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Management Improvement for a Struggling Company

Management is an essential aspect of every organization. It enables an organization to

efficiently utilize the available resources for it to accomplish specific goals. As a result of

management, an organization can adequately carry out activities like planning, organizing,

controlling, and staffing which are essential in the functioning of a business. Motorola was one

of the biggest telecommunications companies; however, the organization failed. The failure of

the organization can be attributed to management problems that occurred. Its management team

could not sustain the company in the industry because of a lack of adequate innovations that

were competitive enough. This paper will analyze management practices that Motorola could

have adopted to achieve good performance.

Management planning

An organization needs to ensure that it adopts the aspect of authority and responsibility

for proper functioning. Often, an organization bears the task of ensuring that the employees

available carry out tasks in a business to achieve a common goal. To ensure that these activities

are performed adequately and orderly, the management must exercise authority by making

decisions on how activities should be carried out; it equally has to ensure responsibility to fulfill

their duty. However, it is essential for management to ensure that there is a balancing of both

authority and responsibility (Kumar, 2020). If managers exercise authority more than

responsibility, they may misuse their power, negatively affecting the organization. For instance,

employees may work under pressure, which can lead to poor performance of the organization in

the long run. On the other hand, if a manager exercises responsibility more than authority, their

quality of performance may become poor. In this case, the management at Motorola could have

ensured a balance between responsibility and authority, which could have facilitated the adoption

of good decisions and achievement of quality performance which could have ensured the

company's survival during competition.

An organization needs to ensure proper division of work. This can be addressed during

employee recruitment. The organization's goal should be to recruit the best candidate in terms of

expertise who can perform effectively in a job position. To do this, an organization should

establish adequate criteria for recruitment. If it does not recruit the best employees for each

position, there is always the possibility of recording poor performance, which negatively affects

the organization's success (Kumar, 2020). An organization can also have poor performance if an

employee has multiple roles; an employee can perform effectively in some duties and poorly in

other roles. It is therefore essential for each employee to work on a single role that they are

effective at. As a result of the rise of competition for Motorola, it should have ensured

recruitment of employees who had skills to innovate devices that would have remained viable in

the market.

The aspect of giving orders and reporting is crucial in every organization. For this reason,

it is significant for an organization to have an established unity of command. Therefore,

management should ensure that an employee receives orders and reports to one boss. Suppose an

employee receives orders from several individuals (Kumar, 2020). In that case, they are more

likely to get confused about performing a particular task, which may alter the quality of their

performance, which affects the organization's overall success. In this reference, it would have

been essential for Motorola to review the chain of unity of command, which would have

facilitated order in the performance of the employees.


Employees Perception and Organizational Culture

The performance of the management has a significant effect on the perception of

employees and also the organization's culture. When Motorolla was first established, its

management adopted an environment of invention, which could sometimes fail. However,

opportunities for learning and inventing again were available. This environment was conducive

for employees to bring forth their ideas of invention (Kumar, 2020).They also had the

opportunity of learning and improving their skills. Such an environment provided employees

with the motivation to perform. However, the change in this management strategy proved to be

detrimental to the company. Employees lost the motivation of invention, which contributed to

the failure of the company.

The goal of every organization should be to ensure customer satisfaction. Initially, the

culture at Motorolla revolved around customer satisfaction. However, with time, the organization

could not show the capacity to fulfill the needs of its customers. The organization altered its

goals and did not focus on innovation (Kumar, 2020). As a result, the potentials of the employees

were underutilized. It is a common practice that if customers' needs are not met, the employees

may feel demoralized, which in return would extensively affect their motivation to perform.

Because of this impact, Motorolla was negatively affected due to conflicts between management

and the employees.

The adoption of rational decision-making can facilitate the success of an organization.

For instance, the management could ensure the decisions adopted are based on practical facts;

before adopting these facts, they could also conduct practical analysis to prove their viability

(Kumar, 2020). In addition, after the adoption of a particular decision and success is observed,

the same criteria can be utilized. The use of the model enables the organization to review the laid

down procedure on the decision made, motivating the management to make decisions through

the same procedure, which ensures the organization's sustained success. This criteria of decision-

making could have facilitated innovations at Motorola.


Communication is an essential aspect of the success of an organization. Through

communication, it becomes possible for employees to share ideas among themselves, and also,

the management can effectively pass information to the employees. (LaBelle and Waldeck,

2020). However, Motorola did not adopt effective measures of communication between its

management and the employees. As a result, important information in implementing the goals

and plans for the company's future could not be effectively passed to the employees. As a result,

delays and mistakes in product delivery occurred, which in return contributed to the company's


An organizational environment that encourages communication contributes to the

creation of loyalty. This is because communication enables both management and employees to

be open to each other through sharing information on the best business ideas, available

challenges, and the best strategies for overcoming the challenges (LaBelle and Waldeck, 2020).

However, Motorola experienced poor communication between the management and employees.

The management failed to share the ideas and challenges that the organization was going

through. As a result, the employees became uncomfortable with the management, which

significantly contributed to the company's failure.


Communication in an organization creates a conducive environment for innovation.This

is because it facilitates the free sharing of innovation ideas from the management and among the

employees. Communication also enables the identification of knowledge gaps, leading to the

initiation of training to be done (LaBelle and Waldeck, 2020). The lack of effective

communication at Motorolla highly contributed to the lack of adoption of ideas that could have

contributed to the innovation of devices that met the customers' needs. As a result, the

company’s devices could not effectively compete with other devices in the market. This

significantly contributed to low income for the company, and as a result, the company failed.

As discussed, the adoption of principles of management can effectively lead to the

success of the organization. For instance, balancing authority and responsibility by the

management could lead to effective decision-making. It would also ensure that the management

satisfactorily performs their duties, which contributes to the company's success. Additionally,

recruitment of employees to ensure division of work highly contributes to good performance.

This is because the employees specialize in a particular task that they can perform effectively,

which ensures the organization's overall success.



Kumar, R. (2020). Principles of management (Vol. 2). Jyothis Publishers.



LaBelle, S., & Waldeck, J. H. (2020). Strategic communication for organizations. University of

California Press.




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