figute 8: Two Alarm Units in daisy chain Figure 9: All Stage alarms in daisy chain Figure 10:All Stage alarms in daisy chain wiring Figure 11: Aug alarm tone & volume control Figure 12: Reset unit sa Figure 13: Connecting AP input (voltage output device) Figure 14: Connecting AP input (Relay output device). Figute 15: Connecting AP input (IEC 61162-1 output devie). Page 3of 24 technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 4 of 24 Every care is takon inthe choice of packing material to ensure that the BNWAS unt wil each you in perfect conto. Ifthe Unit has been subject to excessive handing in transit, there may be visible external damage to the shipping carton In the event of damage, keep the shipping container and packing material for he catia's inspection. Carefully unpack the units from its shipping container and inspect the contents for damaged or missing tems. Save the container and packing material in case you have toretum the unt. Verty that all components have been included inthe package per the packing ls. To onder accessories, receive operating assistance: India: Ph. 491-44-20500074, Fax +91-44-20500269 Ema (Or visit Apna’s Web ste at www ‘apnaBNWAS unt and its accessories * Pan head screws for unt enclosure Screw Driver" Cable tie” ‘Adhesive cable tie base* Wire cutter Dril machine *Allpattof the shipment “use only serews that are supplied as part of the shipment technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 6 of 24 Direct connection from Main(distribution)unit- Schematic apna NAS Main Unit —e=3| | _ Motion on Bridge (stions vec complied Equipment inenage Figure t: Direct Connection @ apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 6 of 24 Direct connection from Main(distribution)unit- Connection @, G7 /O -O) Gp BEE Figure 2: Direct Connection wing @ apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 7 of 24 Daisy chain Configuration Schematic spnaBNWAS Msn Unt syorazevac be ‘rom ona) ————7 Supply Seinen Aj trom Ship Reset Unit Figure: Deiey Chaln g@ apna ‘ technologies & solutions soir apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 8 of 24 Daisy chain Configuration- Connection Figure 4: Daisy Chain wiring ‘@@ apna Eencboks & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 9 of 24 Reference Drawing The following diagram shows the main unit & Distribution Unit Dimensions & mounting arrangements Main Unit 185 mm 210mm Figure: Main & Distbution Unit technologies & solutions = apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 10 of 24 Ident an appropriate place onthe bridge(min. SM away from compass) to mount the BNWAS Mein & Distrbution Unit ‘Mark the mounting points onthe selected location Mount the unis with four screws for each Main unt External Connector details e00 o | (e398 mm Figure 6: Main unit Connectors Use the 5 patch cables with MIC connector and Ferrite clamp supplied terminated with apnaBNWAS Distrbution Unit to connect the ‘main unt wth distribution unit. The five patch cable have appropriate labels to connect tothe Main Unit ‘apna Execs & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 11 of 24 Reference Drawing ‘The folowing diagram shows the Alarm unit Dinensions & mounting arrangements, ‘Alarm unt Oimensons a | Figure 7: Alarm unit ‘entity an appropriate pace inthe (min. Smt away tom compass) , mark and mount the alarm unt. Ifthe units tobe used for ‘visual indication as wel, mount the uit at a location that i cleerly visible forthe OOW. Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit in Bridge/Bridge wings | Distribution Unit VO | Alarm unit connector UP (Connected in Bridge) BvIS vis GND ___Gno 2aV 2av E E BLAUD HT Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit for second stage Distribution Unit VO___| Alarm unit connector UP (Connected in Bridge) OFC Vs OFC HIF, | GND GND av 2av. E E ‘@@ apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 12 of 24 Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit for third stage tion Unit VO CRC. CRC. GND 28 E ‘Alarm unit connector UP (Connected in Bridge) | vis HTR GND 24y eee E Connecting two alarm unit in parallel Is often necessary to connect more than one alarm unit parallel to repeat the alm in multiple location. Ths can be done by daisy Chaining by more alarm unit. Connection for same is detaled below. Preceding Alarm Unit Output Connector vis [- HTB GND 2ay E ‘Succeeding Alarm Unit Input Connector vis HTR GND Figure 8: Two Alam Units ineeisy chain a technologies & solutions ee apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 13 of 24 Connecting Three stage alarms from distribution unit (daisy Chain) Oey Chan OF Am Uns rm aon Unt Figure 9: All Stage alarms in daay chain fe] Figure 10: Stage alarms in daisy chln wiring apna technologies & solutions A apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 14 of 24 Setting tone and volume control audio alarm “The tone and volume othe alarm unit can be set during instalation only. The folowing section detals the procedure (Open the alarm box lid “Tutn around the ld to get access to the rear ofthe sounder “The volume control pot allows the user to set the volume For the volume level as per speciied standard ensure the knob is atthe mid positon for frst stage and maximum for all ther alarms The dip switch combination can be altered to get desired tone ‘The rear ofthe sounder and its description is shown below Connection Details ea i Max Volume Control Figure 11: Aud alarm tone & volume control ‘gg apna ecinclogie & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 15 of 24 Reference Drawing “The following diagram shows the Reset unit Dimensions & mounting arrangements sim a Figure 12: Reset unit ‘© Identity an appropriate place inthe (min, Smt away from compass) , mark and mount the reset unit. Reset unis are to be ‘mounted in locations that give proper look out to the OOW. The Reset devices are ot to be installed areas other than bridge 8 bridge wings. Connecting Distribution unit to Reset Unit Distribution Unit VO Reset Unit Input Connector EX_AST ie iP GND: GND 2a 2a Itis often required to connect more than one reset unt. Muttiple reset can be connected by daisy chaining one reset unit to another as detailed below. ee Preceding Reset Unit Output Connector _| Succeeding Reset Unit Input Connector 24 24v GND ‘GND iP. i technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 16 of 24 Connecting VDR ‘apnaBNWAS features IEC81162-1 communication interface to communicate with VOR (Voyage Data Recorder). The terminals marked TA & TB inthe distribution unit refers tothe taker lines ofthe apnaBNWAS, the same to terminate to istener port of the VOR. ‘apnaBNWAS sends sentences as per IEC 62616 when ever an alam is raised by the uni. Refer tothe Direct connection to Main Unit connection aiagram or Daisy Chain Connection diagram above for further information on terminals, Connecting Traction control ‘apnaBNWAS features IECB1162-1 communication interface to communicate with other IEC62616-1 enabled devices. The listener pins Cf the BNWAS can be connected to taker pins of the traction control devices. The sentences that are processed by apnaBNWAS for switching the unt standby and active is detailed inthe user manual The terminals marked LA & LB inthe distrbution unit refers fo the listener lines ofthe apnaBNWAS. “The apnaBNWAS also features a dedicated electrical isolated digital input (4.5V - 30V) APs,AP- (refer tothe connection diagram) and \when voltage above 4.5V is sensed the unt goes to active mode. Either a valid sentence or a digital output rom the devices puts the system to active mode. Traction contot unitgives digital output semonce te sERS-ERE WERE i i Figure 18: Connecting AP input (voltage output device) apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual 8 Traction contin 7 ies out potential — | monancs o88Rr8E asasannnnt Be free contact Ditibution Uni Figure 14: Connecting AP input (Relay output device) S82. ¢, FR enw eS pe EE SPs toca GO ROT PR Same VETATSLALD Bate AnD ERC MR vE'EMCPUPIRF CONE Distribution Unit ‘Bridge deivice with Lh Tec 61762: + Te Intertoce Figure 15: Connecting AP input (IEC 61182 output device) @ apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 18 of 24 wutputs ‘apnaBNWAS features 24VDC digtal outputs each capable of criving 100mA that indicate the status ofthe main unit to central alarm panel nee the cabling is done as per the installation manual andthe cabling manual for performing the internal cabing, Pease do the folowing checks to ensure thatthe instalation is proper and then switch on the unt © Check for continuity between 24V & ground ‘© W continuity eis, tncicates that in any one ofthe unit the power and ground terminals ae interchanged. * Check for continuity between 24V & earth © If continuity exist, incicates that in any one ofthe unit the power ine i touching the shieldbody othe enclosure. Power on the unit and perform the following checks Ensure thet the ectve LED inal units & reset push buon is iluminated nl eset doves * Goin to-admin mode press and hold both reset & emergency button ofthe main unt for 10sec, © Thisiniiates self test ‘© _Althe indicators on the front pane, along withthe associated dig! outputs turn on & of in sequence ‘© Along wih the cigital outputs, associated alarm units also go on Go in torun mode wait the for the system to display the countdown timer Pres the reset button on any ofthe external reset unit the dormant time to restart Press the emergency button, second stage alarm to go on Press the reset on the extemal unt, will not put off the alarm Press the reset on the main unit, the alarms to tun of Wait for dormant time to c2ase and verify visual indication 1 required wait til and check the execution of al alarms. @ apna. ipeinologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 19 of 24 Annexure § Main unit connector pin configuration: Power In: POWER INPUT MIC Connector Front View Main Unit Orientation starts rom notch inthe MIC connector. Rotate the case thread cover of MIC connector for lacking the plugin socket in Main Unit . Pin Details Pin no 1 SHIP-24V Pin no:2-> SHIP-GND Pin no 3-SEMPWR+ Pin no:4-EM-PWR- Digital in Pin details: Pin no :1-3AP+ Pin no :2->AP. + Pinno:3-EX-RST © Pinno:4->GND + Pinno:5->24v IEC 61162-1 (serial) Communication in detals:- Pin no 1>TA Pin no :2-978 Pin no 3-9LA Pin no :4-9LB, Pin no 5-> Not Connected (NC) Pin no :6-> Not Connected (NC) Pin no 77> Not Connected (NC) Pin no :8-> Not Connected (NC) : Digital Output A apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 21 of 24 Pin det Pin no 1 >B.VIS Pin no :2->B-AUD Pin no :3-30FC Pin no :4->CRC Pin no :5->GND Pin no :6->24V OB : Digital Output B Pin details: Pin no :1->Not Connected (NC) Pin no :2->EMC Pin no :3-9PWF Pin no :4->MLF Pin no :5-GND Pin n0:6-924V ‘GB apna % technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Figure 1: Direct Connection Figure 2: Direct Connection wiring Figure 3: Daisy Chain. Figure 4: Daisy Chein wiring Figure 5: Main & Distribution Unt Figure 6: Main unit Connectors Figure 7: Alarm unt a Figute 8: Two Alarm Units in daisy chain Figure 9: All Stage alarms in daisy chain Figure 10:All Stage alarms in daisy chain wiring Figure 11: Auto alarm tone & volume contd... Figure 12: Reset unit a Figure 19: Connecting AP input (voltage output device) Figure 14: Connecting AP input (Relay output device) Figure 15: Connecting AP input (EC 61162-1 output device). Page 3 of 24 apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Unpacking and inspecting the unit Every care is taken inthe choice of packing material to ensure that the BNWAS unit will reach you in perfect condition Ifthe Unit has been subject to excessive handing in transit there may be visible external damage to the shigping carton, Inthe event of damage, keep the shipping container and packing materia forthe carrier's inspection. Carefully unpack te unit from its shipping container and inspect the contents for damaged or missing items. Save the container and packing material in case you have to retum the unit. Very that all components have been included in the package per the packing is Contacting Apna Technologies & Solutions To order aocessories, receive operating assistance: India: Ph. +91-44-20500274, Fax +91-44-22500069 Ema: COrvisit Apna’s Web site at www apnatech com, d to Install BNWAS -apnaBNWAS unt and its accessories * Pan head screws for unit enclosure"* ‘Screw Driver* Cable to* ‘Adhesive cable tie base’ Wire cutter Drill machine *Allpatof the shipment J “use cnly scons that are supplied as par ol the shipment apna “= technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual pical Configurations & their Direct connection from Main(distribution)unit- Schematic apnaBNWAS Main Unit Page 5 of 24 (Options, ter tec a ‘ificee Room ae ‘Alam Equipment in Brig Figure 1: Direct Conneation ~ apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 6 of 24 Direct connection from Main(distribution)unit- Connection EEE WORSE! Figure 2: Direct Connection wiring apna “32 technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 7 of 24 || Daisy chain Configuration- Schematic praBNVIAS bain Unit ‘wosovac stiles) —————— ae | External Reset Unit (Opsionst) Figure Daisy Chain p apna _ : == technologies & solutions ames, apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Daisy chain Configuration- Connection “he Page 8 of 24 Figure 4 Dalsy Chain wiing aM apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Installing BNWAS Main Unit & Distribution Unit Reference Drawing ‘The following diagram shows the main unit & Distribution Unit Dimensions & mounting arrangements Main Unit Figure 5: Main & Distbution Unit Page 9 of 24 apna | ee is & solutions =e apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 10 of 24 ‘© Identity an appropriate place on the bridge(min, 5M away from compass) to mount the BNWAS Main & Distribution Unit ‘© Mark the mounting points on the selected location © Mount the units with four sorews for each ‘Main unit External Connector details Figure: Main unt Connectors Use the 5 patch cables with MIC connector and Ferrite clamp supplied terminated with apnaBNWAS Distribution Unit to conneet the ‘main unit with dstrioution unit. The five patch cable have appropriate labe's fo connect to the Main Unit @@ apna ‘i technologies & solutions secoen mane apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Installing Alarm Units Reference Drawing The folowing diagram shows the Alarm unit Dimensions & mounting arrangements ‘Aleem unt Dimensions Sim Dla Figure 7: Alarm unit Page 11 of 24 ‘+ Identity an appropriate place inthe (min. mt away from compass) , mark and moun the alarm unit Ifthe unit isto be used for visual indication as wel, mount the unit at a location that is clearly visible for the OOW. Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit in Bridge/Bridge wings Distribution Unit YO Alarm unit connector IP (Connected in Bridge) B vis vis GND GND 2aV 2av E it E arn] BAU HIB Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit for second stage Distribution Unit VO___| Alarm unit connector iP (Connected in Bridge) OFC vis a | ‘OFC HTR | GND) GND) | 24 24 | | E E @ apna emacs & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 12.0f24 Connecting Distribution unit to alarm unit for third stage Distribution Unit VO | ‘Alarm unit connector UP (Connected in Bridge) CRC: us CRC HR GND GND 24V 2av ae ee | Connecting two alarm unit in parallel Itis offen necessary to connect more ‘than one. lar unit parallel to repeat the alarm in mutip chaining by more alarm uni. Connection for sar He location, This can be done by daisy me is detailed below. Preceding Alam Unit Output Connector | Succeeding Alarm Unit input Connector vis vis. HIR ATA e GND GND rf 2ay 2ay E E Figure 8: Two Alarm Unlsin delsy chain | Bie & ‘solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 13 of 24 Connecting Three stage alarms from distribution unit (daisy Chain) ay Chan OF Alam Unte rom debuton Unt Figure 9: Al Stago alarms in diay chain cat = Figure 10: Stage alarms in daisy chain wring ‘@ apna beet technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 14 of 24 Setting tone and volume control audio alarm The tone and volume ofthe alarm unit can be set during installation only. The following section details the procedure Open the alarm box id ‘Turn around the ld to get aocess tothe rear ofthe sounder ‘The volume contol pot lows the user to set the volume For the volume level as per spected standard ensure the knob is at the mid poston for fst stage and maximum for al other alarms ‘The dip switch combination can be eltered to get desired tone ‘The rea ofthe sounder and its description is shown below Connection Details eee Max {) Votume contrat Figure 11: Aud alarm tne & volume control ‘§Q apna Me " peo & solutions - apnaBNWAS Installation Manual stalling Reset Units Reference Drawing ‘The folowing diagram shows the Reset unit Dimensions & mounting arrangements Figure 12: Reset unit Page 15 of 24 ‘+ Identity an appropriate place in the (min. Smt away from compass) , mark and mount the reset unit. Reset units are to be ™ounted in locations tht give proper look out tothe OOW. The Reset devices are not o be instllecareas other than bridge & bridge wings. Connecting Distribution unit to Reset Unit Distribution Unit /O Reset Unit Input Connector EX RST iP GND: ‘GND 24V 24V Itis often required to connect more than one reset unit, Multiple reset can be connected by daisy chaining one reset unit to anther as dotaled below. Preceding Reset Unit Output Connector | Succeeding Reset Unit Input Connector 2a 2a GND ‘GND P IP apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 16 of 24 Connecting External Units to BNWAS Connecting VDR ‘apneBNWAS features IECS1 162-1 communication interface to communicate with VDR (Voyage Data Recorder). The terminals marked TA & TB inthe istioution unit refers tothe talker nes ofthe apnaBNWAS, the same to terminate to listener por of the VOR. ‘apnaBNWAS sends sentences as per IEC 62616 when ever an alarm is raised by the unt, Refer tothe Direct connection to Main Unit ‘connection diagram or Daisy Chain Connection ciagram above for further information on terminals. Connecting Traction control ‘apnaBNWAS features IEC61162-1 communication interface to communicate with other EC62616-1 enabled devices. The listener pins ofthe BNWAS can be connected to taker pins ofthe traction control devices. The sentences that are processed by apnaBNWAS for itching the unit standby and active is detailed in the user manual The terminals marked LA & LB in the cistribution unit refers tothe listener lines of the apnaBNWAS, ‘The apnaBNWAS also features a decicated electrical slated digital input (4.5V -30V) APs,AP- (refer tothe connection clagram) and ‘when voltage above 4.5V is sensed the unit goes to active mode. Either a valid sentence or a digital output from the devices puts the system to active mode. BER 2B RW E89 Figure 18: Connecting AP input (vltege output device) apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 17 of 24 ain Unit Raub once Bon cu cakes PROD ARE TATA Slap aCescae ABN NCPR DINE Traction m7 sives out potential | sewonce free contact RBar 2gErtBE wREEm SRE MEER e5dimmnnnd SE Figure 14: Connecting AP input (Relay output device) Digital in Distribution Unit Bridge device with Tec et162 interface Figure 15: Connecting AP input 1EC 6116-1 output dovieo) ‘@@ apna : wwe technologies & solutions Sam ngy apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 18 of 24 Connecting BNWAS status outputs ‘apnaBNWAS features 24VDC cigital outputs each capable ofcriving 100mA that indicate the status of the main unio central alarm panel Verifying Installation (Once the cabing is done as per the installation manual andthe cabling manual for performing the internal cabling. Please do the following checks to ensure thatthe installation is proper and then switch on the unit ‘© Check for continuity between 24V & ground © I continuity exis, it incicates that in any one ofthe unit the power and ground terminals are interchanged ‘+ Check for continuity between 24V & earth ‘© ltcontinuity exist, it incicates that in any one ofthe unt the power line is touching the shild/body ofthe enclosure. Power onthe uit and perform te folowing checks ‘+ Ensure thatthe active LED in all unis & resei push button lluminated in ll reset doves Go into admin mode press and hold both reset & emergency button ofthe main uni for 10sec, © This nates set test ‘© Allthe indicators onthe front panel, along wit the associated digital outputs tum on & off a sequence (© Along withthe digital outputs, associated alarm units also go on "Goin torun mode wat the forthe systom to csp the countdown timer Pres the reset button on any of the external reset uni the dormant time to restart Press the emergency button, second stage alarm to go on Press the reset on the extemal uit, will not put off the alarm Press the reset on the main unt, the alarms io tun of \Weit for dormant time to cease and verity visual indication required wat ti and check the execution of al alarms, GB a | ‘ea ap ina a technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 19 of 24 Annexure BNWAS Main unit connector pin configuration: }| Power in: POWER INPUT MIC Connector Front View eS @ 8 ‘Main Unit Orientation starts from notch inthe MIC connector. Rotate the case thread cover of MIC connector for locking the plug in socket in Main Unit Pin Details. Pin no :1-> SHIP-24V Pin no :2-> SHIP-GND Pin no :3-EM-PWR+ Pin no :4->EM-PWR- Digital In ns = ©0606 6 6 tt Pedy © Pinno:1AP+ © Pino :2-3AP- apna = technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual + Pinno:3-9EX-RST © Pinno:4-9GND © Pinnos>24v IEC 61162-1 (serial) Communication Page 20 of 24 Pin detalls:- + Pinno:1-9TA Pinn0:297B Pin n0:33LA Pin n0:43LB Pin no:5-> Nol Connected (NC) Pin no: Not Connected (NC) Pin n0:7-> Not Connected (NC) Pin no > Nol Connected (NC) DOA: Digital Output A = walang ee — Pecomnen apna technologies & solutions apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 21 of 24 Pinno:1>B-VIS Pin no:2->B-AUD Pin no:3->OFC Pinno:4->CRC Pin no 5->GND Pinno:6-324V DOB : Digital Output B Pin no :1->Not Connected (NC) Pin no :2->EMC Pin no:3->PWF Pin no:4->MLF Pin no:5->GND Pin no :6-324V apna ee technologies & solutions vase apnaBNWAS Installation Manual ribution Unit Main Unit Digital in 5 aay. cs Opesccceeeseced, af Page 22 of 24 os AV oD Ou + EM pwr EE ON OVACE Distribution Unit, apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 23 of 24 Power in 2aV Powerin ‘GND Power in ate Power in a STS Digital in Digialin Digit in Digialin Digialin IEC 61162-1 interface(VDA) | TEC 61162:1 interface (OR) TEC 61762-1 interface VOR) TEC 61162+1 interface DOA DOA DOA DOA DOA technologies & solutions sateen apnaBNWAS Installation Manual Page 24 of 24 Cable connecting BNWAS Main Unit & Distribution Unit ‘The cable connecting Main unt & Distribution unt are done at factory and are detailed here for reference. Al cables entering the main unit are to be taken via the fertte core suppied making two loops. Ferrite clamps has to be mounted on the § cables entering the main unit. + Ferrite Clamp opened with its key Fertte Clamp Key. ——»on Fentte clamp and Kay Insert the Ferrite clamp key in the Ferrite clamp as shown inthe figure above and open the clamp and remove the key. Do two windings in cable as shown inthe figure below and close the clamp (it will automatically got locked) i+ MIC connector + Ferrite clamp ‘Assembled Cables with Ferrite Camp

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