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Issue 38 The Official Newsletter of the Johnny Reb Gaming Society $5.


Tending to the wounded. Photo courtesy of George Anderson.

Second Manassas Scenario

An Aussie Joins the ACW Wargaming Hobby
Win a FREE Custom 15mm ACW General
Terrain Tips from Model Railroaders
And much more!

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Welcome to “CHARGE!” From the Editor’s Desk

2013 promises to be a very important and
This is the official newsletter of the Johnny Reb
busy year for Civil War buffs and
Gaming Society, an international association of
miniature wargamers who use regimental-level reenactors, with the 150th anniversary of
rules such as the Johnny Reb gaming rules Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg,
developed by John Hill. The newsletter will and Chickamauga, among others. Some
provide a quarterly forum for exchanging estimates are that more than 100,000
information regarding the rules, original people will gather at Gettysburg during
wargaming scenarios written with JR in mind, the two weeks of commemoration, which
and historical articles of general interest to the
kicks off the last weekend of June with
regimental ACW gamer.
numerous activities planned.
US membership in the society is $20 per year,
which will partially cover the cost of assembling,
CHARGE! editor Scott Mingus will be
printing, and mailing the newsletter. Dues are
payable via money order or personal check, speaking as one of the National Park
which must be made out to Deborah Mingus Service’s line-up of historians and authors
(society treasurer and secretary). Our mailing during the “Sacred Trust” seminar series.
address and e-mail address are as follows: If you are in Gettysburg on Saturday
morning June 29, stop by the large white
The Johnny Reb Gaming Society tent in front of the Visitors Center! The
1383 Sterling Drive
York PA 17404
talk is at 10:30 a.m. with a book signing afterward from 11:30 until 12:30.

We welcome your submissions of articles,

scenarios, advertising, and related information,
as well as letters to the editor. The copyrighted
name Johnny Reb is used by written permission
of John Hill.

Table of Contents
Second Manassas scenario
The fight at Groveton Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . 2

“A way down south in Aussie” . . . . . . . . . . 11

Civil War author Scott L. Mingus Sr. speaking at the Visitors
CHARGE! Jeopardy Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Center in Gettysburg in 2011.

Terrain Tips from the World of Model And, while in historic Gettysburg, make
Railroading …………………………………16 sure you take time to visit JRGS member
John Zabawa’s Gettysburg Miniature
Johnny Reb 3 charts for the Mexican War …21 Soldiers store at the intersection of
Steinwehr Avenue and the Taneytown
Coming attractions in CHARGE! #39 Road! Load up on toy soldiers and gaming
figures, and say hello to John and his son.
They are long-time gamemasters and flea
Scenarios! Product reviews and more! marketers at HMGS-East conventions.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

SECOND MANASSAS Longstreet did not want to attack until he knew
The Fight at Groveton Ridge the full extent of this oncoming enemy.

August 29, 1862 Confirmation took all afternoon. Longstreet sent

a division two miles south and about ¼ mile west
By Jim Kopchak of a small creek called Dawkins Branch. This
Understanding how the battle at Groveton Ridge force positioned itself in a woods blocking
developed requires some background about the Porter’s advance on the Gainesville-Manassas
Northern Virginia Campaign and the Second Road.
Battle of Manassas. The Confederate high
command decided to spring a trap to destroy Below is a map of the situation about 2:00 p.m.
Union Maj. Gen. John Pope’s army operating in on the 29th.
Virginia before Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan
could join forces as he withdrew from the
Peninsula. Major General James Longstreet
made a series of diversionary attacks to pin Pope
in place while Maj. Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall”
Jackson marched around Pope’s right flank to
the west and destroyed his supply depot in his
rear at Manassas Junction.

Jackson then hid near the Brawner farm behind a

2-mile unfinished railroad cut until he was
assured that Longstreet would arrive. Jackson
got word about 5:00 p.m. on August 28 that
Longstreet was only 10 miles away, and so about
an hour later he attacked a Union column (the
black-hatted Iron Brigade) marching past his
position in what has been deemed as the Battle
of Brawner’s Farm or the Battle of Groveton (not
to be confused with this scenario). Pope then Porter and McDowell both had received an
converged on the site. ambiguous order (later referred to as “The Joint
Order”) from General Pope at noon directing
The next day on the 29th, Pope launched a series them “to attack Jackson’s flank, but be ready at
of piecemeal attacks on Jackson’s line behind the night to withdraw east to Bull Run and then to
cut in an attempt to create diversionary attacks. Centreville, but to deviate from this order if
The purpose of these attacks was to keep required.” Neither knew what to do. Seeing the
Jackson’s force pinned down while Porter’s way blocked by a rebel force, McDowell decided
Corps would move around Jackson’s right flank to march his corps back toward Bull Run closer
to the west of the cut and attack Jackson in force. to Pope’s headquarters. Porter decided to probe
He wanted to destroy this corps of about 22,000 across Dawkins Branch.
before Longstreet arrived.
Pope, hearing no significant fighting from where
Pope judged that Longstreet would not arrive he thought Porter should be, sent an immediate
until August 31. However, this was in great error attack order to Porter at 4:00 p.m. However the
because Longstreet’s force had actually arrived courier got lost and Porter did not receive the
around noon on the 29th. Lee urged Longstreet to order till 6:00 p.m.! Porter immediately ordered
attack shortly after his arrival. However, Morell’s division past Dawkins Branch. It was
lookouts spotted Porter’s advance, still about an hour before sunset.
approximately 3 miles from Jackson, and

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

Morell advanced across with two brigades, and At approximately 6:00 p.m. Hatch’s division was
firing started from the woods to his front and behind the east side of Groveton Ridge
then off to his right. Once he saw the disposition approximately 900 to 1,200 feet away from the
of the rebel line in the fading light, he feared top facing west. One brigade (Marsena Patrick’s)
being flanked on both sides and then pulled straddled both sides of the Warrenton Pike and
back. two brigades were south of the Warrenton pike
as shown on the game map.
Pope, unaware of this situation, started getting
reports around 5:30 p.m. from the area slightly Hatch is ordered to advance, and he starts
west of Groveton that rebel forces were pulling moving forward with two brigades.
back and at last thought that Porter was attacking
Jackson’s flank causing this withdrawal. Now At about the same time, Longstreet finally
was the time to strike toward Groveton to drive advances east toward Groveton Ridge to be in a
them back and cut them off from Thoroughfare better position for a morning attack.
Gap 10 miles away to the west. This would trap
Jackson and keep Longstreet from uniting with Thus begins our wargaming scenario for the
him. He thought the grand plan at last was fight at Groveton Ridge during the Second Battle
working! of Manassas.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Game Overview/Setup: Initiative:

For the wargame, Hatch is given his third The Union force moves first until one side or the
brigade for playability. The fences on top of the other fires. Otherwise, follow the JR3
hill are down (Union artillery used the position incremental movement rules so that one side
earlier in the day). All artillery start limbered. does not have a tactical advantage over the other
because movement is considered simultaneous in
Neither side is aware they are both advancing JR3.
toward Groveton Ridge. In the game, all infantry
units on both sides must advance until at least In Civil War Commander II movement is not
one unit fires. Then you may issue other orders. considered simultaneous because one side rolls
Longstreet sends Hood’s Division and most of to determine initiative as to which side moves
Wilcox’s Division to occupy the ridge. first. Even so, the side moving second may also
React Move or React Fire (opportunity) to the
They start in a position at the edge of a semi- side moving first, so any tactical advantage to
wooded ridgeline about 2,000 feet west of the moving first is usually minimal.
ridge. The Union reaches the top of Groveton
Ridge first being closer and sees the rebel Scale/Time:
Time is 10 minutes per turn. Keep the 15mm
For the game, the top of the ridge is represented JR3 movement distances the same. A battle line
as a zone shown as the second contour line on would have no problem moving 900 feet (6”) in
the ridge rather than a military crest. It is more of 10 minutes in this kind of scenario and terrain.
a plateau about 30-40 feet above road grade. The About a mile in one hour was expected in normal
first contour is about 15-20 feet high. open terrain in a battle-line.
This zone indicates the top of the ridge mostly The game was played using 25mm figures, at
south of the Warrenton Pike but also north. Units one inch equal 100 feet. I have provided a 15mm
in this zone see down into the small valley were scale also on the game map at 1”=150 feet.
the road is located and toward the lower hill
where the rebels start. Units in this zone have The scenario starts at 6:00 p.m. (Turn 1) and
Line-of-Fire as do the rebels looking up. ends at 7:20 p.m. at dusk (Turn 9).
The photo above of the entire setup shows this In the historical battle, Hatch was driven off the
zone marked by an oval of lichen. Note that the ridge in about 50 minutes, being flanked from
top of this photo is south. This photo may be the woods south on the ridge. The rebs used a
used in conjunction with the game map to help trail to move a unit into this flanking position as
setting up when oriented with the map’s the battle progressed. The Yankees thought it
directions. was a friendly supporting force as the rebels
yelled out, “We-All you friends, Don’t shoot!”
Victory Conditions: Seconds later a volley hit the Union left.
Union infantry units must be pushed off this The rebels eventually advanced almost ¾ of a
zone by the game’s end from both sides of the mile east past the ridge following the Warrenton
Warrenton Pike. Union disordered units (DO’s) Pike at night. However, they were pulled back to
must withdraw from the ridge top at the end of their initial start point by midnight to be hidden
the game. Therefore only infantry units in good from the morning light as Longstreet
order qualify as still holding the ridge. contemplated a morning attack.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

For the Union side, some regiments from
Flanking Action: Gibbon’s brigade have been incorporated to beef
up the Union force for play balance. In the same
To simulate the flanking action in the game, regard some units from Featherston’s Brigade
Sullivan is unaware of this movement and so (part of Wilcox’s Division) have been added to
must keep his units facing west. One of the Confederate side.
Sullivan’s regiments stays adjacent to the woods,
but not in it, as he advances forward. A regiment I also have included some photos on the next
from Wilcox’s Brigade will start the game in page showing some close-ups of some specific
column on the trail. It is placed so that by the end areas for setup.
of turn two, it forms into line by the flank on the
trail and fires through the woods into the flank of When configuring the regiments, it is interesting
Sullivan’s regiment adjacent to the woods. Fire to note that although Hood and Wilcox are
is at medium range, through light woods using division commanders, they also have direct
the woods penalty, as moving and with full flank control of individual brigades. This seemed to be
modifier bonus. The target is visible at 4” or a novel concept for Civil War command
closer. structure.

Union artillery stays outside infantry rifle range Alternate Scenario:

from these woods until after the flank fire. Rebel
artillery cannot use this trail. Afterwards, Yankee As an alternate, but slightly smaller scenario, do
units may adjust as necessary to counter this not use Doubleday’s brigade on the Union side
threat. As a game master, I did not reveal this or Pryor’s brigade on the Confederate side.
flanking movement to the Union side during play
testing. Spread out Patrick’s and Sullivan’s brigades to
cover the same frontage as you decide. No rebel
To offset this prior knowledge, as a gamemaster reserve regiments should be used.
you may make adjustments or have other
creative options to this flanking action as you This is closer to the historical circumstances but
think in order to offer some surprise options (i.e. may alter the play balance, which was not tested
roll to determine when the flanking action will in this alternative scenario. The original scenario
occur after turn 2 or send two units down the is designed for six players in a typical
trail and random roll to determine when or if convention setting, allowing about four hours for
they might flank fire. Maybe a unit or two gets play time.
lost and possibly ends up coming out of the
woods a little further to the Union front instead
of the flank position. This is up to your own
creative ability to introduce Fog of War because
both sides will probably know the scenario).


I have listed the unit strengths based upon

information available from Fire and Fury
brigade level stats. The strength of individual
regiments for each brigade is an average of the
total brigade strength divided equally among the
regiments used in the game. All infantry are The one stop for all your Civil War
armed with rifled muskets. wargaming terrain needs!

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Editor’s note: The above map is courtesy of Note the position of Early’s Brigade in the above
California-based Hal Jespersen, who designed all map. They figured prominently in the defense of
of the custom maps for Scott Mingus’ upcoming Stony Ridge and the Railroad Cut, but did not
biography of Brigadier General William “Extra play a role in the fighting at Groveton described
Billy” Smith, who was the oldest Confederate in this wargaming scenario.
general to fight at Gettysburg. He had been
Governor of Virginia during the Mexican War, That honor belonged on the Confederate side to
during which he named Jubal Early as two other generals who would also, like Smith
commander of the state’s troops raised for the and Early, play roles at the Battle of Gettysburg
war effort. the following summer—John Bell Hood and
Cadmus M. Wilcox. Their opponents at
Two decades later, Smith was the colonel of the Groveton included Abner Doubleday, who
49th Virginia Infantry at Second Manassas, would controversially be removed from
ironically in the brigade of Jubal Early. They command after other officers (perhaps falsely)
served together at Gettysburg, during which time accused him of poor performance at Gettysburg.
Smith was the governor-elect for another term. Doubleday, of course, has incorrectly been
In 1864, Governor Smith sent a series of letters considered as the inventor of baseball. His Civil
to Robert E. Lee demanding Early’s dismissal as War career began when he was a captain at Fort
commander in the Shenandoah Valley. Sumter during the Rebel bombardment in 1861.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Map by Todd Davis, based upon a

sketch by Jim Kopchak

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


“Away down south in... out in the world at the moment and the writers
put so much effort into this and like me you may
even take a main set of rules as a base and pick
Aussie!” things out you like from others) it was time to
By settle on a scale of figure.
Brett Davis
28mm -- the number conjures up images of
Hi, my name is Brett Davis. I live in Emu massed figures on big tables with excellent
Heights in Australia. For a long time I have had scenery.
an interest in the American Civil War. I have
brought countless sets of wargaming rules and 28mm and larger figures are a direct influence
scenario books but never officially brought any from fantasy games. As I have gotten older and
miniatures. I am writing this as a record of had kids I realised one thing dear reader that
finally getting some games played, and some holds truth. As my kids get older my space gets
armies painted. smaller.

My interest in ACW started in 1988 (wow, I am How to fight this?

getting on in life, that was before the internet)
when an exchange teacher set us some A quick look on the net found a heap of different
homework about any period of American History scales. Now this may be old news to you guys,
we liked. Unlike the rest of the class I didn’t but within my group a 20, 15, 10, 6 or even 2 is
want to do anything based on cowboys and just crazy talk: “real figures do not come in that
Indians. After a lot of reading on America’s scale.” This was just one of the comments I
struggle for independence I settled on the heard.
American Civil War and have not looked back.
Now I have a problem, I have a heap of ACW
My wife would say that my interest in a war that 28mm figures that I brought off eBay, but my
is over 150 years old in a country I have never space is getting smaller for the appropriate table
visited is weird, but living in Australia I think size. Needless to say, after much thinking and
you get a view of an outsider looking in. soul searching, I have decided to repaint and
rebase the 28mm figures for skirmish games and
Enough with the introductions; on to the have settled on 6mm figures with 15mm basing.
business end of this first article. The rules I I haven’t received my figures as yet so haven’t
finally settled on are a regimental set called Long even put brush to figure, but I love the look of
Road North. I have looked at all the other sets the massed amount of little men you can put on
and settled on these. Why? No idea. Sets of rules the table and I am hoping that I will be able to
are like underpants; use the ones that are most paint them pretty quickly.
So with the kids demanding a cup of tea, I will
Now I have no friends that game the War sign off for now and continue my wait for my
Between the States, so all this I will be doing figures to show up. Hopefully in the next
myself, from terrain building to army painting it installment I will have some photos to share of
will all be me. My friends’ eyes sort of glaze my progress with the little men, and explain my
over when I say ACW; it takes time away from choice of what battle to do first and my painting
Dwarves and Elves and stuff for them, so I am schemes.
also on a mission to make this our new period in
history, one that actually happened. [Editor’s note: Brett will be sharing his entrance into
miniature wargaming with the readers of the Charge!
Having found a set of rules (and please if you are newsletter over the next few issues. It’s good to get a
an ACW newbie like me, get a few sets and see fresh perspective from someone who is starting to
what fits best for you. There is so much choice build a collection from scratch.]

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

by Larry Reber
1. One of the wealthiest men in the South with over 3,000 slaves, this
Confederate General received three
This calendar year 2013 will witness saber cuts to his head while leading a
the 150th anniversary of the Battle of cavalry charge at Gettysburg. WHO
Gettysburg. The town of Gettysburg has WAS….
been working the past two years in
preparation for this event, improving 2. His published personal recollections
streets & sidewalks, sprucing up building have provided one of the most
facades, and restoring the battlefield intimate looks about what the
Confederates were thinking, their
itself. Their convention and visitors
plans and strategy at Gettysburg.
bureau expects over 100,000 visitors
during the two weekends of battle
reenactments. 3. The son of a general in Napoleon’s
In the world of wargaming, this army, this foreign-born General led
means it is also time to dust off your his brigade in defense of the
copies of Enduring Valor to recreate Wheatfield. WHO WAS….
those memorable Gettysburg battle
scenarios. 4. He was to be the last major general
The paint shop at Gettysburg appointed by Lee to the Army of
Soldiers has been busy working on a Northern Virginia, but as Colonel of
the 4th North Carolina at Gettysburg
variety of custom 15mm personality
his regiment was the first to enter the
generals who contributed prominently in
town. WHO WAS….
the battle. The following images are
some of the commanders we have 5. Troopers of this clever cavalry
ready to take the field on gaming tables commander fired the first shots of
this summer. Gettysburg at General Lee’s army as
To make it more interesting, we’ve they advanced up the
also included a list of “JEOPARDY” trivia Chambersburg Road, and fired the
clues for each of the pictures. The first last shots at General Lee’s army as
subscriber to list the quiz names in they retreated back across the
correct order will win a FREE custom Potomac River at Falling Waters.
15mm General figure, courtesy of
Gettysburg Soldiers (our choice). Since
6. Born into a proud family history of
most of you will undoubtedly get them military service, descendents of this
all right, the first to respond to the editor Confederate general later donated
(Scott) at the CHARGE Newsletter the original Star Spangled Banner to
[] by email, text or the Smithsonian. WHO WAS….
whatever means with all correct answers
will be declared the winner. The winner 7. After their officer’s meeting on the
and correct answers will be announced night of July 2nd, General Meade
in the next issue of CHARGE. Scott will pulled him aside with an ominously
monitor the contest and notify us who accurate warning: "If Lee attacks
tomorrow, it will be on your front."
gets the custom General figure prize.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


8. The first General to engage Union 15. After the war this General, though
troops on July 1st; he later started the crippled from war wounds, married
“search for shoes” myth by and fathered eleven children,
mentioning it in his memoirs. WHO including three sets of twins. WHO

9. This was his second visit to 16. Bitter and resentful after the
Gettysburg; he had taken the town Gettysburg defeat, he was later
three days earlier but left it accused of war crimes because he
unoccupied and moved on to hanged Union prisoners that were
capture York. WHO WAS…. discovered to be ex-Confederates
who had switched sides. WHO
10. He spent his retirement years raising WAS….
cotton, and still wondering what “if
practicable” meant. WHO WAS…. 17. Considered one of the heroes of
Gettysburg, he tried to parlay that
11. According to family stories, his love of heroic reputation by running for
uniforms began at an early age president three times, but never won.
because his father, a member of a WHO WAS….
local militia group, would dress him in
a small soldier's uniform at the age of 18. He was one of Lee’s most reliable
four. WHO WAS…. and competent generals throughout
the war, but personally he had a
12. During the July 2nd Confederate more enduring friendship with Grant,
assault, he had refused to attack that by his own words, they were
Cemetery Ridge without direct almost like brothers. WHO WAS….
orders, so his fresh brigade was
curiously omitted from Pickett’s 19. He had served with Robert E Lee
Charge the next day. WHO WAS…. since the capture of John Brown; but
it was Stonewall Jackson who,
13. After the defeat at Kernstown, remembering his horsemanship skills
Jackson tried to court-martial him for at West Point, gave him his first
retreating without permission, but a cavalry command. WHO WAS….
year later he would serve as pall-
bearer at Jackson’s funeral, and two 20. In ’62, this Union General was
months later be himself killed during captured and sent to Libby Prison;
Pickett’s Charge. WHO WAS…. but later exchanged for a captured
Confederate General. On the
14. Modern historical scholars refer to this battlefield at Gettysburg there are
army commander as the ‘Rodney four statues and monuments to him,
Dangerfield” of ACW generals, a sign of the respect and affection
because he wasn’t Lincoln’s first he had earned. WHO WAS….
choice as commander. He thought
they were coming to arrest him when [Editor’s note: Now that you have read
messengers arrived with news of his through Larry’s clues, have look at the
promotion. He was heavily criticized following 20 pictures and see if you can
after winning the biggest victory of answer the questions. The first correct
the war, and he spent the rest of the response sent to us at wins a
war commanding with U. S. Grant custom figure of Larry’s choice; the 10th
looking over his shoulder. WHO correct response wins a couple of autographed
WAS…. Civil War books from Scott Mingus.]

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Yet another ACW quiz!

Editor’s note: Larry Reber is the author of the No prize for this one; but this is just a fun test
popular Gettysburg Soldiers regimental rules set for of your general Gettysburg knowledge.
miniature wargaming. These rules have been
1. Richard M. Nixon’s great-great-
playtested thoroughly at various conventions and
grandfather George died at Gettysburg
have been on the market for a couple of years. They
in which Union regiment?
are simple, yet highly playable and a lot of fun. Plus,
they are chock full of eye candy with photos of 2. Jimmy Carter’s ancestor fought in
Larry’s 15mm games in progress, many of which what CSA artillery battery?
feature his custom-made generals and other figures. 3. Paul Revere and Billy Dawes were
famous for their midnight ride which
Based in West Virginia along the scenic Ohio River, helped spark the American Revolution
Larry is a long-time wargamer and figure painter. A with the cry “The British are coming!”
good portion of my personal collection of 15mm Each man had a descendant who
figures came from Larry in the early days of his played a role in the Union army at
commercial figure painting business. Gettysburg. Name the 1863 Revere and
Dawes, and their respective regiments
His website is at in the battle.
4. Which famous actor’s ancestor fought
By the way, the answers to the quiz (and the public at Gettysburg? Ronald Reagan, John
announcement of the winners of the trivia contest) Wayne, Daniel Day-Lewis, Jimmy
will be in the next issue of Charge!, which should be Stewart, or Tom Cruise?
in print in May. Thanks Larry for your generosity! 5. CNN broadcaster Anderson Cooper is
the direct descendant of which Union
cavalry general at Gettysburg?
Johnny Reb Gaming Society 6. True or false: George W. Bush’s great-
JR3 Rules Questions great-grandfather served in the Texas
Brigade under John Bell Hood at
Gamers, if you have questions involving rules
interpretation, send them to Scott Mingus, Sr. at Questions will be collected and 7. John F. Kennedy had an ancestor in
forwarded to John Hill for the “Ask John Hill” which regiment of the Irish Brigade?
column. Kennedy visited the monument six
months before he was assassinated.
8. True or false: President Zachary
SAVE THE BATTLEFIELDS!!! Taylor’s son commanded the Louisiana Tigers in 1862, but not at Gettysburg.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

find that for 15mm streams or brooks, you may
Terrain Tips from the wish to make far more curves than straight
pieces to simulate meandering watercourses
World of cutting through farm fields.
Model Railroading Once the bases are cut out, paint each “stream
bed,” using a series of darker colors in the
By Lee King
middle for the deepest part of the watercourse,
a.k.a. “The Budget Wargamer”
with lighter shades to the edges. I have
experimented with various hues, from a dark
Like many wargamers, I have a passing interest
inky brown-black to lighter browns. Remember,
in model railroading, starting from when I was a
streams in nature are often muddy or dark
kid with my old Bachmann™ N-scale layout.
colored, often with a greenish tinge. The bright
Over the years, I have found that RR buffs are
blue streams some of us use for water on the
often a very good source of fresh ideas for my
tabletop, while easy to identify as streams, is not
budget wargaming layouts. Some of their
realistic in most cases.
concepts are readily transferrable to the tabletop
battlefield, while others, such as using various
I blend the edges of the paints, in multiple layers,
natural plants cut and pruned to look like scale
so I end up with a darker look in the middle as
trees, to be untenable because of the need for
earlier suggested. Once I am satisfied with the
portability and the resistance to breakage
coloration, I brush on a clear glossy overcoat.
required by wargamers.
Artist’s gel medium works well, but there are
many options including various clear, glossy
Still, there is much to learn from the world of
varnishes. In the case of very shallow streams,
model railroading, where realistic terrain often
before I “paint” on the water effect, I glue small
makes or breaks a layout. Not wanting to invest
pebbles to simulate rocks or twigs for downed
as much money as many railroaders seem to
tree trunks or other deadwood. I “ripple” the gel
spend, I looked for ideas at train shows which
medium around the impediment, and then when
might be applicable to the tabletop recreation of
dry I dry brush some faint hints of white to
Shiloh or Chancellorsville.
simulate whitecaps.
Here are a few concepts from the model railroad
To make the “banks” of the stream pieces, glue
world which work well for my gaming needs…
down small pieces or chunks of Woodland
Scenics™ clump foliage or a similar material, or
Water effects – Model railroaders with a lot of
use lichen (the latter does tend to dry out,
money can invest in several realistic water
however, rather easily). Vary the colors and sizes
products, such as EZ Water™ and others, from a
to represent the erratic nature of underbrush and
variety of reputable manufacturers and dealers.
vegetation along the streams. On the tabletop, I
However, with a little creativity, it is easy to
will at times line the finished stream with small,
make relatively good-looking rivers and streams
individual trees to further delineate the terrain
which are presentable on the gaming table and
feature as an obstacle to movement of formed
look much better than simply laying down blue
bodies of troops.
felt strips.
These stream pieces tend to be durable and they
Take some relatively rigid plastic card stock or
can be used over and over again. And, they are a
similar sturdy material. Cut into straight lengths
fraction of the cost of some of the commercially
(say 4” in length for 15mm gaming) and curves
available wargaming rivers. For someone with a
(I like two radii; one rather abrupt and short, and
fixed gaming budget, anything I can do to save
the other a more gradual and longer curve).
cost is a good thing.
Make some special pieces to represent
confluences (V-shaped or T-shaped). You will

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

To make fords, paint a road or path at opposite caissons, and supply wagons breaking down as
sides of the stream piece. These are often rocky they rushed to the action, and having discarded
and shallow, so use a much lighter paint blend the broken wheel after repairs have been
for the crossing points and darken it upstream completed.
and downstream to represent the deeper water
away from the ford. You may also wish to “rut” You can also add backpacks, rifles, ammunition
the riverbank/road by painting in thin dark lines. crates, etc. as your imagination allows. Stone
Mountain™ and other makers over the years
Roads – For most Civil War battles, particularly have produced packs of this battlefield debris.
in the Western Theater, dirt roads were the One often reads in Civil War reports and letters
primary lanes of transportation. In the East, and of soldiers leaving their packs along the road as
occasionally in the West, one finds they headed into battle, or later tossing away
macadamized, hard-packed gravel roads. The guns, blanket rolls, packs, etc. in the event of a
Chambersburg Pike at Gettysburg is a good hasty retreat or rout along a road.
example of the latter, as is the Valley Turnpike
(today’s U.S. Route 11) for Cedar Creek, New Trees – These can be one of the most expensive
Market, and other Shenandoah battlefields. elements of any model railroad layout (or
wargaming table, particularly if the Wilderness is
I have made roads in a similar fashion to the your fancy). I have found that railroaders put
streams mentioned earlier. Cut base sheets their most expensive, highest quality trees in the
slightly wider than one stand of your miniature most visible places in their layouts, with cheaper
armies (I like to go ¼” wider on each side). Base “filler” trees off in the distance or in less
sheets can be rigid, or preferably, something noticeable spots. Wargamers don’t usually have
durable yet flexible such as a sheet of rubber or this luxury, because all four sides of the table are
latex. Make more straight pieces than curves. generally accessible to the players and spectators
(if at a convention or club game). Still, a few
Paint the “road surface” within the ¼” borders fancy Woodland Scenics trees can be stretched
with a suitable paint (dark brown, reddish clay with filler trees to good effect.
colored, grayish-buff for the gravel roads, etc.
depending upon the soil composition of the I cut out kidney shapes using a thin piece of
battlefields you are wishing to refight). While the semi-rigid plastic (the black flat dividers often
paint is still very wet, liberally sprinkle on very found in old notebooks as page separators work
fine composition Woodland Scenics or Scenic well. I picked up a lot of these for free when one
Effects™ turf of the appropriate color and allow of the companies I worked for was trashing
to dry overnight. Shake off any excess the next hundreds of old notebooks after recycling the
day. Fill in any holed and allow to dry. paper contents). You may also wish to cut
circular or oval shapes, as well as some linear
Then, draw on any “ruts” you desire with a 4”-6” strips.
Sharpie™ pen. Overspray with a diluted sealant
such as watered-down craft glue and again allow In an old issue of Charge!, I read how a
to dry overnight. Line the edges with bushes or gamemaster used common (and cheap) roofing
grass flocking. Don’t forget to make crossroads nails with large chunks of Woodland Scenics
and intersections (T’s, Y’s, and V’s are best, clump foliage shaped to make cheap trees.
along with + of course). Farm lanes or paths can Another idea, being cheap, is to purchase a bag
be made in similar fashion, except add a strip of of sponges from the local Dollar Tree discount
grass down the middle in between the worn, bare store and then use them instead of the more
spots from the years of wagon and foot traffic. expensive clumps.

I have occasionally added a spare wheel rim, or Drive the nails through the base, flip it over, and
better yet, a broken one alongside the road to glue the large clump or shaped sponge to the
simulate the debris of battle from limbers, “trunk.” Paint and/or flock the base

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

appropriately, and flock the sponge to simulate Editor’s note: What are your own ideas for low
“leaves,” remembering to use a slightly lighter cost terrain? Do you have any tips similar to
shade of flock as highlights where the sunshine Lee’s? Send your ideas to Charge! via our email
would strike the tree. address,

Add small bits of foliage as underbrush, but

remember to leave enough space for your stands ORDER BACK ISSUES OF
of figures to move through the “woods.” By
arranging these bases on your tabletop, you can CHARGE!
create large woods, sporadic woodlots, or a thin ORDERING INFORMATION:
belt of timber. Intermix a few Woodland Scenics Send $6.00 per copy within the USA and
trees on some stands and keep these toward the $7.00 per copy outside the USA to:
outer edges of the “woods” so that they are most JRGS - 1383 Sterling Drive - York, PA -
visible. 17404
Make checks payable to Debi Mingus
Fencing – Ah, the fencing required for many Or use your PayPal account!
scenarios, particularly those battles fought in the
well manicured farm fields of Maryland and
Pennsylvania. Monocacy, Antietam, Gettysburg, “Combat Figures Magazine”
and many other battles require scale miles of features new custom-made
fences for regimental wargaming. Again, the
really nice metal model fences can be used for Gettysburg dioramas!
where the eye will most focus, such as key roads
Check out this great new model soldier on-
or fields in the contested center of the table.
line magazine with a story and custom-
figures from the Battle of Gettysburg and the
For the edges, or away from the main action,
defense of the Wheatfield! Some of these
passable model fences can be made on the cheap.
hand-made figures are really nice. These
Again, model railroaders like to “trick the eye,”
are the handiwork of artist Ron Galletti of
putting the best material in the foreground and
using cheaper materials in bulk for the
For Virginia worm fencing, so prevalent on these
Eastern battlefields, cut small bases of thick
cardstock or rigid plastic in set sizes (2” or 4”
seem to work well or regimental-level ACW
gaming). I use matchsticks (with the heads cut
off, of course) or thin balsa wood as rails. Using
white craft glue, glue down the sticks in a zigzag
pattern, overlapping the ends.

Come back with a second and third layer of

sticks, leaving space in between. Either pre-soak
the matches in diluted black ink before gluing,
or, after gluing the untreated matchsticks and
allowing the glue to thoroughly dry, then apply a
dull gray paint. Paint and flock the base, adding
clumps of bushes, battlefield debris, small
stones, trees, etc. to the base.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

Courtesy of Joe LePard

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Questions on using Johnny Reb 3 for the Mexican War may be addressed to Joe LePard via the Johnny
Reb Gaming Society’s email address at These basic charts are for 15mm regimental-
level wargaming and may be adjusted for 25mm, 10mm, or other scales as outlined in the JR3 rules book.

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

Confederate flag images courtesy of George Anderson

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)


Gettysburg’s Second Day in 15mm!

Photos by George Anderson

Devil’s Den

Peach Orchard, the Wheatfield/Millerstown Road, and Rose Farm

Steven Hofner (Order #35311104)

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