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however, perishable organic implements and food that

are readily decomposed and seldom survive to become
part of the artifactual record may have initially accounted
Richard E. Terry for as much as 90 % of an ancient household’s artifact
Plant and Wildlife Sciences Department, Brigham Young inventory (Cavanagh et al., 1988; Dahlin et al., 2007).
University, Provo, UT, USA Such organic materials associated with food preparation
and consumption can lose their carbon and nitrogen com-
Definition ponents, which decompose to gaseous and soluble sub-
Geochemical analysis: The chemical analysis of elements stances, yet phosphorus (P) and certain trace nutrients –
associated with soils, rocks, and minerals. including iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and
Ethnoarchaeology: The application of archaeological zinc (Zn) – are adsorbed onto soil particles or are precipi-
techniques to elucidate contemporary human activities. tated as insoluble compounds and remain for centuries at
Chelate: Complex organic molecules that surround the location of ancient use. These and other geochemical
metallic ions to hold them in solution and prevent their residues of human activities serve as invisible artifacts.
chemical precipitation. Nonperishable artifacts associated with abandoned hab-
itations and public structures were often picked up and
Introduction moved and then reused at distant locations. In most cases,
Examinations of the physical and chemical properties of the soils and earthen floors of former landscapes are not
soils produce data that augment archaeological informa- transported, and thus the geochemical residues within soils
tion on the structures and artifacts left behind by ancient provide excellent in situ evidence of ancient use (Barba
peoples. In fact, the soil is a palimpsest of the physical et al., 1996; Wells et al., 2000; Parnell et al., 2001; Parnell
changes and chemical residues associated with both et al., 2002; Barba, 2007). Geochemical analyses of soils
ancient and contemporary human activities on the land and floors have become established archaeological
surface. The origin of the term palimpsest dates to classi- methods for locating ancient sites. The results further
cal times, but it commonly refers to medieval manuscripts define the types and extent of human activities within those
on parchment that were reused, because the medium was sites and help in the interpretation of those activities (see
valuable and more durable than papyrus or paper. The reviews by Wilson et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2006;
old ink was partially effaced to clear the sheet for new Holliday and Gartner, 2007; Walkington, 2010).
writing, and in most cases, vestiges of the previous text,
though faded and indistinct, could still be discerned. This Anthropogenic chemical residues in soils
aptly describes the soil medium as a cumulative recorder Phosphorus (P)
of human activities from ancient to contemporary times The application of phosphate analysis in archaeology was
(Bailey, 2007; Dore and López Varela, 2010). Soils can first developed in Europe in the 1930s, where pioneering
store pollen, phytoliths, bones, architectural components, efforts by Arrhenius (1931) and Lorch (1940) indicated
and nonperishable artifacts over sequential occupations; that areas of ancient occupation contained elevated

A.S. Gilbert (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-4409-0,

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017

concentrations of soil P. Ethnographic studies likewise Trace elements

illustrated the relationship of P concentration with domes- Anthropogenic metal and trace element residues have
tic activities (Barba and Ortiz, 1992; Middleton and Price, proven useful in the identification of ancient activities.
1996; Fernández et al., 2002; Terry et al., 2004). Phospho- Much of this work has focused on Cu, Fe, Mn, lead (Pb),
rus is used by plant and animal cells in plasma membranes, and Zn (Bintliff et al., 1990; Entwistle and Abrahams,
nucleic acids, and other organic molecules. When ancient 1997; Entwistle et al., 1998; Entwistle et al., 2000; Parnell
plant and animal foodstuffs were harvested and brought et al., 2002; Terry et al., 2004). Many of the metallic ions
into dwelling places, the P contained in the food was also remain stable in soils for long periods, as their ions are
introduced into the settlement. As the food waste readily adsorbed and precipitated onto clay surfaces, and
decomposed, the mineralized P was readily fixed onto they can form insoluble oxides, sulfates, or carbonates
the surface of soil particles and remained stable for long (Lindsay, 1979; Wells et al., 2000). Some pigments and
periods of time (Barba and Ortiz, 1992; Holliday and paints used by the pre-Hispanic Maya contained metallic
Gartner, 2007). Activities such as preparation, storage, bases, such as hematite and cinnabar (Goffer, 1980;
and disposal of food as well as the fertilizing of soil for Vázquez Negrete and Velázquez, 1996a; Vázquez Negrete
agriculture have left distinct chemical residues that remain and Velázquez, 1996b), and thus, elevated values of trace
relatively in their original place within the soil for metals in soils may help to identify areas where pigments
centuries. were processed or applied and where craft workshops
Soil samples collected prior to excavation can be ana- were located (Terry et al., 2004). For example, evidence
lyzed and their chemical patterns determined and mapped, of workshop activities was provided by trace metal extrac-
in order to prospect for archaeological features of interest. tion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
For instance, Parnell et al. (2001) reported a significant (ICP/MS) or atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)
positive correlation between sherd density discovered analyses of soil and floor samples at Cancuén (Cook
within test pits and surface soil P concentrations. An area et al., 2006), Piedras Negras, and Aguateca, Guatemala
that contains elevated soil P near architectural structures (Parnell et al., 2002; Terry et al., 2004). Multivariate anal-
may indicate locations of residential middens. ysis of P and several trace metals has also proven useful
Floors with elevated P concentrations may indicate (Parnell et al., 2002; Abrahams et al., 2010; López Varela
kitchen and food consumption areas. Ethnoarchaeological and Dore, 2010).
studies of indigenous households have demonstrated that
activities associated with high soil P concentrations
include gardening, food preparation, waste disposal, and Geochemical analysis in the field
sweeping that pushes organic material to the peripheries Two problems arise when samples must be delivered from
of patios and high-traffic areas (Barba and Ortiz, 1992; the field to a distant formal laboratory setting with the
Fernández et al., 2002). Combined with other lines of evi- attendant lengthy wait for chemical analysis and data
dence, geochemical data have helped identify areas used processing. First, the process of moving samples from
as sleeping quarters and spaces in which ritual and funer- field to laboratory and the analytical time required at
ary activities were conducted (Barba et al., 1995; de a busy soil laboratory mean that geochemical data are usu-
Pierrebourg, 1999). Thus, extraordinarily high ally not available before the end of the field season.
P concentrations in soils and on floors can be associated Second, the permitting process for carrying soil samples
with prehistoric food preparation, consumption, storage, across international borders is time-consuming and often
and disposal. Very low levels of P could indicate high- both difficult and expensive. For these reasons, archaeo-
traffic areas such as pathways and patio centers, as move- logical prospection benefits greatly from more rapidly
ment and sweeping push organic debris to the outer obtained results from analyses conducted in situ and in
margins. a field laboratory. As geochemical techniques in archaeo-
Several methods of P extraction have been used in geo- logical research have developed and as analytical capabil-
chemical studies of ancient activity areas. Dilute acid ities have advanced, the demand has grown for relatively
extraction procedures remove a portion of the quick data obtained at the time of excavation or at least
P adsorbed onto the surfaces of soil particles (e.g., in a field laboratory so that within minutes or a couple of
Mehlich, 1978; Middleton and Price, 1996; Terry et al., days, results can be available to guide archaeological
2000; Rypkema et al., 2007). The concentrations of investigations and to target features of interest.
extracted P vary with the type and strength of the acid. Simple spot tests for soil P, amino acids, and lipids have
In each extraction procedure, the portion of P analyzed is been developed (Eidt, 1973; Barba et al., 1991) for in situ
affected by soil acidity or alkalinity, percentage of organic use. In the field laboratory, extractable P tests can be
matter, clay content and mineralogy, and other physical conducted with relatively inexpensive equipment and
and chemical properties of the soil. For these reasons, chemicals. Both Terry et al. (2000) and Rypkema
the magnitude of extracted P concentration differs with et al. (2007) have described such tests and equipment.
the extraction procedure, with the type of soil, and with Much of the equipment needed for geochemical analysis
the geographic origin of the soil. of archaeological soils in a field laboratory is available

Field Geochemistry, Figure 1 A triangular grid was superimposed on the Conchita Plaza group near Caracol, Belize. Each grid point
was 10 m from adjacent grid points. North-south pathways through the dense vegetation were cut 8.67 m apart to allow
equidistance sampling at 10 m.

in battery-powered form, including electronic balances, therefore adequately represent the specific area of sam-
timers, pH meters, and colorimeters. Deionization car- pling. Samples may be taken on a gridded system for
tridges can be linked by flexible tubing in the field lab to geospatial analysis of an area, or they may be taken at
provide laboratory-quality water for chemical analyses. intervals along a transect in search of “hot spots” for later
Limitations inherent in a field laboratory setting likely study. In many cases, the ancient occupation surface is at
preclude the use of concentrated acids for sample diges- the contemporary soil surface. Leaf litter should be
tion in preparation for total elemental analysis. There are removed and approximately 500 g of soil collected. It is
the safety issues of toxic fumes and the necessity of safety recommended that this sample be obtained from three or
showers, eyewashes, and climate control that are cost pro- four spots within 0.5 m of a grid point or transect location.
hibitive in a field laboratory situation. In addition, the The sample contains moisture, roots, and gravel that should
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer and the be removed during sample preparation. It is important to
atomic adsorption (AA) spectrophotometer necessary for collect sufficient sample for all of the planned analyses,
total element analysis are not available in a format that along with sufficient sample to allow procedures to be
would allow field laboratory use. However, recent repeated if necessary. In some cases, excavated occupation
advances in the development of battery-operated, portable surfaces are exposed and lend themselves well to sampling.
X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) instruments may allow The archaeologist’s grid can help in the sampling. If there
researchers to obtain reliable total elemental analysis both are no excavation markers, a permanent reference point
in situ and in the field laboratory. with east-west and north-south lines can establish a grid.
Geospatial analysis is most effectively conducted if the
Soil sampling distance between adjacent samples is the same, and this
The key to excellent soil geochemical data is representa- can be facilitated with an isosceles triangular grid
tive and statistically sound sampling. Only a few crumbs (Figure 1).
or a couple of grams of soil end up in an extraction vessel The type of sampling bag to be used should be carefully
or an analysis vial. Those tiny amounts of soil must considered. In either the field lab or the formal laboratory

setting, the analyst is going to remove either the full con- Mehlich III extractable phosphate procedure
tents or only part of the material repeatedly. We have Rypkema et al. (2007) adapted a Mehlich III (solution of
found heavy (0.064 mm thick) plastic bags to work best acetic acid, ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, and ammonium
if they must be opened and closed several times. Sandwich fluoride) extraction method, for infield P prospection.
bags or light-duty plastic bags tend to leak, they do not They used a 5-min extraction time and employed syringe
stand up, they do not facilitate vigorous mixing, and they filtration with a glass fiber filter. They describe a two-part
generally do not survive a bank of soil preparation and color development process that mixes 3 ml of extractant
analysis procedures. with 0.3 ml of a solution of ammonium molybdate and sul-
furic acid and 0.3 ml of a solution of malachite green and
Soil sample preparation polyvinyl acid. They reported that both reagent solutions
For geochemical concentration data to be accurate, soil were stable over time and temperature ranges, making
samples need to be air-dried, crushed, and sieved to them robust field materials. The extractant-reagent mix-
remove rocks, roots, and non-soil debris. Soil samples ture develops color from a light yellow-green to a dark
should be corrected for air-dry moisture content, which green with increasing P levels. Concentrations of P are
can be done by weighing the sample and oven-drying it determined by a battery-operated colorimeter at
at approximately 105  C to constant weight (generally a wavelength of 620 nm.
12–24 h depending on size of the sample). The field lab
is unlikely to have access to a drying oven; therefore, upon Mehlich II extractable phosphate procedure
return to the formal laboratory, the air-dry and oven-dry Terry et al. (2000) adapted a Mehlich II extraction proce-
weights should be determined so that moisture correction dure (Mehlich, 1978) for use in a field laboratory for
factors can then be applied. P prospection at the ancient Maya site of Piedras Negras.
In a field lab, a few mortars and pestles can facilitate Ready-mixed Hach reagents (Loveland, CO) were conve-
crushing of dry soil aggregates, using care so as not to nient for field laboratory extraction and molybdate-
crush stones and non-soil debris greater than 2 mm in phosphate color development. Phosphorus concentrations
diameter. A 2-mm (#10-mesh) sieve is used to remove this were determined with the use of a battery-operated color-
debris. No further grinding or sieving should be required imeter. A field laboratory setup is shown in Figure 2.
for field lab analyses. In our laboratory, samples are The following method was used: Two grams of
air-dried for a couple of days on clean sheets of office air-dried, sieved (<2-mm) soil sample were placed in
paper. Samples are either crushed and sieved at this time one of six 50-ml glass vials attached to a board that facil-
or returned to the original bag to await further processing. itated shaking and processing of multiple samples. Once
each soil sample was extracted with 20 ml of diluted
Mehlich II solution for 5 min, the extractant was filtered
Field laboratory measurements and the filtrate collected in clean 50-ml vials. One millili-
In all tests for soil P, care must be taken to avoid contam- ter of the extract was dispensed to a reaction vial and
ination by hands, rubber stoppers, or detergents that might diluted to 10 ml with deionized water, and the contents
contain phosphate. Phosphate-free detergent is used to of the PhosVer 3 powder pack were added to the vial.
clean all glass and plasticware. In some cases, it may be The sample was shaken by hand for exactly 1 min, and
necessary to rinse laboratory ware with 1 M HCl to elim- allowed to stand an additional 4 min for color develop-
inate P contamination. ment. The concentration of P in the samples was deter-
mined on a Hach DR 850 colorimeter at a wavelength of
Spot tests 610 nm.
The spot test for field P analysis was described by Eidt Precautions should be taken with P extraction and anal-
(1973). Briefly, the procedure calls for about 50 mg of ysis in the field lab:
fresh or prepared soil to be placed in the center of a filter- 1. Both the P extraction and the phosphate-molybdate and
paper disk. Two drops of reagent A are added without reductant reactions are temperature dependent. We
touching the soil with the dropper tip (Eidt, 1973). After found that once the temperature of the laboratory and
30 s, two drops of reagent B are added. A blue color the extractant solution exceeded 35  C, the blue molyb-
may appear after 2 min, and readings should be taken date color appeared even with no phosphate in solu-
before 8 min pass. Visual ratings of the lengths and inten- tion. To resolve this problem in a hot climate region,
sities of blue lines and rings are judged to give P ratings of one should perform the analysis only in an
none, weak, regular, good, or strong. The phosphorus spot air-conditioned space or in the cool of the morning.
test is simple and inexpensive, but the results are not quan- In the jungles of Guatemala, we finished our analysis
titative. Values are affected by sample size, color percep- before about 11 AM, as, afterward, the temperatures
tion of the analyst, and temperature, as well as other rose above 35  C.
environmental conditions in the field or the laboratory. 2. Another source of error to be avoided is the auto-
In addition, the dynamic range of P concentrations deter- reaction of the PhosVer 3 crystals. If the crystals are
mined by the spot test is limited (Terry et al., 2000). allowed to settle to the bottom of the reaction vial and

Field Geochemistry, Figure 2 The field laboratory set up near Tikal, Guatemala, for Olsen bicarbonate extraction and analysis of
soil P.

to remain in proximity to each other, they will auto- indicated above. The PhosVer 3 reagents are acidic and
react. The blue color will develop even if P is absent will cause effervescence. It is a good idea to relieve pres-
from the solution. The way to avoid this potential prob- sure occasionally by cracking open the lid of the colorim-
lem is to dissolve the reagents immediately. The con- eter vial and closing again for continued shaking.
tents of the PhosVer 3 packet can be added to one Terry et al. (2000) subjected 35 soils of household mid-
sample at a time and shaken for 60 s. dens, patios, and pathways from Piedras Negras, Guate-
mala, to the Eidt spot test, the Mehlich II extraction, the
The colorimeter reports the percent transmittance of Olsen bicarbonate extraction, and the nitric/perchloric
specific wavelengths of light. These transmittance values acid total P digestion procedures. While all four proce-
are then converted to ppm in the reaction solution dures identified high soil P levels in household middens
according to a standard curve. The Mehlich II concentrate and low P concentrations in patio and pathway soils, the
solution that is available from Hach Co. contains hazard- Mehlich II dilute acid and the Olsen bicarbonate extrac-
ous acids and thus is prohibited from transport within air- tion procedures provided the greatest ratios of midden
line baggage. The reagent can be purchased in foreign P concentrations to background P concentrations of 6.7
countries from Hach distributers, but our experience has and 10.6, respectively (Table 1). The midden-background
been that it takes about 1 year of difficult negotiations concentration ratios obtained by total digestion and the
before the reagent is imported. As an alternative for use spot tests were 2.2 and 2.5, respectively.
in calcareous soils and lime-stucco floors common to most
ancient Maya sites, the Olsen bicarbonate (Olsen and
Sommers, 1982) extraction can be successfully used in Trace element analysis of soils
the place of the Mehlich II extraction. Elevated trace metal concentrations of Fe, Mn, and Cu
could be indicative of mineral paints and pigments used
Olsen bicarbonate extraction in ancient times. Zinc is not a primary mineral pigment
The Olsen procedure was developed for determination of but may be present as a contaminant of mineral ores.
plant available P in neutral to alkaline soils that contain A more likely source of Zn is the vegetable matter used
calcium carbonate. The P concentrations extracted by in households. While Fe, Mn, and Cu are also trace con-
sodium bicarbonate from the soil tend to be lower than stituents of foodstuffs, these minerals were also specifi-
with the dilute acid Mehlich extractant, but the results in cally collected and used in workshop activities.
low P concentration samples compared to samples anthro- Chelates are complex organic molecules that surround
pogenically enriched in P are relative. The advantage of and hold in solution metallic ions that would otherwise
the bicarbonate extraction is that the reagent can be pur- quickly precipitate. The diethylenetriaminepentaacetic
chased at local markets and pharmacies. The concentra- acid (DTPA) chelate extraction method (Lindsay and
tion of sodium bicarbonate is 0.5 M and the extraction Norvell, 1978) can be used to solubilize surface adsorbed
time with shaking is increased to 20 min. The samples and slightly soluble trace metals that may be plant avail-
are filtered and dispensed, and color is developed as able. This method is often used in determining heavy

Field Geochemistry, Table 1 Summary comparison of soil by atoms in the sample and reradiated as X-rays of specific
P concentrations from 35 samples determined by four different lower energy in a photoelectric effect. A rearrangement of
extraction and total digestion procedures. The samples were electrons happens as a consequence of X-ray irradiation,
obtained from groups O and N at Piedras Negras, Guatemala which can cause ionization, or the ejection of an electron
(Terry et al., 2000)
from an inner orbital. X-ray fluorescence is the emission
Mehlich P Olsen P Total P Spot test of high-energy photons as an electron from a higher orbital
Rating replaces the one ejected, allowing the atom to return to
mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 1–5 normal energy levels. Using this method, concentrations
of specific elements of interest can be measured by an
Maximum 125 65 2,949 5 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer contained in the device.
Minimum 17 5 1,042 2
Mean 33 19 1,854 4
The determined X-ray energy of the fluorescence is spe-
STDEV 19 12 395 1 cific for each element (Bernick et al., 1995; Kalnicky
Background 19 6 1,132 2 and Singhvi, 2001; Jang, 2010), and the amount of radia-
Midden sample N6–7 125 65 2,476 5 tion released is related to the concentration of an element
Midden: background 6.7 10.6 2.2 2.5 in the sample (Juvonen et al., 2009).
ratio Unfortunately, the pXRF analysis of soil P is not ade-
quate to differentiate soils with subtle differences in
The “background” levels of P were determined by averaging 10 %
of the samples lowest in concentration. The midden-background anthropogenic P within activity areas. The energy emitted
ratio was determined by dividing the P concentration of the soil at by P is low, and therefore, the error in P analysis by pXRF
a known kitchen midden by the background concentration deter- is large. In addition, the X-ray energy of P shows up on the
mined by each P analysis method shoulder of the energy peak for silicon (Si), so that the
Spot test rating: 1 ¼ no blue color development; 5 ¼ a continuous large Si content of soils increases the error in
ring of strong blue color development P concentration measurement (Coronel, 2011; Coronel
et al., 2014). For this reason, it is recommended that one
of the extractable P analyses be performed in the field
lab. Several scientists are developing protocols for the
use of pXRF in situ and in the field laboratory (e.g., Bernick
metal contamination of environmental samples, and it is et al., 1995; Kalnicky and Singhvi, 2001; Carr et al., 2008;
useful in characterizing the metal ions associated with Jang 2010; Martín Peinado et al., 2010; Coronel, 2011; Zhu
human activities such as food use and mineral use in work- et al., 2011; Davis et al., 2012; Weindorf et al., 2012a;
shop activities. Unfortunately, the method does not lend Weindorf et al., 2012b; Coronel et al., 2014).
itself well to the field laboratory, but if samples are For pXRF analysis under ideal laboratory conditions, it
returned to a formal laboratory possessing the necessary is recommended that dry soil samples be ground to pass a -
equipment, the procedure could be used. The concentra- 100-mesh (<0.149-mm) sieve and that the sample be
tions of Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, strontium (Sr), Zn, and other ele- contained behind 0.0036-mm plastic film (USEPA,
ments of interest can be determined simultaneously on the 2007; Jang, 2010). In the field lab, it is more feasible to
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer air-dry, crush, and sieve soils to 10 mesh (<2 mm) than
(ICP-AES). to spend the time and labor to grind the samples to
100 mesh. Coronel and colleagues (2014) found no signif-
Portable X-ray fluorescence icant difference in the pXRF analyses of Ti, Fe, Cu, and Zn
The cutting-edge technology of portable X-ray fluores- in samples crushed to pass either 10-mesh or 100-mesh
cence (pXRF) could be used to facilitate soil chemical sieves. Concentrations of Sr and Zr were attenuated by
analysis of total mineral elements in a field laboratory approximately 10 % when samples passed only a 10-mesh
(Koester et al., 2003; Hou et al., 2004; Melquiades and sieve. Prepared samples can be poured onto a 0.0036-mm
Appoloni, 2004; Marwick, 2005; Jozic et al., 2009; film atop the pXRF window to a depth of 1–2 cm for an
Donais et al., 2010; Donais et al., 2011; Coronel analysis time of 120 s. Compared to oven-dry samples,
et al. 2014). The pXRF instrument not only makes the the X-ray signals from air-dry soil (about 96 % solids)
work of elemental analysis possible in situ or in a field lab- were reduced by approximately 8 %, while elemental con-
oratory (Bernick et al., 1995; Radu and Diamond, 2009), centrations in field-moist soils (about 82 % solids) at
but the analysis can be performed more economically approximately 33-kPa (0.33-bar) moisture potential
and much faster than sending samples to an ICP laboratory were attenuated by 11 %.
facility for analysis. The pXRF is a battery-operated, Further improvements of in situ protocols are needed,
handheld device that determines total elemental content and more robust and less cumbersome pXRF instruments
for elements heavier than calcium. The instrument is about should be developed. Soil moisture and soil heterogeneity
one-fifth of the cost of an ICP-AES and is fully functional of in situ samples increase the error rate of pXRF measure-
in a field laboratory. The device is equipped with a probe ments, but these error rates do not preclude the use of
window and an X-ray tube that irradiates the sample. pXRF for qualitative and semiquantitative comparisons.
The high-energy X-rays can either scatter or be absorbed In situ measurements could prove useful in initial

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Evaluation of a total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer USEPA, 2007. Method 6200: Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence
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samples. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, tions in Soil and Sediment. Washington, DC: USEPA.
9(2), 173–178. Vázquez Negrete, J., and Velázquez, R., 1996a. Análisis químico de
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of environmental samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 83 incensarios tipo Palenque y cinabrio usado en practicas
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test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Science Society of In Macri, M. J., and McHargue, J. (eds.), Eighth Palenque
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Lorch, W., 1940. Die siedlungsgeographische Phosphatmethode. Weindorf, D. C., Zhu, Y., Chakraborty, S., Bakr, N., and Huang, B.,
Die Naturwissenschaften, 28(40–41), 633–640. 2012a. Use of portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for
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Weindorf, D. C., Zhu, Y., Haggard, B., Lofton, J., Chakraborty, S., investigation of human activity foci than targeted excava-
Bakr, N., Zhang, W., Weindorf, W. C., and Legoria, M., 2012b. tion or chance discoveries could provide (e.g., Fox, 1923).
Enhanced pedon horizonation using portable x-ray fluorescence The methodology of field survey has continuously
spectrometry. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76(2),
522–531. improved in complexity over time, and practitioners are
Wells, E. C., Terry, R. E., Parnell, J. J., Hardin, P. J., Jackson, M. W., still in the process of evolving a rigorous and agreed-upon
and Houston, S. D., 2000. Chemical analyses of ancient set of practices. It is typical even today for field survey
anthrosols in residential areas at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. projects to continue experimenting each year and for con-
Journal of Archaeological Science, 27(6), 449–462. siderable diversity in approaches to occur among projects.
Wilson, C. A., Davidson, D. A., and Cresser, M. S., 2005. An eval- Initially, “topographers” travelled extensively into the
uation of multielement analysis of historic soil contamination to
differentiate space use and former function in and around aban- countryside, often with ancient texts in hand when historic
doned farms. Holocene, 15(7), 1094–1099. sites were mentioned or with advice from local villagers as
Wilson, C. A., Cresser, M. S., and Davidson, D. A., 2006. Sequen- to where “remains” of all kinds were known. Recording
tial element extraction of soils from abandoned farms: an inves- began with ruins and earthworks in the early centuries,
tigation of the partitioning of anthropogenic element inputs from supplemented by coins and sculpture, but by the late nine-
historic land use. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8(4), teenth century, the importance of the everyday, and far
Zhu, Y., Weindorf, D. C., and Zhang, W., 2011. Characterizing soils
more plentiful, human traces such as potsherds and stone
using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer: 1. Soil texture. tools was realized, as such finds allowed a far greater
Geoderma, 167–168, 167–177. range of sites to be discovered while providing the pri-
mary means – still true today – of dating the periods of
time in the past during which a given findspot was in use.
This new phase of survey history, with its focus on pot-
tery and lithics backed up by the evidence of ruined struc-
FIELD SURVEY tures where preserved, was practiced with what today
would be called “grab samples”: small collections of hope-
John Bintliff fully diagnostic artifacts that would provide chronological
School of Archaeology, Classics and History, Edinburgh information and some idea of site function for a findspot
University, Edinburgh, UK (e.g., settlement, burial, temporary activity in the land-
scape such as a hunting stand, or seasonal farming base).
Definition and introduction Moreover, the coverage of a region was still “extensive,”
and surveyors ranged over large areas in vehicles or on
Archaeological field survey refers to the systematic study foot, gaining a general impression of the kinds of site to
of the surface traces of past human activity in the land- be encountered and the overall balance of activities from
scape (see also entry Landscape archaeology). The most phase to phase. By the 1950s, major programs of regional
common forms of such evidence are broken pottery and survey were set in motion in different parts of the world,
stone tools, but in protohistoric and historic societies, vis- each conceived with a conscious intention to tackle spe-
ible remains range from fragments of art through house cific historical problems. What set these projects apart
foundations to standing monuments such as hillforts and from most earlier endeavors was their large scale, the
temples. deliberate inclusion of a range of complementary disci-
plines in addition to archaeology, and the “problem orien-
Field survey tation” planned within a regional framework. Among the
During the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries, landscape most noteworthy, during which chosen sites were also
mapping of the more substantial forms of surface remains excavated on occasion, were (1) the team led by Robert
was the dominant aspect of archaeology, with excavation Braidwood (Braidwood, 1937; Braidwood et al., 1983)
being much rarer and less sophisticated. Even after the researching the origins of agriculture in the Fertile Cres-
development of scientific forms of excavation by the early cent of the Near East, followed by (2) Robert McCormick
twentieth century, wider research in the total landscape has Adams’s (1965, 1981) studies of the long-term settlement
remained of equal importance for compiling maps of past development of later prehistoric to historic Southern Mes-
human activity in the countryside. This is due to the early opotamia, (3) the Valley of Tehuacán project of Richard
recognition that the density of archaeological sites is far MacNeish (1967–1972) (also particularly focused on the
greater than the capacity of archaeologists to excavate development from hunter-gatherers through the earliest
them, especially in areas where human society has a long maize farmers to the rise of civilization), (4) the South
record of intensive settlement – such as Mesoamerica, Etruria Survey led by John Ward-Perkins (Potter, 1979),
the American Southwest, large parts of the Mediterranean and (5) the Messenia Project directed by William
and Near East, and Japan. Early collaboration with geog- McDonald and Richard Hope Simpson (McDonald and
raphers, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, Rapp, 1972) (see entry Minnesota Messenia Expedition
led to a lasting interest in settlement patterns, their evolu- (MME)). As these pioneering major projects proceeded,
tion over time, and their relationship to the physical char- experiments were conducted with more systematic site-
acteristics of a region. This also required a spatially wider mapping and artifact collection procedures commensurate

with the quantitative emphasis of the “New Archaeology,” Advice from project geoarchaeologists could sensitize
which in the 1960s–1970s urged that survey be brought surveys to those localities unlikely to provide “windows”
within the model of experimental science (e.g., Redman into past landscapes, and these might be omitted from
and Watson, 1970; Flannery, 1976). study or alternatively (but rarely) probed by coring if
During the 1980s and 1990s, a new generation of remains were expected to be buried. Vegetation cover –
regional projects adopted a more complete, “intensive” grassland or forest – posed seemingly equal hindrances
survey procedure, where each field or artificial study to effective surface survey, but coping methods have
block (sometimes called a transect) in the landscape was included focusing on areas temporarily opened by fire as
walked at close intervals (5–20 m usually between well as shovel-pit testing, in which numerous small units
fieldwalkers) so that even small artifact concentrations one or a few meters square are stripped to the subsoil to
would be encountered (what this writer dubbed in 1994 evaluate buried finds (reviewed by Shott, 1985). On
the “New Wave” surveys). Visibility measurements were a more archaeological front, the relative survival and visi-
taken in order to control for differential recognition of sites bility of artifacts themselves have been raised as limiting
due to the variable density of surface vegetation, and geo- factors in site recognition, i.e., the “hidden landscape”
morphologists were increasingly deployed on the team to concept (Bintliff et al., 1999), which implies that for some
identify areas of likely loss or burial of artifacts due to ero- eras of the past, even a handful of surface finds may repre-
sion or colluvial-alluvial processes (e.g., Cherry et al., sent a significant former activity focus.
1988). In the latter part of this phase, the concept of In the heyday of “New Archaeology” in the
“non-site” survey emerged in the United States and was 1960s–1970s, it appeared attractive to limit overall land-
more generally adopted; it recognized that the landscape scape coverage, the area of a located site to be studied,
between the activity concentrations termed “sites” often or the amount of artifacts to be collected, through an
contained significant numbers of dispersed artifacts. It explicit sampling strategy linked to statistical methodolo-
became common to refocus surface survey onto the map- gies, such as stratified sampling in which homogeneous
ping of individual artifacts across the landscape, with subareas (strata) would be identified and sampled inde-
a secondary stage being the identification of the patterns pendently (cf. Cherry et al., 1978; Renfrew and Wagstaff,
in these total distributions and the variable processes that 1982). Warnings about such procedures (already in
might have created them. Besides the effects of weather, Flannery, 1976) have not prevented their continued use,
cultivation, or construction activities, which could shift the central failing being the concept of designing
artifacts out of sites into their immediate surroundings, a reliable sample of a larger whole whose properties are
more distant scatters could be shown to reflect unknown. More experiments are required where samples
“taskscapes” in the countryside: temporary bases for hunt- are compared with complete spatial coverage and artifact
ing or farming, mining, etc. An additional category was samples with total surface collection, before such short-
given prominence by the Near Eastern regional surveys cuts can be recommended.
of Wilkinson, where intensive agricultural manuring in Since the late 1990s and early 2000s, a wider process of
certain periods of the past, using undifferentiated domestic rethinking the methodology and interpretative potential of
rubbish, had resulted in extensive carpets of artifacts surface surveys has been in operation as a form of “source
across the landscape radiating from settlement sites criticism.” Comparative survey analysis, where practi-
(Bintliff and Snodgrass, 1988a; Wilkinson, 1989). tioners review each other’s methods, theories, and inter-
Although criticized by some, subsequent exhaustive pretations and attempt to amalgamate data from separate
investigations leave little doubt that in some landscapes surveys, is one aspect of this reevaluation (cf. Bintliff
and usually for restricted periods, massive manuring did et al., 2000; Alcock and Cherry, 2004). Two practical
indeed occur, with major implications, as Wilkinson examples are Farinetti’s integration of site data from all
argued, for detecting population pressure and ecological forms of surface research since the nineteenth century
sustainability (e.g., Bintliff et al., 2007). Finally, moti- for the central Greek province of Boeotia (Farinetti,
vated by the pioneer survey of the New World’s largest 2011) and Gkiasta’s overview of the history and results
pre-Columbian agglomeration, Teotihuacan (Millon, of survey on the island of Crete (Gkiasta, 2008). Another
1964), it proved possible to survey large urban sites in aspect of rethinking survey approaches is the publication
a relatively short period of one or several seasons (e.g., of surface survey manuals (e.g., Banning, 2002).
Bintliff and Snodgrass, 1988b; Bintliff, 2014). Finally, one can mention a number of extra dimensions
As the shift from a non-site approach to regional survey to traditional survey which are being increasingly featured
occurred, awareness was growing that even if conducted in published projects. Some surveys have deliberately
on a field-by-field basis, intensive surveys detected only worked in terrain not considered ideal for surface survey,
a certain sample of past activity in the landscape. The such as mountain zones, tropical forests, pastoral low-
problem lay in evaluating what was missed and whether lands, or dune environments, where a range of additional
there were ways to compensate for such omissions. One techniques have been necessary to deal with problems of
filter was already noted: the geomorphological constraints site detection. Problem periods, or past intervals for which
that determined whether surface artifacts and sites could it has proved difficult to find significant numbers of activ-
be seen at the present day (van Leusen et al., 2011). ity foci, have led to predictive modeling based on

compiled evidence that isolates landscape characteristics Bintliff, J. L., Kuna, M., and Venclová, N. (eds.), 2000. The Future
where survey is more likely to recover adequate data of Surface Artefact Survey in Europe. Sheffield: Sheffield
(e.g., Paleolithic-Mesolithic sites in semiarid environ- Academic Press.
Bintliff, J. L., Howard, P., and Snodgrass, A. M. (eds.), 2007.
ments, Runnels et al., 2005). Scientific aids have become Testing the Hinterland: The Work of the Boeotia Survey
more frequently used as additional means to study past (1989–1991) in the Southern Approaches to the City of Thespiai.
settlements, such as a battery of geophysical methods to Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs, University of
map subsurface features, geochemical soil testing to detect Cambridge.
human activity zones, aerial photography, and satellite Braidwood, R. J., 1937. Mounds in the Plain of Antioch. An Archae-
imaging (e.g., Philip et al., 2005) (see entries Remote ological Survey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Oriental
Institute Publications, Vol. 48.
Sensing in Archaeology; Geophysics; Electrical Resistiv- Braidwood, L. S., Braidwood, R. J., Howe, B., Reed, C., and
ity and Electromagnetism). Geographical information sys- Watson, P. J. (eds.), 1983. Prehistoric Archeology Along the
tems (GIS) have brought two contrasting advantages to Zagros Flanks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Oriental
field survey. First, GIS using palmtops and GPS links Institute Publications, Vol. 105.
can allow accurate and speedy plotting of landscape units Cherry, J. F., Gamble, C., and Shennan, S. J. (eds.), 1978. Sampling
under study in the field as well as recording data in real in Contemporary British Archaeology. British Archaeological
Reports, British Series 50. Oxford: British Archaeological
time, and second, GIS can assist the recent interest in the Reports.
phenomenology of landscape through estimating human Cherry, J. F., Davis, J. L., Demitrack, A., Mantzourani, E., Strasser,
navigation potential and the sensory perception of T. F., and Talalay, L. E., 1988. Archaeological survey in an
a particular terrain. There remains, however, artifact-rich landscape: a Middle Neolithic example from
a considerable lack of experimental evidence on the Nemea, Greece. American Journal of Archaeology, 92(2),
effects of using different methodologies on the data pro- 159–176.
duced through survey, and many key issues are still uncer- Farinetti, E., 2011. Boeotian Landscapes: A GIS-based Study for the
Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Archaeological
tain. These issues include (1) the desired size and Datasets of Ancient Boeotia. Oxford: Archaeopress. British
composition of artifact samples to achieve reliable repre- Archaeological Reports, International Series S2195.
sentativeness for an activity focus (Bintliff, 2012), Flannery, K. V. (ed.), 1976. The Early Mesoamerican Village. New
(2) the best way to reconstruct demographic estimates York: Academic.
from survey data, and (3) whether regional surface survey Fox, C., 1923. The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region.
can move from generalized pictures of the long and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gkiasta, M., 2008. Historiography of Landscape Research on
medium term (thousands to hundreds of years) to detect Crete. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Archaeological Studies
the dynamism of human settlement at the historical scale Leiden University, Vol. 16.
of decades or even individual years. McDonald, W. A., and Rapp, G. R. (eds.), 1972. The Minnesota
Messenia Expedition: Reconstructing a Bronze Age Regional
Environment. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
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Press. Antiquity, 29(3), 345–352.
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tlements and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphra- Bshesh, M., Shaw, A., Westaway, R., and Wilkinson, K., 2005.
tes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Settlement and landscape development in the Homs region,
Alcock, S. E., and Cherry, J. F. (eds.), 2004. Side-by-Side Survey. Syria. Report on work undertaken during 2001–2003. Levant,
Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World. 37: 21–41.
Oxford: Oxbow. Potter, T. W., 1979. The Changing Landscape of South Etruria.
Banning, E. B., 2002. Archaeological Survey. New York: Kluwer London: Elek.
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S. J., Burgers, G.-J., and Corsi, C. (eds.), Urban Landscape Sur- University Press.
vey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 44–52. Runnels, C., Panagopoulou, E., Murray, P., Tsartsidou, G., Allen, S.,
Bintliff, J. L., 2014. Intra-site artefact surveys. In Corsi, C., Slapšak, Mullen, K., and Tourloukis, E., 2005. A Mesolithic landscape in
B., and Vermeulen, F. (eds.), Good Practice in Archaeological Greece: testing a site-location model in the Argolid at Kandia.
Diagnostics: Non-invasive Survey of Complex Archaeological Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 18(2), 259–285.
Sites. Cham: Springer, pp. 193–207. Shott, M., 1985. Shovel-test sampling as a site discovery technique:
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Anthropology, 29(3), 506–513. Van Leusen, M., Pizziolo, G., and Sarti, L. (eds.), 2011. Hidden
Bintliff, J. L., and Snodgrass, A. M., 1988b. Mediterranean survey Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe. Cultural and
and the city. Antiquity, 62(234), 57–71. Methodological Biases in Pre- and Protohistoric Landscape
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landscape of prehistoric Greece. Journal of Mediterranean May 25–27, 2007. British Archaeological Reports, International
Archaeology, 12(2), 139–168. Series 2320. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Wilkinson, T. J., 1989. Extensive sherd scatters and land-use zircon (zirconium silicate), and titanate (calcium titanium
intensity: some recent results. Journal of Field Archaeology, silicate), as well as volcanic glass. As for any radioactive
16(1), 31–46. decay process, spontaneous fission occurs with a specific
decay rate constant, so that the measurement of the num-
Cross-references ber of tracks and 238U content – determined by either neu-
Alluvial Settings tron irradiation in a nuclear reactor or by laser ablation
Colluvial Settings inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Electrical Resistivity and Electromagnetism (LA-ICP-MS) – can be used to calculate a fission track
Field Geochemistry age for a mineral grain or glass fragment. Precision of
Geophysics the dating depends mainly on the number of fission tracks
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Landscape Archaeology
counted in mineral grains, as well as in standard glass
Minnesota Messenia Expedition (MME) monitors (where 238U content is determined by neutron
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction irradiation) or from calculated analytical uncertainties
Soils, Agricultural (where 238U content is measured by LA-ICP-MS).

FISSION TRACK DATING Fission track ages can be applied in two ways.
First, where mineral samples have cooled rapidly and
remained thermally “undisturbed” relatively close to or
Barry Kohn
at the Earth’s surface, they may be used to determine abso-
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne,
lute ages, e.g., volcanic units, meteorite impact events, and
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
kimberlite emplacement.
Definition Second, at elevated temperatures, tracks may be par-
tially or entirely erased by thermal annealing (repair of
Fission track dating is a radiometric method of age track damage), during which they are gradually restored
determination based on the accumulation within insulating to the ordered structure of the crystalline matrix by pro-
solids of damage trails formed by the spontaneous nuclear gressive shrinkage from each end. For apatite,
fission decay of the uranium isotope 238U. a commonly studied mineral, most track annealing pro-
ceeds progressively between about 60 and 110  C (but this
Principles varies with heating time and chemical composition), with
The main mode of radioactive decay for the 238U nucleus is the fission track clock being reset to zero with total track
a-particle emission; however, about one in every two mil- erasure. The annealing temperature range is equivalent to
lion decays is by nuclear fission. During fission, the heavy, depths between about 2 and 6 km in the uppermost part
unstable nucleus splits into two uneven, positively charged of the Earth’s crust. By analyzing fission track age and
fragments. The two fragments are propelled in opposite track length information, the thermal history of samples
directions from the reaction site, dissipating their consider- collected at the Earth’s surface or in deep boreholes can
able excess kinetic energy in the host crystal lattice. This be determined. This provides unique information for
interaction disrupts the crystal structure creating a single reconstructing geological histories in terms of processes
linear damage trail at the atomic scale. The trails cannot such as tectonism, fluid flow, and landscape evolution.
be observed optically, but because they are very reactive, Fission track thermal history studies have been applied
they can be enlarged with chemical etchants to become vis- to a wide range of geological problems, e.g., sedimentary
ible under an optical microscope. The maximum size of an basin evolution, sedimentary provenance, structural
etched fission track depends on the physical and chemical development of orogenic belts, and continental denuda-
properties of the host mineral but is typically about tion patterns (e.g., Gallagher et al., 1998; Dumitru, 2000;
11–17 mm long and 1–2 mm wide. Although spontaneous Gleadow et al., 2002).
fission occurs in other naturally occurring heavy isotopes Archaeological applications have been related mostly
(e.g., 235U and 232Th), their half-lives are too long to pro- to dating of man-made glasses, ceramics, obsidian, and
duce a significant number of tracks. The time span over heated stones (e.g., Wagner and van den Haute, 1992).
which fission track dating can be applied is very broad Because of the long half-life of spontaneous uranium fis-
and is essentially determined by the areal density of fission sion and the relative youthfulness of archaeological mate-
tracks preserved in the material of interest. Cultural objects rials, this often requires large samples with relatively high
only several decades in age to minerals and glasses, some uranium concentrations. Such circumstances are rare,
over a billion years old, have been dated by this method. which limits the archaeological application of fission track
dating. Probably the best application to address archaeo-
Materials and analysis logical questions is where the age of hominin or artifact-
Uranium is present as a trace element in many of the minor bearing strata can be constrained by their stratigraphic
rock-forming minerals, e.g., apatite (calcium phosphate), relation to datable volcanic units, particularly using zircon

(e.g., Gleadow, 1980; Morwood et al., 1998). Fission track Definition

dating of unheated obsidian artifacts and their uranium Fluorine dating is a method that measures the amount of
content may be characteristic of a particular source area fluoride absorbed by bones in order to determine their rel-
which, if matched, may provide information on ancient ative age. Unlike radiometric dating methods, it cannot
trade routes. Alternatively, if heat has been applied to an provide a chronometric (or calendrical) date. Fluorine dat-
obsidian artifact resulting in track annealing, then study ing provides only a relative date for bone, revealing
of the diameter of etched tracks can be used to determine whether specimens are older or younger than one another
whether the fission track clock was partially or totally or if they are of the same age (Berger and Protsch, 1991;
reset, allowing the age of the artifact’s manufacture or Lyman et al., 2012).
use to be constrained (e.g., Miller and Wagner, 1981). Fluorine dating relies on the discovery that bone min-
eral, calcium hydroxyapatite, will absorb fluoride ions if,
Bibliography during burial, it is exposed to groundwater that contains
Dumitru, T. A., 2000. Fission-track geochronology. In Noller, J. S., fluoride. Groundwater and soil in most parts of the world
Sowers, J. M., and Lettis, W. R. (eds.), Quaternary contain small amounts of fluoride, and these ions can
Geochronology: Methods and Applications. Washington, DC: replace the hydroxyl ions in bone mineral to form
American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union fluorapatite. In this way, the chemically unstable Ca10
Reference Shelf, Vol. 4, pp. 131–156. (PO4)6(OH)2 is gradually replaced by the more stable
Gallagher, K., Brown, R., and Johnson, C., 1998. Fission track Ca5(PO4)3F. Bones absorb fluoride over time, and as
analysis and its applications to geological problems. Annual
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 26, 519–572.
a result, those that were buried long ago will contain more
Gleadow, A. J. W., 1980. Fission track age of the KBS Tuff and fluoride than those buried more recently. However, since
associated hominid remains in northern Kenya. Nature, fluoride concentrations vary significantly in different geo-
284(5753), 225–230. graphical areas because of sediment chemistry as well as
Gleadow, A. J. W., Belton, D. X., Kohn, B. P., and Brown, R. W., sediment hydrology, this method is reliable only when
2002. Fission track dating of phosphate minerals and the bones from the same location are compared. Furthermore,
thermochronology of apatite. In Kohn, M. J., Rakovan, J., and bone density and size also affect fluorine absorption, so
Hughes, J. M. (eds.), Phosphates – Geochemical, Geobiological
and Material Importance. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geo- not all types of bone in a skeleton will absorb fluorine at
chemistry, Vol. 48, pp. 579–630. the same rate. Thus, caution is required when employing
Miller, D. S., and Wagner, G. A., 1981. Fission-track ages applied to this method, and for these reasons, as well as the develop-
obsidian artifacts from South America using the plateau- ment of other dating methods, fluorine dating fell out of
annealing and the track-size age-correction techniques. Nuclear common use over the last half century.
Tracks, 5(1–2), 147–155.
Morwood, M. J., O’Sullivan, P. B., Aziz, F., and Raza, A., 1998.
Fission-track ages of stone tools and fossils on the east History
Indonesian island of Flores. Nature, 392(6672), 173–176.
Wagner, G. A., and van den Haute, P., 1992. Fission-Track Dating. In the 1890s, the French paleontologist Emile Rivière
Dordrecht: Kluwer. solicited the assistance of Adolphe Carnot, a chemist at
the School of Mines in Paris, to test human bones he had
excavated along with Pleistocene animal fossils in caves
Cross-references near the town of Menton in southern France in order to
Ar/39Ar and K–Ar Geochronology determine if the human and animal bones were of the same
Cosmogenic Isotopic Dating age. Carnot developed techniques for measuring the fluo-
Glass rine content of fossil bones and conducted tests to demon-
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) strate the validity of his new fluorine dating method.
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Carnot’s method was successfully used in the 1890s to set-
Radiocarbon Dating tle questions about the relative ages of contested human
U-Series Dating fossils found with Pleistocene animals, but the method
Volcanoes and People soon fell into disuse. The English geologist Kenneth Oak-
ley reintroduced the method in 1947 and later used it to
resolve the contentions problem of the Piltdown Man fos-
sils. Charles Dawson originally collected the skull frag-
FLUORINE DATING ments and partial jaw bone of Piltdown Man in southern
England between 1908 and 1912. This presumed ancient
hominin was greeted with great excitement in Britain,
Matthew R. Goodrum yet from the start there were doubts about the antiquity
Department of Science and Technology in Society, of the fossils and whether the jaw and skull bones
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA belonged to the same creature. Oakley collaborated with
chemist Randall Hoskins to test the Piltdown finds and
Synonyms eventually showed that the jaw was significantly younger
Fluoride dating; Fluorine absorption dating than the skull bones and that both were younger than the

Pleistocene animal fossils found nearby. The fluorine dat- In the late spring of 1984, the author was contacted by
ing method contributed to other evidence that convinc- the then state archaeologist of Utah, D. Brigham Madsen,
ingly demonstrated that the Piltdown fossils were who inquired into the excavation protocols and attendant
a forgery. More importantly, Oakley used this method to analyses conducted during the excavations at
settle disputes over other contested prehistoric human fos- Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Washington County, Pennsyl-
sils (Goodrum and Olson, 2009). vania, in the 1970s. The protocols had been initiated and
refined by James Adovasio, Jack Donahue, and Gary
Cooke as tools in the investigation of the deeply stratified,
multicomponent closed site located on an unglaciated por-
Berger, R., and Protsch, R., 1991. Fluorine dating. In Göksu, H. Y., tion of the Allegheny Plateau approximately 46 km south-
Oberhofer, M., and Regulla, D. (eds.), Scientific Dating
Methods. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 251–270.
west of Pittsburgh (Figure 1). From its first season in 1973
Goodrum, M. R., and Olson, C., 2009. The quest for an absolute to the present, this locality has been the focal point of an
chronology in human prehistory: anthropologists, chemists and intensive multidisciplinary, research project that has gen-
the fluorine dating method in palaeoanthropology. British Jour- erated hundreds of publications and technical papers.
nal for the History of Science, 42(1), 95–114. Long famous, or infamous, for the controversial dating
Lyman, R. L., Rosania, C. N., and Boulanger, M. T., 2012. Compar- of its early occupational components, the site is equally
ison of fluoride and direct AMS radiocarbon dating of black bear well known, albeit in much smaller circles, for the extreme
bone from Lawson Cave, Missouri. Journal of Field Archaeol-
ogy, 37(3), 226–237. rigor and great precision of the excavation, analytical, and
documentary methodologies employed. Unlike the age of
the earliest deposits, these protocols were never the sub-
ject of any debate.
Cross-references Of greatest interest to the Utah state archaeologist were
Ar/39Ar and K–Ar Geochronology the techniques used to excavate and characterize the many
Archaeomagnetic Dating microstrata which composed most of the 11 major deposi-
Dendrochronology tional units at the site (Figure 2). In some cases, these
Fission Track Dating microstrata were thinner than a trowel blade (1.35 mm)
Paleomagnetism and were often tediously excavated with single-edged
Radiocarbon Dating razor blades. Moreover, they represented, in depositional
U-Series Dating
terms, just moments in time. By 1984, many of these
microstrata had been subjected to a battery of macro-
and micro-sedimentological analyses involving both con-
ventional (i.e., sieve based) grain size study and rigorous
FORENSIC GEOARCHAEOLOGY instrumental compositional analyses. Among the latter
were Coulter counter-based quantification of silt-sized
J. M. Adovasio materials (which represented the first use of this technique
Research Programs/Services, Florida Atlantic in North American closed site archaeology), a variety of
University–Harbor Branch, Fort Pierce, FL, USA geochemical assays, and even scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM) of individual sand grains. The original pur-
Definition pose of these analyses was to provide objective
verification of the subjectively perceived differences
Forensic Geoarchaeology: The application of multidis-
between these microstrata in order to elucidate subtle
ciplinary, high-resolution analytical techniques from geol-
changes in the depositional history of the site. Each
ogy, archaeology, physical science, and earth science in
microstratum had a distinctive suite of physical and geo-
the examination, recovery, and interpretation of outdoor
chemical attributes, i.e., each had a unique
crime scenes.
microsedimentary signature.
The Utah state archaeologist was interested to know
Introduction whether the rigorous and detailed analyses conducted at
Prior to the early 1980s, forensic geoarchaeology essen- Meadowcroft Rockshelter could be applied to legal cases
tially did not exist. While the geological “context” of out- in a forensic evidentiary capacity, and the results of several
door crime scenes had been scrutinized to varying degrees first “trials” represented the “birth” of forensic
for more than a century, the use of high-resolution, geoarchaeology.
geoarchaeological analytical protocols in forensic applica-
tions was unknown. The genesis of forensic
geoarchaeology as a subdiscipline took place as a result Forensic applications
of an unusual turn of events. A particular series of The main task in 1984 was to exploit the analytical
geoarchaeological evaluations of criminal evidence, nar- techniques used to discriminate the Meadowcroft
rowly circumscribed in time, illustrated their power in microstrata in the cause of helping to adjudicate
revealing information useful in a court of law. ARPA violations. ARPA refers to the Archaeological

Forensic Geoarchaeology, Figure 1 General view of the new protective structure/visitors platform at Meadowcroft Rockshelter. The
work here has directly led to the development of the forensic geoarchaeological techniques discussed in this entry.

Forensic Geoarchaeology, Figure 2 General view of some of the microstratigraphy at Meadowcroft Rockshelter.

Resources Protection Act of 1979, enacted to protect applications was USA versus Earl K. Shumway,
sites and other cultural remains on public and Indian a notorious and, to some, a near mythic figure in the his-
lands from vandalism and theft. The “test case” that tory of archaeological looting in the Greater American
would become the template for all future Southwest.

Horse Rock Ruin litigation made: one at 20 kV and 0.1 mA and the other at 35 kV
In April of 1984, E. K. Shumway of Blanding, Utah, plun- and 0.1 mA with a thin molybdenum window to block
dered a cache of 28–32 Pueblo III coiled and plaited bas- out most of the direct signal from the molybdenum
kets from Horse Rock Ruin, in the Monticello Ranger X-ray tube. The spectrum at each setting was recorded
District of the Manti-La Sal National Forest, San Juan for 100 s. The individual spectral lines for the elements
County, Utah. Horse Rock Ruin lies within an area locally were identified, and their intensities were recorded. United
known as Jack’s Pasture. The USDA Forest Service States Geological Survey standards were also analyzed to
recovered about one half of the collection, which was used provide calibration coefficients for the calculation of ele-
along with other evidence in the subsequent indictment of ment concentrations from the intensity data. Selected sam-
Shumway on 14 November 1984. ples were also analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD),
Shumway maintained that the baskets in question were a method which identifies the mineral phases in which
ethnographic materials and did not derive from a site on the elements occur. The diffraction analysis was run on
federal property but rather from a site or sites on private a General Electric XRD-5 unit with a copper X-ray tube
land (which would not have been an ARPA violation). at 35 kV and 15 mA. Medium resolution slits were used
This claim has become the standard alibi in virtually all and a scanning rate of 2.2 was employed.
similar ARPA cases. The baskets were sent to the author The XRF analysis detected the presence of the follow-
for evaluation, and our collective cooperation was ing elements: aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, potas-
solicited in demonstrating that these items did, in fact, sium, calcium, titanium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc,
derive from Horse Rock Ruin (Donahue and Adovasio, bromine, arsenic, rubidium, strontium, and zirconium
1986). The procedures are described in the following (Table 1). Copper, bromine, and arsenic were detected in
paragraphs. only a few (less than ten) samples and seemed to show
Detailed attribute analysis of the basketry clearly dem- no specific trend in their occurrence. Aluminum was
onstrated that, contrary to Shumway’s claim, the items detected in about one third of the samples but is probably
were all of Pueblo III Anasazi (or, in contemporary jargon, present in all of them; the detection capability of XRF for
Ancestral Pueblo) ascription and, in fact, probably aluminum (and light elements such as magnesium,
represented a single aboriginal caching event from the sodium, and carbon) is extremely poor, and because of
thirteenth century (Adovasio and Andrews, 1990). this, no attempt was made to determine the actual amount
In order to establish the provenience of the baskets, of aluminum present in the samples. Zirconium concentra-
a wide range of sediment samples was obtained and ana- tions were also not determined exactly. Imprecision in the
lyzed. These samples included sediments from the Horse analysis of the latter element results from the interface of
Rock Ruin itself, the roof and walls of the alcove immedi- the molybdenum X-ray tube peaks with the zirconium
ately contiguous to the suspected location of illicit dig- peaks.
ging, and other nearby alcoves. Small samples were Concentrations of elemental silicon, potassium, cal-
extracted from the recovered baskets, and additional sur- cium, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, titanium, iron, zinc,
face samples taken from federal and private lands were strontium, and rubidium were also used to calculate their
also included for comparison. oxide content. The difference between the sum of these
Eighty-five sediment samples were analyzed in all, elements and oxides and 100 % represents the missing ele-
including 9 from the baskets, 58 from the Horse Rock ments: carbon, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum,
Ruin site and contiguous alcove, 8 from four other which were not included due to poor detection.
alcoves, and 2 from open locations in the Jack’s Pasture The XRD analysis showed quartz (SiO2) to be the dom-
area. Interestingly, though Shumway had carefully inant mineral in all samples together with various clay
cleaned the baskets, sufficient sediment remained under minerals (containing potassium, magnesium, silicon, alu-
the stitches or between the plaiting elements to permit minum, oxygen, and hydrogen), K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8),
removal of enough material for analytical purposes. calcite (CaCO3), and gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) present in
Indeed, the great advantage to some of these analytical lesser amounts. The mineral dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), var-
techniques is that they require less sediment than normally ious iron oxides, halite, and polyhalite may also be present
accumulates under a gardener’s fingernails. in some of the samples in very small amounts. The XRD
All bulk samples were sieved through a 1 mm screen to analysis combined with examination of bivariate cross
remove coarse sand and pebbles, and the sifted fraction plots of the elemental data allowed the determination of
was then passed through a riffle sample splitter to obtain which elements were associated with the various mineral
a representative subsample weighing less than 10 g. phases (Table 1). These were as follows: silicon
These samples were then crushed via mortar and pestle (associated with quartz, feldspar, and clays); potassium
and transferred to sample cups covered with Mylar for (associated with clays, feldspar, and polyhalite); calcium
analysis by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF). (associated with calcite, gypsum, and dolomite); iron
The X-ray fluorescence analysis detects elements (associated with clays and iron oxides); titanium
heavier than aluminum and was performed on a Tracor (associated with clays and iron oxides); chlorine
Northern Spectrace 440 spectrometer. Two scans were (associated with halite); sulfur (associated with gypsum

Forensic Geoarchaeology, Table 1 XRF analysis results for sediment samples collected from Horse Rock Ruin, Monticello Ranger
District, Manti-La Sal National Forest, San Juan County, Utah

Associated with
Element Comment Quartz Feldspar Clays Polyhalite Halite Gypsum Dolomite Calcite Iron oxides Carbonates

Al (aluminum) Poor detection

Zr (zirconium) Poor detection
Si (silicon) Oxide calculated x x x
K (potassium) Oxide calculated x x x
Ca (calcium) Oxide calculated x x x
S (sulfur) Oxide calculated x x
Cl (chlorine) Oxide calculated x
Mn (manganese) Oxide calculated x x
Ti (titanium) Oxide calculated x x
Fe (iron) Oxide calculated x x
Zn (zinc) Oxide calculated x
Sr (strontium) Oxide calculated x x x
Rb (rubidium) Oxide calculated x
Cu (copper) Variable
Br (bromine) Variable
As (arsenic) Variable

and polyhalite); zinc (associated with carbonates); stron- Results of the statistical analysis clearly indicated that
tium (associated with clays, calcite, and gypsum); rubid- the sediment adhering to the interstices of the coiled and
ium (associated with feldspar); and manganese plaited baskets was most similar, if not identical, to the
(associated with quartz and feldspar). sediment samples from the Horse Rock Ruin site and con-
Further examination of the bivariate plots of the ele- tiguous alcove. The sediment samples from the other
mental data showed that the sediment samples from the alcoves and open sites were clearly dissimilar. On 17 Janu-
various sample groups tended to cluster in relatively tight ary 1986, Shumway pleaded guilty to the ARPA violations
configurations. This clustering is caused by the degree of in federal court in Salt Lake City, Utah.
similarity within each sample group. Examination of the
bivariate plots for different elements demonstrated that
the degree, or tightness, of clustering was best demon- Tin Cave litigation
strated by the elements calcium, potassium, chlorine, and In a second and, in some ways, more egregious case (USA
sulfur. All these elements were present in mineral phases vs. Ralph Cortiana), R. Cortiana was indicted in 1987 for
associated with the soluble portion of the sediment attempting to sell a Native American infant mummy to an
(calcite, gypsum, and polyhalite). These minerals precipi- undercover federal agent for $35,000. Cortiana had looted
tate within any pore space, and one would expect their the mummy with a wealth of accompanying grave goods
abundance to be controlled primarily by the groundwater from Tin Cave on the Tonto National Forest near Roose-
chemistry of the specific location from which they were velt Lake, northeast of Phoenix, Arizona (Donahue and
collected. The abundance of the four elements (calcium, Cooke, 1987).
potassium, chlorine, and sulfur) was used in At the request of the US Attorney’s office in Phoenix,
a computerized multivariate statistical analysis to deter- the author and the late R. L. Andrews examined the
mine the degree of similarity among the various sample mummy and associated grave goods and determined that
groups. they were either of Hohokam or Salado ascription. Addi-
The four variables (calcium, potassium, chlorine, and tionally, a radiocarbon assay was processed on
sulfur) were converted to standardized scores by a fragment of deerskin (Odocoileus sp.) associated with
subtracting the mean of a variable from each value for that the mummy. This assay yielded a date of 1350  2514C
variable and dividing the result by the standard deviation yr BP.
of that variable. These standardized scores were the basis In order to obtain a definite link between the despoiled
for calculating a Euclidean distance between each pair of remains and the suspected site of vandalism, sediment
the 85 sediment samples analyzed. These Euclidean dis- samples adhering to the body and the mummy’s grave
tances represented how like or unlike each pair of samples goods were removed, and three additional sediment sam-
was in terms of the four variables measured. Because their ples were collected by the author from the floor of Tin
values were first standardized, each of the four variables Cave itself. Each Tin Cave sample was collected from
contributed equally to the distance measurement. a different location within the cave, including the alleged

burial pit, in order to ascertain if different portions of the Analysis by XRD determined that the following min-
surface evidenced distinctive geochemical signatures erals were present in all four samples: quartz, calcite, feld-
(Donahue and Cooke, 1987). spar, apatite, whewellite, and the clay minerals, smectite,
The samples initially were examined via optical binoc- illite, and chlorite. After identification of mineral phases,
ular microscopy. Microscopic examination revealed that the amount of each mineral was estimated from the inten-
the larger size fraction of each sample consisted of highly sity of major peaks and the internal standard method of
variable amounts of organic detritus and rock fragments. calculation. Correction factors to convert from peak inten-
In order to eliminate this highly variable coarse material, sities to mineral percentage were determined by running
the samples were dry-sieved, and the fraction containing pure mineral/aluminum mixtures. The resulting percent-
particulate sizes smaller than 63 m – that is, 63 micrometers ages were normalized to 100 %. Because no pure sample
(mm) or 0.063 mm – was retained for further analysis. Two of the rare mineral whewellite (hydrous calcium oxalate
analytic methods were then employed to characterize the or CaC2O4·H2O) was available, a ratio value was deter-
samples. mined by comparing the whewellite peak to the aluminum
Mineral composition of the samples was determined by internal standard peak. In addition, clay mineral percent-
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The diffraction analysis ages were determined by using clay standards to derive
was again run on a General Electric XRD-5 unit with correction factors in order to calculate the amount of each
a copper X-ray tube at 35 kV and 15 mA. Medium resolu- clay mineral.
tion slits were used, and a scanning rate of 2.2 was Although some difference occurred in the percentage
employed. Bulk mineralogy was determined from a 63 values, the mineral composition of all four samples was
m-or-smaller sample that was mixed with an aluminum the same. All of the samples contained quartz, feldspar,
metal internal standard and ground to a finer grain size with calcite, and the clay minerals, smectite, illite, and chlorite.
a mortar and pestle. Each sample was sifted onto a Vaseline- This is not surprising as these minerals are commonly
coated glass slide and was then X-rayed using standard ana- found in sediments. Detailed analysis of the clay minerals,
lytical procedures. Clay mineralogy was determined by however, revealed several distinctive characteristics that
examining an organic-free, oriented mount of a less than all four samples had in common.
3 m size fraction from each sample. The organics were The dominant clay mineral assemblage was a mixture of
removed from each sample by digestion in sodium hypo- illite and smectite. Lesser amounts of chlorite were present.
chlorite. The less than three micron size fraction was No kaolinite, a relatively common clay mineral, was
obtained from each sample by gravity settling in an aqueous detected in any of the samples. During XRD analysis of
medium. A slurry of this <3 m size fraction was then placed the bulk sample (<63 m fraction) from each of the four sam-
on a glass slide. After drying, the sample was saturated with ples, the position of the smectite 001 reflection suggested
ethylene glycol and X-rayed using standard procedures. that this clay predominantly contains calcium rather than
The samples were then heated to 300  C and 500  C, with sodium in the exchange positions. This indicates a calcium-
X-ray patterns obtained after each heating. rich environment for both the Tin Cave sediments and the
Chemical composition of the samples was determined sediment collected from the mummified infant.
by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The fluorescence In the detailed clay mineral XRD analysis (<3 m sam-
analysis, which as noted above identifies elements heavier ples) of all four sediments, the smectite also showed
than aluminum, was run on the same Tracor Northern unusual behavior when it was heated. Smectite,
Spectrace 440 unit. Splits of the <63 m size samples were a swelling clay, usually loses its water and collapses when
treated by ignition of the sample to 1000  C in order to heated to 300  C for 1 h. In the four samples, however, the
decompose organic and inorganic carbon. During ignition, smectite only partially collapsed at 300  C. Complete col-
weight loss of each sample was determined at 110  C, lapse of the smectite occurred only upon additional
550  C, and 1000  C. These values indicate the mass of heating to 500  C. Although the precise cause for this
absorbed water, organic carbon, and inorganic carbon con- unusual behavior was not determined, it is very likely that
tent, respectively, that had been lost through ignition. Each it is identical in all four samples. This further suggests
sample was then crushed in a mortar and pestle and trans- a common source for all four samples.
ferred to sample cups covered with Mylar. For XRF anal- The occurrence of apatite in all of the samples is also
ysis, two scans were run for each sample, one at 20 kVand suggestive of a common origin for all of them. Apatite is
0.1 mA and the other at 35 kVand 0.1 mA, each with a thin frequently found in association with organic material,
molybdenum window to block out most of the direct sig- especially bones and teeth, and thus it can be expected in
nal from the molybdenum X-ray tube. The spectrum at the Tin Cave setting. Most unusual, however, is the occur-
each setting was recorded for 200 s. The individual spec- rence of the mineral whewellite, which is extremely rare.
tral lines for each element were identified, and their inten- We have found only two documented occurrences in the
sities were recorded. United State Geological Survey USA. These are in concretions in the Devonian Huron
standards were also analyzed to provide calibration coeffi- black shales of Ohio and in some modern peat bogs
cients for the intensity data in order to determine element located in Florida. Whewellite appears to be associated
concentrations. These concentrations were then normal- with the alteration of woody organic detritus in a neutral
ized to 100 % of the <63 m size ignited sample. to basic, calcium-rich environment.

The XRF analysis detected the presence of the follow- Sherman’s possession, and the ceramics were seized
ing elements: silicon, calcium, aluminum, iron, potassium, as well.
manganese, titanium, zinc, strontium, copper, and rubid- The soil samples specifically include four samples
ium. Examination of both the mineral and chemical data manually collected by USDA Forest Service personnel
makes it possible to assign the elements and their oxides from a vandal’s pit, which was designated as Hole 6 and
to the minerals in which they occur. The chemical data, located within an aboriginal structure on Site 206. One
coupled with their associations, provided the basis for sample derived from the subfloor of floor feature #7, while
a statistical analysis of the Tin Cave and mummified infant three samples were extracted from the modern ground sur-
soil samples. In particular, the association of the trace ele- face and at depths of 30 cm and 61 cm below the modern
ments (Rb, Sr, Zn, Cu, K, Ti, Fe, and Mn) with the clay ground surface of Hole 6, respectively.
minerals formed the basis for generating a series of ratios Soils collected by the author from Site 206 included
to be used in statistical analysis. Once again, Euclidean three samples from the same room sampled by USDA For-
distances were calculated between the samples, and the est Service personnel, but these were obtained from the
results conclusively showed that the soil adhering to the buried undisturbed walls rather than the mechanically
mummified infant was essentially identical to the samples turbated fill of this structure. The samples were manually
from Tin Cave. removed by trowel at depths of 50–60 cm, 60–70 cm,
Cortiana elected not to plead out in this case, though the and 80–90 cm below modern ground surface,
defense inexplicably stipulated to the damning respectively.
geoarchaeological evidence. He was eventually found The USDA Forest Service also provided soil samples
guilty in the first ARPA case involving forensic sedimen- from three other locations, including one each from Site
tology to be argued before a jury. AR-03-06-07-205 (hereafter called Site 205) on federal
property and two sites designated Sites 1 and 2 on private
land. The USDA Forest Service Site 205 sample was col-
Site 206 litigation lected from an aboriginal structure fill at a depth of 20 cm
Since these first forays into the use of forensic sedimentol- below modem ground surface as were the general soil (i.e.,
ogy both involved closed sites (i.e., a cave, rock-shelter, or non-structure fill) samples from Sites 1 and 2. In addition,
architectural alcove), it was decided that the logical exten- the author collected two samples from the site designated
sion of this line of evidence collecting and analysis was to as XSX and located on private land directly adjacent to the
employ the same protocols in a case involving open site Gila National Forest. These samples were taken via trowel
vandalism. This posed special problems that required the from gravel fill at depths of 10 cm and 14 cm below mod-
use of additional highly sensitive techniques not ern ground surface, respectively.
employed in earlier cases. The samples provided by the USDA Forest Service
The suspect in the first open-site case, W. E. Sherman, from Sherman’s hand tools and clothing include soil sam-
was alleged to have removed artifacts from a Pueblo-style ples from an ice pick, a shovel, and a pick ax. The sample
aboriginal surface structure on an archaeological site des- from the clothing was principally derived from the pockets
ignated AR-03-06-07-206 (hereafter called Site 206) of a pair of coveralls.
located in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico The last suite of soils included three samples
(Donahue et al., 1990). Sherman claimed the seized provided by the USDA Forest Service representing scrap-
materials derived from private land located very close to ings of fill derived from the inner surfaces of aboriginal
the suspected locus of looting. This parcel of property ceramic vessels found in the possession of the alleged
contained two prehistoric sites (hereafter called pothunter.
Sites 1 and 2) which had also been looted. Later, Sherman A number of daub samples were collected by the
changed his story and suggested the seized material USDA Forest Service personnel and the author;
came from a third site also located on private land they include two specimens from Site 206, one from
a considerable distance from Site 206. This site was Site 1 and one found in the possession of the alleged
designated XSX. pothunter.
In order to tie Sherman’s artifacts to Site 206, the Finally, the ceramic samples provided by the USDA
suspected location of the theft, evidence was sought and Forest Service included two conjoining ceramic sherds
scrutinized from four compositional classes of samples. from Site 206. The two sherds conjoin a third sherd recov-
These included bedrock samples, soil samples, daub sam- ered in the possession of the alleged pothunter.
ples, and fired aboriginal potsherds. Bedrock and soil sam- Six different techniques were employed on the samples
ples were provided by the USDA Forest Service and/or from New Mexico. These included:
collected by the author from a series of archaeological
locations within or adjacent to the Gila National Forest, 1. Grain size analysis (using sieves for the sand-sized
New Mexico. Soil was also removed from the hand tools fraction of each sample and Coulter counter analysis
and clothing found in Sherman’s possession and possibly for the silt- and clay-sized fractions)
used in the vandalizing of Site 206. Finally, soil was col- 2. Flame emission spectrophotometry to determine abun-
lected from the inner surfaces of ceramics also found in dances of exchangeable and extractable metallic

cations of both major and trace elements including bar- these prosecutions was fourfold. Together with the late R. -
ium, cadmium, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, L. Andrews, we analyzed, described, and validated the
magnesium, manganese, nickel, potassium, sodium, prehistoric age of the archaeological materials recovered
strontium, and zinc from two closed sites (42GR383 and 42ML3169) and/or
3. Flow injection and high-performance liquid chroma- seized from the indicted suspects. Subsequently, the
tography to determine the type and amount of organic author personally collected sediment samples from one
material present in the samples of the vandalized closed site localities and, finally, over-
4. Water leach atomic absorption (WLAA) via a Varian saw the processing, analysis, and interpretation of sedi-
SpectrAA 300 unit to determine the type and amount ment recovered from the seized artifacts as well as those
of more water-soluble cations present in the samples collected from the location of the theft (Adovasio and
5. X-ray diffraction analysis via a General Electric Andrews, 1990; Donahue and Adovasio, 1986).
XRD-5 unit with a copper X-ray tube at 35 kV and The mineralogical and chemical analysis conducted for
15 mA to determine bulk mineralogy for five mineral these prosecutions involved XRD, CCSEM (with 500 or
phases (quartz, feldspar, orthoclase, microcline, and 1000 particle samples), and water leach chemical analysis
plagioclase) employing a SpectrAA 300 Atomic Absorption unit for
6. Computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy dissolved cations and a Dionex 2120i Ion Chromatograph
(CCSEM) for anions. These analyses were performed on two sediment
samples from each site and 18 sediment samples from
CCSEM is an analytic technique used to acquire infor- seized artifacts. The results of these analyses indicated that
mation on the size, shape, and both chemical and mineral the sediments from both sampled closed sites on Polar
composition of individual sediment grains in a soil sample Mesa could be readily distinguished from one another
in an automated manner. It is performed by combining and, further, that 12 of the seized artifacts could be matched
three analytic tools under the control of a computer: to site 42GR383. One artifact was matched with site
(1) the scanning electron microscope (SEM), which is 42ML3169 while another most closely corresponded to that
widely used in materials science because of its high reso- locality. The sediment from four other artifacts derived
lution and depth of field; (2) energy dispersive X-ray spec- from other, unsampled, looted localities. As a result of these
troscopy (EDS), which adds to the SEM the extra analyses, a series of plea bargains or convictions were
dimension of X-ray microanalysis; and (3) the electron obtained.
beam control via the digital scan generator, which allows In USA versus Tony Maschler and John D. Price, the
rapid measurement of the size and shape of individual soil accused, two Coconino County Sheriff’s deputies, alleg-
grains found in the SEM image. edly vandalized several locations within Kinnikinnick
Finally, thin sections were prepared from the two Pueblo (AR-03-04-05-45) on Anderson Mesa within the
conjoining ceramic sherds and examined with a Leitz pet- Coconino National Forest, ca. 30 miles southeast of Flag-
rographic microscope. This examination allowed charac- staff, Arizona (Cooke and Adovasio, 2000). In this case,
terization and identification of coarser-grained temper 24 sediment samples of three types were scrutinized:
(inclusions) as well as characterization of both paste and 13 of these derived from tools, gloves, or clothing seized
void space within each sherd. from the suspects; 3 came from seized Conus sp. shell
After a somewhat lengthy jury trial in which, for the “tinklers” (small perforated and truncated cone-shaped
first time, the defense produced its own expert witness, shell ornaments); and 7 derived from vandalized rooms
Sherman was convicted on all counts. at the Pueblo. Analytical methodologies included manual
scanning electron microscopy (MSEM) of aggregated par-
More recent cases ticulate using an SEM equipped with an EDS and the
Since these initial cases in forensic sedimentology, the capacity to examine the sediment in BEI (backscatter elec-
author and his associates have been involved in a series tron imaging) mode. Selected sediments were also
of ARPA prosecutions, all of which have resulted in plea subjected to bulk mineralogy analysis via XRD with
bargains or convictions. As in the three cases summarized a Phillips XR6 3100 XRD unit, and then the same samples
above, in each instance, the accused had vandalized a site were subjected to sequential chemical leaches for carbon-
or sites on federal property. Additionally, all claimed the ates, sulfates, and iron oxide/hydroxide. The clay-sized
purloined artifacts were ethnographic in origin and samples from the sequential leaches were also examined
derived from nearby private land, or they denied culpabil- for clay mineralogy via XRD.
ity completely. Space and time constraints preclude any The results of all these analyses were mutually support-
in-depth discussion of the post W. E. Sherman cases; how- ive and conclusively linked the two suspects to the seized
ever, certain salient facts about several of them are worth artifacts and the location of the vandalism. Both submitted
noting. In the celebrated and highly publicized Polar Mesa guilty pleas.
case, actually a series of many separate ARPA prosecu- The last case to be summarized here, USA versus Jerry
tions, a group of individuals was charged with vandalizing Lee Young, represents one of the boldest examples of site
a number of closed and open localities in the Manti-La Sal vandalism on a grand scale (Adovasio and Illingworth,
National Forest in Utah. The author’s participation in 2001; Cooke et al., 2001). Young operated a for-profit

museum in Jackpot, Nevada, which contained thousands employed to determine crystalline phases in the samples,
of artifacts, many of which were allegedly removed from and CCSEM with EDS was used to determine the chemistry
federal property in at least three states. In August of of individual sediment particles. A third sample, also from
1998, the author and J. E. Thomas collected sediment the seized bucket, was examined via MSEM with EDS to
samples from three of the vandalized properties and subse- determine if it was cement as claimed by the suspect. In
quently removed sediments from artifacts found in seven the second stage, the same analytical techniques employed
seized display cases. Also collected were sediments adher- in stage I were used with sediments extracted from selected
ing to a bucket confiscated from Young’s property. Young seized artifacts from the Young Museum. Once again, the
claimed that the bucket was used to mix cement. results of all of these analyses were conclusive. Sediments
In total, 20 samples were analyzed in two stages. In from the vandalized sites were readily distinguishable from
stage I, sediment from one of the vandalized locations was one another. The bucket samples were not cement and
compared to sediment from the seized bucket. XRD was directly linked Young to one of the vandalized sites; five

a 16000




10 20 30 40 50 60
Degrees 2-Theta
b 16000




10 20 30 40 50 60
Degrees 2-Theta

Forensic Geoarchaeology, Figure 3 XRD plots from the Bob’s Cave case, showing: (a) the relative frequency of mineral components
in a sediment sample from one of the looted localities and (b) the relative frequency of mineral components in sediment removed
from a bucket found at Young’s house. Peaks are unlabeled as to mineral phase represented, but the figure intends to demonstrate
only the remarkable similarity between the two sample plots.

of the artifact-derived samples were congruent with an ori- information may be available – a very potent weapon in
gin in one of the vandalized sites (Figure 3). Young was sub- the armamentarium of law enforcement agents.
sequently convicted of multiple ARPA violations. In retrospect, certain conclusions should be stressed.
First, as with the seminal investigations at Meadowcroft
Summary Rockshelter, the collection of samples to be retrieved, ana-
According to local authorities, the successful prosecution lyzed, and compared in ARPA prosecutions must be rigor-
of the cases summarized above had an immediate, if per- ous and very carefully executed. Twenty-five years of
haps only temporary, dampening effect on pothunting experience have demonstrated that mechanically or bio-
activities in their respective areas. Unfortunately, they also logically turbated sediments frequently produce mislead-
probably led to increased attention by pothunters and ing or erroneous results when compared to samples from
dealers to such hitherto ignored considerations as the thor- carefully excavated, undisturbed contexts. Thus, as
ough cleaning of looted artifacts. Tying soil residues to stressed previously (Adovasio et al., 1991), it is critical
site earth may become more challenging in the future, that “fresh” (i.e., newly cut) surfaces of walls, profiles,
but the science of proving looted objects to be ancient as and “floors” be sampled by trained professionals inti-
opposed to recent ethnographic items and documenting mately familiar with the nuances of depositional processes
their origin will continue to offer avenues to conviction (Figures 4 and 5). Second, it is clear from the foregoing
for illicit collectors. The basic utility of the forensic tech- that these kinds of laboratory analyses are very time con-
niques discussed here remains valid and valuable in the suming and require sophisticated instrumentation and
prosecution of antiquities theft. highly experienced personnel. Hence, they are invariably
All of the cases discussed here clearly demonstrate the relatively expensive and should be employed judiciously.
extreme resolution possible with forensic Nonetheless, it is clear that the expenditures of time and
geoarchaeological analyses, generally, and forensic sedi- money have been justified by the success rates in these
mentology, in particular. In so doing, they also provide types of ARPA prosecutions. Third, though the basic field
in many cases – especially where no other probative protocols and attendant laboratory analyses have

Forensic Geoarchaeology, Figure 4 A USDA Forest Forensic Geoarchaeology, Figure 5 Clear, labeled stratigraphic
Service employee “facing” a looter’s hole in preparation for sequence within a looter’s hole ready for geoarchaeological
sampling. sampling.

remained strategically constant over the past 25 years, the Adovasio, J. M., Donahue, J., Cooke, G. A., and Quigley, M. N.,
tactics of recovery and analysis have evolved exponen- 1991. Forensic Geoarchaeology: Three Case Studies. Paper
tially. Instrumentation in both field and laboratory con- presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ameri-
can Archaeology, New Orleans, April 23–28, 1991.
texts is now many technological generations removed Adovasio, J. M., and Illingworth, J. S., 2001. Report on the Artifact
from what was employed in 1985–1986, and, if anything, Technology for USAO No. 01-015-S-BLW, U.S. v. Jerry Lee
the precision and reliability has only increased. So has the Young. Manuscript on file, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute,
portability of some very potent analytical tools. For exam- Mercyhurst University, Erie.
ple, now there are handheld XRF devices which function Cooke, G. A., and Adovasio, J. M., 2000. Report on the Forensic
essentially like hair dryer-sized implements that permit Sedimentology Analysis of Selected Soil Samples for USAO
No. 2000R02203: U.S. v. Tony Maschler and John D. Price.
analysis of sediments and sediment profiles in the field Manuscript on file, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute,
with virtually the same accuracy and reliability as tabletop Mercyhurst University, Erie.
instruments. Cooke, G. A., Adovasio, J. M., and Illingworth, J. S., 2001. Foren-
It is pertinent to reiterate (and time has corroborated) sic Sedimentologic Analysis of Sediment Samples, U.S. v. Jerry
the author’s final comments in Adovasio and Andrews Lee Young. Manuscript on file, Mercyhurst Archaeological Insti-
(1990) which described the earliest applications of foren- tute, Mercyhurst University, Erie.
Donahue, J., and Adovasio, J. M., 1986. Notes on the Analysis of the
sic sedimentology in ARPA prosecutions. It is now Horse Rock Ruin (42SA10550) Basket Cache Sediments. Manu-
possible to detect the equivalent of “fingerprints in the script on file, Department of Anthropology, University of Pitts-
sand,” and this capability has become a powerful burgh, Pittsburgh.
weapon in the unfortunately unending conflict with those Donahue, J., and Cooke, G. A., 1987. Mineral, Chemical, and Sta-
who would destroy the archaeological legacy, not just of tistical Analysis of Soil Samples from Tin Cave, AR-03-12-06-
Native Americans, but of all people of every cultural 104, Arizona, and from a Mummified Infant. Manuscript on file,
heritage. Departments of Anthropology, Geology and Planetary Sciences,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh.
Despite the proven probity of forensic geoarchaeology Donahue, J., Adovasio, J. M., Cooke, G. A., and Quigley, M. N.,
in the cases cited above, these techniques have not become 1990. Report on the Mineralogical, Chemical and Statistical
common in North America or anywhere else. The author Analyses of Selected Soil, Daub and Pottery Samples from the
has been the principal investigator of all such cases prose- Gila National Forest, New Mexico. Manuscript on file, Depart-
cuted to date in North America. The failure of forensic ments of Anthropology, Geology and Planetary Sciences, Uni-
geoarchaeology to encourage a larger audience of service versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh.
providers may be attributed to several causes. (1) Thus far
all but one of its applications have been in the arcane arena Cross-references
of ARPA cases – a sphere of law enforcement known lit- Electron Probe Microanalyzer
tle, if at all, outside of its practitioners. (2) Even to the ini- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
tiated, forensic geoarchaeology, it seems overly complex, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry in Geoarchaeology
time consuming, and therefore daunting to many potential
practitioners. This is often the case in situations where
carefully collected data by qualified, credentialed archae-
ologists is available for potential analysis. (3) The applica- FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY
tion of forensic geoarchaeological field and laboratory
protocols is not inexpensive. This is compounded by the (FTIR)
fact that few field-workers, even in archaeology, have
the requisite battery of skills to assess and prepare a site Francesco Berna
for sampling, and almost none exist in traditional law Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University,
enforcement agencies. Additionally, the analytical equip- Burnaby, BC, Canada
ment needed for geoarchaeological research is not cheap
to acquire and maintain, and it requires expertise to oper- Synonyms
ate and interpret the results of analysis. Perhaps, as the FT-IR; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Infrared
oftentimes spectacular results of geoarchaeological analy- spectroscopy
sis in forensic applications become better known, the
problems of poor participation will diminish. Definition
FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) is an
instrumental technique used to identify the functional
Bibliography groups present in organic and inorganic compounds by
measuring their absorption of infrared radiation over
Adovasio, J. M., and Andrews, R. L., 1990. The Horse Rock Ruin
(42SA10550) Basketry Cache: An Unparalleled View of
a range of wavelengths (Smith, 2011; Margaris, 2014).
Regional Pueblo Perishable Technology. Paper presented at the The FTIR method first collects an interferogram of
55th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, a sample signal using an interferometer, and then it per-
Las Vegas, April 18–22, 1990. forms a Fourier transform (a mathematical algorithm) on

the interferogram to obtain the infrared spectrum. An the reconstruction of ancient pyrotechnological activities.
FTIR spectrometer, thus, collects and digitizes the inter- FTIR is therefore a very valuable technique for the identi-
ferogram, performs the Fourier transform, and displays fication and characterization of the geogenic and biogenic
the FTIR spectrum. Modern FTIR spectrometers obtain components of the archaeological record, stratigraphic
infrared spectra in absorption, total and diffuse reflec- correlations, and the reconstruction of human activities,
tance, attenuated total reflectance (ATR), and diagenetic transformations, and site formation processes.
photoacoustic modes from solid, liquid, or gaseous sam- By using FTIR microspectroscopy, which couples an
ples. Typically, only tens of micrograms of a sample are FTIR spectrometer to a petrographic microscope, it is pos-
required, and spectrometers can be coupled to micro- sible to perform FTIR analysis directly upon thin sections
scopes for the analysis of particles as small as 10 mm in of intact archaeological materials and sediments, thus
diameter. Infrared spectrometers are also available as por- allowing the integration in real time of micromorphologi-
table devices and can therefore be used reliably and conve- cal, petrographic, chemical, and mineralogical analyses
niently on-site. (Goldberg and Berna, 2010). In turn, the data produced
by integrating soil micromorphology and FTIR
The Uses microspectroscopy can yield high-resolution, contextual-
Infrared spectroscopy can identify and characterize both ized information about technology, activities, and site for-
inorganic and organic materials of geoarchaeological mation processes.
interest (Weiner, 2010). This analytical technique, in fact,
has the major advantage of being able to identify both
crystalline and amorphous minerals (e.g., quartz and opal) Bibliography
as well as many organic materials, including crystalline Goldberg, P., and Berna, F., 2010. Micromorphology and context.
and “amorphous” inorganic compounds (such as silicates, Quaternary International, 214(1–2), 56–62.
carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, and nitrates) and organic Margaris, A. V., 2014. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR): applications in archaeology. In Smith, C. (ed.), Encyclo-
compounds (such as fatty and humic acids, oxalates, pro- pedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer,
teins, lignin, cellulose, and graphite). FTIR is very sensi- pp. 2890–2893.
tive to compositional and structural changes such as Smith, B. C., 2011. Fundamentals of Fourier Transform Infrared
crystallinity and atomic disorder. It is thus particularly Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
useful for the identification of authigenic minerals; the Weiner, S., 2010. Microarchaeology: Beyond the Visible Archaeo-
study of biomaterials such as bone, shells, and endo- and logical Record. New York: Cambridge University Press.
exoskeletons of cell tissues (e.g., phytoliths) and microor-
ganisms; and the characterization of charcoal and bone
collagen. FTIR is also uniquely suitable for the identifica- Cross-references
tion and characterization of pyrogenic calcite and high- Site Formation Processes
temperature silicates; thus, it can be extremely useful for Soil Micromorphology

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