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Course: English I

Ref. Final Work

Teacher: Diana Patricia Zuluaga Robles

The film is from the year 2017, based on the life of RUHT BADER GINSBURG,
who was a lawyer, judge and jurist from the United States; She was also a judge of
the Supreme Court of Justice from 1993 to 2020, the year of her death. She stands
out for having fought for "gender equality". She was born in Brooklim New York
on March 15, 1939; of Jewish origin.

Mrs. GINSBURG was a short, slim woman with short, wavy black hair; she was a
beautiful woman. Despite her simplicity, she was a very elegant woman. She was a
very tender woman with her family and understanding.

The film narrates all the struggles that she carried out so that women had the same
rights as men, that they were not discriminated against; demonstrating that they
were qualified for other professional trades and, no, they just behaved like
housewives. Ginsburg argued that no law or policy should deny women "full
citizenship, the same opportunity to aspire, achieve, participate and contribute to
society based on their individual talents and capabilities."

At the same time, the film shows us a bit of the life of Mrs. GINSBURG, it also
shows us a United States, anchored, in deep discrimination, not only against
women, but against blacks, and a little to the Jews. The worst thing about it is that
such discrimination was protected by law, which did not, but rather, perpetuate
customs that did not combine with human rights.

A clear example is that, when Mrs. GINSBURG arrives at Harvard University, for
the first time, the women admitted to this university is scarce; and at the welcome
dinner, the Dean's comments are full of sarcasm and mockery, for the few women

One of his most important and earliest cases in Court was the one called United
States v. Virginia, which overruled the all-male admissions policy at the Virginia
Military Institute. Explaining her decision, Ginsburg argued that no law or policy
should deny women "full citizenship, the same opportunity to aspire, achieve,
participate and contribute to society based on their individual talents and

Her husband, Martin David Ginsburg, who was also a lawyer specializing in "tax
law," was instrumental in Ms. Ginsbur's career; It seems to me that it is another
important part of the film, since it shows us a feminist man, ahead of his time,
committed to housework, while his wife Ruth was studying law.But she showed
her courage even more when her husband was diagnosed with "testicular cancer,"
and, in her determined support, he chooses to drop out of Harvard University, and
still continues to study.

I think it's a beautiful movie, well, it shows us, not only a brave woman but also
the wonderful family she had; a beautiful collective work that changed the
generation that touched them but left the seed for later generations.

Finally, I think the performance of FELICITY JOHNS in the role of Ruth Ginsburg
is brilliant, and the ending is even more beautiful when they show us the real Ruth
Ginsburg, already old. Excellent movie.

Thanks to Professor Diana for such a beautiful recommendation.

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