Ders II (2,3,4)

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Ders II (2,3,4)
Created @December 2, 2021 7:23 PM


Kaynak : MDN Web Docs

<h1> ila <h6> HTML öğeleri, altı bölüm başlığı düzeyini temsil eder. <h1> en yüksek bölüm düzeyidir ve <h6> en düşük

- : The HTML Section Heading elements - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The to HTML elements represent six levels of section headings. is the highest section level and is the
lowest. These elements only include the global attributes. Note: The align attribute is obsolete; don't use it.
Heading information can be used by user agents to construct a table of contents for a document

<h2>External morphology</h2>

Exercise 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Issanin Sayfasi</title>


Ders II (2,3,4) 1
Pangolins, sometimes known as scaly anteaters, are mammals of the order
Pholidota (from Ancient Greek φολῐ́ς, "horny scale"). The one extant
family, Manidae, has three genera: Manis, Phataginus and Smutsia. Manis
comprises the four species found in Asia, while Phataginus and Smutsia
include two species each, all found in Sub-Saharan Africa. These species
range in size from 30 to 100 cm (12 to 39 in). A number of extinct
pangolin species are also known.


Pangolins have large, protective keratin scales covering their skin; they
are the only known mammals with this feature. They live in hollow trees or
burrows, depending on the species. Pangolins are nocturnal, and their diet
consists of mainly ants and termites, which they capture using their long
tongues. They tend to be solitary animals, meeting only to mate and
produce a litter of one to three offspring, which they raise for about two


Pangolins are threatened by poaching (for their meat and scales, which are
used in Chinese traditional medicine) and heavy deforestation of their
natural habitats, and are the most trafficked mammals in the world.As of
January 2020, of the eight species of pangolin, three (Manis culionensis,
M. pentadactyla and M. javanica) are listed as critically endangered,
three (Phataginus tricuspis, Manis crassicaudata and Smutsia gigantea) are
listed as endangered and two (Phataginus tetradactyla and Smutsia
temminckii) are listed as vulnerable on the Red List of Threatened Species
of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

HTML Boilerplate
HTML'deki boilerplate, projenizin başlangıcında ekleyeceğiniz bir şablondur.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>HTML 5 Boilerplate</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="index.js"></script>

Basic HTML5 Template: Use This HTML Boilerplate as a Starter for Any Web Dev Project
When you are building a new website, it is important to have a good starting foundation. In this article, I will
explain what an HTML 5 boilerplate is and how to create a basic template to use in your projects. What is an
HTML 5 boilerplate?According to Wikipedia, boilerplate

<ol> HTML öğesi, sıralı bir öğe listesini temsil eder - tipik olarak numaralı bir liste olarak işlenir.

<li>Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.</li>
<li>In another bowl, mix eggs, milk, and oil.</li>
<li>Stir both mixtures together.</li>
<li>Fill muffin tray 3/4 full.</li>
<li>Bake for 20 minutes.</li>

Ders II (2,3,4) 2
: The Ordered List element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The HTML element represents an ordered list of items - typically rendered as a numbered list. This element
also accepts the global attributes. This Boolean attribute specifies that the list's items are in reverse order.
Items will be numbered from high to low.

<ul> HTML öğesi, genellikle madde işaretli liste olarak işlenen, sırasız bir öğe listesini temsil eder.

<li>Blue cheese</li>

: The Unordered List element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. This element
includes the global attributes. This Boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact
style. The interpretation of this attribute depends on the user agent, and it doesn't work in all browsers.

Exercise 2

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<h2>My Top 3 Movies:</h2>

<li>Stand By Me</li>

<h2>Other Good Movies:</h2>


<li>Annie Hall</li>

Ders II (2,3,4) 3

Anchor Element
<a> HTML öğesi (veya bağlantı öğesi), href özniteliğiyle birlikte web sayfalarına, dosyalara, e-posta adreslerine, aynı sayfadaki

konumlara veya bir URL'nin adresleyebileceği herhangi bir şeye bir köprü oluşturur.

Her <a> içindeki içerik, bağlantının hedefini belirtmelidir. href özelliği mevcutsa, <a> öğesine odaklanılırken enter tuşuna
basılması onu etkinleştirir.

<p>You can reach Michael at:</p>

<li><a href="">Website</a></li>
<li><a href="">Email</a></li>
<li><a href="tel:+123456789">Phone</a></li>

: The Anchor element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element (or anchor element), with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to web pages, files, email
addresses, locations in the same page, or anything else a URL can address. Content within each should
indicate the link's destination. If the href attribute is present, pressing the enter key while focused on the

Adding Images
<img> HTML öğesi, belgeye bir resim gömer.

<img class="fit-picture"
alt="Grapefruit slice atop a pile of other slices">

: The Image Embed element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element embeds an image into the document. The above example shows usage of the element:
The src attribute is required, and contains the path to the image you want to embed.

Yorum arayüzü, işaretleme içindeki metinsel gösterimleri temsil eder; genellikle görsel olarak gösterilmese de bu tür yorumlar
kaynak görünümünde okunmak üzere mevcuttur.
Yorumlar, HTML ve XML'de <!-- ve --> arasında içerik olarak temsil edilir. XML'de, SVG veya MathML işaretlemesinde
olduğu gibi, bir yorumda ' -- ' karakter dizisi kullanılamaz.

Comment - Web APIs | MDN

The Comment interface represents textual notations within markup; although it is generally not visually
shown, such comments are available to be read in the source view. Comments are represented in HTML
and XML as content between ' '. In XML, like inside SVG or MathML markup, the character sequence '--'

HTML5 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN

The term HTML5 is essentially a buzzword that refers to a set of modern web technologies. This includes
the HTML Living Standard, along with JavaScript APIs to enhance storage, multimedia, and hardware
access. You may sometimes hear about "new HTML5 elements", or find HTML5 described as a new version

<div> and <span>

Ders II (2,3,4) 4
<div> HTML öğesi, akış içeriği için genel kapsayıcıdır. CSS kullanılarak bir şekilde stillendirilinceye kadar içerik veya düzen

üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.

<div class="warning">
<img src="/media/examples/leopard.jpg"
alt="An intimidating leopard.">
<p>Beware of the leopard</p>

: The Content Division element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element is the generic container for flow content. It has no effect on the content or layout until
styled in some way using CSS (e.g. styling is directly applied to it, or some kind of layout model like Flexbox
is applied to its parent element).

<span> HTML öğesi, doğal olarak hiçbir şeyi temsil etmeyen, içeriği ifade etmek için genel bir satır içi kapsayıcıdır. Öğeleri stil

amaçlarıyla (sınıf veya kimlik özniteliklerini kullanarak) veya lang gibi öznitelik değerlerini paylaştıklarından gruplamak için
kullanılabilir. Yalnızca başka hiçbir anlamsal öğe uygun olmadığında kullanılmalıdır. <span> , bir <div> öğesine çok benzer,
ancak <div> blok düzeyinde bir öğedir, <span> ise satır içi bir öğedir.

<p>Add the <span class="ingredient">basil</span>, <span class="ingredient">pine nuts</span> and <span class="ingredient">garlic</span>

<p>Gradually add the <span class="ingredient">olive oil</span> while running the blender slowly.</p>

: The Content Span element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent
anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because
they share attribute values, such as lang. It should be used only when no other semantic element is

HR, BR, Sup and Sub

<hr> HTML öğesi, paragraf düzeyindeki öğeler arasındaki tematik bir kesintiyi temsil eder: örneğin, bir hikayedeki bir sahne

değişikliği veya bir bölüm içindeki bir konu değişikliği.

<p>§1: The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.</p>
<p>§2: The second rule of Fight Club is: Always bring cupcakes.</p>

: The Thematic Break (Horizontal Rule) element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The HTML element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements: for example, a change
of scene in a story, or a shift of topic within a section. Historically, this has been presented as a horizontal
rule or line.

<br> HTML öğesi, metinde bir satır sonu oluşturur (satır başı). Bir şiir veya bir adres yazmak için, dizelerin bölünmesinin

önemli olduğu durumlarda kullanışlıdır.

“Otuz Beş Yaş” şiiriyle bitiriyoruz;<br />

Yaş otuz beş! yolun yarısı eder.<br />

Dante gibi ortasındayız ömrün.<br />

Delikanlı çağımızdaki cevher,<br />

Yalvarmak, yakarmak nafile bugün,<br />

Ders II (2,3,4) 5
Gözünün yaşına &copy bakmadan gider.

: The Line Break element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an
address, where the division of lines is significant. As you can see from the above example, a element is
included at each point where we want the text to break.

<sup> HTML öğesi, yalnızca tipografik nedenlerle üst simge olarak görüntülenecek satır içi metni belirtir. Üst simgeler genellikle

daha küçük metin kullanılarak yükseltilmiş bir taban çizgisiyle oluşturulur.

<p>The <b>Pythagorean theorem</b> is often expressed as the following equation:</p>

<p><var>a<sup>2</sup></var> + <var>b<sup>2</sup></var> = <var>c<sup>2</sup></var></p>

: The Superscript element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical
reasons. Superscripts are usually rendered with a raised baseline using smaller text. The element should
only be used for typographical reasons-that is, to change the position of the text to comply with

<sub> HTML öğesi, yalnızca tipografik nedenlerle alt simge olarak görüntülenmesi gereken satır içi metni belirtir. Subscript'ler

tipik olarak daha küçük metin kullanılarak alçaltılmış bir taban çizgisiyle oluşturulur.

<p>Almost every developer's favorite molecule is

C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>10</sub>N<sub>4</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, also known as "caffeine."</p>

: The Subscript element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

The HTML element specifies inline text which should be displayed as subscript for solely typographical
reasons. Subscripts are typically rendered with a lowered baseline using smaller text. The element should
be used only for typographical reasons-that is, to change the position of the text to comply with

HTML Karakter Entity

Character Entity Reference Chart


Ders II (2,3,4) 6

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