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The Leadership Styles, Skills, and Vision paper

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The Leadership Styles, Skills, and Vision paper

The enumeration and measure of growth and development of a given organization are

mainly dependent on the management's type of leadership skills and traits. Besides, the

philosophy and slogan of leadership are entitled to provide an empirical mapping of the

directives that should be followed to achieve a pre-estimated outcome. With this in mind, it is

worth noting that a strong vision embodied in a good character attests to the individual capacity

to lead others. Leadership as a package involves a myriad of dynamics that outlines the ups and

downs in the jurisdiction of the roles obliged to specific individuals. Thus, across all the ages, it

is essential to underline the key components and entries that a competent leader would embrace

in terms of the traits, skills and individual ability to overcome and withstand the challenges and

the dynamics of the organizations they lead.

Trait as a Dimension in Leadership

Leadership is defined in six-dimensional axis, trait, ability, skill, behaviour, relationship

and process that cuts across the general and overall operations involved to achieve a given target.

Amidst the six dimensions of leadership, it is fundamental to outline the significance of traits as

the critical component defining the efficient operation and practice of the other dimensions. A

person's character is essential in exercising and practising authority, mainly when outlining each

subordinate's performance. A leader who depicts positivity as a trait in his line of duty mostly

shows empathy and care concerning the emotional dynamics of other employees and the

shareholders. This would subsequently enhance an effective decision-making process that best

seizes emotional intelligence to overcome challenges in the workplace. Besides, a leader who

embraces humility, resilience, and influence traits portrays and nurtures inspiration to the rest of

the workplace. This notion helps build a strong cohesion by persuading other members to

perform by the doctrines of the leadership model utilized. This discussion pinpoints the

relevance and significance of traits in modelling a good leader who can effectively and

efficiently execute other leadership dimensions while withstanding the dynamics and challenges

within the organizational environment. Leadership traits across all the leaders create an

integrated mix of personal characteristics that nurture consistent and visionary leadership while

incorporating inherent attributes and acquired abilities.

Challenges Encountered by this Leader

Executing change within an organization is the most challenging practice as a leader.

This would require great cohesion in mind and willingness to adapt and adopt the new models of

operations. Change resistance is often a big nightmare to leaders if the followers are unwilling to

take the change positively or doubt the steps being taken. Amidst the change resistance dilemma,

agreement and negation stand out as the significant interest and traits that bring forth mutual

understanding in the perceived change. This sentiment puts forth the notion that through getting

to a consensus, the leader will be able to persuade other members to embrace the change while

defining the context, scope and expected outcomes out of the steps taken. Besides, to overcome

change resistance, support and facilitation should be other key consideration that ensures a leader

creates awareness among the shareholders the intended results. Providing moral support by

encouraging participation and involvement of the team members helps the leader create

ownership of the change. Improved communication of the perceived change within the

organization helps the leader create cohesion and collaboration in handling any differing motives

and intentions towards the change. In such instances, both explicit and implicit coercion actions

towards the members help embrace co-optation and manipulation of the decision making process

to ensure that the change is accepted.


The success of overcoming challenge resistance comes with considerable pride in

persuading the team members to embrace the change positively and be expectant of brilliant

outcomes. Change is often inevitable, and as a leader, one ought to have a strong stand and

conviction that the intended change will serve the best interest of all the shareholders. With such

convictions in mind, support and facilitation are fundamental in creating cohesion among the

team members to embrace the new change as an opportunity to pursue new avenues. Change

facilitation through effective communication of the scope, context, and the steps to embrace in

the change process helps the team members garner significant inspiration to achieve the intended

outcomes. Thus, the strategies mentioned above to fight against change resistance in an

organization would be a correct measure to spearhead positivity and smooth sailing of the change

model. This success is attributed to agreements and negotiations that creates cohesion in

adopting and adapting to the proposed changes as a tool for optimizing the leader's vision and


Democratic Leadership Style

The kind of path leaders chose to take ultimately determines the kind of results that they

will get in the long run. Most often than not, people love being listened to and their decisions

implemented, which is what gives them the ultimate happiness, and this has been the case with

this leader. His primary leadership style has been democratic leadership, where everyone has

always had a say in making and developing policies that involve their lives. During most of his

term in service, he has been more into hearing which areas people are not happy with and the

ones they would love implemented. Such has seen growth since they are not satisfied the leader

has been majorly into making the relevant modifications and the results have been pleasing. In

this case, though the leader is the one to give the final word, the members are involved in

braining and finding solutions to some challenges. One would say that the leader has exhibited

this leadership because there have been diverse ideas since the leader consults before making

decisions that have increased the efficiency of making correct decisions.

Explain Emotional Intelligence and its Importance as a Leadership Skill.

One is a leader does not exempt them from going through challenges like any other

person. Still, the ability to control and handle those emotions positively is what one would term

as emotional intelligence. The trait is a significant one as it is a crucial determinant in how

people will conduct themselves while others. More specifically, a leader must show high levels

of emotional intelligence since it will help them relate better and work with their juniors. The

leader needs first needs to be self-aware, be motivated, have empathy, self-regulation, and social

skills (Northouse, 2014). The book Principles of Personal & Organizational Leadership, states

that once a leader is able to do this is will be quite easy for them to provide solutions to

challenges as they will have the problem solving skills (Northouse, 2014). Leaders with this style

can go through harsh and uncertain times, and they also see their juniors not as producers of

outcomes but as people. The aspect is also quite critical as it helps the leader connect with the

team emotionally, increasing employee morale and boosting their performance (Berrett-Koehler,

2018). Even when tough and challenging situations arise, it will be easy for them to respond to

feelings and apply the information to harness the energy for essential work that would benefit the

juniors and the whole team.

Explain the Importance of a Leader Following and Communicating a Vision and Setting
the Tone.
Most organizations have a goal and a vision that drives their strategies, and thus a leader

must let the staff know it so that they can all be on the same journey of realizing that vision.

Clearly stating it out helps the team understand where they are going, and thus they come up

with the best strategies on how they can get there (Venus, Johnson, Zhang, Wang, & Lanaj,

2019). While the leader cannot accomplish that alone, he must let the employees know they can

achieve it in one accord. Through the communication, the leader would inspire the juniors into

what they would ant accomplished and over a specific period. That would be a practical guide

for the employees, creating a plan and setting the goals and objectives of the company as well the

decisions that pertain to the company. Through this, they will remain focused and together as a

team even when stressful times come. Communication is not the only relevant aspect. Still, there

is also the setting where the leader needs to be at the forefront in implementing the decisions that

will help realize the vision (Venus et al., 2019). Such includes leading by example, and the staff

will follow that since they will have already been shown what needs to be done to achieve what

they desire. Such also includes being ethical and showing the employees how the set vision is

achievable. Once they see this, it will become easy for them to work, and productivity will be



In any organization, the leaders set the strategic goals they need to achieve, and that is

only possible through them displaying various traits and skills necessary to realize that. That

includes the features they possess and the behaviour they portray when handling different

situations. They need to communicate the vision, which would let the employees know which

direction they are heading and thus set the strategies of how to get there. It would not be enough

only to communicate the vision, but there is also a need to set the tone and lead by example to

see which way to follow and the easiest to realize the set goals. Amid the operations, they are

also likely to encounter challenges and handle that will be the ultimate determinant of achieving

them. There is also the leadership style, and in this case, the best is democratic leadership, where

the staff is involved in the decision-making process. Another critical issue in leadership is having

emotional intelligence, which helps one handle their emotions regardless of how challenging the

situation seems.


Berrett-Koehler. (2018). The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in a Leader by Berrett-


Northouse, P. G. (2014). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (p. 352). SAGE

Publications, Incorporated.

Venus, M., Johnson, R. E., Zhang, S., Wang, X. H., & Lanaj, K. (2019). Seeing the big picture:

A within-person examination of leader construal level and vision

communication. Journal of Management, 45(7), 2666-2684.

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