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American Government

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American Government

Voting and Elections in America

1) Voting as The Pinnacle of the Democratic Experience

The American citizens have always fought for equal treatment and democracy about

voting. Voting has now become fair to all and serves as the pinnacle of experience of democracy

to all regardless of their demographics. Americans have fought for a long time, and now they can

feel the involvement in the country's politics through voting. As experienced in the 2020

elections, most voters for the democrats, the winning party, were from majority groups in the

country. The vote has made the experience of democracy felt by all.

2) Factors Crucial to Voter Participation

Voter participation in each state differs influence by several factors. The factors that are

crucial for participation include the competitiveness of the elections, that is, if the presidential

election is competitive. In the kind of election taking place, it has been noted that voter turnout is

low during the elections of state legislators, local elections, and the primary elections. The laws

associated with voting in certain states, such as accessibility of the polling place, laws of voter

identification, and voter registration laws.1. Demographics is also an element whereby most

voters who turnout tend to be wealthier, whiter, more educated, and older than non-voters.

3) Electoral Politics Encompassing Primary and General Election

A primary election is used to cut down the candidates before the general elections.

This is usually how political parties nominate their candidates that will be in the general
Htun, Mala, and Bingham G. Powell. "Political Science, Electoral Rules, and
Democratic Governance." American Political Science Association > Home. Last
modified 2013.

elections.2. The general election is taking place at a national level for the legislative body.

The polls include most political party members being elected.

4) Nature of Political Campaigns

Civilization is an essential part of an efficient and effective government, but it has not

always been like that since history in campaigns. Political campaigns involve choosing a staff for

the party's campaign whereby the chosen people must be politically driven to the cause. Political

campaigns also involve activists, primarily volunteers who are loyal to the cause of the

campaign. Political campaigns involve candidates and other political campaign members going

to the community to convince them to vote.

5) Money and Politics

Political parties' funding is crucial, whereby it should be used to promote transparency,

accountability, and integrity in democracy. The way political finances are utilized will determine

the democracy of the country3. Most political parties are funded from various sources such as

supporters, party members, and sometimes taxes.

6) Political Party Conventions

Political party convections are meetings carried out by party members at the national,

state, or local level to nominate suitable candidates that will run for office and come up with the

Htun, Mala, and Bingham G. Powell. "Political Science, Electoral Rules, and
Democratic Governance." American Political Science Association > Home. Last
modified 2013.

USA gov. "Presidential Election Process." Official Guide to Government Information and

Services | USAGov. Last modified May 18, 2021.


policies that will run the party. These convections may also come up with rules that guide the

party and develop a committee for the party.

7) Demographic and Voting Trends with Implications for the 2020 Presidential Election.

Demographics play a significant role in elections. The way people vote in the U.S. demographics

has changed over the past years and looking at the 2020 elections, it is clear that race is diverse,

and people are more educated.4. The changes will impact the electoral process of the U.S. in the

future if they continue taking place. Race, gender, age, and social status have always played a

significant role. Concerning the 2020 elections, these demographic changes are most likely to

change the whole process of voting in the country.


USA gov. "Presidential Election Process." Official Guide to Government Information and

Services | USAGov. Last modified May 18, 2021.

Htun, Mala, and Bingham G. Powell. "Political Science, Electoral Rules, and Democratic

Governance." American Political Science Association > Home. Last modified 2013.

Ace project. "Electoral Systems —." ACE Electoral Knowledge Network —. Last

modified 2019.

Political Parties

1) The Functions of Political Parties

Ace project. "Electoral Systems —." ACE Electoral Knowledge Network —. Last

modified 2019.


The primary function of political parties is to appoint contestants that will run for

administrative center and have most of the members win in the election. Political parties also

represent the interests of the group whereby they represent the concerns of individuals and other

groups in the community, for instance, farmers, business operators, and special groups.5. They

choose the candidates to be elected easier as they present their manifestos to the people. They

take part in policymaking by asking questions where need be.

2) The Development of Political Parties in the United States

America has a system whereby it encompasses two major political parties where this

system allows the winner to take all kinds of politics. The democratic-republicans and federalists

had emerged even though the constitution did not provide the political parties. The democratic-

republicans supported the weak government, small farmers and interpreted the constitution

strictly, led by Thomas Jefferson. Federalists supported the strong government and businesses

and interpreted them loosely, led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. The Amendment was

aware that political parties had to choose one candidate to run for office. The Whigs and

Jacksonian Democrats were the democrats representing the small farmers and the weak

government. Whigs represented the national bank, a strong government, and business operators.

The candidates in this period were nominated through convection nationally. Democrats and

Republicans had split powers all over the country. The new deal coalition and republican

resurgence were formed after the collapse of the democrats and republicans after the great


Harcourt, Houghton M. "The Development of Political Parties." CliffsNotes Study
Guides | Book Summaries, Test Preparation & Homework Help | Written by Teachers.
Last modified 2020.

3) The Role of Political Parties in Civic Engagement

Political parties have a role in civic engagement to ensure that all citizens at the national,

state or local levels feel included in political and non-political activities. They have the function

of funding communities to deal with the crisis they face in their everyday lives. They are

participating in the policymaking process where they make sure that the policies formulated are

inclusive of everybody in the country, including the minority groups. They create a forum where

all demographics can express their civic skills in the political arena and promote democracy.6.

Members of political parties could also participate in other community actives that will promote

the community's well-being.

4) platform issues of the Democratic and Republican parties in the 2020 presidential


Political parties form platforms as policies that govern their parties and their political

campaigns. The Republican leader, Donald Trump, had wanted to change the forum into just one

page for the 2020 presidential election. Platform issues of the Democratic party in the 2020

presidential election included: raising taxes for wealthy Americans, that is, wealth tax.7. They

also intended to raise the minimum wages that minority groups are usually subjected to. Provide

healthcare coverage that is universal for all citizens of the united states. Public universities were

to have tuition-free studies, federal infrastructure investment, and reconstructing the middle

Zimmer, Annette, David H. Smith, and Abdalhadi Alijla. "Political Parties and Political
Volunteering/Participation." Springer Link. Last modified 2020.
Chamas, Zena. "Why Are Republicans Elephants and Democrats Donkeys?" ABC
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Last modified October 14, 2020.

class. The Republican's platform issues were tax reduction to maximize pay, creation of new job

opportunities, creation of small business enterprises, and improve the state of Coronavirus.


Chamas, Zena. "Why Are Republicans Elephants and Democrats Donkeys?" ABC (Australian

Broadcasting Corporation). Last modified October 14, 2020.


Harcourt, Houghton M. "The Development of Political Parties." CliffsNotes Study Guides | Book

Summaries, Test Preparation & Homework Help | Written by Teachers. Last modified



Zimmer, Annette, David H. Smith, and Abdalhadi Alijla. "Political Parties and Political

Volunteering/Participation." Springer Link. Last modified 2020.

Interest Groups

1) Critical Functions of Interest Groups

Interest groups have two significant functions: education, where the interest groups

educate the population and their constituencies. The interest group publishes issues that the

people are interested in by making them aware of developments. For instance, The League of

Women Voters provide data for measures of the ballot and the accepted position by candidates,

arranges problem meetings and debates.8. The education given by these interest groups could be

official. Regardless of their stand, they are usually called to the legislation to appear to Congress.

Representation where they engage in policymaking processes and advocate for issues that affect

the population as a whole. They monitor Congress acting as a watchdog.

2) Types of Interest Groups

There is always power in numbers rather than an individual trying to make a difference in

a nation. There are various interest groups: the economic interest group is the most significant

type of interest group. Organizations that are represented in this type are businesses that are large

businesses, for instance, the National Association of Manufacturers. Public interest groups are

the type of groups that do not expect any return when they are seeking changes in the policy.9.

The donations that are advocated for by these activists help them achieve financially.

Government interest groups are types of institutions supporting the problems from state and local

government to the administration and Congress. They include The National League of Cities and

The National Governors Associations. Religious interest groups where they represent the interest

of various religious groups. Civil rights interest groups and ideological interest groups as well.

3) Interest Group Strategies

Interest groups use strategies that involve them engaging the government administration

directly to achieve the group's interests, which are called the direct technique. Direct techniques

HMH. "Regulation of Interest Groups." CliffsNotes Study Guides | Book Summaries,
Test Preparation & Homework Help | Written by Teachers. Last modified 2020.
Thomas, Clives S. "Interest Group - Lobbying Strategies and Tactics." Encyclopedia
Britannica. Last modified 2019.

include proposing campaign support, rating government administrators, lobbying methods, and

constructing unions. Indirect techniques are strategies used when interest groups involve third

parties to engage the government. They include community protest parades, simplifying public

stress, and utilizing citizens as lobbyists.

4) Influence of Interest Groups and Political Action Committees on Presidential and

Congressional Elections

Interest groups and political actions support the eligible candidates who are included in the office

when they win. These groups support political parties by funding their campaigns through the

collected donations. For example, National Rifle Association will always support political

candidates who consider the rights in the Second Amendment because they are against the

violence of guns; therefore, they appraise the candidate and give them their full support.

5) Government Response to Interest Group Politics

The government is usually affected by the politics of interest groups as they try to be involved in

policymaking and other governmental issues. Interest groups typically target the government for

the things that are of interest to the group and individual.10The government, through the

legislature, listens to their claims and makes changes that they can according to their interests.

The government may also be reluctant to act on the appeals presented by the groups.


American Government. "Pathways of Interest Group Influence | American Government."
Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production. Last modified 2017.

American Government. "Pathways of Interest Group Influence | American Government." Lumen

Learning – Simple Book Production. Last modified 2017.


HMH. "Regulation of Interest Groups." CliffsNotes Study Guides | Book Summaries, Test

Preparation & Homework Help | Written by Teachers. Last modified 2020.


Thomas, Clives S. "Interest Group - Lobbying Strategies and Tactics." Encyclopedia Britannica.

Last modified 2019.


Federal Courts

1) The Structure of the Federal Courts

The organization of the Central courts is inclusive of circuit courts, the trial courts, and

the Supreme Court of the U.S. District courts are ninety-four, circuit courts are thirteen, and a

Supreme Court. The cases heard in the federal courts are limited, where they can only listen to

cases approved by the constitution. The district courts hear cases that are brought by federal,

state, or the constitution. The district courts have a district judge, each who is selected by the

head of state and the State approves. They also appoint Magistrate Judges who take up some

responsibilities. Circuit courts are given cases that the federal district courts pass to the court of

appeal. Federal circuits are twelve, dividing the nation into various regions. The circuits have

different judges where the president makes the appointments, and the Senate approves. The cases

in circuit courts can be heard as long as the district courts make a decision.11. The United States

Supreme Court is the American judicial system and can resolve petitions on any case forwarded

to the federal court and dealing with federal laws. The president appoints the Supreme Court

judges just like other federal courts, and they are approved by the Senate as well.

2) The Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts

Federal courts affect American lives from various perspectives, and they affect the population in

various manners. Citizens who are eighteen and above years are legible to serve jury in the

federal courts, therefore, being one way that the public is involved in the court system. When

Congress decides that a bankruptcy case is legible for the national court, the court has complete

jurisdiction in this case. The laws on Bankruptcy help the people who are deep in debt get

solutions on how they will pay their creditors by either creating a plan or liquidating their assets.

Federal courts have complete jurisdiction on cases involved in federal laws, the constitution, the

government of the U.S., or disagreements between governments.12. Cases on landmark show the

impact the federal court has on the lives of Americans. The federal courts also have jurisdiction

on naturalization ceremonies which are held when novel citizens are welcomed.

3) Judicial Policy Making and Implementation

U.S. Department of Justice. "Introduction to The Federal Court System." U.S.
Department of Justice. Last modified March 12, 2021.
United States Courts. "Federal Courts & the Public." United States Courts. Last modified

Judicial policymaking and implementation emphasize that the judiciary is not just another

branch of government that interprets rules and is not affected by the outside world. The decisions

made in the court may not be supported all the time, but most decisions are passed and discussed.

The judiciary must choose policies that best need to be applied and implement. Policymaking

and implementation are, however, affected and influenced by internal and external factors. The

court is mainly affected by the constitution since the policymaking process relies on federal law

or the constitution.13. The judiciary, just like other branches of government, has no complete

control of the decisions they make because of the factors that determine their choices. The court

has independent roles and can make decisions and policies in functions that are not that limited.


American Government. "Judicial Decision-Making and Implementation by the Supreme Court |

American Government." Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production. Last modified



U.S. Department of Justice. "Introduction to The Federal Court System." U.S. Department of

Justice. Last modified March 12, 2021.


United States Courts. "Federal Courts & the Public." United States Courts. Last modified 2016.

American Government. "Judicial Decision-Making and Implementation by the Supreme
Court | American Government." Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production. Last
modified 2017.

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