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computerized Master Patient Index functions well, then the admission/discharge procedure should

be next and then a disease and procedure index system can be implemented. It is important that if
consideration is being given to the computerization of patient-related medical record data, it is the
responsibility of the administration to ensure that: • hardware and software support is readily
available; • all clerks have keyboard and mouse training, and are also trained in the use of the
relevant software; • a computer terminal is available to the clerical staff and should not be locked
away in a manager's office; • appropriate furniture is made available (power points, electric cables,
chairs and desks). Furniture provided for computers in Medical Record Departments is often taken
away by managers for other offices. This should not be permitted; • security procedures should be
arranged to avoid the use of the computer for games and other non-medical record functions, and
to protect the computer from viruses; and • authorized staff should be issued with passwords, which
are changed regularly to prevent unauthorized access. Medical record procedures commonly
computerized in many countries include the • master patient index; • admission, transfer and
discharge/death system; and • disease and procedure index. In addition to these applications, the
following procedures could be considered when the above systems are running smoothly: • record
location/tracking system; • med!ca1 record completion system; • discharge summary abstracting
system; and • outpatient appointment scheduling system. A brief discussion of the first three
applications has been included in the Manual. It is important to note that the following are
suggestions for discussion and not a definitive outline of specifications. Final specifications for any
computer system should be developed in conjunction with the computer programmer, systems
analyst, hospital administrator and MRO, at a time when the actual type of computer has been

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