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Dracula is a fictional vampire character that is common in many modern-day horror

movies. The vampire was fictionally created by Bram Stoker who named this exceptional

character after Vlad the Impaler who was perceived to have a certain test of human blood. Since

1897, Dracula has been involved in several horror movies each attempting to explicate a certain

perception of this vampire character. Although Dracula was named after a real character, most of

its depictions are imaginary and are created by the media for entertainment purpose (Stoker).

Dracula is globally famous since it is the first legendary vampire and exceptional horror

character that is common in several movies and animations. Therefore, several antics of Dracula

exist among the members of the public.

Existence of Dracula as perceived by the members of the public is dated back to 1450s.

Vlad Dracula was attacked by the then Turkish Warlord, Turac. Prince Dracula was overpowered

by the Turkish men who injured him nearly killing him. However, Turac decided otherwise that

it would fulfill the desires of Turkish people if he kept the prince alive. The saved Dracula, the

then prince, and took him to the gypsy healer, Lianda, who was working in Transylvania. Lianda

was secretly working for the god of vampires who used her to fulfill the desires of all the other

vampires in human beings. It was the desire of Varnae, the god of vampires, to turn Dracula into

one of the greatest vampires to ever exist. As planned, Turac took Dracula to Lianda who agreed

to heal the prince in return of the agreed payment. Turac was instructed by the healer to return in

the next day to come and check the progress of the prince. Since many residents of Transylvania

opposed the Turkish occupation in the area, Lianda turned Dracula into vampire by biting him.

Through this conversion, Lianda ensured that Dracula could not become a political tool for the

Turkish rulers (Luckhurst). When Turac returned to check the progress of Dracula, Lianda

demanded full payment before allowing him to see the price. Tension was created between the

two and Lianda exhibited her Vampire characters in attacking Turac. However, she was defeated

when Turac pierced her with his sword. Turac then took the prince and without knowing that he

has been converted to a Vampire (Beresford & Matthew).

Dracula is believed to have a taste of human blood. Even before being turned into a

vampire, it is believed that Dracula had a sense of human blood. People believe that he used to

siphon blood from certain animals and people. Various characters of the real Turac are exhibited

through the modern Dracula horror movies and short films. Firstly, the public perceive Dracula

to be the greatest vampire and the god of all the other vampires. Dracula used to feast on virgin

ladies only for their blood. This fictious creature is deemed by the public as selective vampire

who only approaches its target with high specificity. This character of the Dracula vampire is

equally depicted all the horror movies which share exactly the same concept of Dracula origin.

The concept of king Vlad origin of Dracula has shaped this perception of the vampire (Beresford

& Matthew).

Dracula is also perceived publicly as the revengeful monster. In as much as the members

of the public have interacted with several horror movies sharing the same concept of origin of

Dracula and how he was converted into a vampire, the revengeful aspect of this character has

been successfully developed among the members of the public. Dracula believes in destroying

the lives of those individuals who initially ruined or attempted to ruin his life. Through the

powers he gained from the god of the vampires, Dracula is usually successful in his revenge

missions in several instances. This aspect of Dracula is common even among the people who

have not interacted with its documentaries or horror movies airing about its mysterious activities


The general public depicted Dracula as a powerful monster who can turn into several

beings at its own wish. Lianda, the healer who converted Vlad to the Dracula vampire,

transferred some of her powers to this character. The healer had vampiric abilities of turning into

a wolf. This ability enabled her to sustain injuries from Turac’s attacks. However, at no instance

has Dracula has been shown to have turned into a wolf. This ability is only fictious and is

exaggerated by the general public. Similarly, the general public has associated Dracula with the

presence of bats. Dracula is believed to have powers over the bats. Therefore, presence of bats in

a given location especially at night signifies the presence of Dracula. People also believe that

Dracula can miraculously turn into a bat within seconds. This perception of Dracula turning into

different creatures has been supported in some films and horror movies. Despite the fictious

nature of Dracula, its depiction of bat turning abilities is exaggerated. In addition, Dracula is

perceived to be very sensitive to lights. Like any other typical vampire, Dracula is believed to be

affected by the sunlight and he always sleep during the day and hunt during the night. Dracula is

also stronger at night as depicted in several horror movies (Beresford & Matthew).

Works Cited

Beresford, Matthew. From demons to Dracula: The creation of the modern vampire myth.

Reaktion Books, 2008.

Cazacu, Matei. Dracula. Brill, 2017.



Luckhurst, Roger, ed. The Cambridge Companion to ‘Dracula'. Cambridge University Press,




Stoker, Bram. dracula. ARC, Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

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