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Case study refers to a process or record of research into the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a
period of time. In the social sciences and life sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth,
and detailed examination of a subject of study (the case), as well as its related contextual conditions.
The social work process comprises a sequence of actions or tasks that draw on all of the components of practice discussed
so far. Although its process is presented sequentially, it rarely follows a clear linear route and is more often a fluid, circular
cycle whereby workers move from assessment through to implementation and evaluation and back to assessment again.
Despite this fluidity, some parts of the process, such as assessment, have clearly defined procedures guided by local or
national policy. Some tasks may be fairly short and discrete, but many are longer term and more complex, such as
assessments. You will also find that tasks often overlap and are revisited over a period of involvement with a service user.
The tasks or stages of the social work process are based on social workers assess,decides on the outcome,plans,intervention
and evaluate on clients problems.

case example:A 30 years old woman graduated 9 years ago,got challenge of getting job because she fears to lost her dignity
by having sex with employers who tends to give job after sex, made her unemployed .

The following are the social work processes, Assessment processes,this is an ongoing process of data collection aimed at
understanding clients in the context of their environmental systems (Jordan & Franklin, 2003, p.1). The assessment stage is
when the social worker and the client review the information shared by the client to develop strategies for intervening.
Social workers utilize their abilities to reiterate what was said in order to clarify with the client. Strengths in the client that
are recognized by the social worker are shared and reiterated to the client to boost confidence in both the client and the
helping process. Systems that affect the client are also shared so the client is able to see where he or she spends his or her
time and how that can have a positive or negative experiences. Missing information is also gathered so a clear picture can be
painted in order for the social worker and the client to begin establishing an action plan for change. for example: 30 years
old woman graduated 9 years ago but she is still unemployed,as social worker,we charted a bit with her about what caused
her being unemployment for that long,i managed to assess that the following are the factors behind it;
whenever she applied for job always her job managers demand sex from her as a door for job, sometime her wrong
perception about some job in the society,she lacks skill to some job among others

Decision on the outcome processes,in this process, it is believed that assessment chant with time and condition are more
likely to change, for these matters , social workers and client come out with strategies to deal with the client system.
however many strategies are evaluated to help the woman from getting job,they include;getting job from religious line job
which goes hand in hand with morals,creating awareness on such employers so that they are followed by the law,
acquiring more skill so it can make her competent and multipurpose in the labor force and always be active in searching for

planning processes,most social workers are likely to engage in social planning at the agency level when they design a new
program to address client needs or write a funding proposal. Although many social workers are involved to some degree in
agency-level planning, social planning is generally considered a subfield, separate and distinct from practice with
individuals, therefore social workers are expected to avails many options so that client are able to solve his or her own
problems,role of social worker is to attend to a client not to decide for the client. I evaluated that she should change her
altitude toward works,actively look for job,acquire more skills to be competent in the job field.

intervention processes refers to Intervening in the client involves both the planning and implementing stages of the
Generalist Intervention Model. In the planning stage the social worker begins working with the client, and much like the
assessing stage begins developing a plan with the client in order to accomplish goals that work to resolve the targeted issues.
Specific actions and objectives are created in order for the goals to become more attainable. If needed a contract can be
drafted in order to ensure that the goals and objectives are clear, concise, and easily understood by both parties.
Implementation then is when the contract is executed, and each side does their part in ensuring the contract gets met. The
contract can be revised if both parties agree to a revision. The social worker is generally responsible for monitoring progress
and attaining information so services can be rendered to the client. The client then acts on those services and implements the
objectives and actions in order for the goals to be achieved, The main purpose of these interventions is to aid clients in
alleviating problems and improving their well being. for example I addressed her emotions and gave her varieties of option
to overcome unemployment which included
acquiring skills on various field of work,being aware of the available job through social media.

Evaluation processes,This processes deals engagement of social workers and client on problem solving,assessing the
problems so that it can be evaluated at the multiple level. therefore evaluation means,systematics determination of subject
merit,worth and significance using criteria govern by a set of standard. according to(Jordan & Franklin, 2003, p.7).however
it helps us to consider what went wrong,(what can we built on our strength),how can we learn from our mistakes and
generally what lesson have we learn from the experience,thus evaluation is the fundamental of good practice as it provides
us with platform from which to continues to improve. for example ,she evaluated that however she must restore her dignity
than being employed ,should also acquire skills that can make her self employed and competent in the labor market,she
should also adjust her altitude toward other work. in the other hand I evaluate tat such employers are affected with sexual
transmitted diseases and needed to be followed by the laws the govern work.

Termination processes,in this process is where social workers is having confident on client, the conclusion of the social
worker, client intervention process and a systematic procedure for disengaging the working relationship. It occurs when
goals are reached, when the specified time for working has ended, or when the client is no longer interested in continuing.
Termination often includes evaluating the progress toward goal achievement, working through resistance. i evaluated it
when the lady was able to acquire skills in various job,able to be self employed through being creative.

It will be healthier to conclude that,with all these social work process,social worker and client can come out with solution to
problems .it is noted that it is the work of social workers to avails option to client to decide but not to decide for the client.

British Journal of Social Work, vol.38, no.7, pp.1388–1407
Egan, G. (1986) The Skilled Helper, 3rd edn,

Biestek, F.P. (1961) The Casework Relationship, London,

bradfor.foreshor 11th edn technique and guideline of social work practice.

Singer. J (1999)constructing model of personal practice.

M,and Hankel L 8th edn. Learning and teaching in social work.>wiki>caseworker.
A case study is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its
real-life context. Case studies are based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the
causes of underlying principles.

Social work processes comprises a sequence of actions or tasks that draw on all of the components of
practice discussed so

case study for example mistreating of children by the step mothers

1: assessment process involves gathering and assessing multidimensional information about the client's
situation using appropriate social work knowledge and theory with a focus on strengths-based assessment to develop a plan
that involves all the relevant parties and levels.;Sarah is 15 years old ,she lives in Cuba. Her mum died when she was 10
year then her dad decided to marry another woman but Sarah's step mum used to punish her in terrible way. They could beat
her until the blood comes out from the ear, Norse and all body parts . This always happen when the dad has gone to work
but there neighbor could tell Sarah's dad that your wife always beat your daughter as a social work,i tried to asses the
information from the client using appropriate social knowledge. Then I came up with assessment to help them to understand
the situation that she is dealing with and to identify the relevant factors in a situation (Pincus, 1973).

2: Planning processes is a process for planning social services programs, services, and policies. Government agencies
engage in large-scale development, research, and planning to address social problems. Social planning is also referred to as
“neighborhood planning, if it takes place in community settings. In the planning stage the social worker begins working
with the client, and much like the assessing stage begins developing a plan with the client in order to accomplish goals that
work to resolve the targeted issues. Specific actions and objectives are created in order for the goals to become more

3: evaluation process the process in which worker tries to find out the effectiveness and success of the
process. I used evaluation process to investigate is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and
using information to answer questions about projects, policies and particularly about their effectiveness
and efficiency. In both the daughter and step mum. No matter how skilled, experienced effort or effective we are, there
are ,of course, always lessons to be learned, improvement to be made and benefits to be gained from evaluating our

4: Review process evaluation of your actions in terms of both outputs (what you did) and outcomes (the
consequences and changes you may have been able to support or bring about).is a locally conducted
multi-agency review in circumstances where a child has been abused or neglected, resulting in serious
harm or death and there is cause for concern as to the way in which the relevant authority or persons have worked together
to safeguard the child.however if the work is not reviewed,then it is possible for a great deal of time, effort and energy to be
wasted because effort are being misdirected.

5: Intervention process is the fourth step in the social casework process after study (fact-finding),
diagnosis (assessment) and planning for action, which aims at restoring, maintaining or enhancing social functioning of an
individual in need of help. I used interview to gather information about the about what happened before , needs and
strengths,why was this girl beaten by her step mum and one of the cause was she was not her biological dougther,she was
lazy in doing home work. I used this process because it was form of communication.

6: Ending process this is termination and follow up. Termination is the stage when the worker has the
confidence in the client ability to cope with the present and future situation. The conclusion of the social worker-client
intervention process; a systematic procedure for disengaging the working relationship. It occurs when goals are reached,
when the specified time for working has ended, or when the client is no longer interested in continuing.
7: Out came is a tool used to assess a patient's current status. Outcome measures may provide a score, an interpretation of
results and at times a risk categorization of the patient. Prior to providing any intervention, an outcome measure provides
baseline data.

in order for social workers to avoid tis vagueness and drift, what is required is what I have concluded as saying that step
mothers should not mistreat the children because there the future of tomorrow

Reference › wiki › Social_work › publication › 331230592_Chapter_7_Levels_ › doi › pdf
mullen 2004, p.84. Governance performance and result act. 1993.

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