Food Edited

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As a necessity to some people to satisfy their basic needs, and to others, food is an essential

avenue for the significance of understanding happiness. Social classes, geographical locations,

and cultural and ethical backgrounds define the food preferences and the different cooking

traditions. People in cold regions tend to eat foods with spices because they keep them warm,

and in coastal places, people will take seafood because it was readily available. Some religions,

such as Buddhism, do not eat meat because they believe animal killing is cruel. Meals taste

differently depending on the cuisines and various cooking styles and procedures. Food tells a lot

about the traditions and history of multiple places as eating crops, meat, and herbs define certain

people's cultures. India is described as the land of spices due to its nature of enjoying spicy

foods. At the same time, Africa is known as the land of sauces, as a result of the availability of

plenty of meals and different dishes that people feed on. Europe is characterized by the

appreciation of good tasty foods and gives open, innovative opportunities for people who enjoy

foods and would want to modify them to a new meal. Despite the nutritional values gained, food

is a significant symbol that helps people retain their traditional culture, aids in achieving the

body's psychological needs, and promotes religion.

People possess a culture that they adhere to, which helps them decide from behavior to

what is essential in intaking. Each culture has different views on handling issues that may arise

influencing their way of living. Some communities are more into the culture that they lag even
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after globalization occurred, leading to multicultural practices appearing. Indian communities,

for instance, are known to hold their cultures very closely that they feel violated if an outsider

pry on them. They believe in social traditions in such that when preparing food, all family

members present in the homestead assemble in the same vicinity and participate in the food

preparation. Apart from retaining culture by communities, migrants help spread the culture in

other countries as they carry their beliefs wherever they go. In America, the cuisine dish is a

generation of food from the past served to date. People who migrate to America tend to taste the

plate, making them acquire new traditions. The interaction of communities with diverse cultures

tends to have a bare ground since they are bonding due to the presence of food. It also helps

solve disputes that may arise in claiming one particular culture is superior to another. As being

called upon to discuss the matter, food is served to calm the situation. Foods help communities in

adopting new traditions but also maintaining the original one by blending them.

Celebrations held influence people's interaction rate as they gather with a common goal

of bonding through eating. As it is known, no events are conducted without including food, as

that is what influences the audience in attending. It acts as a symbol of bonding since people

interact during the events bringing lost relationships or new relationships closer. In religious

aspects, celebrations are held to bring believers together as part of food consisting of nutrients like

proteins, and the leaders describe food as being the body of Christ. They preach that as much as food is

essential in body growth, there should be spiritual growth by taking holy communion in catholic

churches that symbolize it as strengthening believers' faith. Celebrations are conducted to rejoice as

Catholics believe in the importance of growing closer to God. Also, the Passover feast was celebrated

by using unleavened bread from the Mosaic law, which brought the Israelites together to escape death.

Religion influences how certain cultures view their insight on food as, like in Muslim beliefs, eating
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pork is prohibited as they believe it to be dirty. According to their teachings, demons were cast out

from human beings and drove into pigs, making them unclean creatures. In Hinduism, they serve their

God through animals, especially cows, and thus killing them is like committing blasphemy to their

belief (Brondz 170). They also connect to Buddhism as they do not advocate for eating animals since

they believe in reincarnation from humans to animals, and killing them is committing murder. Most

communities under that religion tend to be vegetarian to keep their faith.

As a psychological and social need, food plays a vital role in satisfying human beings'

emotional needs. The requirements include the sense of security, attention, and love achieved

when taking regular meals. Fulfillment of these needs brings about bounding and a great

attachment to people who cook. Friendly gatherings tend to come up with ideas of trying

unfamiliar meals and dishes to enlarge food experiences. Familiar tastes result from the

continuous experience of strange foods; thus, more mental satisfaction is attained. For example, a

person familiar with Chinese cuisine will adjust to Indian foods, but they get satisfied mentally at

the sight of foods they used to. Food becomes enjoyable when there is acceptance and well-

planned cooking procedures (Tal et al.). In an expression of friendship, recognition, and

acceptance, food is shared among friends when they gather together. Continuous use of certain

foods leads to addiction, where a person has to take the food to feel satisfied. Psychological

needs are affected by few eating habits, anger, or frustration, which, when happy, builds mutual

understanding and helps maintain health statuses.

There are essentials like food; if a person goes without, surviving levels will be minimal hence

lowering their life span. As much as digestion needs to occur, relationships need to be enhanced to

bond people. Events like weddings, religious ceremonies enable people to interact by rekindling

forgotten relationships and forming new ones. During such events, food brings people closer than
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speeches held since that draws the audience's attention. Also, religious beliefs criticize food

consumption, especially of animals like Hindus and Buddhism, as they believe in the reincarnation of

people. They also advocate, as much as food is necessary, it is wise to be cautious of what is ingested.

Medics also emphasizes eating food entailing a balanced diet as it helps in body adjustment by keeping

it healthy and active. Also, the psychological needs of a person are satisfied when eating. When one is

hungry, they tend to be moody, grumpy, and aggressive, unlike a person who has had the opportunity

to eat. All in all, food plays a crucial role in promoting unity in society and taking care of our bodies,

contributing to good productivity in the economy.

Works Cited
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Brondz, Ilia. "Why Do Judaism and Islam Prohibit Eating Pork and Consuming Blood? Part II:

Medical and Demographical Consequences of Prohibition." Voice of the Publisher 6.4

(2020): 170-182.

Tal, Aner, Yaniv Gvili, and Moti Amar. "Tasting Who You Want to Be: Product Experience and

Psychological Needs." ACR European Advances (2018).

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